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Message ID: 8474
Date: Tue Oct 12 19:06:26 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: RE: Call for help! Spoiler and Spoiler Request

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Ryan Honeyman wrote:
> For all practical purposes you can assume both are 30th level.
> One is level 30 and one is level 27 or 28 if I recall, they are
> not higher than level 30 for sure. Choon conn'd even at 30, and
> both are fixed level spawns. (However, I could be one level off,
> it's been a while)
> A level 32-35 bard can solo either of the two with fear+chains
> very successfully, anything below that and you'll get too
> many resists.

Actually it was easier to charm one and have them fight each
other. The zone is huge, and well suited to staying out of
their melee range with Accelerando. The tricky part is
charming the winner. I charmed Choon, and when he dropped to
about 5% hp, I switched to Froon who was still at about 30%.
Well, Choon put up quite a fight, and Froon finally won with
about 2% hp remaining. Oh well, at least that made him pretty
easy to chain/fear.

Just be sure you know where the ogre camp is and stay away.
Chief Goonda seems to have a huge aggro radius (so do Choon
and Froon for that matter). Goonda moves at SoC speed, and
was able to slowly catch up to me (L36 with a mistmore drum)*.
I had to Chain him to lose him, which was a problem because I
didn't have him targeted. When I switched to an external view
so I could target him behind me, I ran into a tree and he got
a couple hits for 80+ on me. Yow!

* I think SoC is just 2.0x normal running speed. I'm
currently slightly faster than 2.0x normal running speed with
my MM drum. But I've noticed while playing my other
characters that NPCs can slowly catch up to me, probably due
to lag or some "fix" on Verant's part to assure NPCs chasing
you can always keep up with you. So SoC on an NPC is slightly
faster than 2.0x normal running speed for a PC.

John H. Kim