/** * * Hubitat Package Manager v1.8.3 * * Copyright 2020 Dominick Meglio * * If you find this useful, donations are always appreciated * https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=7LBRPJRLJSDDN&source=url * */ definition( name: "Hubitat Package Manager", namespace: "dcm.hpm", author: "Dominick Meglio", description: "Provides a utility to maintain the apps and drivers on your Hubitat making both installation and updates easier", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", documentationLink: "https://hubitatpackagemanager.hubitatcommunity.com/", singleInstance: true) preferences { page(name: "prefSettings") page(name: "prefOptions") page(name: "prefPkgInstall") page(name: "prefPkgInstallUrl") page(name: "prefInstallRepositorySearch") page(name: "prefInstallRepositorySearchResults") page(name: "prefPkgInstallRepository") page(name: "prefPkgInstallRepositoryChoose") page(name: "prefPkgModify") page(name: "prefPkgRepair") page(name: "prefPkgRepairExecute") page(name: "prefPkgUpdate") page(name: "prefPkgUninstall") page(name: "prefInstallChoices") page(name: "prefInstallVerify") page(name: "prefInstall") page(name: "prefPkgModifyChoices") page(name: "prefVerifyPackageChanges") page(name: "prefMakePackageChanges") page(name: "prefPkgUninstallConfirm") page(name: "prefUninstall") page(name: "prefPkgVerifyUpdates") page(name: "prefPkgUpdatesComplete") page(name: "prefPkgMatchUp") page(name: "prefPkgMatchUpVerify") page(name: "prefPkgMatchUpComplete") page(name: "prefPkgView") } import groovy.transform.Field import java.util.regex.Matcher @Field static String repositoryListing = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/hubitat-packagerepositories/master/repositories.json" @Field static String settingsFile = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/hubitat-packagerepositories/master/settings.json" @Field static String searchApiUrl = "https://hubitatpackagemanager.azurewebsites.net/graphql" @Field static List categories = [] @Field static List allPackages = [] @Field static def completedActions = [:] @Field static def manifestForRollback = null @Field static def downloadQueue = [:] @Field static Integer maxDownloadQueueSize = 10 @Field static String installAction = "" @Field static String installMode = "" @Field static String statusMessage = "" @Field static String errorTitle = "" @Field static String errorMessage = "" @Field static Boolean errorOccurred = false @Field static def packagesWithUpdates = [:] @Field static def optionalItemsToShow = [:] @Field static def updateDetails = [:] @Field static List appsToInstallForModify = [] @Field static List appsToUninstallForModify = [] @Field static List driversToInstallForModify = [] @Field static List driversToUninstallForModify = [] @Field static List packagesMatchingInstalledEntries = [] @Field static List iconTags = ["ZWave", "Zigbee", "Cloud", "LAN"] def installed() { initialize() } def updated() { unschedule() initialize() } def initialize() { def timeOfDayForUpdateChecks if (updateCheckTime == null) timeOfDayForUpdateChecks = timeToday("00:00") else timeOfDayForUpdateChecks = timeToday(updateCheckTime, location.timeZone) schedule("00 ${timeOfDayForUpdateChecks.minutes} ${timeOfDayForUpdateChecks.hours} ? * *", checkForUpdates) performMigrations() } def uninstalled() { logDebug "uninstalling app" unschedule() } def appButtonHandler(btn) { switch (btn) { case "btnMainMenu": state.mainMenu = true break case "btnBack": state.back = true case "btnAddRepo": state.customRepo = true break case ~/^btnDeleteRepo(\d+)/: deleteCustomRepository(Matcher.lastMatcher[0][1].toInteger()) break } } def prefOptions() { state.remove("mainMenu") if (state.customRepo && customRepo != "" && customRepo != null) { def repoListing = getJSONFile(customRepo) if (repoListing == null) { clearStateSettings(true) return buildErrorPage("Error loading repository", "The repository file you specified could not be loaded.") } else { installedRepositories << customRepo if (state.customRepositories == null) state.customRepositories = [:] if (state.customRepositories[customRepo] == null) state.customRepositories << ["${customRepo}":repoListing.author] } } if (state.firstRun == true) return prefPkgMatchUp() else { clearStateSettings(true) initialize() installHPMManifest() } if (installedRepositories == null) { logDebug "No installed repositories, grabbing all" def repos = [] as List state.repositoryListingJSON.repositories.each { it -> repos << it.location } app.updateSetting("installedRepositories", repos) } state.categoriesAndTags = loadSettingsFile() return dynamicPage(name: "prefOptions", title: "", install: true, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() if (isHubSecurityEnabled() && !hpmSecurity) { section { paragraph "Hub Security appears to be enabled but is not configured in HPM. Please configure hub security." } } if (state.newRepoMessage != "") { section { paragraph state.newRepoMessage state.newRepoMessage = "" } } section { paragraph "What would you like to do?" href(name: "prefPkgInstall", title: "Install", required: false, page: "prefPkgInstall", description: "Install a new package.") href(name: "prefPkgUpdate", title: "Update", required: false, page: "prefPkgUpdate", description: "Check for updates for your installed packages.") href(name: "prefPkgModify", title: "Modify", required: false, page: "prefPkgModify", description: "Modify an already installed package. This allows you to add or remove optional components.") href(name: "prefPkgRepair", title: "Repair", required: false, page: "prefPkgRepair", description: "Repair a package by ensuring all of the newest versions are installed in case something went wrong.") href(name: "prefPkgUninstall", title: "Uninstall", required: false, page: "prefPkgUninstall", description: "Uninstall packages.") href(name: "prefPkgMatchUp", title: "Match Up", required: false, page: "prefPkgMatchUp", description: "Match up the apps and drivers you already have installed with packages available so that you can use the package manager to get future updates.") href(name: "prefPkgView", title: "View Apps and Drivers", required: false, page: "prefPkgView", description: "View the apps and drivers that are managed by packages.") href(name: "prefSettings", title: "Package Manager Settings", required: false, page: "prefSettings", params: [force:true], description: "Modify Hubitat Package Manager Settings.") } displayFooter() } } def prefSettings(params) { def showSettingsForSecurityEnablement = false