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Message ID: 8664
Date: Thu Oct 14 14:50:48 BST 1999
Author: Greg Gillan
Subject: Lambent armor - what I did last night (long)

Okay, I spent a good 6 or 7 hours working on these quests last night.
Everything I had to kill was green, but I had so much fun travelling across
the globe trying to scrounge up these components that the xp didn't really
I was incredibly surprised with the amount of cooperation I recieved. I was
standing outside Solusek A, waiting for some of my regulars to log on so I
could go in and claim my fiery vambraces and my firewalker boots. Well
after a while nobody had showed, but a couple people I was slightly
aquainted with happened to be standing around and volunteered to help me
out. They in turn called in a level 50 wizard to come along who also needed
an item from Solusek A.
Now Solusek A is a pretty easy dungeon for me, but the number of goblins in
there is such that I was very hesitant to go in with only a monk, warrior,
wizard and me - No healing. But hey, what the heck, only live once, off we
went. Sure, we almost died, but the adrenaline rush I got from being within
a bubble of death a couple of times was pretty exciting. Pretty sad when
you're only healer is a bard :)
The Lavawalker Boots dropped from the first mage that we killed. The
vambraces took about 8 or 9 champions before I got one. That being done,
and our wizard having gotten her whatever heart off a wizard we were ready
to leave.
The wizard then stated that she was going to Permafrost to get her next
component. Well, knowing I needed something from there too, I came along.
Let me tell you, its pretty easy to clear the king area when you train
everything to one place and have your wizard unload her 800+ AoE spell. I
just stood back and watched. Took about 12 elite goblins before I picked up
my icy vambraces. (These can be worn by the way, AC8, +5 cold and have the
same colorful look as the new lambent armor. I started wearing them even
though they are worse than my rubi, just because the look so damn cool).
Our wizard got what she needed from her second kill.
From here, I met up with a druid friend of mine and went to the karanas. We
killed a few hill giants, but no lambent stones. Decided to go kill Choon
and Froon. Choon dropped his rune the first time, Froon the second. Other
bards have gotten them both on the first drop. These runes look identical,
but using the 14th level identify song, you can sort out which is the top,
and which is the middle.
Well, I now had what I needed to make both boots and arms, minus the lambent
stones. We'd been killing any giants we had come across, but no stones so
far so we decided to try Oasis. Third giant there dropped a stone (this was
probably the tenth or so giant we had killed that night).
Whoo hoo! Had enough to make one piece now. Hmmm, boots or arms. . . .
decided on arms, my boots (dwarven workboots) already have good plusses, so
they can wait. Handed in all my components and was rewarded with lambent
sleeves. AC11, +1cha, +2 to all resistances. Not too shabby, only 1AC less
than my azure sleeves with some plusses to boot, and such a funky color :)
Hopefully tonight I'll get some more stones and be able to make more. As a
side note, a bard on our server tried to make the breastplate, but got
nothing. He says the breastplate quest is bugged, but it could just be that
his faction was too low because I *know* he hailed that efreeti who lowers
your faction when you try and talk to him.
All the components you need to collect are LORE and NO DROP, except for the
lambent stones which are just LORE.
If people are interested, I'll post more info as I find it.

Elwyn Heartsting
Level 47 Bard
Erollisi Marr