/** * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcmeglio/hubitat-heos/master/apps/Denon_HEOS_Integration.groovy * * Denon HEOS Integration * * Copyright 2020 Dominick Meglio * * Revision History * v 2020.01.26 - Initial Release * v 2020.02.01 - Fixed an issue when passwords contained non-url safe characters * v 2020.02.15 - Added individual attributes for track/artist/album * v 2020.02.11 - Fixed a bug where the status text was wrong preventing dashboard tiles from working properly * v 2020.02.12 - Added the ability to pull album art as an attribute * */ definition( name: "Denon HEOS Integration", namespace: "dcm.heos", author: "Dominick Meglio", description: "Connects your HEOS speakers to Hubitat", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", documentationLink: "https://github.com/dcmeglio/hubitat-heos/blob/master/README.md") preferences { page(name: "prefAccount", title: "HEOS") page(name: "prefValidateAccount", title: "HEOS") page(name: "prefListDevices", title: "HEOS") } def prefAccount() { deleteTempAccountVerifier() state.totalTries = 5 subscribe(location, "ssdpTerm.urn:schemas-denon-com:device:ACT-Denon:1", ssdpHandler) discoverHeosDevices() return dynamicPage(name: "prefAccount", title: "HEOS Account Information", nextPage:"prefValidateAccount", uninstall:false, install: false) { section { input("heosUsername", "text", title: "HEOS Username", description: "HEOS Account Username") input("heosPassword", "password", title: "HEOS Password", description: "HEOS Account Password") input("albumArtWidth", "number", title: "Album art width", defaultValue: 100) input("albumArtHeight", "number", title: "Album art height", defaultValue: 100) input("debugOutput", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?", defaultValue: true, displayDuringSetup: false, required: false) } displayFooter() } } def prefValidateAccount() { def devices = getDevices() def device = null def nextPageName = "prefAccount" def message = "Please wait while your HEOS account information is validated..." if (devices.size() > 0) { def deviceInfo = devices.find { true } device = createHeosAccountVerificationDevice(deviceInfo.value) } if (device?.getDataValue("accountVerified") == "true") { message = "Your account information has been validated." nextPageName = "prefListDevices" } else if (device?.getDataValue("accountVerified") == "false") { message = "Your account information is incorrect." nextPageName = "prefAccount" } return dynamicPage(name: "prefValidateAccount", title: "Validating HEOS Account Information", nextPage:nextPageName, uninstall:false, install: false, refreshInterval: 15) { section { paragraph "${message}" } } } def prefListDevices() { deleteTempAccountVerifier() verifyHeosDevices() discoverHeosDevices() return dynamicPage(name: "prefListDevices", title: "Devices", install: true, uninstall: true, refreshInterval: 15) { section("Devices") { paragraph "Discovering devices. This may take a couple of minutes. If your devices aren't yet shown, please wait and the screen will refresh every 15 seconds as devices are discovered." input(name: "speakers", type: "enum", title: "Speakers", required:true, multiple:true, options:getFriendlyDevices()) } displayFooter() } } def getFriendlyDevices() { def friendlyDevices = [:] state.devices.each { if (it.value.name != null) friendlyDevices[it.key] = it.value.name } return friendlyDevices } def getDevices() { if (!state.devices) { state.devices = [:] } return state.devices } def discoverHeosDevices() { state.totalTries-- if (state.totalTries > 0) { logDebug "Discovering HEOS devices" sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction("lan discovery urn:schemas-denon-com:device:ACT-Denon:1", hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN)) } else logDebug "Finished discovery" } def detectHeosDeviceChanges() { sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction("lan discovery urn:schemas-denon-com:device:ACT-Denon:1", hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN)) } def ssdpHandler(evt) { def description = evt.description def parsedEvent = parseLanMessage(description) def port = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(parsedEvent.deviceAddress) def ip = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToIntArray(parsedEvent.networkAddress) def path = parsedEvent.ssdpPath def ipString = "${ip[0]}.${ip[1]}.${ip[2]}.${ip[3]}" parsedEvent << ["port": port ] parsedEvent << ["ip": ipString ] parsedEvent << ["path": path ] def devices = getDevices() if (!devices."${ipString}") { devices << ["${ipString}": parsedEvent] } // Detect if the IP address has changed for (ssdpDeviceDetails in devices) { if (ssdpDeviceDetails.value.ssdpUSN == parsedEvent.ssdpUSN) { if (ssdpDeviceDetails.key != ipString) { logDebug "Detected an IP change from ${ssdpDeviceDetails.key} to ${ipString}" devices.remove(ssdpDeviceDetails.key) def heDevice = getChildDevice("heos:"+ getDeviceNetworkId(ssdpDeviceDetails.value)) if (heDevice) { heDevice.setDeviceDetails(ipString, 1255) if (heDevice.getDataValue("master") == "true") { heDevice.initialize() } } break } } } } void verifyHeosDevices() { def devices = getDevices().findAll { it?.value?.verified != true } devices.each { def params = [ uri: "http://${it.value.ip}:${it.value.port}", requestContentType: 'application/xml', contentType: 'application/xml', path: it.value.path ] def ip = it.value.ip httpGet(params) { resp -> logDebug "verifying ${ip}" verifyDeviceCallback(resp, ip) } } } def