state.newRepoMessage = "" if (state.manifests == null) state.manifests = [:] performMigrations() if (updateRepositoryListing()?.size() > 0) { state.newRepoMessage = "One or more new repositories have been added. You may want to do a Match Up to ensure all of your packages are detected." } if (isHubSecurityEnabled() && !hpmSecurity) { showSettingsForSecurityEnablement = true } installHPMManifest() if (app.getInstallationState() == "COMPLETE" && params?.force != true && !showSettingsForSecurityEnablement) return prefOptions() else { def showInstall = app.getInstallationState() == "INCOMPLETE" if (showInstall) state.firstRun = true return dynamicPage(name: "prefSettings", title: "", nextPage: "prefOptions", install: showInstall, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section ("Hub Security") { if (showSettingsForSecurityEnablement) { paragraph "Hub Security appears to be enabled on your hub but is not enabled within HPM. Please configure hub security below" } paragraph "In order to automatically install apps and drivers you must specify your Hubitat admin username and password if Hub Security is enabled." input "hpmSecurity", "bool", title: "Hub Security Enabled", submitOnChange: true if (hpmSecurity) { input "hpmUsername", "string", title: "Hub Security username", required: true input "hpmPassword", "password", title: "Hub Security password", required: true } if (showInstall) paragraph "Please click Done and restart the app to continue." } if (!state.firstRun) { section ("General") { input "debugOutput", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true input "includeBetas", "bool", title: "When updating, install pre-release versions. Note: Pre-releases often include more bugs and should be considered beta software" } section ("Package Updates") { input "updateCheckTime", "time", title: "Specify what time update checking should be performed", defaultValue: "00:00", required: true input "notifyUpdatesAvailable", "bool", title: "Notify me when updates are available", submitOnChange: true if (notifyUpdatesAvailable) input "notifyDevices", "capability.notification", title: "Devices to notify", required: true, multiple: true input "autoUpdateMode", "enum", title: "Install updates automatically when", options: ["Always":"Always", "Never":"Never", "Include":"Only those I list", "Exclude":"All packages except the ones I list"], submitOnChange: true if (autoUpdateMode != "Never") { if (autoUpdateMode == "Include") { def listOfPackages = getInstalledPackages(false) input "appsToAutoUpdate", "enum", title: "Which packages should be automatically updated?", required: true, multiple: true, options:listOfPackages } else if (autoUpdateMode == "Exclude") { def listOfPackages = getInstalledPackages(false) input "appsNotToAutoUpdate", "enum", title: "Which packages should NOT be automatically updated?", required: true, multiple: true, options:listOfPackages } input "notifyOnSuccess", "bool", title: "Notify me if automatic updates are successful", submitOnChange: true if (notifyOnSuccess) input "notifyUpdateSuccessDevices", "capability.notification", title: "Devices to notify", required: true, multiple: true input "notifyOnFailure", "bool", title: "Notify me if automatic updates are unsuccessful", submitOnChange: true if (notifyOnFailure) input "notifyUpdateFailureDevices", "capability.notification", title: "Devices to notify", required: true, multiple: true } if (notifyUpdatesAvailable || notifyOnSuccess || notifyOnFailure) input "notifyIncludeHubName", "bool", title: "Include hub name in notifications", defaultValue: false if (notifyOnSuccess || notifyOnFailure) input "notifySpecificPackages", "bool", title: "Send notifications for each specific package", defaultValue: false } def reposToShow = [:] state.repositoryListingJSON.repositories.each { r -> reposToShow << ["${r.location}":r.name] } if (state.customRepositories != null) state.customRepositories.each { r -> reposToShow << ["${r.key}":r.value] } reposToShow = reposToShow.sort { r -> r.value } section ("Repositories") { input "installedRepositories", "enum", title: "Available repositories", options: reposToShow, multiple: true, required: true if (state.customRepositories && state.customRepositories.size()) { def i = 0 for (customRepo in state.customRepositories.keySet()) { paragraph "${state.customRepositories[customRepo]} - ${customRepo}", width: 10 input "btnDeleteRepo${i}", "button", title: "Remove", width: 2 i++ } } if (!state.customRepo) input "btnAddRepo", "button", title: "Add a Custom Repository", submitOnChange: false if (state.customRepo) input "customRepo", "text", title: "Enter the URL of the repository's directory listing file", required: true } } } } } // Install a package pathway def prefPkgInstall() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgInstall" return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgInstall", title: "", install: true, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Install a Package" paragraph "How would you like to install this package?" href(name: "prefInstallRepositorySearch", title: "Search by Keywords", required: false, page: "prefInstallRepositorySearch", description: "Search for packages by searching for keywords. This will only include the standard repositories, not custom repositories.") href(name: "prefPkgInstallRepository", title: "Browse by Tags", required: false, page: "prefPkgInstallRepository", description: "Choose a package from a repository browsing by tags. This will include both the standard repositories and any custom repositories you have setup.") href(name: "prefPkgInstallUrl", title: "From a URL", required: false, page: "prefPkgInstallUrl", description: "Install a package using a URL to a specific package. This is an advanced feature, only use it if you know how to find a package's manifest manually.") } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefInstallRepositorySearch() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() state.remove("back") logDebug "prefInstallRepositorySearch" installMode = "search" return dynamicPage(name: "prefInstallRepositorySearch", title: "", nextPage: "prefInstallRepositorySearchResults", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Search" input "pkgSearch", "text", title: "Enter your search criteria", required: true } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefInstallRepositorySearchResults() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (state.back) return prefInstallRepositorySearch() logDebug "prefInstallRepositorySearchResults" installMode = "search" def params = [ uri: searchApiUrl, contentType: "application/json", requestContentType: "application/json", body: [ "operationName": null, "variables": [ "searchQuery": pkgSearch ], "query": 'query Search($searchQuery: String) { repositories { author, gitHubUrl, payPalUrl, packages (search: $searchQuery) {name, description, location, tags}}}' ] ] def result = null httpPost(params) { resp -> result = resp.data } if (result?.data?.repositories) { def searchResults = [] for (repo in result.data.repositories) { for (packageItem in repo.packages) { packageItem << [author: repo.author, gitHubUrl: repo.gitHubUrl, payPalUrl: repo.payPalUrl, installed: state.manifests[packageItem.location] != null] searchResults << packageItem } } searchResults = searchResults.sort { it -> it.name } return dynamicPage(name: "prefInstallRepositorySearch", title: "", nextPage: "prefInstallRepositorySearchResults", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Search Results for ${pkgSearch}" addCss() } section { if (searchResults.size() > 0) { def i = 0 for (searchResult in searchResults) { renderPackageButton(searchResult,i) i++ } } else paragraph "No matching packages were found. Click Back to return to the search screen." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 input "btnBack", "button", title: "Back", width: 3 } } } } def prefPkgInstallUrl() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgInstallUrl" installMode = "url" return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgInstallUrl", title: "", nextPage: "prefInstallChoices", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Install a Package from URL" input "pkgInstall", "text", title: "Enter the URL of a package you wish to install (this should be a path to a packageManifest.json file).", required: true } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefPkgInstallRepository() { if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "prefPkgInstallRepository" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true getMultipleJSONFiles(installedRepositories, performRepositoryRefreshComplete, performRepositoryRefreshStatus) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgInstallRepository", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgInstallRepository", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { section { showHideNextButton(false) paragraph "Install a Package" paragraph "Refreshing repositories... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() } } } else { installMode = "repository" return prefInstallChoices(null) } } def renderTags(pkgList) { def tags = [] for (pkg in pkgList) { if (state.categoriesAndTags.categories.contains(pkg.category)) { if (!tags.contains(pkg.category)) tags << pkg.category } else log.warn "Invalid category found ${pkg.category} for ${pkg.location}" for (tag in pkg.tags) { if (state.categoriesAndTags.tags.contains(tag)) { if (!tags.contains(tag)) tags << tag } else log.warn "Invalid tag found ${tag} for ${pkg.location}" } } tags = tags.sort() input "pkgTags", "enum", title: "Choose tag(s)", options: tags, submitOnChange: true, multiple: true } def renderSortBy() { input "pkgSortBy", "enum", title: "Sort By", options: ["Author", "Name"], submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: "Name" } def prefInstallChoices(params) { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefInstallChoices" return dynamicPage(name: "prefInstallChoices", title: "", nextPage: "prefInstallVerify", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { addCss() paragraph "Install a Package from a Repository" if (installMode == "repository" && params == null) { //input "pkgCategory", "enum", title: "Choose a category", options: categories, required: true, submitOnChange: true renderTags(allPackages) if(pkgTags) { renderSortBy() def matchingPackages = [] for (pkg in allPackages) { if (state.manifests.containsKey(pkg.location)) { pkg.installed = true } if (pkgTags.contains(pkg.category) || pkg.tags.find { pkgTags.contains(it)}) { matchingPackages << pkg } } def sortedMatchingPackages if (pkgSortBy == "Name") sortedMatchingPackages = matchingPackages.sort { x -> x.name } else sortedMatchingPackages = matchingPackages.sort { y -> y.author } if (sortedMatchingPackages.size() > 0) { def i = 0 for (pkg in sortedMatchingPackages) { renderPackageButton(pkg,i) i++ } } else paragraph "No matching packages were found. Please choose a different category." } } } if (installMode == "search" || (installMode == "repository" && params != null)) { pkgInstall = params.location app.updateSetting("pkgInstall", params.location) state.payPalUrl = params.payPalUrl } if(pkgInstall) { if (state.manifests == null) state.manifests = [:] def manifest = getJSONFile(pkgInstall) if (manifest == null) { return buildErrorPage("Invalid Package File", "${pkgInstall} does not appear to be a valid Hubitat Package or does not exist.") } if (state.manifests[pkgInstall] != null) { return buildErrorPage("Package Already Installed", "${pkgInstall} has already been installed. If you would like to look for upgrades, use the Update function.") } if (manifest.minimumHEVersion != null && !verifyHEVersion(manifest.minimumHEVersion)) { return buildErrorPage("Unsupported Hubitat Firmware", "Your Hubitat Elevation firmware is not supported. You are running ${location.hub.firmwareVersionString} and this package requires at least ${manifest.minimumHEVersion}. Please upgrade your firmware to continue installing.") } else { def apps = getOptionalAppsFromManifest(manifest) def drivers = getOptionalDriversFromManifest(manifest) def title = "Choose the components to install" if (apps.size() == 0 && drivers.size() == 0) title = "Ready to install" section("${title}") { if (apps.size() > 0 || drivers.size() > 0) paragraph "You are about to install ${manifest.packageName}. This package includes some optional components. Please choose which ones you would like to include below. Click Next when you are ready." else paragraph "You are about to install ${manifest.packageName}. Click next when you are ready." if (apps.size() > 0) input "appsToInstall", "enum", title: "Select the apps to install", options: apps, hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true if (drivers.size() > 0) input "driversToInstall", "enum", title: "Select the drivers to install", options: drivers, hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true } } } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def getRepoName(location) { return