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Message ID: 9686
Date: Mon Nov 8 15:32:45 GMT 1999
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: Updated Song Analysis (long)

I have went through and edited the old (and very outdated) Goatanos Bard
Song Analysis. Here are the first 20 songs, please put the song level you
are commenting on in the subject line of your reply. I now that John(tm) is
working on a more extensive rewrite, I just thought I would throw this out
to help out the new folks on the the list :)

Level 1: Chant of Battle
Effects: PARTY, +DEX +STR +AC
Skill Used: Percussion Instruments
Location: Any
Upgrades: Every level
Notes: Can't be stacked with Anthem De Arms
Analysis: This is a good 1st level song and highly recommended as the
primary buff song until level 6 (healing). This is a good buff song to
twist with Hymm of Restoration (level 6). This song usually get's dropped
from a Bard's arsenal of songs when at 10th level for Anthem de Arms. It
regains popularity in the mid 30's as it stacks nicely with the level 36
Vilia's Verses of Celerity. It is also good in parties where there are many
procing weapons, as dex helps the weapon fire more often.

Level 2: Chords of Dissonance
Effects: NON-PARTY, AE DoT
Skill Used: Stringed Instruments
Location: Any
Notes: Area effect song
Upgrades: Every level?
Analysis: This is your first Damage over Time (DoT) song. Commonly known as
the 'wince' song as it causes all affected beings to wince for a few points
of damage. Be very careful! This song will wince all non-PCs, including
guards, innkeepers, etc. Many bards have died quite a few times because 1) I
had this song going when I was too close to a guard or 2) I used this song
to kill a monster and forgot to turn it off when returning to the safety of
a guard to heal/rest. For fun, when you get past level 8, go walk around the
Freeport newbie area with this song on and see how many level 1 monsters you
can kill just by playing this song. As you level, this song will grow
stronger. It has a duration of 3 ticks (a tick is 6 seconds) after you stop
playing it.
It will stack with your later DoT songs allowing you to do the all
instrument attack.

Level 3: Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor
Effects: PARTY, Regen Stamina
Skill Used: Percussion Instruments
Location: All
Upgrades: Unknown
by Verant to be a client-side refresh issue.
Analysis: This song restores lost stamina. This can be handy when swimming
long distances or when you or party members are dual weilding heavy waepons
in a long battle.

Level 4: Lyssa's Locating Lyric
Effects: TARGET, Locate Corpse
Skill Used: Singing
Location: Any
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: This is one of the more useful songs in the game. It allows you to
find corpses anywhere in your zone. People are getting killed in odd places
all the time and don't know where to find their corpse. With this song, you
can help them. Just click on the person whose corpse you want to find and
then fire off the song. Just remember to turn the song off if you ever need
to stop looking for the corpse (you come under attack/get to the corpse and
no longer need it) as every few seconds, no matter what you are doing, this
song will auto turn your body to face the direction of the corpse.
Necromancers (level 1) and Shadowknights are the only other classes that get
this ability. If no player is targeted the song will point you toward the
nearest corpse (PC or NPC), this can be handy if that orc you just killed
died and fell into a tree. Fire this song up, you will target the orc
corpse, then use /loot to loot the body.

Level 5: Selo's Accelerando
Effects: PARTY, Increase movement speed, Outdoor only
Skill Used: Percussion Instruments
Location: Any
Upgrades: Every 5 levels?
Analysis: This song will probably be one of the most used in a Bard's
arsenal. It makes you run, run fast. When played with a percussion
instrument (a skill which you also get at 5th level), you run faster than
someone with the popular Spirit of the Wolf spell. As you get higher in
level, you will gradually run faster. By the time you reach the mid 40's in
level, with your drum, you will be faster than Spirit of the Cheetah (level
47 Shaman Spell). When not in combat/healing, sometimes it's a good idea to
have this song on, in case a train jumps you, or if a griffin decides to
reach out and touch you. Keep in mind, that when playing this song with a
percussion instrument, you are faster than just about any monster in the
game. If you get attacked, just keep running and ignore them. If you are
under 25% HP or more, you will run slower, so if you have 1% hp left, do not
expect to 'run like the wind.' There is one problem with this song.
Sometimes it works too well. When traveling in a party with this song.
Always bring up the rear, ie: be the last person in the party. People always
get left behind, due to lag, or packet loss. Run last, keep an eye on
everyone. Being last also helps out because if the person at the front of
the party gets too far ahead, he will leave the range of your song, slowing
down until you catch up again. Lastly, this song will make you swim
underwater (not on the surface of the water) at a similar speed that you
would travel on land.

