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Message ID: 9010
Date: Fri Oct 22 21:46:44 BST 1999
Author: Kevin
Subject: [off-topic] New Monk Diety

From the Monk Onelist I believe. I think Wizards could really use this kind
of Diety.


Letter to Verant - Expansion Pack Addition

Well, I don't expect this to take effect until the expansion pack, but I'm
reasonably certain it will be in the game then, but here is the e-mail I
just sent to Brad, and I know he will think it is a wonderful idea, so it
will get attention.

My fellow monks and I are tired of either worshiping Quellious or being
Agnostic. Some of us think monks should believe in a diety, but a lot of us
feel, I know I do, that Quellious is just too weak. The tranquil? We want a
god who is willing to put it on the line for us, to come down and smite the
infidel when we are cornered. We want a god who'se not afraid of anyone. We
want a god who kicks ass. Therefore, I am proposing to you a new god.

Armadillas. God of Meat. And for Armadillas there should be a new order of
monks, 'Armmadillo Secret Service' (ASS). Anyone who is in the ASS should
have special privilages. Obviously, once you are in the ASS, you are there
for good. But it should be quit e a task to get in the ASS to begin with.
One should have to prove themselves worthy to be in the ASS. Perhaps a
quest for an item to get them in the ASS.

Special ASS abilities:

An ASS should be able to call forth the power of the Armadillo, 'Fist of
the Almighty Rank Terror' (FART). Obviously, an ASS releasing a FART would
be devistating to the opponent, and we think it would be fair to do around
300 points of damage, with a 60 second stun.

An ASS should be able to Feign Death earlier than those of the other
orders, and the Feign Death should never fail and be invoked automatically
if the ASS is about to die. The 'Wait In Pain Exquisite' (WIPE) technique
would be used when an ASS is feigning . The ASS WIPE technique would
increase a Feigning ASS's healing rate to 50hp/tick. The ASS WIPE would
require one bandage to pull off... or two bandages if it was a LOT of

Every ASS should be able to call forth a pet Armadillo. The reasons are
obvious. The ASS's pet should have all of the innate abilities of an ASS,
even though the pet is never actually in the ASS (that would be too much
obviously). An ASS pet should be all owed to zone with the ASS as well. The
pet summoned should always be 2 levels higher than the ASS caller, but
should never take any of the experience. ASS pets should heal at a rate of
75hp/tick, dual wield, cast, and feign death at 1hp.

All in all I think adding the ability for a Monk to be an ASS would add
greatly to the play value of EverQuest. I have carefully considered these
abilities and I think that you'll find it is balanced with the rest of the
classes. Not everyone will want to be an ASS. An ASS would require a
special player, for to be in the ASS is a great honor.

I look forward to being an ASS after the expansion pack is released. My
brother and sister ASS's will bring much enjoyment to EverQuest for all of
the players.

Thank You.