current_component == $bp->groups->slug; if ( $is_group_component ) { $type = 'group'; } return $type; } /** * Set the doc slug when we are viewing a group doc * * @since 1.0-beta */ function get_doc_slug( $slug ) { global $bp; // BP 1.2/1.3 compatibility $is_group_component = function_exists( 'bp_is_current_component' ) ? bp_is_current_component( 'groups' ) : $bp->current_component == $bp->groups->slug; if ( $is_group_component ) { if ( !empty( $bp->action_variables[0] ) ) $slug = $bp->action_variables[0]; } // Cache in the $bp global $bp->bp_docs->doc_slug = $slug; return $slug; } /** * Get the current view type when the item type is 'group' * * @since 1.0-beta */ function get_current_view( $view, $item_type ) { global $bp, $wp_rewrite; if ( $item_type == 'group' ) { if ( empty( $bp->action_variables[0] ) || ( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() && $wp_rewrite->pagination_base == $bp->action_variables[0] ) ) { // An empty $bp->action_variables[0] means that you're looking at a list. // A url like group-slug/docs/page/3 also means you're looking at a list. $view = 'list'; } else if ( $bp->action_variables[0] == BP_DOCS_CATEGORY_SLUG ) { // Category view $view = 'category'; } else if ( $bp->action_variables[0] == BP_DOCS_CREATE_SLUG ) { // Create new doc $view = 'create'; } else if ( empty( $bp->action_variables[1] ) ) { // $bp->action_variables[1] is the slug for this doc. If there's no // further chunk, then we're attempting to view a single item $view = 'single'; } else if ( !empty( $bp->action_variables[1] ) && $bp->action_variables[1] == BP_DOCS_EDIT_SLUG ) { // This is an edit page $view = 'edit'; } else if ( !empty( $bp->action_variables[1] ) && $bp->action_variables[1] == BP_DOCS_DELETE_SLUG ) { // This is an delete request $view = 'delete'; } else if ( !empty( $bp->action_variables[1] ) && $bp->action_variables[1] == BP_DOCS_HISTORY_SLUG ) { // This is an delete request $view = 'history'; } } return $view; } /** * Filter the query args * * When looking at a group, this filters the group */ function pre_query_args( $query_args, $bp_docs_query ) { if ( ! is_null( $bp_docs_query->query_args['group_id'] ) ) { $query_args['tax_query'][] = self::tax_query_arg_for_groups( $bp_docs_query->query_args['group_id'] ); } return $query_args; } /** * Generate the tax_query param for limiting to groups. * * @since 1.6.0 * * @param int|array $group_ids IDs of groups. * @return array */ public static function tax_query_arg_for_groups( $group_ids ) { $group_ids = wp_parse_id_list( $group_ids ); if ( array() === $group_ids ) { $group_terms = get_terms( bp_docs_get_associated_item_tax_name(), array( 'fields' => 'ids', 'update_term_meta_cache' => false, ) ); if ( ! empty( $group_terms ) ) { $arg = array( 'taxonomy' => bp_docs_get_associated_item_tax_name(), 'field' => 'id', 'operator' => 'NOT IN', 'terms' => $group_terms, ); } else { $arg = array(); } } else { $terms = array(); foreach ( $group_ids as $gid ) { $terms[] = bp_docs_get_term_slug_from_group_id( $gid ); } if ( empty( $terms ) ) { $terms = array( 0 ); } $arg = array( 'taxonomy' => bp_docs_get_associated_item_tax_name(), 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $terms, ); } return $arg; } /** * Gets the list of terms used by a group's docs * * At the moment, this method (and the next one) assumes that you want the terms of the * current group. At some point, that should be abstracted a bit. * * @since 1.0-beta * * @return array $terms */ function get_group_terms( $terms = array() ) { global $bp; // Either it's a group directory... if ( ! $group_id = bp_get_current_group_id() ) { // ... or a single doc associated with a group... if ( bp_docs_is_existing_doc() ) { $doc = get_post(); $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc->ID, $doc ); } } if ( ! $group_id ) { return $terms; } $query_args = array( 'post_type' => bp_docs_get_post_type_name(), 'update_meta_cache' => false, 'update_term_cache' => true, 'showposts' => '-1', 'posts_per_page' => '-1', 'tax_query' => array( self::tax_query_arg_for_groups( $group_id ), ), ); $group_doc_query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); $terms = array(); foreach ( $group_doc_query->posts as $p ) { $p_terms = wp_get_post_terms( $p->ID, buddypress()->bp_docs->docs_tag_tax_name ); foreach ( $p_terms as $p_term ) { if ( ! isset( $terms[ $p_term->slug ] ) ) { $terms[ $p_term->slug ] = array( 'name' => $p_term->name, 'posts' => array(), ); } if ( ! in_array( $p->ID, $terms[ $p_term->slug ]['posts'] ) ) { $terms[ $p_term->slug ]['posts'][] = $p->ID; } } } foreach ( $terms as &$t ) { $t['count'] = count( $t['posts'] ); } if ( empty( $terms ) ) { $terms = array(); } return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_taxonomy_get_group_terms', $terms ); } /** * Saves the list of terms used by a group's docs * * No longer used. * * @since 1.0-beta * * @param array $terms The terms to be saved to groupmeta */ function save_group_terms( $terms ) {} /** * Check that the user saving the doc can associate the doc with a group, * when applicable. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param array $args The parameters for the doc about to be saved. */ public function pre_save_check_group_association( $result, $args ) { // Check whether the user can associate the doc with the group. // $args['group_id'] could be null (untouched) or 0, which unsets existing association if ( ! empty( $args['group_id'] ) && ! user_can( $args['author_id'], 'bp_docs_associate_with_group', $args['group_id'] ) ) { $result['error'] = true; $result['message'] = __( 'You are not allowed to associate a Doc with that group.', 'bp-docs' ); $result['redirect'] = 'create'; } return $result; } /** * Update group association for newly saved docs. