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Message ID: 9898
Date: Thu Nov 11 17:19:54 GMT 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Jack-of-all-trades

Hmmm, I'd don't think I would rate skills that cap at 'Bad' as passable
under any circumstances. Especially when Master level is really 200 and not
101. If you doubt this just ask any bowyer who's tried to make a trueshot
when he became a Master. Our guild ranger has a Fletching of 135 and is
currently 0 for 10 trying to make one.

Also, even at 75 the skills are not high enough to be considered handy at
all. That's why no one uses them. Getting a pick locks at 40th level that
capped at 75 is a joke. If they really do implement more locks in Kunark
you won't see many 40th level bards unlocking them or else they will be
totally meaningless to the rogues with their skill of 200.

Many of the skills bards get are not useful but are certainly thrown up as
being part of our play balance equation. Offhand I'd list Hide, Sneak, Pick
Locks, Disarm Traps, and for some people Forage as nearly useless. Not sure
how well our Instill doubt works, or why we would use it since we cannot
backstab. What other class (with the possible exception of Rogues who are
also pretty hosed) has even half this number of useless skills? Certainly
not any of the other hybrids.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Sheppard [mailto:mrwayne@...]
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 8:59 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Jack-of-all-trades

From: "Wayne Sheppard" <mrwayne@...>

> From: jhenders@...
> Subject: Re: Special foraged foods
> On Wed, Nov 10/99, Crysarra de'Danaan <lucretia_71@...> wrote:
> > From: Crysarra de'Danaan <lucretia_71@...>
> >
> > a few words here...
> > bard= jack of all trades, master of none
> Dispite the fact that this tired old adage is dragged out every time
> this debate comes up, did you ever stop to actually think what jack
> means? Up until it's use on this list it used to mean relatively good at
> something as compared to true master.

You are wrong. You have altered the definition to make it what you want.
Lets check the dictionary


Main Entry: jack-of-all-trades
Pronunciation: "ja-k&-"vol-'trAdz
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural jacks-of-all-trades
Date: 1618
: a person who can do passable work at various tasks : a handy versatile

Where do you see "relatively good" at?


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