/* * QolSys IQ Alarm Panel Driver * * Copyright 2021 Don Caton * * Based on research and code from the following members of * the HomeAssistant community (https://community.home-assistant.io/) * @mzac * @crazeeeyez * @Smwoodward * * My apologies if I have inadvertently omitted anyone. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change Log: * 2021-11-24: Initial version * 2021-12-16: Better handling and retry logic if panel is unreachable * */ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.transform.Field metadata { definition (name: 'QolSys IQ Alarm Panel', namespace: 'dcaton-qolsysiqpanel', author: 'Don Caton', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcaton/Hubitat/main/QolSysIQPanel/QolSysIQ-Panel.groovy') { capability 'Initialize' capability 'Refresh' capability 'Actuator' command 'armStay', [[name: 'partition_id', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Partition number to arm', constraints: [0, 1, 2, 3] ], [name: 'bypass', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Bypass open or faulted sensors', constraints: ['No', 'Yes']], [name: 'user_code', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'User code (optional if panel is configured to arm without a user code' ]] command 'armAway', [[name: 'partition_id', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Partition number to arm', constraints: [0, 1, 2, 3] ], [name: 'bypass', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Bypass open or faulted sensors', constraints: ['No', 'Yes']], [name:'exitDelay*', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Exit delay in seconds'], [name: 'user_code', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'User code (optional if panel is configured to arm without a user code' ]] command 'disarm', [[name: 'partition_id', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Partition number to arm', constraints: [0, 1, 2, 3] ], [name: 'user_code*', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'User code to disarm' ]] command 'alarm', [[name: 'partition_id', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Partition number to arm', constraints: [0, 1, 2, 3] ], [name: 'alarmType', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Trigger an alarm condition', constraints: ['POLICE', 'FIRE', 'AUXILIARY'] ]] attribute 'Alarm_Mode_Partition_0', 'enum', ['DISARM', 'ENTRY_DELAY', 'EXIT_DELAY', 'ARM_STAY', 'ARM_AWAY', 'ALARM_POLICE', 'ALARM_FIRE', 'ALARM_AUXILIARY'] attribute 'Alarm_Mode_Partition_1', 'enum', ['DISARM', 'ENTRY_DELAY', 'EXIT_DELAY', 'ARM_STAY', 'ARM_AWAY', 'ALARM_POLICE', 'ALARM_FIRE', 'ALARM_AUXILIARY'] attribute 'Alarm_Mode_Partition_2', 'enum', ['DISARM', 'ENTRY_DELAY', 'EXIT_DELAY', 'ARM_STAY', 'ARM_AWAY', 'ALARM_POLICE', 'ALARM_FIRE', 'ALARM_AUXILIARY'] attribute 'Alarm_Mode_Partition_3', 'enum', ['DISARM', 'ENTRY_DELAY', 'EXIT_DELAY', 'ARM_STAY', 'ARM_AWAY', 'ALARM_POLICE', 'ALARM_FIRE', 'ALARM_AUXILIARY'] attribute 'Entry_Delay_Partition_0', 'number' attribute 'Entry_Delay_Partition_1', 'number' attribute 'Entry_Delay_Partition_2', 'number' attribute 'Entry_Delay_Partition_3', 'number' attribute 'Exit_Delay_Partition_0', 'number' attribute 'Exit_Delay_Partition_1', 'number' attribute 'Exit_Delay_Partition_2', 'number' attribute 'Exit_Delay_Partition_3', 'number' attribute 'Error_Partition_0', 'string' attribute 'Error_Partition_1', 'string' attribute 'Error_Partition_2', 'string' attribute 'Error_Partition_3', 'string' } } List modeNames = [] location.getModes().each { modeNames.add(it.name) }; preferences { input('panelip', 'string', title: 'Alarm Panel IP Address', description: '(IPv4 address in form of', required: true) input('accessToken', 'string', title: 'Alarm Panel Access Token', description: '', required: true) input( type: 'enum', name: 'DisarmMode', title: 'Set HE mode when alarm is disarmed', required: false, multiple: false, options: modeNames ) input( type: 'enum', name: 