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param int $id The ID of the recently saved doc. * @param array $args The passed and filtered parameters for the doc * that was just saved. */ public function post_save_set_group_association( $post_id, $args ) { // Add to a group, if necessary if ( ! is_null( $args['group_id'] ) ) { bp_docs_set_associated_group_id( $post_id, $args['group_id'] ); } } /** * Determine whether a user can edit the group doc in question * * @since 1.0-beta * * @param bool $user_can The default perms passed from bp_docs_user_can_edit() * @param str $action At the moment, 'edit', 'manage', 'create', 'read' * @param int $user_id The user id whose perms are being tested * @param int $doc_id Optional. The id of the doc being checked. Defaults to current */ function user_can( $user_can, $action, $user_id, $doc_id = false ) { global $bp, $post; // If a doc_id is provided, check it against the current post before querying if ( $doc_id && isset( $post->ID ) && $doc_id == $post->ID ) { $doc = $post; } if ( empty( $post->ID ) ) $doc = !empty( $bp->bp_docs->current_post ) ? $bp->bp_docs->current_post : false; // Keep on trying to set up a post if ( empty( $doc ) ) $doc = bp_docs_get_current_doc(); // If we still haven't got a post by now, query based on doc id if ( empty( $doc ) && ! empty( $doc_id ) ) { $doc = get_post( $doc_id ); } if ( ! empty( $doc ) ) { $doc_settings = bp_docs_get_doc_settings( $doc->ID ); // Manage settings don't always get set on doc creation, so we need a default if ( empty( $doc_settings['manage'] ) ) $doc_settings['manage'] = 'creator'; // Likewise with view_history if ( empty( $doc_settings['view_history'] ) ) $doc_settings['view_history'] = 'anyone'; // Likewise with read_comments if ( empty( $doc_settings['read_comments'] ) ) $doc_settings['read_comments'] = 'anyone'; } else if ( bp_docs_is_doc_create() && 'manage' == $action ) { // Anyone can do anything during doc creation return true; } // Default to the current group, but get the associated doc if not $group_id = bp_get_current_group_id(); if ( ! $group_id && ! empty( $doc ) ) { $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc->ID, $doc ); $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id ) ); } if ( ! $group_id ) { return $user_can; } switch ( $action ) { case 'associate_with_group' : $group_settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $group_id ); // Provide a default value for legacy backpat if ( empty( $group_settings['can-create'] ) ) { $group_settings['can-create'] = 'member'; } if ( !empty( $group_settings['can-create'] ) ) { switch ( $group_settings['can-create'] ) { case 'admin' : if ( groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) ) $user_can = true; break; case 'mod' : if ( groups_is_user_mod( $user_id, $group_id ) || groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) ) $user_can = true; break; case 'member' : default : if ( groups_is_user_member( $user_id, $group_id ) ) $user_can = true; break; } } break; case 'read' : case 'delete' : // Delete and Edit are the same for the time being case 'edit' : default : // Delete defaults to Edit for now if ( 'delete' == $action ) { $action = 'edit'; } // Make sure there's a default if ( empty( $doc_settings[$action] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $group_id ) ) { $doc_settings[ $action ] = 'group-members'; } else { $doc_settings[ $action ] = 'anyone'; } } switch ( $doc_settings[$action] ) { case 'anyone' : $user_can = true; break; case 'creator' : if ( $doc->post_author == $user_id ) { $user_can = true; } break; case 'group-members' : if ( groups_is_user_member( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $user_can = true; } break; case 'admins-mods' : if ( groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) || groups_is_user_mod( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $user_can = true; } break; case 'no-one' : default : break; // In other words, other types return false } break; } return $user_can; } /** * Creates the markup for the group-specific doc settings * * In the future I'll try to get the markup out of here. Sorry, themers. * * @since 1.0-beta * * @param array $doc_settings Passed along to reduce lookups */ function doc_settings_markup( $doc_settings ) { global $bp; _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.2' ); } public static function get_access_options( $options, $settings_field, $doc_id = 0, $group_id = 0 ) { if ( ! $group_id ) { $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc_id ); } // If this is the Doc creation page, check to see whether a // group id has been passed somewhere if ( empty( $group_id ) ) { if ( isset( $_POST['associated_group_id'] ) ) { $group_id = intval( $_POST['associated_group_id'] ); } else if ( isset( $_GET['associated_group_id'] ) ) { $group_id = intval( $_GET['associated_group_id'] ); } else if ( isset( $_GET['group'] ) ) { $maybe_group = BP_Groups_Group::get_id_from_slug( $_GET['group'] ); if ( $maybe_group ) { $group_id = $maybe_group; } } } if ( $group_id && current_user_can( 'bp_docs_associate_with_group', $group_id ) ) { $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => intval( $group_id ) ) ); $options[40] = array( 'name' => 'group-members', 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Members of %s', 'buddypress-docs' ), $group->name ) ); // "Admins and mods" setting only available to admins and mods // Otherwise users end up locking themselves out $group_settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $group_id ); $is_admin = groups_is_user_admin( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group_id ); $is_mod = groups_is_user_mod( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group_id ); if ( $is_admin || $is_mod ) { $options[50] = array( 'name' => 'admins-mods', 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Admins and mods of %s', 'buddypress-docs' ), $group->name ) ); } // Group-associated docs should have the edit/post // permissions limited to group-members by default. If // the group is non-public, set the other permissions // to group-members as well if ( 'public' != $group->status || in_array( $settings_field, array( 'edit', 'post_comments' ) ) ) { // First, unset existing defaults foreach ( $options as &$option ) { $option['default'] = 0; } $options[40]['default'] = 1; } } return $options; } /** * Can a given user associate a doc with a given group? */ public static function user_can_associate_doc_with_group( $user_id, $group_id ) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '1.8', "Use current_user_can( 'bp_docs_associate_with_group' ) instead" ); $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => intval( $group_id ) ) ); // No one can associate anything with a non-existent group if ( empty( $group->name ) ) { return false; } // Site admins can do anything if ( bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) ) { return true; } // Non-group-members can't associate a doc with a group if ( ! groups_is_user_member( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { return false; } // Check against group settings. Default to 'member' // @todo Abstract default settings out better $group_settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $group_id ); $can_create = isset( $group_settings['can-create'] ) ? $group_settings['can-create'] : 'member'; if ( 'admin' == $can_create ) { return (bool) groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ); } else if ( 'mod' == $can_create ) { return groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) || groups_is_user_mod( $user_id, $group_id ); } return true; } /** * Filters the activity action of 'doc created/edited' activity to include the group name * * @since 1.0-beta * * @param str $action The original action text created in BP_Docs_BP_Integration::post_activity() * @param str $user_link An HTML link to the user profile of the editor * @param str $doc_link An HTML link to the doc * @param bool $is_new_doc True if it's a newly created doc, false if it's an edit * @param obj $query The query object from BP_Docs_Query * @return str $action The filtered action text */ function activity_action( $action, $user_link, $doc_link, $is_new_doc, $query ) { $doc_id = isset( $query->doc_id ) ? (int) $query->doc_id : 0; $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc_id ); if ( $group_id ) { $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id ) ); // Don't associate with the group if the group is // hidden if ( 'hidden' === $group->status ) { return $action; } $group_url = bp_get_group_url( $group ); $group_link = '' . esc_html( $group->name ) . ''; if ( $is_new_doc ) { $action = sprintf( __( '%1$s created the doc %2$s in the group %3$s', 'buddypress-docs' ), $user_link, $doc_link, $group_link ); } else { $action = sprintf( __( '%1$s edited the doc %2$s in the group %3$s', 'buddypress-docs' ), $user_link, $doc_link, $group_link ); } } return $action; } /** * Modify activity arguments before saving so newly-created group docs are * added into the group activity stream. * * @since 1.4.6 * * @param array $args Activity arguments * @param obj $query The BP Docs query object * @return array */ public function activity_args( $args, $query ) { global $bp; $doc_id = isset( $query->doc_id ) ? (int) $query->doc_id : 0; $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc_id ); if ( ! empty( $group_id ) ) { $args['component'] = $bp->groups->id; $args['item_id'] = $group_id; } return $args; } /** * Filters the activity action of 'new doc comment' activity to include the group name * * @since 1.0-beta * * @param str $action The original action text created in BP_Docs_BP_Integration::post_activity() * @param str $user_link An HTML link to the user profile of the editor * @param str $comment_link An HTML link to the comment anchor in the doc * @param str $component The canonical component name ('groups', 'profile', etc) * @param int $item The id of the item (in this case, the group to which the doc belongs) * @return str $action The filtered action text */ function comment_activity_action( $action, $user_link, $comment_link, $component, $item ) { if ( 'groups' == $component ) { $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $item ) ); // Don't associate with the group if it's hidden if ( 'hidden' === $group->status ) { return $action; } $group_url = bp_get_group_url( $group ); $group_link = '' . esc_html( $group->name ) . ''; $action = sprintf( __( '%1$s commented on the doc %2$s in the group %3$s', 'buddypress-docs' ), $user_link, $comment_link, $group_link ); } return $action; } /** * Filter the hide_sitewide variable to ensure that hidden/private group activity is hidden * * @since 1.0 * * @param bool $hide_sitewide * @param obj $comment The comment object * @param obj $doc The doc object * @param int $item The id of the item associated with the doc (group_id, user_id, etc) * @param str $component 'groups', etc * @return bool $hide_sitewide */ function hide_sitewide( $hide_sitewide, $comment, $doc, $item, $component ) { global $bp; if ( 'groups' != $component ) return $hide_sitewide; $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $item ) ); $group_status = !empty( $group->status ) ? $group->status : 'public'; // BuddyPress only supports three statuses by default. I'll err on the side of // caution, and let plugin authors use the filter provided. if ( 'public' != $group_status ) { $hide_sitewide = true; } return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_groups_hide_sitewide', $hide_sitewide, $group_status, $group, $comment, $doc, $item, $component ); } /** * Update the groupmeta containing the current group's Docs count. * * Instead of incrementing, which has the potential to be error-prone, I do a fresh query * on each Doc save to get an accurate count. This adds some overhead, but Doc editing is * rare enough that it shouldn't be a huge issue. * * @since 1.0.8 */ function update_doc_count() { global $bp; // If this is not a group Doc, skip it if ( !bp_is_group() ) return; // Get a fresh doc count for the group bp_docs_update_doc_count( bp_get_current_group_id(), 'group' ); } /** * Markup for the Groups on the docs loop * * @since 1.2 */ function groups_th() { // Don't show on single group pages // @todo - When multiple group associations are supported, this should be added if ( bp_is_group() ) { return; } // Don't show on Started or Edited panels, where the info is // presented in the breadcrumb if ( bp_docs_is_started_by() || bp_docs_is_edited_by() ) { return; } ?> on the docs loop * * @since 1.2 */ function groups_td() { global $bp; // Don't show on single group pages // @todo - When multiple group associations are supported, this should be added if ( bp_is_group() ) { return; } // Don't show on Started or Edited panels, where the info is // presented in the breadcrumb if ( bp_docs_is_started_by() || bp_docs_is_edited_by() ) { return; } $groups = (array) bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( get_the_ID(), false, true ); $groups = array_unique( $groups ); // just in case ?> ' . __( 'Unlink from Group', 'buddypress-docs' ) . ''; } } return $links; } /** * On group Doc directories, modify the pagination base so that pagination * works within the directory. * * @since 1.9.0 */ public function filter_bp_docs_page_links_base_url( $base_url, $wp_rewrite_pag_base ) { if ( bp_is_group() ) { $base_url = user_trailingslashit( trailingslashit( bp_docs_get_group_docs_url() ) . $wp_rewrite_pag_base . '/%#%/' ); } else if ( bp_docs_is_mygroups_directory() ) { $base_url = user_trailingslashit( trailingslashit( bp_docs_get_mygroups_link() ) . $wp_rewrite_pag_base . '/%#%/' ); } return $base_url; } /** * Update the current group's last_activity metadata * * @since 1.1.8 */ function update_group_last_active( $doc_id ) { $group = intval( bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc_id ) ); if ( $group ) { groups_update_groupmeta( $group, 'last_activity', bp_core_current_time() ); } } /** * Update group last activy date when a comment is posted to a group Doc. * * @since 1.6.0 * * @param int $comment_id * @param object $comment */ public function update_group_last_active_comment( $comment_id, $comment ) { if ( 1 == $comment->comment_approved ) { $this->update_group_last_active( $comment->comment_post_ID ); } } /** * Show the Doc count in the group tab * * Because of a few annoying facts about the BuddyPress Group Extension API (the way it's * hooked into WP's load order, the fact that it doesn't differentiate between regular * group tabs and Admin subtabs, etc), the only way to do this is through some ugly hackery. * * The function contains a backward compatibility clause, which should only be invoked when * you're coming from an instance of BP Docs that didn't have this feature (or a new group). * * The way that the nav item is keyed in bp_options_nav (i.e. by group slug rather than by * BP_GROUPS_SLUG) means that it probably won't work for BP 1.2.x. It should degrade * gracefully. * * NOTE: This function is currently disabled, because of changes in Docs 1.2+ * @todo Fix * * @since 1.0.8 */ function show_doc_count_in_tab() { global $bp; // Get the group slug, which will be the key for the nav item if ( !empty( $bp->groups->current_group->slug ) ) { $group_slug = $bp->groups->current_group->slug; } else { return; } // This will probably only work on BP 1.3+ $docs_slug = bp_docs_get_docs_slug(); if ( !empty( $bp->bp_options_nav[$group_slug] ) && !empty( $bp->bp_options_nav[$group_slug][ $docs_slug ] ) ) { $current_tab_name = $bp->bp_options_nav[$group_slug][ $docs_slug ]['name']; $doc_count = groups_get_groupmeta( $bp->groups->current_group->id, 'bp-docs-count' ); // For backward compatibility if ( '' === $doc_count ) { BP_Docs_Groups_Integration::update_doc_count(); $doc_count = groups_get_groupmeta( $bp->groups->current_group->id, 'bp-docs-count' ); } $bp->bp_options_nav[$group_slug][ $docs_slug ]['name'] = sprintf( __( '%s %d', 'buddypress-docs' ), $current_tab_name, $doc_count ); } } /** * Make the page title nice and pretty * * @since 1.1.4 * * @param str The title string passed by bp_page_title * @return str The Doc-ified title */ function page_title( $title ) { global $bp; if ( !empty( $bp->action_variables ) ) { $title = explode( ' | ', $title ); // Get rid of the Docs title with Doc count (see buggy // show_doc_count_in_tab()) and replace with Docs array_pop( $title ); $title[] = __( 'Docs', 'buddypress-docs' ); $doc = bp_docs_get_current_doc(); if ( empty( $doc->post_title ) ) { // If post_title is empty, this is a New Doc screen $title[] = __( 'New Doc', 'buddypress-docs' ); } else { // Add the post title $title[] = $doc->post_title; if ( isset( $bp->action_variables[1] ) ) { if ( BP_DOCS_EDIT_SLUG == $bp->action_variables[1] ) { $title[] = __( 'Edit', 'buddypress-docs' ); } else if ( BP_DOCS_HISTORY_SLUG == $bp->action_variables[1] ) { $title[] = __( 'History', 'buddypress-docs' ); } } } $title = implode( ' | ', $title ); } return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_page_title', $title ); } function get_create_link( $link ) { $slug = bp_get_current_group_slug(); if ( $slug && current_user_can( 'bp_docs_associate_with_group', bp_get_current_group_id() ) ) { $link = add_query_arg( 'group', $slug, $link ); } return $link; } /** * Delete transient on doc save */ function delete_transient( $object_id, $terms, $tt_ids, $taxonomy ) { if ( bp_docs_get_associated_item_tax_name() == $taxonomy ) { delete_transient( 'associated_groups-' . $object_id ); } } /** * Renew the last directory cookie if the user is viewing a group's docs library. * * @since 1.9.0 */ public function set_directory_cookie() { global $wp; if ( bp_docs_is_group_docs() ) { bp_docs_set_last_docs_directory_cookie(); } } } /** * Implementation of BP_Group_Extension * * @since 1.0-beta */ if ( class_exists( 'BP_Group_Extension' ) ) : class BP_Docs_Group_Extension extends BP_Group_Extension { var $group_enable; var $settings; var $visibility; var $enable_nav_item; var $enable_create_step; // This is so I can get a reliable group id even during group creation var $maybe_group_id; /** * Constructor * * @since 1.0-beta */ public function __construct() { $bp = buddypress(); $bp_docs_tab_name = bp_docs_get_group_tab_name(); if ( !empty( $bp->groups->current_group->id ) ) $this->maybe_group_id = $bp->groups->current_group->id; else if ( !empty( $bp->groups->new_group_id ) ) $this->maybe_group_id = $bp->groups->new_group_id; else $this->maybe_group_id = false; // Load the bp-docs setting for the group, for easy access $this->settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $this->maybe_group_id ); $this->group_enable = !empty( $this->settings['group-enable'] ) ? true : false; $this->name = !empty( $bp_docs_tab_name ) ? $bp_docs_tab_name : __( 'Docs', 'buddypress-docs' ); $this->slug = bp_docs_get_docs_slug(); $this->enable_create_step = $this->enable_create_step(); $this->create_step_position = 18; $this->nav_item_position = 45; $this->visibility = 'public'; $this->enable_nav_item = $this->enable_nav_item(); /** * In BP 12, the current group is not yet known at __construct time * because the URL parsing hasn't occurred yet. We use a callback that is * accessed later. */ $this->show_tab_callback = array( $this, 'enable_nav_item' ); // Create some default settings if the create step is skipped if ( apply_filters( 'bp_docs_force_enable_at_group_creation', false ) ) { add_action( 'groups_created_group', array( &$this, 'enable_at_group_creation' ) ); } // Backward compatibility for group-based Doc URLs add_action( 'bp_actions', array( $this, 'url_backpat' ) ); $args = array( 'slug' => $this->slug, 'name' => $this->name , 'nav_item_position' => $this->nav_item_position, 'access' => 'anyone', 'show_tab_callback' => $this->show_tab_callback, 'screens' => array( 'edit' => array(), 'create' => array(), 'admin' => array(), ), ); parent::init( $args ); } /** * Show the Create step? * * The main purpose here is to provide a filtered value, so that plugins can choose to * skip the creation step, mainly so that the Docs tab will be enabled by default. * * bp_docs_force_enable_at_group_creation is a more general filter. When true, the creation * step will be disabled AND Docs will be turned off on new group creation. * * @since 1.1.18 * * @return bool */ function enable_create_step() { $enable_step = apply_filters( 'bp_docs_force_enable_at_group_creation', false ) ? false : true; return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_enable_group_create_step', $enable_step ); } /** * Set some default settings for a group * * This function is only called if you're forcing Docs enabling on group creation * * @since 1.1.18 */ function enable_at_group_creation( $group_id ) { $settings = apply_filters( 'bp_docs_default_group_settings', array( 'group-enable' => 1, 'can-create' => 'member' ), $group_id ); groups_update_groupmeta( $group_id, 'bp-docs', $settings ); } /** * Determines what shows up on the BP Docs panel of the Create process * * @since 1.0-beta */ function create_screen( $group_id = null ) { if ( !bp_is_group_creation_step( $this->slug ) ) return false; $this->admin_markup(); wp_nonce_field( 'groups_create_save_' . $this->slug ); } /** * Runs when the create screen is saved * * @since 1.0-beta */ function create_screen_save( $group_id = null ) { global $bp; check_admin_referer( 'groups_create_save_' . $this->slug ); $success = $this->settings_save( $bp->groups->new_group_id ); } /** * Determines what shows up on the BP Docs panel of the Group Admin * * @since 1.0-beta */ function edit_screen( $group_id = null ) { if ( !bp_is_group_admin_screen( $this->slug ) ) return false; $this->admin_markup(); // On the edit screen, we have to provide a save button ?>

slug ); } /** * Runs when the admin panel is saved * * @since 1.0-beta */ function edit_screen_save( $group_id = null ) { if ( !isset( $_POST['save'] ) ) return false; check_admin_referer( 'groups_edit_save_' . $this->slug ); $success = $this->settings_save(); /* To post an error/success message to the screen, use the following */ if ( !$success ) bp_core_add_message( __( 'There was an error saving, please try again', 'buddypress-docs' ), 'error' ); else bp_core_add_message( __( 'Settings saved successfully', 'buddypress-docs' ) ); $redirect_url = bp_groups_get_group_manage_url( bp_get_current_group_id(), bp_groups_get_path_chunks( array( $this->slug ), 'manage' ) ); bp_core_redirect( $redirect_url ); } /** * Saves group settings. Called from edit_screen_save() and create_screen_save() * * @since 1.0-beta */ function settings_save( $group_id = false ) { $success = false; if ( !