state.repositoryListingJSON.repositories.find { it -> it.location == location }?.name } def performRepositoryRefreshStatus(uri, data) { def repoName = getRepoName(uri) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Refreshed ${repoName}") } def performRepositoryRefreshComplete(results, data) { allPackages = [] categories = [] for (uri in results.keySet()) { def repoName = getRepoName(uri) def result = results[uri] def fileContents = result.result if (fileContents == null) { log.warn "Error refreshing ${repoName}" setBackgroundStatusMessage("Failed to refresh ${repoName}") continue } for (pkg in fileContents.packages) { def pkgDetails = [ repository: repoName, author: fileContents.author, githubUrl: fileContents.gitHubUrl, payPalUrl: fileContents.payPalUrl, name: pkg.name, description: pkg.description, location: pkg.location, category: pkg.category, tags: pkg.tags ] allPackages << pkgDetails if (!categories.contains(pkgDetails.category)) categories << pkgDetails.category } } allPackages = allPackages.sort() categories = categories.sort() atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false logDebug "Repositories refreshed" } def prefInstallVerify() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefInstallVerify" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = null statusMessage = "" errorOccurred = null errorTitle = null errorMessage = null return dynamicPage(name: "prefInstallVerify", title: "", nextPage: "prefInstall", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Ready to install" def manifest = getJSONFile(pkgInstall) if (manifest.licenseFile) { def license = downloadFile(manifest.licenseFile) paragraph "By clicking next you accept the below license agreement:" paragraph "" paragraph "Click next to continue. This make take some time..." } else paragraph "Click the next button to install your selections. This may take some time..." def primaryApp = manifest?.apps?.find { item -> item.primary == true } if (primaryApp) input "launchInstaller", "bool", defaultValue: true, title: "Configure the installed package after installation completes." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefInstall() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "prefInstall" logDebug "Install beginning" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true runInMillis(1,performInstallation) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefInstall", title: "", nextPage: "prefInstall", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { displayHeader() section { showHideNextButton(false) paragraph "Installing" paragraph "Your installation is currently in progress... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() } } } else { def primaryApp = state.manifests[pkgInstall]?.apps?.find {it -> it.primary == true } if (primaryApp == null || !launchInstaller) return complete("Installation complete", "The package was sucessfully installed, click Next to return to the Main Menu.") else return complete("Installation complete", "The package was sucessfully installed, click Next to configure your new package.", false, primaryApp.heID) } } def performInstallation() { if (!login()) return triggerError("Error logging in to hub", "An error occurred logging into the hub. Please verify your Hub Security username and password.", false) def manifest = getJSONFile(pkgInstall) if (shouldInstallBeta(manifest)) { manifest = getJSONFile(getItemDownloadLocation(manifest)) manifest.beta = true } else manifest.beta = false state.manifests[pkgInstall] = manifest state.manifests[pkgInstall].payPalUrl = state.payPalUrl state.payPalUrl = null minimizeStoredManifests() // Download all files first to reduce the chances of a network error def appFiles = [:] def driverFiles = [:] def fileManagerFiles = [:] def fileMgrResults = downloadFileManagerFiles(manifest) if (fileMgrResults.success) fileManagerFiles = fileMgrResults.files else return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${fileMgrResults.name}", false) def requiredApps = getRequiredAppsFromManifest(manifest) def requiredDrivers = getRequiredDriversFromManifest(manifest) for (requiredApp in requiredApps) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(requiredApp.value) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${requiredApp.value.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", false) } appFiles[location] = fileContents } for (appToInstall in appsToInstall) { def matchedApp = manifest.apps.find { it.id == appToInstall} if (matchedApp != null) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(matchedApp) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${matchedApp.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", false) } appFiles[location] = fileContents } } for (requiredDriver in requiredDrivers) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(requiredDriver.value) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${requiredDriver.value.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", false) } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } for (driverToInstall in driversToInstall) { def matchedDriver = manifest.drivers.find { it.id == driverToInstall} if (matchedDriver != null) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(matchedDriver) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${matchedDriver.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", false) } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } } initializeRollbackState("install") // All files downloaded, execute installs. for (requiredApp in requiredApps) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(requiredApp.value) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${requiredApp.value.name}") def id = installApp(appFiles[location]) if (id == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return rollback("Failed to install app ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } requiredApp.value.heID = id requiredApp.value.beta = shouldInstallBeta(requiredApp.value) if (requiredApp.value.oauth) enableOAuth(requiredApp.value.heID) } for (appToInstall in appsToInstall) { def matchedApp = manifest.apps.find { it.id == appToInstall} if (matchedApp != null) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(matchedApp) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${matchedApp.name}") def id = installApp(appFiles[location]) if (id == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return rollback("Failed to install app ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } matchedApp.heID = id matchedApp.beta = shouldInstallBeta(matchedApp) if (matchedApp.oauth) enableOAuth(matchedApp.heID) } } for (requiredDriver in requiredDrivers) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(requiredDriver.value) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${requiredDriver.value.name}") def id = installDriver(driverFiles[location]) if (id == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return rollback("Failed to install driver ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } requiredDriver.value.heID = id requiredDriver.value.beta = shouldInstallBeta(requiredDriver.value) } for (driverToInstall in driversToInstall) { def matchedDriver = manifest.drivers.find { it.id == driverToInstall} if (matchedDriver != null) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(matchedDriver) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${matchedDriver.name}") def id = installDriver(driverFiles[location]) if (id == null) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return rollback("Failed to install driver ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } matchedDriver.heID = id matchedDriver.beta = shouldInstallBeta(matchedDriver) } } for (fileToInstall in manifest.files) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(fileToInstall) def fileContents = fileManagerFiles[location] setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${location}") if (!installFile(fileToInstall.id, fileToInstall.name, fileContents)) { state.manifests.remove(pkgInstall) return rollback("Failed to install file ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } else completedActions["fileInstalls"] << fileToInstall } atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false } // Modify a package pathway def prefPkgModify() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgModify" def pkgsToList = getInstalledPackages(true) return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgModify", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgModifyChoices", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Modify a Package" paragraph "Only packages that have optional components are shown below." input "pkgModify", "enum", title: "Choose the package to modify", options: pkgsToList, required: true } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefPkgModifyChoices() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgModifyChoices" def manifest = getInstalledManifest(pkgModify) def optionalApps = getOptionalAppsFromManifest(manifest) def optionalDrivers = getOptionalDriversFromManifest(manifest) if (optionalApps?.size() > 0 || optionalDrivers?.size() > 0) { def installedOptionalApps = [] def installedOptionalDrivers = [] for (optApp in optionalApps) { if (isAppInstalled(manifest, optApp.key)) { installedOptionalApps << optApp.key } } for (optDriver in optionalDrivers) { if (isDriverInstalled(manifest, optDriver.key)) { installedOptionalDrivers << optDriver.key } } return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgModifyChoices", title: "", nextPage: "prefVerifyPackageChanges", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Modify a Package" paragraph "Items below that are checked are currently installed. Those that are not checked are currently not installed." if (optionalApps.size() > 0) input "appsToModify", "enum", title: "Select the apps to install/uninstall", options: optionalApps, hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, defaultValue: installedOptionalApps if (optionalDrivers.size() > 0) input "driversToModify", "enum", title: "Select the drivers to install/uninstall", options: optionalDrivers, hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, defaultValue: installedOptionalDrivers } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } else { return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgModifyChoices", title: "", install: true, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "Nothing to modify" paragraph "This package does not have any optional components that you can modify." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } } def prefVerifyPackageChanges() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefVerifyPackageChanges" def appsToUninstallStr = "" if (hasChanges) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefVerifyPackageChanges", title: "", nextPage: "prefMakePackageChanges", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Modify a Package" paragraph "The following changes will be made. Click next when you are ready. This may take some time." if (appsToUninstallStr != "") paragraph "The following apps will be uninstalled: ${appsToUninstallStr}" if (appsToInstallStr != "") paragraph "The following apps will be installed: ${appsToInstallStr}" if (driversToUninstallStr != "") paragraph "The following drivers will be uninstalled: ${driversToUninstallStr}" if (driversToInstallStr != "") paragraph "The following drivers will be installed: ${driversToInstallStr}" if (driversToUninstallStr != "" || appsToUninstallStr != "") paragraph "Please be sure that the apps and drivers to be uninstalled are not in use before clicking Next." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } else { return dynamicPage(name: "prefVerifyPackageChanges", title: "", install: true, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Nothing to modify" paragraph "You did not make any changes." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } } def prefMakePackageChanges() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "Executing modify" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true runInMillis(1,performModify) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefMakePackageChanges", title: "", nextPage: "prefInstall", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { displayHeader() section { showHideNextButton(false) paragraph "Modifying Package" paragraph "Your changes are currently in progress... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() } } } else { return complete("Modification complete", "The package was sucessfully modified, click Next to return to the Main Menu.") } } def performModify() { if (!login()) return triggerError("Error logging in to hub", "An error occurred logging into the hub. Please verify your Hub Security username and password.", false) // Download all files first to reduce the chances of a network error def appFiles = [:] def driverFiles = [:] def manifest = getInstalledManifest(pkgModify) for (appToInstall in appsToInstallForModify) { def app = getAppById(manifest, appToInstall) def location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${app.