'ArmStayMode', title: 'Set HE Mode when alarm is armed stay', required: false, multiple: false, options: modeNames ) input( type: 'enum', name: 'ArmAwayMode', title: 'Set HE mode when alarm is armed away', required: false, multiple: false, options: modeNames ) input( type: 'bool', name: 'AllowArmAndDisarm', title: 'Allow HE to send arming and disarming commands', required: false, defaultValue: false ) input( type: 'bool', name: 'AllowTriggerAlarm', title: 'Allow HE to trigger an alarm condition', required: false, defaultValue: false ) input 'logInfo', 'bool', title: 'Show Info Logs?', required: false, defaultValue: true input 'logWarn', 'bool', title: 'Show Warning Logs?', required: false, defaultValue: true input 'logDebug', 'bool', title: 'Show Debug Logs?', description: 'Only leave on when required', required: false, defaultValue: true input 'logTrace', 'bool', title: 'Show Detailed Logs?', description: 'Only leave on when required', required: false, defaultValue: true } @Field static final String drvThis = 'QolSys IQ Alarm Panel' @Field static final String drvDoorWindow = 'QolSys IQ Door/Window Sensor' @Field static final String drvSmoke = 'QolSys IQ Smoke Detector' @Field static final String drvMotion = 'QolSys IQ Motion Sensor' @Field static final String drvWater = 'QolSys IQ Water Sensor' @Field static final String drvCO = 'QolSys IQ Carbon Monoxide Detector' @Field static final String drvGlass = 'QolSys IQ Glass Break Sensor' @Field static final String drvPendant = 'QolSys IQ Auxiliary Pendant' @Field static final String drvTakeover = 'QolSys IQ Takeover Module' @Field static String partialMessage = '' @Field static Integer checkInterval = 600 @Field static Integer clearsocketInterval = 25 // // Commands // def installed() { logTrace('installed()') updated() runIn(1800, logsOff) } def uninstalled() { logTrace('uninstalled()') unschedule() interfaces.rawSocket.close() } def updated() { logTrace('updated()') initialize() refresh() } def configure() { logTrace('configure()') unschedule() } def initialize() { logTrace('initialize()') unschedule() interfaces.rawSocket.close(); state.clear() partialMessage = ''; if (!panelip) { logError 'IP Address of alarm panel not configured' return } if (!accessToken) { logError 'Alarm panel access token not configured.' return } try { logTrace("attempting to connect to panel at ${panelip}..."); interfaces.rawSocket.connect(panelip, 12345, 'byteInterface': false, 'secureSocket': true, 'ignoreSSLIssues': true, 'convertReceivedDataToString': true; state.lastMessageReceivedAt = now(); runIn(checkInterval, "connectionCheck"); runIn(clearsocketInterval, "clearsocketerror"); refresh(); // if panel was offline, we need to know its current state } catch (e) { logError( "${panelip} initialize error: ${e.message}" ) runIn(60, "initialize"); } } def refresh() { logTrace('refresh()') def msg = '{ "nonce": "", "action": "INFO", "info_type": "SUMMARY", "version": 1, "source": "C4", "token": "' + accessToken + '"}' sendCommand(msg) } def armStay( String partition_id, String bypass, BigDecimal user_code = 0 ) { logTrace( "armStay partition ${partition_id}" ) if (checkAllowArming() && checkSecureArming(partition_id, user_code) && checkPartition(partition_id)) { def msg = _createArmCommand( partition_id, "ARM_STAY", user_code, 0, bypass); processEvent( "Error_Partition_${partition_id}", "(No error)" ); sendCommand(msg); } } def armAway( String partition_id, String bypass, BigDecimal delay, BigDecimal user_code = 0 ) { logTrace( "armAway partition ${partition_id}" ) if (checkAllowArming() && checkSecureArming(partition_id, user_code) && checkPartition(partition_id)) { def msg = _createArmCommand( partition_id, "ARM_AWAY", user_code, delay, bypass); processEvent( "Error_Partition_${partition_id}", "(No error)" ); sendCommand(msg); } } def disarm( String partition_id, BigDecimal user_code ) { logTrace( "disarm partition ${partition_id} usercode ${user_code}" ) if (!user_code) { logError( 'Alarm panel user code not specified. You cannot disarm the system without a user code.') return } if (checkAllowArming() && checkPartition(partition_id)) { def msg = _createArmCommand( partition_id, "DISARM", user_code); processEvent( "Error_Partition_${partition_id}", "(No error)" ); sendCommand(msg); } } def alarm( String partition_id, String alarm_type ) { logTrace( "initiate alarm ${alarm_type}, partition ${partition_id}" ) if (! (Boolean)settings.AllowTriggerAlarm) { logError( "AllowTriggerAlarm setting must be enabled in order to initiate an alarm.") return; } if (checkPartition(partition_id)) { def msg = '{ "nonce": "", "action": "ALARM", "alarm_type": "' + alarm_type + '", "version": 1, "source": "C4", "token": "' + accessToken + '", "partition_id":' + partition_id.toString() + ' }' logTrace( "initiate alarm: ${msg}" ) processEvent( "Error_Partition_${partition_id}", "(No error)" ); sendCommand(msg); } } private boolean checkAllowArming() { def allow = (Boolean)settings.AllowArmAndDisarm; if (! allow) { logError( "AllowArmAndDisarm setting must be enabled in order to use arm and disarm commands.") } return allow; } private boolean checkSecureArming(String partition_id, BigDecimal user_code = 0) { if (getDataValue( "Secure_Arm_Partition_${partition_id}" ) == 'true' && user_code == 0) { logError( "Secure arming enabled for partition ${partition_id}. User code must be specified in order to arm panel.") return false; } return true; } private boolean checkPartition(String partition_id) { if (partition_id.toInteger() >= getDataValue( 'Partitions' ).toInteger()) { logError( "Partition ${partition_id} is not enabled in the alarm panel.") return false; } return true; } private String _createArmCommand( String partition_id, String arming_type, BigDecimal user_code, BigDecimal delay = 0, String bypass = "" ) { def command = '{ "version": 1, "source": "C4", "action": "ARMING", "nonce": "", "token": "' + accessToken + '", "partition_id":' + partition_id.toString() + '", "arming_type": "' + arming_type + '"' ; if (user_code != 0) { command += ', "usercode": "' + user_code.toString() + '"'; } if (arming_type == "ARM_STAY" || arming_type == "ARM_AWAY" ) { command += ', "delay": ' + delay.toString() + ', "bypass": ' + (bypass == "Yes" ? "true" : "false"); } command += '}'; return command } // // Socket stuff // def socketStatus(String message) { if (message == "receive error: String index out of range: -1") { // This is some error condition that repeats every 15ms. // Probably a bug in the rawsocket code. Close the connection to prevent // the log being flooded with error messages. interfaces.rawSocket.close(); logError( "socketStatus: ${message}"); logError( "Closing connection to alarm panel" ); } else if (message != "receive error: Read timed out") { // Timeouts don't seem to hurt anything and just clutter up the logs // The alarm panel may not send any data for several minutes, especially // if nothing is happening (doors opening/closing, etc.) logError( "socketStatus: ${message}") } } def parse(message) { state.lastMessageReceived = new Date(now()).toString(); state.lastMessageReceivedAt = now(); if (message.length() > 0) { logDebug("parse() received ${message.length()} bytes : '${message}'") if (message.length() >= 3 && message.substring(0,3) == 'ACK') { // This is sent by the panel when a command has been received partialMessage = ''; logDebug("'ACK' received"); } else { if (partialMessage != null && partialMessage.length() > 0) { message = partialMessage + message } try { def payload = new JsonSlurper().parseText(message) logDebug("json: ${payload}") switch (payload.event) { case 'INFO': switch (payload.info_type) { case 'SUMMARY': logInfo('Summary Info received') processSummary(payload) break default: logError("Unhandled INFO message: ${message}") break } break case 'ZONE_EVENT': switch (payload.zone_event_type) { case 