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Message ID: 9724
Date: Tue Nov 9 18:04:11 GMT 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: level 8 song


Your level 8 song will help you when you want to fight only one mob at a
time but there are other mobs near him and an attack would normally pull all
of the mobs.

SO, you use your song to target each of the weaker mobs in the group and
Lament them (or "lull" them not to be confused with lullaby which "sleeps"
them.) The lament or lull reduces their "agro" or agressiveness so that an
attack on the highest one will pull only the highest one for you or your
party to fight and kill.

You lull the weak ones first so that the chance of a resist is lower. The
higher the mob the more likely of a resist and a subsequent attack. Be
ready to run!

Lament is a target song - you target and lamant each weaker one. Then
attack the strongest one.

Pre-combat crowd controll. Great for gnolls, bandit, orc and derv camps.
You may need to get a few more level before you will fight many bigger orcs
and dervs.

Sylly Songsynger
Bard of the 35th Song
<Spirit of the Moon>
somewhere on Innoruuk

-----Original Message-----
From: Crysarra de'Danaan [mailto:lucretia_71@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 11:49 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] level 8 song

From: Crysarra de'Danaan <lucretia_71@...>

ok I know that you are mostly all way higher ups and stuff..but I have
just reached level 8 with my bard. She is really a lot of fun but I
have a few questions. First of all....what is the stats that bards
need to work on...(cha? dex? str?) I have concentrated on those 3
things and with ALL my stuff on my cha is 133 and my str is 99...not
sure my dex...please can someone advise me on that. Next is that I
just got my lvl 8 song and I remember reading that it was such a useful
spell once..when i first got on the list and my bard was like lvl 3 and
i had no idea what anyone was talking about. I have looked through
some archives but there is SOO much stuff...its difficult to locate.
Please can someone help me out here...between playing my druid in the
main I am really beginning to enjoy my bard if I can understand the
songs and use them to their full extent. Thanks

bard of the 8th season
Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@... with
the subject lol.