Level 6: Hymn of Restoration
Effects: PARTY, Heal
Skill Used: Stringed Instruments
Location: Any
Upgrades: Every 6 levels
Analysis: Second only to the 5th level Accelerando song, this song will make
you the life of any party that has tank characters. I have received many
thanks for this song from clerics, who don't have to cast healing as often.
In combat, keep in mind that every point that is healed by this song, will
piss off a monster as much as doing 1 point of damage to it. For example, if
you are healing 6 players, for 6 points each, the monsters you are fighting
will react as if you were doing an extra 6*6=36 points damage to each of
them every pulse. Use with caution, monsters may start to concentrate more
of their attacks on you. As you go up in levels and your singing/stringed
skill goes up, this song will slowly heal faster and for more points per

Level 7: Jonthan's Whistling Warsong
Effects: SELF, +STR +AC +Attack Speed
Skill: Singing
Location: Any
Note: Stacks with Chant of Battle
Upgrades: Str bonus increases every other level?
Analysis: For those soloing, this is an upgrade to the Chant of Battle song
and is actually better that the 10th level Anthem De Arms. This song also
will increase attack speed by about 20%. For example, it will reduce the
delay of a longsword from 28 to 22.4. Also, while this song is stackable
with Anthem de Arms, the attack speed increases will not stack, the Str
bonus will.

Level 8: Kelin's Lugubrious Lament
Effects: TARGET, Lower Reaction and Help
Skill: Stringed Instruments
Location: Kelethin
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: This song causes a monster to 'become sad'(lulled) and ignore you.
This is the first Bard Song that is not continuous. You can Lament several
monsters, one right after the other. Doing this, you can lure a monster from
a group, one at a time. This is similar to the Soothe spell that Enchanters
and other mage classes get, but is apparently stronger, and harder to
resist. When using this song try to avoid pulling past lulled mobs as they
may decide to follow. Warning: sometimes when it fails, it will tend to
attract everyone (including those that are already soothed).

Level 9: Elemental Rhythms
Effects: PARTY, +Fire resist Cold resist Magic resist
Skill: Percussion Instruments
Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every level
Note on Rhythm songs, they will generaly NOT stack with each other. Guardian
Rythms will stack with most(all?) songs in this series.
Analysis: This is the first of the protection songs. When you start to
encounter spell casting monsters, this song will be greatly appreciated. The
boast to resistances will help you either partially or fully resist the
effects of spells. This can be lifesaver at higher levels.

Level 10: Anthem de Arms
Effects: PARTY, +Attack Speed +STR
Skill: Singing
Upgrades: Str bonus increases every other level?
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Note: Will not stack with Chant of Battle
Analysis: In Party combat, the +Attack speed comes in handy for the tanks.
The attack speed will increase about 10% to 15%. For example, it will reduce
the delay of a longsword from 28 to 25. This is a great song to twist with
another and should be used in almost all combat. It will not stack with the
Chant of Battle song. Also, while this song is stackable with Jonthan's
Whistling Warsong, the attack speed increases will not stack.

Level 11: Cinda's Charismatic Carillon
Effects: SELF, Add NPC faction
Skill: Wind Instruments
Location: Kelethin
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: Click on a target, say, a merchant or NPC, and sing this song. The
song only lasts a few seconds, but it's effects will last for several
minutes. You cannot stack this song on top of itself; there is no added
benefit. If you are already viewed well by the NPC, the effect will not be
much. If you are viewed indifferent or worse, this song will increase the
/con level by 1 in most cases. There are 2 uses for this song. First: you
will get better prices from vendors that do not like you. Second: it can
increase faction with an NPC enough so that they will give you quests that
you would normally not have access to. If used on monsters, its effects are
not strong enough to keep them from attacking you. This is the first Bard
song based on Wind Instruments. It is not a good practicing song, however,
as the song only lasts a few seconds. If you want to practice your Wind
Instruments skill, wait until level 16 and use Tarew's Aquatic Ayre.

Level 12: Brusco's Boastful Bellow
Effects: TARGET, DD
Skill: Singing
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Damage Formula: INT(lvl/2) + 1
Analysis: This is single person direct damage song. The extra damage is
good while solo'ing, pulling from a distance, or hitting runners.

Level 13: Purifying Rhythms
Effects: PARTY, +Poison rest Disease rest and Magic rest
Skill: Percussion Instruments
Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every level?
Note on Rhythm songs, they will generaly NOT stack with each other. Guardian
Rythms will stack with most(all?) songs in this series.
Analysis: This song is most useful for combat with mummies, zombies, Necros,
Shamens, spiders, and snakes. The boast to resistances will help you either
partially or fully resist the effects of disease, poison, spells.

Level 14: Lyssa's Cataloging Libretto
Effects: TARGET, Item Identify
Skill: Singing
Location: Erudin
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: This song will allow you or a targeted party member to indentify
an item held on their mouse pointer. This comes in very handy now that many
quest items have the same name, but may not be the same item, ie Rune of the
One Eye has three pieces (Top, Middle, Bottom).

