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Message ID: 8811
Date: Sun Oct 17 19:26:17 BST 1999
Author: J.R. Hyde
Subject: PoF and bards

About two weeks ago our server finally broke in again to the PoF too. I
went everyday since opening day of the pof before the patch, so i had
almost a complete set (was missing guantlets, which i now have, and arms,
but i had russet arms so screw the bard arms lol). Its sooo nice that the
boogies and samhains do not crash the zone now, that was hell on bards
before cause nobody would touch something that would crash the zone.
Anyways, what i would like to hear is what all the other bards do in the
pof. I primarily play the role of crowd control, if we get more than one
mob (which is 90% of the time) i pixie strike the xtra one. Fiends, toads,
tentacles, boogymen, scarelings i can mez without much of a problem. Amy
knights and warriors are easy with the lvl 49 tashan too. Gorgons, phants
are both mezzable to, but their stuns make that difficult (course having 98
minus any songs stops that). Enchanters can mez there too of course, but
they all give up after a few attempts usually. Somebody always hits the
mezzed stuff and then the mezzer has to tank it for a short period.
Enchanters die to fast, colorflux etc not withstanding. This is with 30
people... with 12 its much easier to mez. So many things can trip you up
from pets attacking stuff that jumped their masters to aoe weapons and
spells. However, when it works, it works great and the effect is dramatic.
We have pulled off killing 7 mobs at once with two bards and pets, we can
hardly handle 4 unless we have one bard mezzing. Then of course you have
group lev for the worry wraiths and frightfingers who like to cast
gravityflux and then the standard bard songs, especially the magic
resistance ones.

What do you other bards do in the PoF? Would be curious to hear what all
the other strategies are.
Oh yeah, i am also the primary puller alot of the time too heh, with the
enchanter buff and just one magic resistance song playing i never die,
simply resist everything that kills our tanks like fear, stone breath, etc.
Well actually i did die once today with all that running a worry wraith
dispelled my sow and i dropped like a rock. Didnt have near enough time of
course to start up selos.

Egads i am tired, did two spawns today of the pof (12 hour spawn). No
cazic, bastard wont spawn for us =(

Gendal Concorden, lvl 50 bard
Enoch Lyciferous, lvl 42 Necromancer

At 10:04 AM 10/17/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)" <Michael.Garramone@...>
>speaking of fear, our server had just been able to break through 2 days ago
>for the first time since they nerfed it many weeks ago. last night was the
>first time i returned since then. in those earlier visits i obtained
>imbrued boot and legs, and i was happy to have even gotten that (got a helm
>too but helms don't count being a wood elf). well last night within 10
>minutes i got an imbrued breastplate. we killed the boogey who had it, and
>about 6 other mobs came so the GG word was given out. since our group got
>the kill and the loot time had not run out, everyone yelled for me to loot
>it, it was either i loot it or it poofs. i felt bad, but the same thing has
>happened many times in PoF. so i now have the only 3 pieces i ever wanted
>of imbrued, to go along with the full set of lambent. my wife is gonna have
>a field day with her new wardrobes.
>> On a side note, my friend says there seem to be slightly less
>> wandering mobs
>> in PoF, but since they are still new at hunting their they
>> get their butts
>> kicked regularly. Here's to perseverance!
>> Sartori D'Elsiraad <The Companions>
>> Bard of Kelethin of the 48th Chorus
>> Veeshan
>>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@... with
>the subject lol.