#!/bin/bash # Filename: proxy_config.sh # By: Dan Burkland # Date: 2015-12-23 # Purpose: The purpose of this script is to add the appropriate proxy configuration lines # to the 1) "/root/docker/harvest/{bashrc,Dockerfile}" files which will be used to # build the NetApp Harvest docker container # 2) "/etc/sysconfig/Docker" file which controls the Docker service on the host. # The configuration file in list item #2 is only present in CentOS & Red Hat Enteprise Linux (RHEL) # so its path my vary depending on the Docker host's Linux distribution. This script has been # tested against CentOS/RHEL 6.7+/7.0+ and SUSE Linux 12.0+. # Variables HARVEST_BUILDDIR="/root/docker/harvest" PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS="$1" if [ ! $1 ]; then # If a Proxy server URL is not specified exit with error echo "Usage: $0 PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS" echo "" echo "Example: $0" exit 1 else # Add appropriate configuraiton options to ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/bashrc echo "Adding the appropriate proxy configuration lines to ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/bashrc..." sed -i "s/#PROXY_PLACEHOLDER1/export http_proxy=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nexport HTTP_PROXY=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nexport https_proxy=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nexport HTTPS_PROXY=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}/g" ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/bashrc sed -i "s/#PROXY_PLACEHOLDER1/export http_proxy=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nexport HTTP_PROXY=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nexport https_proxy=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nexport HTTPS_PROXY=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}/g" ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/netapp_harvest_automated_setup # Add appropriate configuraiton options to ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/Dockerfile echo "Adding the appropriate proxy configuration lines to ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/Dockerfile..." sed -i "s/#PROXY_PLACEHOLDER1/ENV http_proxy http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nENV HTTP_PROXY http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nENV https_proxy https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nENV HTTPS_PROXY https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}/g" ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/Dockerfile sed -i "s/#PROXY_PLACEHOLDER2/ENV http_proxy \"\"\nENV HTTP_PROXY \"\"\nENV https_proxy \"\"\nENV HTTPS_PROXY \"\"/g" ${HARVEST_BUILDDIR}/Dockerfile if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then # SUSE-based Distribution DOCKERCONF="/etc/sysconfig/docker" echo "Adding the appropriate proxy configuration lines to ${DOCKERCONF}..." echo -e "HTTP_PROXY=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nHTTPS_PROXY=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}/g" >> ${DOCKERCONF} echo "Restarting the Docker service to apply the recent configuration change..." /bin/systemctl restart docker elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Debian-based Distribution DOCKERCONF="/etc/defaults/docker.io" echo "Adding the appropriate proxy configuration lines to ${DOCKERCONF}..." echo -e "http_proxy=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nHTTP_PROXY=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nhttps_proxy=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nHTTPS_PROXY=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}/g" >> ${DOCKERCONF} echo "Restarting the Docker service to apply the recent configuration change..." if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then /bin/systemctl restart docker else service docker.io restart fi elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # RHEL-based Distribution DOCKERCONF="/etc/sysconfig/docker" echo "Adding the appropriate proxy configuration lines to ${DOCKERCONF}..." echo -e "HTTP_PROXY=http:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}\nHTTPS_PROXY=https:\/\/${PROXY_SERVER_ADDRESS}/g" >> ${DOCKERCONF} echo "Restarting the Docker service to apply the recent configuration change..." if [ -f /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl restart docker else /etc/init.d/docker restart fi fi fi