Level 15: Kelin's Lucid Lullaby
Effects: NON-PARTY, AE Enthrall, Nix hate List
Skill: Stringed Instruments
Location: Kelethin
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: What does "Enthrall & Nix hate List" mean? Well, This song will
attempt to make all monsters nod off and fall asleep. It will nix the 'hate
list' of a monster. The 'hate list' is an internal list a monster keeps of
everyone who has attacked it, and remembers who 'pissed it off' the most. A
monster uses the 'hate list' to determine who to will attack when fighting
your party. Nixing this list will erase it from the monsters memory, so that
it will no longer 'track you down throughout the entire dungeon'. Enthrall
basically means that the monster will ignore your presence (until you start
attacking it). Sounds pretty powerful, eh? Unfortunately, when the H-list is
nixed, everyone on that list is cleared out´┐¢ when the monster stops nodding,
you, the bard, will be the only one on it. In multi-monster situations,
expect to take heavy damage from all the 'attention'. Make sure a
healer-type is monitoring you and heal as needed. Word of warning, just like
Chords of Dissonance, this song will affect everything, including NPCs.
Please do not use this song next to a guard, or he will start attacking you.
Each monster affected has two chances to break out of the Lullaby every
pulse. The first is a standard resist, which nullifies the song outright,
and the second is the chance (which varies based on Bard CHA, instrument
used, level spread, etc) to just plain ignore the song. It does reduce the
volume of fire to the party, and the nod effect is great for making casters
flub a spell. Also, the nod effect will interfere with a monster's melee
attacks as well, allowing you to get in more hits. Just to re-iterate,
monsters really hate this song, more than just about anything else. You will
find this out, the hard way. Look on the bright side; if you need to get
that monster off the caster's back, this song is the way to do it.

Level 16: Tarew's Aquatic Ayre
Effects: PARTY, Water Breathing
Skill: Wind Instruments
Location: HighHold Pass
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: This is the first _ongoing_ song that uses Wind Instruments like
minotaur horns or flutes (minotaur horns are wind instruments. All other
types of horns are usually brass). This song allows your entire party to
breathe underwater. The major drawback is that the range is too small in
many cases. If your group plans on doing a major underwater excersion this
song should NOT be your only means of water breathing. Since this is your
first wind based song expect to have a lot of trouble starting it up till
you get your wind skill up.

Level 17: Guardian Rythms
Effects: PARTY: +AC +Magic Resist
Skill: Percussion Instruments
Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every other level?
Note on Rhythm songs, they will generaly NOT stack with each other. Guardian
Rythms will stack with most(all?) songs in this series.
Analysis: This is good for fighting Evil Eyes and other spell casting
monsters. Many Everquest references describe this song has having a 'spell
shield' which is a confusing way of saying it pumps up magic resistance.

Level 18: Denon's Disruptive Discord
Effects: NON-PARTY, AE -AC DoT
Skill: Brass Instruments
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every level?
Analysis: This is your second AE Dot song and allows you to use your Brass
skill. You will have a lot of trouble starting this song till you get your
Brass skill up. You can do this at the Arena zone (off of Lake Rathe) or
some people will use the large room in the N Ro tunnel (where the Shady
Swashbuckler is) to practice this skill up. Just park yourself there start
this song with horn equipped and let it play for a few hours (4 to 6). At
the end of that time you should have a maxed brass skill. Now the good
part, this song allows you to do the 'all instrument attack'. Create a hot
key pad with your secondary weapon slot,an inventory slot, and hot key the
following songs: Denon's Disruptive Discord, Chords of Dissonance, and Hymn
of Restoration.
Find your target equip your horn and have your lute on the mouse pointer.
Start up DDD, when you get the wince message stop the song start CoD and
equip your lute (before the wince message). When CoD winces stop it and
start Hymn. Repeat. This will allow you to solo with little or no downtime,
can also work well in party settings. For a few extra points of damage use
hand to hand attacks.

Level 19: Shauri's Sonorous Clouding
Effects: PARTY, Invisibility
Skill: Wind Instruments
Location: Erudin
Note: Not weavable
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: Group invisibility is nice. The radius of invisibility is somewhat
small, so caution. If you are soloing, this song is extremely useful at
getting through places like HighHold Pass, or if you are a good alignment
character, helps when you are walking through Nektulus Forest. In a group
setting, this song is very useful when the party is deep in a dungeon,
medding and healing, as monsters and trains will just walk right by you as
if you were not there. This is a pulse based song. Every pulse, a skill
check is made. If you fail a skill check, you become visible until the next
tick (about 6 seconds). This is both a blessing and curse. The blessing is
that if anyone in your party does something to break out of invisibility,
like looting a corpse, or talking to a vendor, the player will turn back
invisible on the next tick, even if the character is still looting the
corpse, or still transacting with the merchant. This is a major plus over
any spell caster based invisibility. The curse is skill check failures,
which do not happen very often, but every once in a while, it will. Also,
some con red monsters seem to have a greater chance of seeing past your
song. One way to check if a monster will see past your song is to con it. If
it does not con 'indifferently' then it will be able to see you. This song
will make you invisible to undead (some debate on this point).

Level 20: Largo's Melodic Binding
Effects: NON-PARTY, AE -Attack SPD AC
Skill: Singing
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrade: Unknown
Analysis: Song effects are obvious, reducing attack speed and AC of monsters
and NPCs. The attack speed of the monster will visibly slow down under the
effects of this song.

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server