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Message ID: 9176
Date: Wed Oct 27 16:35:47 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.

> Sure other classes may get a random spell thrown at them occasionally,
> I'm willing to bet your cleric has never had a MOB leave it's fight, run
> across the battlefield and start beating on him when he was just standing
> observing.
> As if it stopped there. I've not only had them do this, but they became
> locked on that they never switched off me until they died despite being
> smacked, shot, burned, frozen, bent, folded, stapled, and mutilated by
> group they were originally fighting.
> This is bard hate.

If you were playing any song at all (even Selos is a buff), then the
monster put you on his hate list. If the other group was fighting multiple
mobs and only dealing damage to one (as they probably should), then the
other mob could easily be pulled off by your song. Once the mob jumped
you, you started playing your songs the best you know how. Anthem or Heal
or whatever song you play is not only pulsing on you, but also on every PC
around you. While your songs don't affect PCs not in your group, they
still put you on the hate list for the mob (and faction adjustments). If
you are surrounded by your group and the other group, the mob sees you
buffing 12 PCs. Nothing will get the mob off you as long as you keep
playing your songs like this.

Let me reiterate again, I was playing nothing, nada, zilch, not one blasted
note. The entire time I was in the zone I kept my mouth shut because
everything in there was red to me. The only reason I was there was to look
around a little and to auction for some items and to role-play. I sang
nothing, fought nothing, did nothing. It was a dungeon so I couldn't have
played Selo's if my life depended on it, which it would have had a cleric
not poured mana into me when they could not pull the stupid goblin off me.
Believe me I fully understand that Buff's of any kind add you to the hate
list, bard is not the only class I play.

And there are also other factors that can make you believe in "bard hate".
Zones are buggy. Songs can go through walls, unlimited z-axis, and
sometimes all the way to the other side of the zone. And many zones have
pathing problems. You may be affecting mobs and not even know it. Five
minutes later, the mob may have finally found a way to you. It will run
past other people who are not on it's hate list until it gets to you. You
might not have even been playing your songs for several minutes. Of course
you will think that it is Bard Hate, but there is no such thing.

It is a bard's song that cause monsters to attack, not just being a bard.

Again I never played a note in Perma, not so much as one tiny sparkle. I
did absolutely nothing to entice, antagonize, irritate, or otherwise cause
myself to be noticed. The mob just turned from its fight with the party I
was watching and waltzed over to smack me around. Fortunately it was
probably only light red because it was only doing damage in the 30's to me.
It was an extra mob in the group they were fighting, but since I did
absolutely nothing that should not have mattered on iota.

In my first example where the gnoll reavers ran past the puller and the two
other group members to jump me I was also not singing anything since I was
in the middle of putting my dirk away and getting out my Screamer to raise
my 1HB while I had a safe chance to do so. I had just finished memming my
group songs so hadn't even had a chance to start one up yet. There really
was zero "normal" reason for the mob's to act as they did. This is why I am
firmly convinced that some 'bug' or other unintended 'feature' is causing
bard hate. I'm quite certain it is not intentional on Verant's part as it
makes no sense for there to be such a thing, but they let so many bugs thru
that are for certain, I am quite ready to believe that there are some that
are questionable that are still true.



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