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---- # dbt-utils This package contains macros that can be (re)used across dbt projects. To use these macros, add this package as a dependency in your `dbt_project.yml` file: ```yml repositories: # Be sure to replace VERSION_NUMBER below! - https://github.com/fishtown-analytics/dbt-utils.git@VERSION_NUMBER ``` It's a good practice to "tag" your dependencies with version numbers. You can find the latest release of this package [here](https://github.com/fishtown-analytics/dbt-utils/tags). ## Macros ### Cross-database #### current_timestamp ([source](macros/cross_db_utils/current_timestamp.sql)) This macro returns the current timestamp. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.current_timestamp() }} ``` #### dateadd ([source](macros/cross_db_utils/dateadd.sql)) This macro adds a time/day interval to the supplied date/timestamp. Note: The `datepart` argument is database-specific. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.dateadd(datepart='day', interval=1, from_date_or_timestamp='2017-01-01') }} ``` #### split_part ([source](macros/cross_db_utils/split_part.sql)) This macro adds a time/day interval to the supplied date/timestamp. Note: The `datepart` argument is database-specific. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.split_part(string_text='1,2,3', delimiter_text=',', part_number=1) }} ``` #### date_trunc ([source](macros/cross_db_utils/date_trunc.sql)) Truncates a date or timestamp to the specified datepart. Note: The `datepart` argument is database-specific. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.date_trunc(datepart, date) }} ``` #### last_day ([source](macros/cross_db_utils/last_day.sql)) Gets the last day for a given date and datepart. Notes: - The `datepart` argument is database-specific. - This macro currently only supports dateparts of `month` and `quarter`. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.last_day(date, datepart) }} ``` --- ### Date/Time #### date_spine ([source](macros/datetime/date_spine.sql)) This macro returns the sql required to build a date spine. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.date_spine( datepart="minute", start_date="to_date('01/01/2016', 'mm/dd/yyyy')", end_date="dateadd(week, 1, current_date)" ) }} ``` --- ### Geo #### haversine_distance ([source](macros/geo/haversine_distance.sql)) This macro calculates the [haversine distance](http://daynebatten.com/2015/09/latitude-longitude-distance-sql/) between a pair of x/y coordinates. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.haversine_distance(lat1=,lon1=,lat2=,lon2=) }} ``` --- ### Schema Tests #### equality ([source](macros/schema_tests/equality.sql)) This schema test asserts the equality of two relations. Usage: ``` model_name: constraints: dbt_utils.equality: - ref('other_table_name') ``` #### recency ([source](macros/schema_tests/recency.sql)) This schema test asserts that there is data in the referenced model at least as recent as the defined interval prior to the current timestamp. Usage: ``` model_name: constraints: dbt_utils.recency: - {field: created_at, datepart: day, interval: 1} ``` #### at_least_one ([source](macros/schema_tests/at_least_one.sql)) This schema test asserts if column has at least one value. Usage: ``` model_name: constraints: dbt_utils.at_least_one: - column_name ``` #### not_constant ([source](macros/schema_tests/not_constant.sql)) This schema test asserts if column does not have same value in all rows. Usage: ``` model_name: constraints: dbt_utils.not_constant: - column_name ``` #### cardinality_equality ([source](macros/schema_tests/cardinality_equality.sql)) This schema test asserts if values in a given column have exactly the same cardinality as values from a different column in a different model. Usage: ``` model_name: constraints: dbt_utils.cardinality_equality: - {from: column_name, to: ref('other_model_name'), field: other_column_name} ``` --- ### SQL helpers #### get_column_values ([source](macros/sql/get_column_values.sql)) This macro returns the unique values for a column in a given table. Usage: ``` -- Returns a list of the top 50 states in the `users` table {% set states = dbt_utils.get_column_values(table=ref('users'), column='state', max_records=50) %} {% for state in states %} ... {% endfor %} ... ``` #### get_tables_by_prefix ([source](macros/sql/get_tables_by_prefix.sql)) This macro returns a list of tables that match a given prefix, with an optional exclusion pattern. It's particularly handy paired with `union_tables`. Usage: ``` -- Returns a list of tables that match schema.prefix% {{ set tables = dbt_utils.get_tables_by_prefix('schema', 'prefix')}} -- Returns a list of tables as above, excluding any with underscores {{ set tables = dbt_utils.get_tables_by_prefix('schema', 'prefix', '%_%')}} ``` #### group_by ([source](macros/sql/groupby.sql)) This macro build a group by statement for fields 1...N Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=3) }} --> group by 1,2,3 ``` #### star ([source](macros/sql/star.sql)) This macro generates a `select` statement for each field that exists in the `from` relation. Fields listed in the `except` argument will be excluded from this list. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.star(from=ref('my_model'), except=["exclude_field_1", "exclude_field_2"]) }} ``` #### union_tables ([source](macros/sql/union.sql)) This macro implements an "outer union." The list of tables provided to this macro will be unioned together, and any columns exclusive to a subset of these tables will be filled with `null` where not present. The `column_override` argument is used to explicitly assign the column type for a set of columns. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.union_tables(tables=[ref('table_1'), ref('table_2')], column_override={"some_field": "varchar(100)"}) }} ``` #### generate_series ([source](macros/sql/generate_series.sql)) This macro implements a cross-database mechanism to generate an arbitrarily long list of numbers. Specify the maximum number you'd like in your list and it will create a 1-indexed SQL result set. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.generate_series(upper_bound=1000) }} ``` #### surrogate_key ([source](macros/sql/surrogate_key.sql)) Implements a cross-database way to generate a hashed surrogate key using the fields specified. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.surrogate_key('field_a', 'field_b'[,...]) }} ``` #### pivot ([source](macros/sql/pivot.sql)) This macro pivots values from rows to columns. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.pivot(, ) }} ``` Example: Input: public.test | size | color | |------|-------| | S | red | | S | blue | | S | red | | M | red | select size, {{ dbt_utils.pivot('color', dbt_utils.get_column_values('public.test', 'color')) }} from public.test group by size Output: | size | red | blue | |------|-----|------| | S | 2 | 1 | | M | 1 | 0 | Arguments: - column: Column name, required - values: List of row values to turn into columns, required - alias: Whether to create column aliases, default is True - agg: SQL aggregation function, default is sum - cmp: SQL value comparison, default is = - prefix: Column alias prefix, default is blank - suffix: Column alias postfix, default is blank - then_value: Value to use if comparison succeeds, default is 1 - else_value: Value to use if comparison fails, default is 0 --- ### Web #### get_url_parameter ([source](macros/web/get_url_parameter.sql)) This macro extracts a url parameter from a column containing a url. Usage: ``` {{ dbt_utils.get_url_parameter(field='page_url', url_parameter='utm_source') }} ``` ---- ### Getting started with dbt - [What is dbt]? - Read the [dbt viewpoint] - [Installation] - Join the [chat][slack-url] on Slack for live questions and support. ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the dbt project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the [PyPA Code of Conduct]. [PyPA Code of Conduct]: https://www.pypa.io/en/latest/code-of-conduct/ [slack-url]: http://ac-slackin.herokuapp.com/ [Installation]: https://dbt.readme.io/docs/installation [What is dbt]: https://dbt.readme.io/docs/overview [dbt viewpoint]: https://dbt.readme.io/docs/viewpoint