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Message ID: 997
Date: Fri May 21 20:34:15 BST 1999
Author: John Kim
Subject: Re: Magic weapons and throwing daggers and stuff

On Fri, 21 May 1999 RON_TALBOT@... wrote:
> 1. Thanks for all the feedback on the Lull song. Tried it last night
> and it worked great. I'm lazy and hate doing the instrument/weapon
> swap (Unless I'm running that is... a giant can be very motivating :))
> so after I killed one goblin I just renewed the song on the other two
> etc. repeat. It's a fast spell so this is easy.

The spellcasters who have the lull spell will also love you
for it because it frees them up from having to "waste" mana
immediately before a battle, and from taking up a potential
"combat" spell slot with a "non-combat" spell.

> 2. I have heard that Wisps can drop great loot (lightstones) but you
> need a magic weapon. What is the easiest/cheapest magic slashing 1h
> weapon that I can lay my hands on?

Easiest is probably buying a combine weapon from any of the
gypsy camps. A combine longsword will cost a bard between
52.5 to 60 pp with 6/28 stats. A combine scimitar is 5/24
(significantly worse) and only 39.9-45pp, and the aftermarket
is slightly bigger since druids can use it. A combine short
sword is around 36.7-42pp at 4/23 (much worse). If you've
been practicing your piercing skill and want the absolte
cheapest, the combine dagger is 3/19 at 31.5-36pp. (Upper
prices are my estimates, lower prices are what I'm charged
with 110 charisma.) You may be able to get a better price
from a player getting rid of his combine weapon. You could
also have a shaman or enchanter cast a spell to enhance your
charisma to get a better price (which as someone else noted
becomes well worth it in this price range).

Cheapest is if you can find a player selling a magic weapon.
I hear tentacle whips go for about 20-25pp, but their lifetap
effect screws up bard songs. Most everything else is around
the price of an equivalent combine weapon or higher.
Crookstinger is a magical piercing weapon which is found on
the king (queen?) giant wasp in lesser faydark and supposedly
only L10 or so, but I have yet to hear of anyone seeing this
mob much less getting this item.

Monks can use netted/woven/mesh gloves to make their punches
magical. But I'm hearing conflicting reports as to whether or
not it makes the punches of non-monks magical. Netted gloves
can often be bought for 5gp - 3pp.

> 3. Throwing weapons.... I have been thinking about trying these for
> some time. (Poor mans fetch spell) Can you ever recover the dagger
> after you use it or is it lost for good? Seems expensive if you have
> to replace them every time. (1s+ each) Do they attract the mob even
> if you miss? (funny image of dagger flying past the nose of Mooto the
> Goblin followed by a yawn.)

You cannot recover them. The cost is trivial at higher
levels. At L16, I typically brought in 5-20pp in a night's
play, and rarely used more than 20 shurikens (2+ gp). I think
I spend more on food and water (which is kinda hard to forage
in the desert).

They attract the mob if you miss, but not if your shot is
blocked (by a person, tree, hill, whatever). They are also
useful when you and someone else see a mob at the same time
and race to see who can engage it first to claim it. :-)

John H. Kim