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Message ID: 866
Date: Tue May 18 15:44:04 BST 1999
Author: Tony Butler
Subject: Re: Please give me a reason to play

>This is from my viewpoint - a former beta-tester who hasn't jumped into
>commercial yet, so correct any misinformation and I thank you in advance
>You are 33 and people 3-5 levels above you won't group with you?!
>WTF? They must not know that they will get xp (and plenty of it) with you
>around. OK, I don't remember exactly the floor and ceiling limit for
>level ppl to group. I know up to like 20th it's a 4 lvl above or below
>limit. But after 20th things change. When I was 20th I was able to group
>with a 26th level person and get xp. When I was 23 I was grouping with 30th
>level ppl and getting xp. 3-5 level differences at your level will not put
>any significant dent in anyone's xp gains. They are just being either
>ignorant, or greedy. My 32nd lvl friend used to party with 40th lvl ppl all
>the time.

Most of my former friends now hunt in GukBottom. That dungeon is arranged
in 5-lvl areas... The first area is for 30-34 lvl chars, the next is for
35-39, etc.. My "friends" do not want to be "bored" by hunting "mere blues"
with me, when they could be hunting reds with their 35-39 or 40-44 lvl

Similarly, I have yet to be accepted into the Avatar hunting groups in
CazicThule. Well, I was offered a temporary 1-hour spot last night, but I
was with a 33d lvl shaman and we wanted to be together. Little did I know
until later that while I was offered a 1-hour slot, she was offered a
non-temporary spot. She did not know of my offer. We both turned down the
offers because we did not want to leave the other out. When I learned of the
dual offers, I may have lost one of the few over-35th lvl friends I have,
for I came slightly unglued over the slight that although we are equal lvl,
a mere bard is not good enough to warrant a full slot, only a temporary
while the group awaited someone else. (Oddly enough, I have often asked for
spots to be saved for me since my former friends start playing an hour
before I get home from work... but they refuse to commit to the horrid idea
of saving a space. More double standards.. =( )

Even my status as a "mana bard" does me little good. I am about the 7th
highest bard on my server. Unfortunately, there are only about 6 groups of
my level or higher people online at any one time.... Guess who gets left

Yes, I am quite unhappy in the game. I have spent many hours helping
others, even unto my death, yet those I help do nothing for me in return. I
see other bards being given plate breastpieces as reward for a single death
in melee, but I have not received a gift piece since lvl 25 when I received
a studded collar. I see lvl 30 enchanters being taken into lvl 35-39
groups, but not 30-34 bards (no, I am not the only low-30s bard on MithMarr
with these problems).

A very sad Linako Lindenlyre