verifyDeviceCallback(response, ip) { def devices = getDevices() def name = response.data.device[0].friendlyName.text() def device = devices.find { it?.key == ip } if (device) { device.value << [name: name, verified: true] } } def distributeMessage(command, payload) { logDebug "received message from master: ${payload}" if (command == "player/get_players") { for (deviceDetails in payload) { for (device in getChildDevices()) { def deviceIp = device.getDataValue("ip") if (deviceIp == deviceDetails.ip) { device.setPlayerId(deviceDetails.pid) } } } } else if (command == "event/player_state_changed" || command == "player/get_play_state") { def device = findDeviceByPid(payload.pid) if (device != null) { def statusStr = "" switch (payload.state) { case "play": statusStr = "playing" break case "stop": statusStr = "stopped" break case "pause": statusStr = "paused" break } device.sendEvent(name:"status", value: statusStr) } } else if (command == "player/get_volume") { def device = findDeviceByPid(payload.pid) if (device != null) device.sendEvent(name:"volume", value: payload.level.toInteger()) } else if (command == "player/get_mute") { def device = findDeviceByPid(payload.pid) if (device != null) { if (payload.state == "on") device.sendEvent(name: "mute", value: "muted") else if (payload.state == "off") device.sendEvent(name: "mute", value: "unmuted") } } else if (command == "event/player_volume_changed") { def device = findDeviceByPid(payload.pid) if (device != null) { if (payload.mute == "on") device.sendEvent(name: "mute", value: "muted") else if (payload.mute == "off") device.sendEvent(name: "mute", value: "unmuted") device.sendEvent(name:"volume", value: payload.level.toInteger()) } } else if (command == "player/get_now_playing_media") { def device = findDeviceByPid(payload.pid) if (device != null) { device.sendEvent(name: "trackDescription", value: "${payload.song} by ${payload.artist} from ${payload.album}") device.sendEvent(name: "artist", value: "${payload.artist}") device.sendEvent(name: "album", value: "${payload.album}") device.sendEvent(name: "track", value: "${payload.song}") device.sendEvent(name: "trackData", value: groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(payload)) device.sendEvent(name: "albumArt", value: "") } } } def sendHeosMessage(msg) { for (device in getChildDevices()) { def isMaster = device.getDataValue("master") if (isMaster == "true") { return device.sendHeosMessage(msg) } } } def playTopResult(pid, source, type, search) { for (device in getChildDevices()) { def isMaster = device.getDataValue("master") if (isMaster == "true") { return device.internalPlayTopResult(pid, source, type, search) } } } def findDeviceByPid(payloadPid) { for (device in getChildDevices()) { def devicePid = device.getDataValue("pid") if (devicePid == payloadPid) return device } return null } def getUsername() { return heosUsername } def getPassword() { return heosPassword } def installed() { logDebug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { logDebug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unschedule() unsubscribe() initialize() } def uninstalled() { logDebug "Uninstalled app" unschedule() unsubscribe() for (device in getChildDevices()) { deleteChildDevice(device.deviceNetworkId) } } def initialize() { logDebug "initializing" cleanupChildDevices() createChildDevices() deleteTempAccountVerifier() runEvery5Minutes("detectHeosDeviceChanges") } def deleteTempAccountVerifier() { def device = getChildDevice("heos:temp:" + app.getId()) if (device) deleteChildDevice(device.deviceNetworkId) } def createChildDevices() { def i = 0 for (speaker in speakers) { def device = getChildDevice("heos:" + getDeviceNetworkId(state.devices[speaker])) if (!device) device = addChildDevice("dcm.heos", "Denon HEOS Speaker", "heos:" + getDeviceNetworkId(state.devices[speaker]), 1234, ["name": state.devices[speaker].name, isComponent: false]) device.setMaster(i == 0) device.setDeviceDetails(state.devices[speaker].ip, 1255) device.initialize() i++ } } def createHeosAccountVerificationDevice(deviceInfo) { def device = getChildDevice("heos:temp:" + app.getId()) if (!device) { device = addChildDevice("dcm.heos", "Denon HEOS Speaker", "heos:temp:" + app.getId(), 1234, ["name": "Temp HEOS Account Verifier", isComponent: false]) device.setMaster(true) device.setDeviceDetails(deviceInfo.ip, 1255) device.verifyAccount() } return device } def cleanupChildDevices() { for (device in getChildDevices()) { def deviceId = device.deviceNetworkId.replace("heos:","") def deviceFound = false for (speaker in speakers) { if (getDeviceNetworkId(state.devices[speaker]) == deviceId) { deviceFound = true break } } if (deviceFound == true) continue deleteChildDevice(device.deviceNetworkId) } } def notifyMasterRemoved(deviceRemoved) { for (device in getChildDevices()) { if (device != deviceRemoved) { device.setMaster(true) device.initialize() break } } } def logDebug(msg) { if (settings?.debugOutput) { log.debug msg } } def displayFooter(){ section() { paragraph getFormat("line") paragraph "
Denon HEOS Integration
PayPal Logo

Please consider donating. This app took a lot of work to make.
If you find it valuable, I'd certainly appreciate it!
" } } def getFormat(type, myText=""){ // Modified from @Stephack Code if(type == "line") return "
" if(type == "title") return "


" } def getDeviceNetworkId(dev) { if (dev.mac != null && dev.mac != "null") return dev.mac return dev.networkAddress }