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Message ID: 8343
Date: Fri Oct 8 17:41:21 BST 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: Mellifluos Motion saves lives in OOT

This song is odd that's for sure, and it's uses are pretty limited, but when
you need it you need it badly.

At level 25 I was in the Ocean Of Tears (OOT) on an island fighting
Gargoyles. In case you don't know, Gargs occassionally drop eyes that sell
for 9pp+, and for me they are blue. One challenge of the OOT is that you're
on an island in a big zone, no zone border to run to if things get nasty...
This seemed like a good opportunity for Melanie's Melliflous Motion to help
out, so I memmed it.

I had grouped with a 17th Enchanter (at her request), and we were beating
the Gargoyles down pretty handily. I went off and pulled one, and while we
were fighting it two others crossed our path and joined in. Well this was
pretty bad because I had not memmed lullaby (silly me). So we fought one
valiantly until the Enchanter's pet died and then it was evac time. I typed
"This is going to be disorienting" and hit MMM. SQUISH I'm now at the
bottom of the OOT somewhere offshore. Darkness. I pull up and swim
forward.. up, up, up and finally break the surface about 200 yards offshore.
"Wow!", the enchanter says. Well here come the gargoyles, making a beeline
for me over the tops of the waves. I'm down to about two bubbles of health
now, so fighting three gargs in the middle of the OOT doesn't sound like
what I want to be doing. They're on me now so I hit MMM again. SQUISH
Again at the bottom somewhere. up, up, up and now I'm a bit further
offshore, the island barely visible now. The enchanter is telling me that
she has made it to shore and summoned another pet and is medding/healing. I
caution her that the gargoyles are still up set with us and that I'm making
it for another island. Soon I crawl up on the beach of the Sisters of
Erollisi island and sit down and play Hymn. The gargoyles seem to have
gotten lost in the OOT. I heal up completely and venture slowly out into
the sea, fully expecting the gargoyles to rush me at some point. One does,
but not the others. I pull him back to the shore of the Sister Isle and
quickly dispatch him to his maker. I repeat my swim and pull procedure for
the other two gargoyles as well, quickly slaying them singly. Problem
solved, experienced gained, and another bard has saved the day.

Crier Sharpsong - Still 25th but makin' some headway on Fennin Ro