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", false) } appFiles[location] = fileContents } for (driverToInstall in driversToInstallForModify) { def driver = getDriverById(manifest, driverToInstall) def location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${driver.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", false) } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } initializeRollbackState("modify") for (appToInstall in appsToInstallForModify) { def app = getAppById(manifest, appToInstall) def location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${app.name}") def id = installApp(appFiles[location]) if (id != null) { app.heID = id completedActions["appInstalls"] << id if (app.oauth) enableOAuth(app.heID) } else return rollback("Failed to install app ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } for (appToUninstall in appsToUninstallForModify) { def app = getAppById(manifest, appToUninstall) def sourceCode = getDriverSource(app.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Uninstalling ${app.name}") if (uninstallApp(app.heID)) { completedActions["appUninstalls"] << [id:app.id,source:sourceCode] app.heID = null } else return rollback("Failed to uninstall app ${app.name}, it may be in use. Please delete all instances of this app before uninstalling the package.", false) } for (driverToInstall in driversToInstallForModify) { def driver = getDriverById(manifest, driverToInstall) def location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${driver.name}") def id = installDriver(driverFiles[location]) if (id != null) { driver.heID = id } else return rollback("Failed to install driver ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } for (driverToUninstall in driversToUninstallForModify) { def driver = getDriverById(manifest, driverToUninstall) def sourceCode = getDriverSource(driver.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Uninstalling ${driver.name}") if (uninstallDriver(driver.heID)) { completedActions["driverUninstalls"] << [id:driver.id,source:sourceCode] driver.heID = null } else return rollback("Failed to uninstall driver ${driver.name}. Please delete all instances of this device before uninstalling the package.", false) } atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false } // Repair a package pathway def prefPkgRepair() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgModify" def pkgsToList = getInstalledPackages(false) return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgRepair", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgRepairExecute", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Repair a Package" input "pkgRepair", "enum", title: "Choose the package to repair", options: pkgsToList, required: true } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefPkgRepairExecute() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "Executing repair" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true if (pkgRepair == state.repositoryListingJSON.hpm.location) atomicState.hpmUpgraded = true else atomicState.hpmUpgraded = false runInMillis(1,performRepair) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgRepairExecute", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgRepairExecute", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { displayHeader() section { showHideNextButton(false) paragraph "Repairing Package" paragraph "Your changes are currently in progress... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() } } } else { if (!atomicState.hpmUpgraded) return complete("Repair complete", "The package was sucessfully repaired, click Next to return to the Main Menu.") else { return complete("Repair complete", "The package was sucessfully repaired, click Done to continue.", true) } } } def performRepair() { if (!login()) return triggerError("Error logging in to hub", "An error occurred logging into the hub. Please verify your Hub Security username and password.", runInBackground) def installedApps = getAppList() def installedDrivers = getDriverList() // Download all files first to reduce the chances of a network error def appFiles = [:] def driverFiles = [:] def fileManagerFiles = [:] def installedManifest = state.manifests[pkgRepair] def manifest = getJSONFile(pkgRepair) if (manifest) { def fileMgrResults = downloadFileManagerFiles(manifest) if (fileMgrResults.success) fileManagerFiles = fileMgrResults.files else return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${fileMgrResults.name}", false) for (app in manifest.apps) { def appHeID = getAppById(installedManifest,app.id)?.heID if (isAppInstalled(installedManifest,app.id) && installedApps.find { it -> it.id == appHeID }) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${app.name}") def location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) } appFiles[location] = fileContents } else if (app.required) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${app.name} because it is required and not installed") def location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) } appFiles[location] = fileContents } } for (driver in manifest.drivers) { def driverHeID = getDriverById(installedManifest,driver.id)?.heID if (isDriverInstalled(installedManifest,driver.id) && installedDrivers.find { it -> it.id == driverHeID }) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${driver.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } else if (driver.required) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${driver.name} because it is required and not installed") def location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } } } else { return triggerError("Error downloading file", "The manifest file ${pkg} no longer seems to be valid.", runInBackground) } if (manifest) { initializeRollbackState("update") manifestForRollback = installedManifest for (app in manifest.apps) { def appHeID = getAppById(installedManifest,app.id)?.heID if (isAppInstalled(installedManifest,app.id) && installedApps.find { it -> it.id == appHeID }) { app.heID = getAppById(installedManifest, app.id).heID app.beta = shouldInstallBeta(app) def location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) def sourceCode = getAppSource(app.