import snowflake.snowpark.functions as F from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, balanced_accuracy_score import io from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from joblib import dump, load import joblib import logging import sys from joblib import dump, load logger = logging.getLogger("mylog") def save_file(session, model, path, dest_filename): input_stream = io.BytesIO() joblib.dump(model, input_stream) session._conn.upload_stream(input_stream, path, dest_filename) return "successfully created file: " + path def model(dbt, session): dbt.config( packages = ['numpy','scikit-learn','pandas','numpy','joblib','cachetools'], materialized = "table", tags = "train" ) # Create a stage in Snowflake to save our model file session.sql('create or replace stage MODELSTAGE').collect() #session._use_scoped_temp_objects = False version = "1.0"'Model training version: ' + version) # read in our training and testing upstream dataset test_train_df = dbt.ref("training_testing_dataset") # cast snowpark df to pandas df test_train_pd_df = test_train_df.to_pandas() target_col = "POSITION_LABEL" # split out covariate predictors, x, from our target column position_label, y. split_X = test_train_pd_df.drop([target_col], axis=1) split_y = test_train_pd_df[target_col] # Split out our training and test data into proportions X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(split_X, split_y, train_size=0.7, random_state=42) train = [X_train, y_train] test = [X_test, y_test] # now we are only training our one model to deploy # we are keeping the focus on the workflows and not algorithms for this lab! model = LogisticRegression() # fit the preprocessing pipeline and the model together, y_train) y_pred = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1] predictions = [round(value) for value in y_pred] balanced_accuracy = balanced_accuracy_score(y_test, predictions) # Save the model to a stage save_file(session, model, "@MODELSTAGE/driver_position_"+version, "driver_position_"+version+".joblib" )'Model artifact:' + "@MODELSTAGE/driver_position_"+version+".joblib") # Take our pandas training and testing dataframes and put them back into snowpark dataframes snowpark_train_df = session.write_pandas(pd.concat(train, axis=1, join='inner'), "train_table", auto_create_table=True, create_temp_table=True) snowpark_test_df = session.write_pandas(pd.concat(test, axis=1, join='inner'), "test_table", auto_create_table=True, create_temp_table=True) # Union our training and testing data together and add a column indicating train vs test rows return snowpark_train_df.with_column("DATASET_TYPE", F.lit("train")).union(snowpark_test_df.with_column("DATASET_TYPE", F.lit("test")))