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Message ID: 8394
Date: Sat Oct 9 22:20:12 BST 1999
Author: Ryan Barker
Subject: Charm, pixie stike, lullaby, et. al.

Saw this on http://eq.castersrealm.com/

I checked with GZ this morning regardng the effect Charisma has in
charming. The answer is that its effect is twofold.

Firstly it effects the chance at resisting the initial charm cast.
Secondly, and more importantly, it makes it harder for the charmed NPC's
save to successfully roll. This basically means it does effect duration.

Also charm does have a maximum duration. The higher level charm spell you
use the longer the maximum duration can be. So there is a good reason to
use that Allure spell even though its more mana.


Ok so now the bard related part :). Since it has been confirmed that
charisma directly effects charm resist and charm duration, does this also
apply to our charm song? I would bet the silvery 2 handed axe (21 48
serpent sight) Im trying to sell on it ;) (1kpp in cash or items on Povar
btw). I'd also be willing to bet that our mesmerize songs (pixie strike
and lullaby) have the same properties as charm... Duration and resist rate
directly determined by charisma. Im almost willing to bet that on all of
our monster affecting songs have thier resist rate based on charisma. The
other thing I feel the songs are affected by is wether you are using the
proper instrument for the song. IE. if you are using a lute, CoD would be
resisted less and do more damage. Anyone want to ask GZ or do some testing?

Celandro Spellsong
34 Bard Povar