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Message ID: 9293
Date: Thu Oct 28 17:36:01 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Observations: Upper & Lower Guk

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, JasonF wrote:
> UG is freakin' huge - much bigger than my poor misinformed monk had ever
> thought it was. It also holds a wealth of mobs that gave great experience
> for me at level 28 and my other party members up to 32. My 32nd Necro
> friend was impressed with the amount of experience he was getting. The real
> kicker is that none of this stuff was camped. We walked right into a great
> little camping spot and proceeded to make great exp and decent cash
> (occasional 2pp drops) and never encountered another soul. Died only once

The area past the summoner room leads to the ancient crocodile
site and the zone to the live side of Lower Guk. It's usually
full of shin warriors and knights, nok and tal shamen, and
occasionally a tsu. The noks turned green a while back, but
the shin knights were blue/green to me at 39 (and I saw a blue
one last night at 40). It's a great place to fight if
"everything else is camped," since AFAIK there are no special
mobs here so nobody camps it.

A lot of people going to the live side of LG zone into the
dead side first, swim up the waterfall, zone back into UG
(around the ancient croc area), then to the zone to the live
side of LG. They take this roundabout route precisely to
avoid all these high level frogs on UG.

> LG was surprisingly fun too. I zoned in and /ooc'd "How often to Shin
> Greaves and Shin Gauntlets drop and can a humble 28th level bardess please
> loot them for a quest?" The response was the they dropped "Too damned
> often" and that I should have one of each in around an hour. So I sat in LG

The basalt gargoyles are not too difficult to reach
either. You go a little further into the dead side to the
bedroom, then hug the right wall. You'll run into several
vampire bats and giant black widows, but they shouldn't be a
problem for a group in the low 30s (they seem to be very
susceptible to charm). When the twisty passageway opens up to
a room with a door on the right side, that's where the basalt
gargoyles appear. You can set up in the spider room (you'll
see why it's called that when you get there if it hasn't been
cleared :) and pull bats, spiders, and gargoyles (gargs may be
a bit tough for a low 30s group). Everything here tends to
come in groups, so use Lament, Lullaby, charm, and Pixie
Strike liberally. I prefer charm since it helps reduce
downtime. This area is safe from the inevitable GIBs trains
(greater ice bones).

If you hug the zone, just be wary of these trains.
John H. Kim