$group_id ) $group_id = $this->maybe_group_id; $settings = !empty( $_POST['bp-docs'] ) ? $_POST['bp-docs'] : array(); $old_settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $group_id ); // Validate settings to ensure that all values are provided // This is particularly meant for can-create, which is a // checkbox and thus may not show up in the POST array foreach ( $old_settings as $k => $v ) { if ( ! isset( $settings[ $k ] ) ) { $settings[ $k ] = 0; } } if ( $old_settings == $settings ) { // No need to resave settings if they're the same $success = true; } else if ( groups_update_groupmeta( $group_id, 'bp-docs', $settings ) ) { $success = true; } return $success; } /** * Admin markup used on the edit and create admin panels * * @since 1.0-beta */ function admin_markup() { if ( bp_is_group_creation_step( $this->slug ) ) { // Default settings $settings = apply_filters( 'bp_docs_default_group_settings', array( 'group-enable' => 1, 'can-create' => 'member' ) ); } else { $settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $this->maybe_group_id ); } $group_enable = empty( $settings['group-enable'] ) ? false : true; $can_create = empty( $settings['can-create'] ) ? false : $settings['can-create']; ?>


settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $this->group_id ); $this->group_enable = ! empty( $this->settings['group-enable'] ) ? true : false; // The nav item should only be enabled when BP Docs is enabled for the group if ( $this->group_enable ) { if ( !empty( $bp->groups->current_group->status ) && $status = $bp->groups->current_group->status ) { // Docs in public groups are publicly viewable. if ( 'public' == $status ) { $enable_nav_item = true; } else if ( groups_is_user_member( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $bp->groups->current_group->id ) ) { // Docs in private or hidden groups visible only to members $enable_nav_item = true; } } // Super admin override if ( is_super_admin() ) $enable_nav_item = true; } return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_groups_enable_nav_item', $enable_nav_item ); } /** * Loads the display template * * @since 1.0-beta * * @param int $group_id ID of the current group. Available only in BP 2.2+. */ function display( $group_id = null ) { global $bp; // Docs are stored on the root blog if ( !bp_is_root_blog() ) switch_to_blog( BP_ROOT_BLOG ); switch ( $bp->bp_docs->current_view ) { case 'create' : // Todo: Make sure the user has permission to create /** * Load the template tags for the edit screen */ if ( !function_exists( 'wp_tiny_mce' ) ) { bp_docs_define_tiny_mce(); } require_once( BP_DOCS_INCLUDES_PATH . 'templatetags-edit.php' ); $template = 'edit-doc.php'; break; case 'list' : $template = 'docs-loop.php'; break; case 'category' : // Check to make sure the category exists // If not, redirect back to list view with error // Otherwise, get args based on category ID // Then load the loop template break; case 'single' : case 'edit' : case 'delete' : case 'history' : // If this is the edit screen, we won't really be able to use a // regular have_posts() loop in the template, so we'll stash the // post in the $bp global for the edit-specific template tags if ( $bp->bp_docs->current_view == 'edit' ) { if ( bp_docs_has_docs() ) : while ( bp_docs_has_docs() ) : bp_docs_the_doc(); $bp->bp_docs->current_post = $post; // Set an edit lock wp_set_post_lock( $post->ID ); endwhile; endif; /** * Load the template tags for the edit screen */ require_once( BP_DOCS_INCLUDES_PATH . 'templatetags-edit.php' ); } switch ( $bp->bp_docs->current_view ) { case 'single' : $template = 'single/index.php'; break; case 'edit' : $template = 'single/edit.php'; break; case 'history' : $template = 'single/history.php'; break; } // Todo: Maybe some sort of error if there is no edit permission? break; } // Only register on the root blog if ( !bp_is_root_blog() ) restore_current_blog(); $template_path = bp_docs_locate_template( $template ); if ( !empty( $template ) ) include( apply_filters( 'bp_docs_template', $template_path, $this ) ); } function url_backpat() { global $bp, $wpdb; if ( bp_is_group() && bp_is_current_action( 'docs' ) ) { if ( 'single' == $bp->bp_docs->current_view ) { // Look up a Doc by this name $maybe_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = %s LIMIT 1", bp_action_variable( 0 ) ) );; // Redirect to that Doc. Permissions will be handled there if ( $maybe_id ) { bp_core_redirect( bp_docs_get_doc_link( $maybe_id ) ); } } } } /** * Dummy function that must be overridden by this extending class, as per API * * @since 1.0-beta */ function widget_display() { } } endif; // if ( class_exists( 'BP_Group_Extension' ) /************************** * TEMPLATE TAGS **************************/ /** * Builds the subnav for the Docs group tab * * This method is copied from bp_group_admin_tabs(), which itself is a hack for the fact that BP * has no native way to register subnav items on a group tab. Component subnavs (for user docs) will * be properly registered with bp_core_new_subnav_item() * * @since 1.0-beta * * @param obj $group optional The BP group object. */ function bp_docs_group_tabs( $group = false ) { global $bp, $groups_template, $post, $bp_version; if ( !$group ) $group = ( $groups_template->group ) ? $groups_template->group : $bp->groups->current_group; // BP 1.2 - 1.3 support $groups_slug = !empty( $bp->groups->root_slug ) ? $bp->groups->root_slug : $bp->groups->slug; ?> bp_docs->current_view == 'list' ) : ?> class="current"> bp_docs->current_view ) : ?> class="current">
