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Message ID: 9582
Date: Thu Nov 4 01:12:47 GMT 1999
Author: Jason Rochelle
Subject: Re: hell levels

Actually Brad says this was done on purpose. In a newsgroup post, Brad
said "Hell levels are common to many text MUDs, Everquest has them too."

> I have heard different stories about the hell levels. Supposedly Verant
> 'accidentally put this code into the game? And then decided to leave it
> there as a feature? Hard to believe. Even harder to believe given Brad
> McQuaid's past statements. One thing McQuaid has said..and I have probably
> repeated here..is that he "never said it would be an easy game". Of the 3
> major MMORPGs (EQ, UO, AC) Everquest is probably the most difficult and the
> most unforgiving for player mistakes.