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Message ID: 9759
Date: Tue Nov 9 23:42:40 GMT 1999
Author: Ryan Barker
Subject: RE: level 8 song

I used this song to great effect while in permafrost way back when I was
level 16 (oh so long ago). It was great. Resist rates were rather low
and I could usually pull 1 or 2 at a time which is good for perma.. I then
began adventuring in outdoor zones where harmony is much more effective due
to it being aoe and not agroing monsters if it fails. Recently though, I
was reminded of the song while reading this list and realized that it would
probably work wonders in Sol B and Lower Guk where I have been adventuring
lately. My first real test of the song in lower guk was when I decided I
would solo while I waited for a group to open up a spot for me. From dead
side if you take a left at the first intersection, there are 5 different
live frog spawns and a few undead spawns. I would lull the frogs and pull
singles and solo them. I eventually teamed up with another bard and we
double teamed them with me pulling until we eventually got a group on live
side doing the elder room which I ended up doing most of the pulls as the
spawn times for the entire maze were staggered and I figured out the
pattern (so we were doing patriarch room as well). By the way has anyone
noticed that nearly all of lower guk is now camped during peak hours? Im
talking seeing less than 5 frogs on tracking most of the time and all named
spots taken.
The second true test was when we were doing the assassin and I volunteered
to pull from the lower levels and I broke those spawns easily with the
level 8 song as well. The third and perhaps most impressive test was when
our group after a rather unfortuante bug where we all had our computers
crash in the middle of a fight with 3 spiders (gms wouldnt rez us due to it
being a supposed connectivity problem what bs) decided to kill the gibs. I
said let me pull I should be able to pull 1 or 2 at a time. They all
laughed at the suicidal bard and said sure if you want. So I went in and
after about a minute of targeting and lulling (quite difficult) pulled the
one closest to the bed room. Both of them on that side came and we easily
dispatched them. I then went in again, lulled the 3 that remained and
pulled the one closest. Again 2 came which was easily handled. Everyone
was very impressed and surprised. This is with lute equipped and a chr of
108 btw. I think in indoor dungeons we are just behind monks in most
pulling situations and in the case of casters such as gibs or the wizards
outside the dead tower, we are better.
So all of you higher level bards who have forgotten this gem of a song go
try it next time you hit lower guk and you dont have a monk to pull (or
your monk sucks). I suspect you will be pleasantly surprised. Oh and
remind me to get a bunch of shuriekens for pulling.. pulling with chains is
just a bad idea.

Celandro Spellsong
39 bard Povar