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Message ID: 9842
Date: Wed Nov 10 22:53:28 GMT 1999
Author: Mike Roach
Subject: RE: Strange deaths in Mistmoore

Hmmm, Mistmoore pathing...now there's an interesting subject.

The best advice I can give on this from my limited experience in MM is that
you really need to know the zone very well and know what spawns where and be
very very careful if you choose to attack a wandering mob that does not
normally spawn in the area you see it in and was not pulled there by a
train. The pathing is SCREWY here.


I have been camping the Courtyard extensively as of late and the spot along
the wall in the lower part of the courtyard as you are approaching the area
beneath the bridge. When a train pours out of the castle, as the mobs are
returning they path so weirdly that they look like they are walking right
towards you and then through you and through the wall behind you. I have
seen mob after mob, gargs, gypsies, vamps, all kinds of stuff walk right
into me and disappear. They do not see you and do not attack...their normal
pathing is screwed and it is a quirk that you can see them at all, if you
were to attack them while they were on this path their aggro radius has the
potential of pulling the train back out of the castle on top of you but if
you leave them alone you are fine. Weird and very scary at 2am in the
morning when your group of 6 comprises 60% of the people in the zone.

In the tunnel right as you enter MM you sometimes see a skeletal pet in the
corner in front of you just standing around...it will leave you alone but if
you attack it, its master on the other side of that wall which is deep
within the castle, will kill you in a jiffy. Pick your fights wisely and DO
NOT, I repeat DO NOT use AE songs in this zone unless you are very certain
of where you are what you might affect that is on the other side of a
wall...it is utterly deadly.

Hope this helps Galt, sorry to hear about your misfortune.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 [mailto:g4mntofcr@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:36 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Strange deaths in Mistmoore
> From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
> Last night, I was grouped with a necromancer in MM. There were only a
> handful of people in the zone so we decided to pull the mobs
> back to the
> zone and fight there. On one occasion, I pulled two
> familiars that we were
> handling just fine. Out of nowhere, a flouting gargoyle
> appeared. None of
> the other people in the zone were nearby so I know for a fact
> they didn't
> lead the gargoyle to us. At the time the garg appeared, the
> necro was over
> 75% health. In an instant, he got zapped by something and
> was killed. He
> checked his text window to see what zapped him but couldn't find an
> explanantion. Later on, I made a similar pull. This time I got three
> familiars by mistake. They all attacked me so I started to
> sing Lullaby and
> put them to sleep. Once again, out of nowhere, three
> flouting gargoyles
> appeared right on top of us. I was around 60% health at the
> time. Before I
> had a chance to even start running to the zone, I got zapped
> and was knocked
> from 60% to dead in one shot. Like the necro earlier, there
> weren't any
> text messages to indicate I should have taken that much
> damage in one shot.
> I am inclined to believe that our deaths were a result of a
> bug, which I'm
> told sometimes occurs in MM. First off, the gargs spawned
> right next to the
> zone, which I am almost certain shouldn't have occured.
> Everyone in the
> zone were in their 20s and camping around the lake. I don't
> know where
> flouting gargoyles normally spawn, but I would assume nowhere
> near where
> everyone was pulling from (the pathway leading to the
> graveyard). I can't
> think of any reason how the flouting gargs got to the zone
> except due to a
> bug. Second, the text messages did not indicate I got hit by
> a spell, which
> could have accounted for losing 60% of my health in one shot.
> Even if I did
> get hit by a spell, the damage that familiars can do in one
> shot (usually
> with Force Shock), shouldn't be over 400 hit points. I did
> get hit for
> physical damage by the gargs but not enough to do 400 hit
> points of health,
> which was about what I had when they appeared.
> Has anyone else had similar deaths in MM?
> Galtin of E'ci
> 26 bard
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