  • post_name ) ) { $doc_slug = $the_post->post_name; } else { return ''; } $group_docs_permalink = bp_docs_get_group_docs_url( bp_get_current_group_id() ); return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_get_doc_permalink', trailingslashit( $group_docs_permalink ) . trailingslashit( $doc_slug ) ); } /** * Is Docs enabled for this group? * * @since 1.1.5 * * @param int $group_id Optional. Defaults to current group, if there is one. * @return bool $docs_is_enabled True if Docs is enabled for the group */ function bp_docs_is_docs_enabled_for_group( $group_id = false ) { global $bp; $docs_is_enabled = false; // If no group_id is provided, use the current group if ( !$group_id ) $group_id = isset( $bp->groups->current_group->id ) ? $bp->groups->current_group->id : false; if ( $group_id ) { $group_settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $group_id ); if ( ! empty( $group_settings['group-enable'] ) ) { $docs_is_enabled = true; } } return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_is_docs_enabled_for_group', $docs_is_enabled, $group_id ); } /** * Get the group associated with a Doc * * In order to be forward-compatible, this function will return an array when more than one group * is found. * * @since 1.1.8 * * @param int $doc_id The id of the Doc * @param obj $doc The Doc post object. If you've already got this, send it along to avoid another * query * @param bool $single_array This is a funky one. If only a single group_id is found, should it be * returned as a singleton array, or as an int? Defaults to the latter. * @return mixed $group_id Either an array or a string of the group id(s) */ function bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc_id, $doc = false, $single_array = false ) { if ( !$doc ) { $doc = get_post( $doc_id ); } if ( !$doc ) { return false; } $post_terms = get_the_terms( $doc_id, bp_docs_get_associated_item_tax_name() ); $group_ids = array(); if ( $post_terms ) { foreach ( $post_terms as $post_term ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $post_term->slug, 'bp_docs_associated_group_' ) ) { $group_id = bp_docs_get_group_id_from_term_slug( $post_term->slug ); if ( $group_id ) { $group_ids[] = $group_id; } } } } if ( !$single_array && ( count( $group_ids ) <= 1 ) ) { $return = implode( ',', $group_ids ); } else { $return = $group_ids; } return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_get_associated_group_id', $return, $doc_id, $doc, $single_array ); } function bp_docs_set_associated_group_id( $doc_id, $group_id = 0 ) { if ( ! empty( $group_id ) ) { $term = bp_docs_get_group_term( $group_id ); } else { $term = array(); } wp_set_post_terms( $doc_id, $term, bp_docs_get_associated_item_tax_name(), false ); } /** * Process group-doc unlinking requests. * Allows group mods & admins to remove docs from groups they moderate. * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param int $doc_id ID of the doc to remove from the group * @param int $group_id ID of the group the doc should be removed from * @return bool true if the term is removed */ function bp_docs_unlink_from_group( $doc_id, $group_id = 0 ) { if ( $group_id ) { $term = bp_docs_get_group_term( $group_id ); } if ( empty( $doc_id ) || empty( $term ) ) { return false; } do_action( 'bp_docs_before_doc_unlink_from_group', $doc_id, $group_id, $term ); $removed = wp_remove_object_terms( $doc_id, $term, bp_docs_get_associated_item_tax_name() ); // wp_remove_object_terms returns true on success, false or WP_Error on failure. $retval = ( $removed == true ) ? true : false; if ( $removed ) { do_action( 'bp_docs_doc_unlinked_from_group', $doc_id, $group_id, $term ); } // If the doc is no longer associated with any group, make sure it doesn't become public. $assoc_group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc_id ); if ( empty( $assoc_group_id ) ) { bp_docs_remove_group_related_doc_access_settings( $doc_id ); } // Recalculate the number of docs in the affected group. if ( $retval ) { bp_docs_update_doc_count( $group_id, 'group' ); } return $retval; } /** * Echo the URL for removing a Doc from a group. * * @since 1.9.0 */ function bp_docs_unlink_from_group_link( $doc_id = false ) { echo bp_docs_get_unlink_from_group_link( $doc_id, $group_id ); } /** * Get the URL for removing a Doc from a group. * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param int $doc_id ID of the Doc. * @param int $group_id ID of the group to unlink from. * @return string URL for Doc unlinking. */ function bp_docs_get_unlink_from_group_link( $doc_id = 0, $group_id = 0 ) { $doc_permalink = bp_docs_get_doc_link( $doc_id ); $unlink_link = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( BP_DOCS_UNLINK_FROM_GROUP_SLUG => '1', 'doc_id' => intval( $doc_id ), 'group_id' => intval( $group_id ), ), $doc_permalink ), 'bp_docs_unlink_from_group' ); return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_get_unlink_from_group_link', $unlink_link, $doc_permalink, $doc_id, $group_id ); } function bp_docs_get_group_term( $group_id ) { $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => intval( $group_id ) ) ); $group_name = isset( $group->name ) ? $group->name : ''; return bp_docs_get_item_term_id( $group_id, 'group', $group_name ); } function bp_docs_get_group_id_from_term_slug( $term_slug ) { $ts = explode( 'bp_docs_associated_group_', $term_slug ); return intval( array_pop( $ts ) ); } function bp_docs_get_term_slug_from_group_id( $group_id ) { return 'bp_docs_associated_group_' . (int) $group_id; } /** * Get the name to show in the group tab * * @since 1.5 * @return string */ function bp_docs_get_group_tab_name() { $name = get_option( 'bp-docs-tab-name' ); if ( empty( $name ) ) { $name = __( 'Docs', 'buddypress-docs' ); } return apply_filters( 'bp_docs_get_group_tab_name', $name ); } /** * Add group information to directory breadcrumbs. * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param array $crumbs * @return array */ function bp_docs_group_directory_breadcrumb( $crumbs ) { if ( bp_is_group() ) { $group_crumbs = array( sprintf( '%s', esc_url( bp_docs_get_group_docs_url() ), sprintf( _x( '%s’s