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Message ID: 9059
Date: Mon Oct 25 19:19:59 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Re: Re: BARD HATE

A good thought, but unfortunately this will not prevent bard-hate. I have
several times been attacked when our ranger pulled and I was singing no
songs, making no attacks. The mob would just rush past the ranger and the
other group members and smack me. This was back when we were attempting to
prevent my being the main focus of mobs. Nowadays the cleric loves it when
I am around. Normally he has to keep switching targets between the other
three tanks he groups with regularly because they take turns getting the
heck beat out of them. When I'm around he can just target me and happily
cast away. None of the other tanks ever get below 2 bubbles despite being
lower level with armor classes 100 points lower. I usually end up with all
the mobs concentrating on me.

I have a new good example of bard hate. I am standing still with a trade
window open singing no songs on the hill near the derv camp. A ranger
shoots the lead derv with his bow from out in the plains area. The derv
rushes forward, stops and runs over and backstabs me despite my not even
being in the rangers group, nor in the mobs aggro radius. If someone can
explain that away to normal mob dynamics I'd love to hear it.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Knadler [mailto:dknadler@...]
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 12:11 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Re: Re: BARD HATE
Importance: Low

From: David Knadler <dknadler@...>


> The main reason the Hag went for you was not because you were
> a Bard, but
> because you were buffing everyone in your party.

Yes.. this is precisely what is causing it. The reason bards seem to be in
a lot of these situations is because they're usually constantly buffing
everyone all the time. For an experiment, pull something w/o singing any
songs. Have any nearby caster buff anyone in the party just as the MOB is
coming into range. Chances are the MOB will bee-line towards the caster (I
just saw this multiple times lastnight when a druid would buff damage
shields at the beginning of a pull - the MOB invariably went straight at the

Desmei Sightblinder
Lvl 30 (still) Bard [Povar]

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