'ZONE_UPDATE': logInfo("Zone update received: ${payload.zone.name}, ${payload.zone.status}") processZoneUpdate(payload.zone) break case 'ZONE_ACTIVE': logInfo("Zone active received: ${payload.zone.zone_id}, ${payload.zone.status}") processZoneActive(payload.zone) break default: logError("Unhandled ZONE_EVENT message: ${message}") break } break case'ARMING': logInfo("Arming event received: ${payload.arming_type}") processEvent( "Alarm_Mode_Partition_${payload.partition_id}", payload.arming_type ) switch (payload.arming_type) { case 'EXIT_DELAY': processEvent( "Exit_Delay_Partition_${payload.partition_id}", payload.delay ) break; case 'ENTRY_DELAY': processEvent( "Entry_Delay_Partition_${payload.partition_id}", payload.delay ) break; case 'DISARM': processEvent( "Entry_Delay_Partition_${payload.partition_id}", 0 ) setHEMode( payload.arming_type, DisarmMode ) break case 'ARM_STAY': setHEMode( payload.arming_type, ArmStayMode ) break case 'ARM_AWAY': processEvent( "Exit_Delay_Partition_${payload.partition_id}", 0 ) setHEMode( payload.arming_type, ArmAwayMode ) break default: logError("Unhandled ARMING message: ${message}") break; } break case'ALARM': logInfo("Alarm event received: ${payload.alarm_type}") // payload.alarm_type can be "POLICE", "FIRE" OR "AUXILIARY" // If it's empty, append "INTRUSION" // Note there is no distinction made between an audible and silent alarm, // or an alarm initiated by a sensor vs an alarm initiated on the keypad processEvent( "Alarm_Mode_Partition_${payload.partition_id}", "ALARM_" + payload.alarm_type ) break case 'ERROR': logInfo("Error received: '${payload.error_type}' '${payload.description}'"); processEvent( "Error_Partition_${payload.partition_id}", "${payload.error_type}: ${payload.description}" ) break; default: logError("Unhandled message: ${message}") } partialMessage = '' } catch (ex) { // can't parse into json, probably a partial message that fills the socket buffer logDebug("storing partial message '${message}'") partialMessage = message } } } } def clearsocketerror() { interfaces.rawSocket.sendMessage('\n') runIn(clearsocketInterval, "clearsocketerror") } def connectionCheck() { def now = now(); if ( now - state.lastMessageReceivedAt > (checkInterval * 1000)) { logError("no messages received in ${(now - state.lastMessageReceivedAt)/60000} minutes, reconnecting..."); initialize(); } else { logDebug("connectionCheck ok"); runIn(checkInterval, "connectionCheck"); } } // // Internal stuff // private setHEMode(event, mode) { if (mode != null) { if (location.getModes().find { e -> e.name == mode } ) { location.setMode(mode) logInfo( "Set mode to ${mode}") } else { logError( "${event} attempting to set non-existing mode ${mode}; please update configuration for this device"); } } } private sendCommand(String s) { logDebug("sendCommand ${s}") interfaces.rawSocket.sendMessage(s) } private processSummary(payload) { logTrace 'processSummary' updateDataValue( 'Partitions', payload.partition_list.size().toString() ) def partitions = payload.partition_list.size() > 1 payload.partition_list.each { try { processEvent( "Alarm_Mode_Partition_${it.partition_id}", it.status ) updateDataValue( "Secure_Arm_Partition_${it.partition_id}", it.secure_arm.toString() ) updateDataValue( "Partition ${it.partition_id} Name", it.name ) state.unrecognizedDevices = "false"; def partition = it def zoneList = it.zone_list zoneList.each { if ( it.type == 'Door_Window' ) { createChildDevice( drvDoorWindow, it, partition, partitions ) } else if ( it.type == 'GlassBreak' | it.type == 'Panel Glass Break' ) { createChildDevice( drvGlass, it, partition, partitions ) } else if ( it.type == 'SmokeDetector' | it.type == 'Smoke_M' | it.type == 'Heat' ) { createChildDevice( drvSmoke, it, partition, partitions ) } else if ( it.type == 'CODetector' ) { createChildDevice( drvCO, it, partition, partitions ) } else if ( it.type == 'Motion' | it.type == 'Panel