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Message ID: 9740
Date: Tue Nov 9 20:52:19 GMT 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Missing bard songs (was Updated Song Analysis 21+)

I'm thinking they will most likely be upgrades to our existing songs that
either don't work or are of limited use already. I know lets drain more
mana from npc's that have unlimited mana that should be great for PvP. Ooh,
no binding song, how about a song that unbinds someone. Another great PvP
only song, or maybe it would make stationary npc's start to wander, that'd
be useful.
Pardon me if I sound bitter or doubtful, but when 6 months after release the
bard class is still unfinished I think I have cause to be.
GZ said our songs were waiting for something? Perhaps they will be songs
that only affect Iskar, that'd be useful and a year late.
Ok enough silliness (maybe), some useful suggestions.

A song that increases our chance of success in trade skills. Useful to
some, useless to others. About the only area of the game we don't have a
spell to directly affect currently in some fashion.

Other than that I can't see what they have in mind. There is little need
for an upgrade to most of our existing songs, upgrade to hymn highly
unlikely to ever occur. I still greatly doubt that a high level binding
song would be unbalancing. Given the lack of knowledge other classes have
about bards, if it was self only most people would never even know it

-----Original Message-----
From: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 [mailto:g4mntofcr@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 1:41 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Missing bard songs (was Updated Song Analysis 21+)

From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>

Throughout the history of this list, we have had several discussions on our
missing songs. Verant is unlikely to give us a new song that "unbalances"
our class, i.e. a binding song. Several people have come up with
ideas/suggestions for our missing songs. For the sake of discussion, what
type of songs can they give us that will not upset the class balance. Lets
classify our songs into categories. The categories I can come up with are:

1) Stat buffing i.e. Anthem, Warsong, Chant of Battle, etc.
that raise a primary stat/attack bonuses
2) Resistance buffing i.e. rhythm and psalm series
3) Regeneration i.e. Hymm, Jig, Mana song
4) Direct damage i.e. Bellow and Desperate Dirge
5) Damage over time i.e DDD and CoD
6) Movement i.e. Selos and teleport song
7) Target negative effect i.e. Chains, Lullaby, Pixie Strike, Charm,
8) General i.e invisibility, underwater breathing and
levitation song

I'm only 26th level so I don't have much knowledge of the songs higher than
30th level. As a result, there are probably a couple more categories to
add. These categories are enough though for the sake of discussion. I
would guess that Verant thinks they have pretty much covered all the bases
in regards to our songs. We have a wide variety of choices to select from.
Assuming that Verant thinks our current songs provide everything we need, I
would imagine they are having a tough time deciding on what our missing
songs should do. Assuming that they don't want to give us any new
abilities, the only option I see is to give us better versions or
combinations of songs we already have. For example, a better version of
Hymn that heals more damage per tick. Another possibility is a combination
of Hymn and Jig to provide both health and stamina recovery.

So to sum it all up, I think it is more likely that our missing songs will
be better versions/combos of our current songs versus songs that give us a
new ability such as bind or gate. What does everyone else think?

Galtin of E'ci

> Verant once replied to this - saying "The new songs will be added once
> something else is added".. As far as a bind song - if the info from JMC
> (a
> former member of this list who allegedly had close contacts within the
> development group) It ain't ever gonna happen.

Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@... with
the subject lol.