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Reinstalling ${app.name}") if (upgradeApp(app.heID, appFiles[location])) { completedActions["appUpgrades"] << [id:app.heID,source:sourceCode] if (app.oauth) enableOAuth(app.heID) } else return rollback("Failed to upgrade app ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", runInBackground) } else if (app.required) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${app.name}") def id = installApp(appFiles[location]) if (id != null) { app.heID = id app.beta = shouldInstallBeta(app) if (app.oauth) enableOAuth(app.heID) } else return rollback("Failed to install app ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", runInBackground) } } for (driver in manifest.drivers) { def driverHeID = getDriverById(installedManifest,driver.id)?.heID if (isDriverInstalled(installedManifest,driver.id) && installedDrivers.find { it -> it.id == driverHeID }) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) driver.heID = getDriverById(installedManifest, driver.id).heID driver.beta = shouldInstallBeta(driver) def sourceCode = getDriverSource(driver.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Reinstalling ${driver.name}") if (upgradeDriver(driver.heID, driverFiles[location])) { completedActions["driverUpgrades"] << [id:driver.heID,source:sourceCode] } else return rollback("Failed to upgrade driver ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", runInBackground) } else if (driver.required) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${driver.name}") def id = installDriver(driverFiles[location]) if (id != null) { driver.heID = id driver.beta = shouldInstallBeta(driver) } else return rollback("Failed to install driver ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", runInBackground) } } for (fileToInstall in manifest.files) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(fileToInstall) def fileContents = fileManagerFiles[location] setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${location}") if (!installFile(fileToInstall.id, fileToInstall.name, fileContents)) { return rollback("Failed to install file ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } else completedActions["fileInstalls"] << fileToInstall } if (state.manifests[pkgRepair] != null) copyInstalledItemsToNewManifest(state.manifests[pkgRepair], manifest) state.manifests[pkgRepair] = manifest minimizeStoredManifests() } else { } logDebug "Repair complete" if (runInBackground != true) atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false else return true } // Uninstall a package pathway def prefPkgUninstall() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgUninstall" def pkgsToList = getInstalledPackages(false) return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgUninstall", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgUninstallConfirm", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Uninstall Packages" input "pkgUninstall", "enum", title: "Choose the package(s) to uninstall", options: pkgsToList, required: true, multiple: true } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefPkgUninstallConfirm() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgUninstallConfirm" return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgUninstallConfirm", title: "", nextPage: "prefUninstall", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Uninstall Packages" paragraph "The following apps and drivers will be removed:" def str = "" paragraph str paragraph "Please be sure that the app and device drivers are not in use, then click Next to continue." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefUninstall() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "Performing uninstall" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true runInMillis(1,performUninstall) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefUninstall", title: "", nextPage: "prefUninstall", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { displayHeader() section { showHideNextButton(false) paragraph "Uninstall in progress" paragraph "Your uninstall is currently in progress... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() } } } else { return complete("Uninstall complete", "The package was sucessfully uninstalled, click Next to return to the Main Menu.") } } def performUninstall() { if (!login()) return triggerError("Error logging in to hub", "An error occurred logging into the hub. Please verify your Hub Security username and password.", false) for (pkgToUninstall in pkgUninstall) { def pkg = state.manifests[pkgToUninstall] initializeRollbackState("uninstall") for (app in pkg.apps) { if (app.heID != null) { def sourceCode = getAppSource(app.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Uninstalling ${app.name}") if (uninstallApp(app.heID)) { completedActions["appUninstalls"] << [id:app.id,source:sourceCode] } else return rollback("Failed to uninstall app ${app.location}, it may be in use. Please delete all instances of this app before uninstalling the package.", false) } } for (driver in pkg.drivers) { if (driver.heID != null) { def sourceCode = getDriverSource(driver.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Uninstalling ${driver.name}") if (uninstallDriver(driver.heID)) { completedActions["driverUninstalls"] << [id:driver.id,source:sourceCode] } else return rollback("Failed to uninstall driver ${driver.location}. Please delete all instances of this device before uninstalling the package.", false) } } for (file in pkg.files) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Uninstalling ${file.name}") if (uninstallFile(file.id, file.name)) { completedActions["fileUninstalls"] << file } else { return rollback("Failed to uninstall file ${file.name}.", false) } } state.manifests.remove(pkgToUninstall) } atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false } def addUpdateDetails(pkgId, pkgName, releaseNotes, updateType, item, forceProduction = false) { if (updateDetails[pkgId] == null) updateDetails[pkgId] = [name: null, releaseNotes: null, items: [], forceProduction: null] if (pkgName != null) updateDetails[pkgId].name = pkgName if (releaseNotes != null) updateDetails[pkgId].releaseNotes = releaseNotes updateDetails[pkgId].items << [type: updateType, id: item?.id, name: item?.name, forceProduction: forceProduction] logDebug "Updates found ${updateType} for ${pkgId} -> ${item?.name} (force production: ${forceProduction})" } // Update packages pathway def performUpdateCheck() { packagesWithUpdates = [:] for (pkg in state.manifests) { try { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Checking for updates for ${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName}") def