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Message ID: 9554
Date: Wed Nov 3 15:00:08 GMT 1999
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: Re: Re: Undead drops in Kithicor

>From: Ken Bachman <kbachman@...>
>I see from the board that many of you are upset that the undead spawns in
>Kithicor were
>stopped. I'd like to make the following points:
>1. Kithicor is, at one and the same time, a newbie zone AND a zone that
>you MUST
>travel through in order to get from the four eastern cities to RV, and that
>you would
>much prefer to use to get from RV to High Keep. Note that the alternate
>route to
>HK/Qeynos/Halas from RV takes you through Runnyeye and Beholder, hardly
>safe zones
>below level 20 or so, and takes a LOT longer to HK.
So what? The Karana's are just as dangerous. Hill Giants, Griffs,
werewolves, Evil Eyes, Wolves, Lions, Bandits, Gnoll Reavers. West Commons
has Ghouls, dervs, orcs, Hill Giants, Griffins, Dragoons, Kodiaks, and other
high level nasties. Travels should be dangerous. BTW I made my first trip
from Kelethin to Qeynos at 6th level when my server was only 4 days old.
THAT was a dangerous trip. On mature servers the trip now is a joke, you can
travel clear across the Karana's and see nothing more dangerous then a

>2. The fact that these spawn only appeared at night is not a help. In
>order to
>traverse the zone safely, this would require you to wait until dawn each
>time you
>wanted to get through the zone (unless you were sufficiently high level
>that it didn't
>matter, see point 3). If you thought waiting for the boat was
>irritating... This is
>NOT a good use of playing time. Plus, although the spawn did not appear
>during the
>daytime, I am not convinced that they actually evaporated at dawn.

Know that it is a night time spawn makes it easy to avoid. Makes travel a
little less mindless. Lord forbid if you have to wait 15 to 20 mins before
running to your camping spot for the night.

>3. I travelled through Kithicor the other night at the tail end of the
>event. Even
>with sixty people actively hunting, I blundered into 3 spawn points between
>WC and RV,
>and 2 points between RV and HP. Luckily, three of them had not yet
>"dropped" from the
>sky, and the other two I was able to put on the brakes for (barely), but I
>note the
>following: 1) two of these points were so close to the zone wall that
>even the "edge
>of zone" travel method would not have worked, and 2) the one MOB that
>engaged me killed
>me (a level THIRTY ONE Bard) in three casts.
>I would love to see a high level outdoor zone, myself, but it should not
>replace a
>newbie zone, and it should certainly not be placed in a zone critical for
>low- to
>mid-level travel.
>Kenross Cantoforjado, 31 songs, Innoruuk

BTW I was on the test server last night and Kithicor is still spawning
undead at night there. My poor 5th lvl cleric got nuked by a Risen
Commander and was bound in Qeynos :( The Karanas are a long run without
Selos, but at least a friendly Shamen helped me out with a SoW. Managed to
get back to my body by 6pm game time. It was very excitiing wandering if I
would make it back before nightfall, since if I did not my body would decay.

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server