Docs', 'group Docs directory breadcrumb', 'buddypress-docs' ), esc_html( bp_get_current_group_name() ) ) ), ); $crumbs = array_merge( $group_crumbs, $crumbs ); } return $crumbs; } add_filter( 'bp_docs_directory_breadcrumb', 'bp_docs_group_directory_breadcrumb', 2 ); /** * Add group information to individual Doc breadcrumbs. * * Hooked very late to ensure it's the first item on the list. * * @since 1.9.0 * * @param array $crumbs * @return array */ function bp_docs_group_single_breadcrumb( $crumbs, $doc = null ) { $group_id = null; if ( is_a( $doc, 'WP_Post' ) ) { $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc->ID ); } else if ( bp_docs_is_existing_doc() ) { $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( get_queried_object_id() ); } if ( $group_id ) { $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id, ) ); } if ( empty( $group->name ) ) { return $crumbs; } // Ensure that the user has access to the group before adding t othe // breadcrumb $user_has_access = true; if ( 'public' !== $group->status ) { $user_has_access = current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ) || groups_is_user_member( bp_loggedin_user_id(), $group->id ); } if ( $user_has_access ) { $group_crumbs = array( sprintf( '%s', esc_url( bp_docs_get_group_docs_url() ), /* translators: group name */ sprintf( esc_html__( '%s’s Docs', 'buddypress-docs' ), esc_html( $group->name ) ) ), ); $crumbs = array_merge( $group_crumbs, $crumbs ); } else { // If the user doesn't have access to the associated group, // don't show the group folder breadcrumb either $doc_crumb = array_pop( $crumbs ); $crumbs = array( $doc_crumb ); } return $crumbs; } add_action( 'bp_docs_doc_breadcrumbs', 'bp_docs_group_single_breadcrumb', 99, 2 ); /** * Get group's Docs settings. * * We use this wrapper function because of changes in BP 2.0.0 that exposed * some crappy 'bp-docs' to 'bpdocs' conversion. * * @since 1.6.2 * @return array */ function bp_docs_get_group_settings( $group_id ) { $settings = groups_get_groupmeta( $group_id, 'bp-docs' ); if ( '' === $settings ) { $settings = groups_get_groupmeta( $group_id, 'bpdocs' ); } if ( '' === $settings ) { $settings = array(); } $parsed_settings = wp_parse_args( $settings, array( 'group-enable' => 1, 'can-create' => 'member', ) ); return $parsed_settings; } /** * Group-specific meta cap mapping. * * Some bp_docs_ capabilities require referencing group-specific info. We do * this here. * * @since 1.8 */ function bp_docs_groups_map_meta_caps( $caps, $cap, $user_id, $args ) { switch ( $cap ) { case 'bp_docs_read' : case 'bp_docs_edit' : case 'bp_docs_view_history' : case 'bp_docs_manage' : case 'bp_docs_read_comments' : case 'bp_docs_post_comments' : $doc = bp_docs_get_doc_for_caps( $args ); if ( empty( $doc ) ) { break; } $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( $doc->ID, $doc ); // If not associated with a group, nothing to do here if ( ! $group_id ) { break; } if ( user_can( $user_id, 'bp_moderate' ) ) { return array( 'exist' ); } $doc_settings = bp_docs_get_doc_settings( $doc->ID ); // Caps are stored without the 'bp_docs_' prefix, // mostly for legacy reasons $cap_name = substr( $cap, 8 ); switch ( $doc_settings[ $cap_name ] ) { case 'group-members' : $caps = array(); if ( groups_is_user_member( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $caps[] = 'exist'; } else { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } break; case 'admins-mods' : $caps = array(); if ( groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) || groups_is_user_mod( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $caps[] = 'exist'; } else { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } break; } break; case 'bp_docs_create' : if ( $group_id = bp_get_current_group_id() ) { $caps = array(); // In a group, only set this cap if the user can associate a doc with the group. if ( current_user_can( 'bp_docs_associate_with_group', $group_id ) ) { $caps[] = 'exist'; } else { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } } break; case 'bp_docs_associate_with_group' : if ( isset( $args[0] ) ) { $group_id = intval( $args[0] ); } else if ( bp_is_group() ) { $group_id = bp_get_current_group_id(); } if ( empty( $group_id ) ) { break; } if ( user_can( $user_id, 'bp_moderate' ) ) { return array( 'exist' ); } $caps = array(); $group_settings = bp_docs_get_group_settings( $group_id ); switch ( $group_settings['can-create'] ) { case 'admin' : if ( groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $caps[] = 'exist'; } else { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } break; case 'mod' : if ( groups_is_user_mod( $user_id, $group_id ) || groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $caps[] = 'exist'; } else { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } break; case 'member' : default : if ( groups_is_user_member( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $caps[] = 'exist'; } else { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } break; } break; case 'bp_docs_dissociate_from_group' : if ( isset( $args[0] ) ) { $group_id = intval( $args[0] ); } elseif ( bp_is_group() ) { $group_id = bp_get_current_group_id(); } else { $group_id = bp_docs_get_associated_group_id( get_the_ID() ); } if ( empty( $group_id ) ) { break; } if ( user_can( $user_id, 'bp_moderate' ) ) { return array( 'exist' ); } $caps = array(); // Group admins or mods should able to remove docs from groups if ( groups_is_user_mod( $user_id, $group_id ) || groups_is_user_admin( $user_id, $group_id ) ) { $caps[] = 'exist'; } else { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } break; } return $caps; } add_filter( 'bp_docs_map_meta_caps', 'bp_docs_groups_map_meta_caps', 10, 4 );