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Message ID: 9944
Date: Thu Nov 11 19:57:17 GMT 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Charming Methods

What, John made a mathematical error? I am flabbergasted! Its actually
safer than 1.414x by a long shot so long as you are 1.414x melee range from
them when you turn. They follow an arc inside the corner as you turn it,
not being smart enough to lead you and get the advantage of the triangle.
The length of the arc inside the corner depends totally on the distance they
are from you when you turn. at 1.414x melee range they will catch you, if
you've cleared more distance than that already you can turn safely at slower
speeds as the length of the arc they travel is not constant with respect to
the distance you travel. Your traveled distance is 2X where X is the
distance they are from you when you turn. Their covered distance will be
.5{Pi} times X, or 1.55 times X. Hence if you are moving more than 1.3
(approx.) times them they will not catch you. Hopefully I haven't forgotten
some Geometry here, but as I recall this should be true. Now if they were
smart enough to lead us as we turn, yikes!

I also noticed that if you skirt close to trees the Mob's will be slowed by
the trees as they run into them but you will not be. This allows one to
outrun some Mob's without using accellerando in heavily forested areas if
the MOB is close to your speed (like orcs). I call this scraping the tail
off on a tree. Of course one miscalculation where you run into the tree and
they are on top of you.


-----Original Message-----
From: kim@... [mailto:kim@...]
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 12:27 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Charming Methods

From: <kim@...>

On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, JasonF wrote:
> It has become apparent in reviewing the last couple of posts in this
> that I'm either not coordinated enough to pull this off or I just need
> practice. I'll try and hit the Orc Cents again and give it another go,
> hell, if I can't even finish off two Orcs without losing half a bubble of
> health, how am I going to fare with Froon and Choon?

Top priority is keeping Accelerando up and staying out of
melee range. Remember, you can try to charm them any time you
want, but you can't run away from them if Accelerando drops.
I usually keep my drum equipped when doing this just for the
added safety margin. (Technically, the magic number is 1.414x
normal running speed. If you can exceed this speed, you can
make a 90 degree turn while they're chasing you and they still
won't be able to catch you.) I've switched to a lute to heal
up maybe 4 or 5 times, but 2 of those attempts have resulted
in me dying. If you have to heal up, chances are you're just
a couple hits away from the point where you start moving
slower, and having a lute equipped then will result in your
death even with Accel.

What I normally do is get them to chase me, run backwards (at
my level with a MM drum, I run much faster backwards than they
can run forward), and wait for a "your feet move faster"
message. When I get that message I know Accel has just been
refreshed and I hit charm. Regardless of whether or not the
charm works, I immediately start Accel again. If the charm
worked, then I give the attack command (if needed). If it
didn't work, I run away some more and Accel should refresh
before it drops. There's enough time to charm twice before
you hit Accel again, but I found myself getting hit with that
"your feet move faster/you slow down" bug too often when
trying that.

Also, I found /pet guard here to be more useful than /pet sit
down. A pet that's sitting will get up and follow you if you
move too far away (or it decides on its own that it'd rather
go somewhere else). If you tell it to guard here, it'll stay
glued there giving you not just the duration of the charm to
get away, but the time it takes the mob to close the distance
with you.

John H. Kim

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