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Message ID: 9311
Date: Thu Oct 28 18:27:21 BST 1999
Author: Christopher Olcott
Subject: The New Gods of Norrath

I happened open this on the necromancer's boards... Very humorous and thought you'd all appreciate it..

Kassao, 28th Half Elf Bard
Mizst, 40th Dark Elf Necromancer
Tarew Marr

The time of the old gods is at an end. With the passing of the age
known as 'Betatest', and the coming of the next age, the old gods no
longer hold power over the land of Norrath. A new breed of people
calling themselves 'paying customers' have settled the land and brought
with them a host of new gods. Following is a listing I have compiled
during my travels over the land.

Sorebottom O'Boredom, god of camping. Sorebottom is a dull and lazy god
who requires the same devotion from his followers. They worship him by
sitting on their arses for hours or even days at a time at his various
holy places like Highhold Pass, Temple of Cazic Thule, Najena, and Guk.
His followers pay homage to him by auctioning off their goods to the
highest bidder. Their prayer chants include 'Selling/trading rubicite
for a good wizard item', 'Get in line', and 'You killstealing bastard,
I've camped this spot for 3 days straight'. Sorebottom and his
followers are the arch enemy of 'Wizfire' Sorebottom is also worshipped
by many of those that spend their life meditating and waiting to heal.

Wizfire, god of kill-stealing. Wizfire is an evil, selfish deity. He is
primarily worshipped by wizards, but some druids and mages worship him
also. Wizfire requires vast number of sacrifices to sate his hunger for
blood, so his followers travel the lands killing everything in sight.
He is the arch enemy of Sorebottom, with whom he shares a parasitic
relationship. Both are worshipped in many of the same places, but
Wizfire and his followers live off the same prey. Wizfire and his
followers are hated throughout the land.

Nurph, god of class balancing. Nurph is a very feared god, more
appeased than worshipped. He is like a plague, feared by all players,
who live in fear that his chilling hand is not placed on their class'
head. Nurph requires sacrifices, which he gets primarily from druids,
shamans, and necromancers in the form of spells and abilities. He has
no worshippers or holy places, although his avatar, Arudune is
sometimes seen stalking the land, looking for good spells or successful
strategies to feed to his ravenous master. Nurph does seem to favor
Rangers though so he tends to leave them alone.

Playorun Economie, god of trade skills. Playorun is a greedy god who
takes his due from every successful trade skill in the form of profits.
No skill is safe from his grasping hands, as he leeches the bank
accounts of any foolish enough to try them. He is also worshipped by
the many merchants in the land who buy items for but a fraction of
their worth and sell them for hundreds of times their value. Whenever
an enterprising mortal tries to outwit Playorun, by making money from a
skill, he calls upon his brother, the god Nurph to smite the offender
and any who would follow him.

Powyrgamyr, god of levelling. Powyrgamyr is crazed god, worshipped by
hordes of raving, lunatics. These madmen roam the land killing
everything in sight, never stopping, never sleeping, until they
eventually drop dead from exhaustion. They are like a plague of
locusts, destroying everything in their path in their mad quest to
appease their god. Once a mortal gives his soul to Powyrgamyr, he
breaks off all relationships, leaving friends and family behind, as
they embark on their holy quests for experience, fame and wealth. Those
that survive the quest, usually turn from Powyrgamyr and become
worshippers of Twynker.

Twynker, god of newbies. Twynker is a kind god, worshipped by many
newbies. The basic philosophy of the worship of Twynker is
reincarnation. His followers believe that if they live a good and
productive life, amassing wealth and items, they will be reborn into
newbies, and be allowed to live off the gains of their previous life.
As such, the followers of Twynker are viewed with jealousy and hatred
by other mortals. They must endure much hatred and insults, but the
consolation that they have better stuff than anyone else helps them
cope. You can see Twynker's followers wherever there is a gathering of
newbies. They are the ones killing rats, bats and fire beetles while
dressed in full rubicite armor.

Roel Playor, god of perpetual low levels. Roel Playor is a benevolent
god, worshipped by mortals through out the land of Norrath. They are
well known for their verbose language and strange way of speaking. Most
of them are kind, gentle beings who only want to live their lives in
peace and harmony with the land and its inhabitants. However, their
religion has recently been infiltrated by the followers of Wizfire.
They are usually dark elves, trolls, and ogres who hide behind the
teaching of Roel Playor, as an excuse to appease their god, Wizfire.
These heretics are also known as azhoels