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Message ID: 9318
Date: Thu Oct 28 19:38:26 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: RE: Observations: Upper & Lower Guk

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, James Schuldes wrote:
> The only real threat were those froggie wizzards who would come in a bit
> after the first pulled mob and sit at the edge of the room and play Burn the
> Bard! Yowzer I was down to under a bub once or twice before our cleric
> slapped a heal on me. I had been weaving psalm of warmth with anthem for
> After a couple nasty burn attacks from these wizzies, I went to buffing with
> guardian and a drum from the time the puller went out to fetch until the
> enchanter managed to get them all sorted out after the puller and all of the
> mobs returned. I guess I should have been stacking guardian and elemental
> with the drum.

Guardian Rhythms should only be used as a supplement to
Elemental Rhythms. They both provide the same magic resist,
and Elemental provides fire and cold resist as well (most if
not all wizard spells are magic/fire/cold). If I can only
keep one of these two loaded, it's Elemental. Guardian's only
advantages are a few more AC, and it stacks with different

The difference a Rhythm song can make at this level is
tremendous. I've had half my party killed in 15 seconds from
a 3 ghoul wizard pull when I wasn't ready. We took on the
same wizards a half hour later with me playing ER with a drum,
and only one person took more than a bubble of damage. The
usual pullers I group with keep saying, "Send Kae to pull the
caster" because they don't want to do it without the resists.

> Anyhow, my questions are: how do you know what attacks (fire based or cold
> based) mobs are more susceptable to? Ie, I have heard that its pretty
> useless to hit the mobs in Lava storm with fire based attacks.

This is really more of a concern for casting classes. I
haven't noticed it making a difference for damage shields.
Mobs always take full damage from the shield assuming they're
telling the truth when they say "Hit by 7 points non-melee

> Second, does psalm of cooling provide a cold based damage shield?

Yes. I still don't know if it stacks or cancels a magician's
fire based damage shields.

John H. Kim