Motion' ) { createChildDevice( drvMotion, it, partition, partitions ) } else if ( it.type == 'Water' ) { createChildDevice( drvWater, it, partition, partitions ) } else if ( it.type == 'Auxiliary Pendant' ) { createChildDevice( drvPendant, it, partition, partitions ) } else if ( it.type == 'TakeoverModule' ) { createChildDevice( drvTakeover, it, partition, partitions ) } else { logError("Unhandled device type ${it.type}") state.unrecognizedDevices = "true"; } } def partitionId = it.partition_id logDebug( 'Searching for orphaned devices...' ) getChildDevices().each { def zoneid = it.id if (it.partition_id == partitionId && zoneList?.find { it.id = zoneid } == null ) { logInfo( "Deleting orphaned device ${it.deviceNetworkId}" ) deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } } } catch (e) { logError('Error in processSummary(): ${e.message}') } } } private createChildDevice(deviceName, zone, partition, partitions) { def dni = "${device.deviceNetworkId}-z${zone.zone_id}" def name = (partitions ? partition.name + ': ' : '') + zone.name try { def currentchild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == dni }; if (currentchild == null) { log.debug "Creating child device '${deviceName}' dni: '${dni}'" currentchild = addChildDevice('dcaton-qolsysiqpanel', deviceName, dni, [name: deviceName /* "${zone.name}" */, label: name, isComponent: true]) } else { log.debug "Updating existing child device '${deviceName}' dni: '${dni}'" } currentchild.updateDataValue('id', zone.id.toString()) currentchild.updateDataValue('type', zone.type) currentchild.updateDataValue('name', zone.name) currentchild.updateDataValue('group', zone.group) currentchild.updateDataValue('zone_id', zone.zone_id.toString()) currentchild.updateDataValue('zone_physical_type', zone.zone_physical_type.toString()) currentchild.updateDataValue('zone_alarm_type', zone.zone_alarm_type.toString()) currentchild.updateDataValue('zone_type', zone.zone_type.toString()) currentchild.updateDataValue('partition_id', zone.partition_id.toString() + " (${partition.name})") currentchild.ProcessZoneUpdate(zone) } catch (e) { logError("Error creating or updating child device '${dni}': ${e.message}") } } private processZoneActive(zone) { logTrace 'processZoneActive' def dni = "${device.deviceNetworkId}-z${zone.zone_id}" try { def currentchild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == dni }; currentchild.ProcessZoneActive(zone) } catch (e) { logError("child device ${dni} not found! Refreshing device list, ${e.message}") refresh() } } private processZoneUpdate(zone) { logTrace 'processZoneUpdate' def dni = "${device.deviceNetworkId}-z${zone.zone_id}" try { def currentchild = getChildDevices()?.find { it.deviceNetworkId == dni }; currentchild.ProcessZoneUpdate(zone) } catch (e) { logError("child device ${dni} not found! Refreshing device list, ${e.message}") refresh() } } private processEvent( Variable, Value ) { if ( state."${ Variable }" != Value ) { state."${ Variable }" = Value logDebug( "Event: ${ Variable } = ${ Value }" ) sendEvent( name: "${ Variable }", value: Value, isStateChanged: true ) } } // // Logging helpers // def logsOff() { log.warn 'logging disabled...' device.updateSetting('logInfo', [value:'false', type:'bool']) device.updateSetting('logWarn', [value:'false', type:'bool']) device.updateSetting('logDebug', [value:'false', type:'bool']) device.updateSetting('logTrace', [value:'false', type:'bool']) } void logDebug(String msg) { if ((Boolean)settings.logDebug != false) { log.debug "${drvThis}: ${msg}" } } void logInfo(String msg) { if ((Boolean)settings.logInfo != false) { log.info "${drvThis}: ${msg}" } } void logTrace(String msg) { if ((Boolean)settings.logTrace != false) { log.trace "${drvThis}: ${msg}" } } void logWarn(String msg, boolean force = false) { if (force || (Boolean)settings.logWarn != false) { log.warn "${drvThis}: ${msg}" } } void logError(String msg) { log.error "${drvThis}: ${msg}" }