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Message ID: 8895
Date: Tue Oct 19 16:13:50 BST 1999
Author: Daniel P. Sniderman
Subject: Sand Giant Spawn / Brazen Brass Kilij Quest

I've made two attempts trying to get this quest completed. (In addition to wanting the weapon - my guildmaster assigns quests to advance in rank in the guild - and this is mine!)

The first time we spent a good three hours and the giant never spawned. I think we saw a "red' sand giant or two but I don't recall. While I was running to the zone (from somewhere far - I forget where) a guildmate of mine was in South Ro - and saw the particular Sand Giant (conned yellow to him at the time) but by the time I and some others got there it was gone. Never saw another one.

Last night - I got to the zone around 7:30 - 8:00 or so (CDT). I just turned 25 - and I was with a 27 cleric. We found the giant - attacked it - and we both got killed. I am guessing this was around 8:00 - maybe a bit later. I get back - and discover a 35th warrior grouped with another mid 30's caster (wizard?) killed it and got the plans. We grouped with them and they waited a good 45 minutes or so - but then had to log.

A bunch of my guildmates came online and we waited until:15 AM - and not a single sand giant ever appeared... We killed most of the "wandering" type of spawns. dune tarantulas, mummies, orc warriors, ghouls, zombies, desert madmen, and dark boned skeletons (the only which gives exp. - and most of them don't). But never saw a single giant <sigh>

As I was about to log off I developed a theory I wanted to bounce off the people here. Perhaps the Sand Giants are "linked" to something we weren't killing. In particular - perhaps the Dervish? When I was lower level (teens? I think) I spent a LOT of time in N Ro, and W Commons fighting Dervish. There seemed to always be a lot of Giants around (particularly in N Ro, not quite so bad in West Commons).

When I first got on - the zone was more crowded and I think some people were camping the dervish camp. Could this be coincidence? Is it normal to go a good 5 hours and never see a "randomly spawned" Sand Giant - or on my next attempt should I be exterminating Dervishes even though I get no XP for them.


Slyde (yes the few Dark Bones Skels got me 25 back)
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