manifest = getJSONFile(pkg.key) if (shouldInstallBeta(manifest)) { manifest = getJSONFile(getItemDownloadLocation(manifest)) if (manifest) manifest.beta = true else { manifest = getJSONFile(pkg.key) manifest.beta = false } } else manifest.beta = false if (manifest == null) { log.warn "Found a bad manifest ${pkg.key}, please notify the package developer." continue } if (manifest.minimumHEVersion != null && !verifyHEVersion(manifest.minimumHEVersion)) { log.warn "New version of ${manifest.packageName} found but requires ${manifest.minimumHEVersion}, please update your firmware to upgrade." continue } def newVersionResult = newVersionAvailable(manifest, state.manifests[pkg.key]) if (newVersionResult.newVersion) { def version = includeBetas && manifest.betaVersion != null ? manifest.betaVersion : manifest.version packagesWithUpdates << ["${pkg.key}": "${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName} (installed: ${state.manifests[pkg.key].version ?: "N/A"} current: ${version})"] logDebug "Updates found for package ${pkg.key}" addUpdateDetails(pkg.key, manifest.packageName, manifest.releaseNotes, "package", null, newVersionResult.forceProduction) } else { def appOrDriverNeedsUpdate = false for (app in manifest.apps) { try { def installedApp = getAppById(state.manifests[pkg.key], app.id) if (app?.version != null && installedApp?.version != null) { newVersionResult = newVersionAvailable(app, installedApp) if (newVersionResult.newVersion) { if (!appOrDriverNeedsUpdate) { // Only add a package to the list once packagesWithUpdates << ["${pkg.key}": "${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName} (driver or app has a new version)"] } appOrDriverNeedsUpdate = true addUpdateDetails(pkg.key, manifest.packageName, manifest.releaseNotes, "specificapp", app, newVersionResult.forceProduction) } } else if ((!installedApp || (!installedApp.required && installedApp.heID == null)) && app.required) { if (!appOrDriverNeedsUpdate) { // Only add a package to the list once packagesWithUpdates << ["${pkg.key}": "${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName} (driver or app has a new requirement)"] } appOrDriverNeedsUpdate = true addUpdateDetails(pkg.key, manifest.packageName, manifest.releaseNotes, "reqapp", app, false) } else if (!installedApp && !app.required) { if (!appOrDriverNeedsUpdate) { // Only add a package to the list once packagesWithUpdates << ["${pkg.key}": "${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName} (new optional app or driver is available)"] } appOrDriverNeedsUpdate = true addUpdateDetails(pkg.key, manifest.packageName, manifest.releaseNotes, "optapp", app, false) } } catch (any) { log.error "Bad manifest for ${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName}. Please notify the package developer." } } for (driver in manifest.drivers) { try { def installedDriver = getDriverById(state.manifests[pkg.key], driver.id) if (driver?.version != null && installedDriver?.version != null) { newVersionResult = newVersionAvailable(driver, installedDriver) if (newVersionResult.newVersion) { if (!appOrDriverNeedsUpdate) {// Only add a package to the list once packagesWithUpdates << ["${pkg.key}": "${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName} (driver or app has a new version)"] } appOrDriverNeedsUpdate = true addUpdateDetails(pkg.key, manifest.packageName, manifest.releaseNotes, "specificdriver", driver, newVersionResult.forceProduction) } } else if ((!installedDriver || (!installedDriver.required && installedDriver.heID == null)) && driver.required) { if (!appOrDriverNeedsUpdate) { // Only add a package to the list once packagesWithUpdates << ["${pkg.key}": "${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName} (driver or app has a new requirement)"] } appOrDriverNeedsUpdate = true addUpdateDetails(pkg.key, manifest.packageName, manifest.releaseNotes, "reqdriver", driver, false) } else if (!installedDriver && !driver.required) { addUpdateDetails(pkg.key, manifest.packageName, manifest.releaseNotes, "optdriver", driver, false) if (!appOrDriverNeedsUpdate) { // Only add a package to the list once packagesWithUpdates << ["${pkg.key}": "${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName} (new optional app or driver is available)"] } appOrDriverNeedsUpdate = true } } catch (e) { log.error "Bad manifest for ${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName}. ${e} Please notify the package developer." } } } } catch (e) { log.error "Bad manifest for ${state.manifests[pkg.key].packageName}. ${e} Please notify the package developer." } } packagesWithUpdates = packagesWithUpdates.sort { it -> it.value } atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false return packagesWithUpdates } def prefPkgUpdate() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "Update chosen" state.updatesNotified = false updateDetails = [:] optionalItemsToShow = [:] atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true runInMillis(1,performUpdateCheck) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgUpdate", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgUpdate", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Checking for updates" paragraph "Checking for updates... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() showHideNextButton(false) } } } else if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == false) { if (packagesWithUpdates.size() > 0) { logDebug "Updates available" return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgUpdate", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgVerifyUpdates", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Updates Available" paragraph "Updates are available." input "pkgsToUpdate", "enum", title: "Which packages do you want to update?", multiple: true, required: true, options:packagesWithUpdates, submitOnChange: true } if (updateDetails?.size() > 0 && pkgsToUpdate != null) { for (pkgToUpdate in pkgsToUpdate) { def updateDetailsForPkg = updateDetails[pkgToUpdate] for (details in updateDetailsForPkg.items) { if (details.type == "optapp" || details.type == "optdriver") { optionalItemsToShow["${pkgToUpdate}~${details.id}"] = "${details.name} (${updateDetailsForPkg.name})" } } } if (optionalItemsToShow?.size() > 0) { section { input "pkgsToAddOpt", "enum", title: "One or more packages has new optional components. Choose which ones to add", multiple: true, options:optionalItemsToShow } } } section { if (updateDetails?.size() > 0 && pkgsToUpdate != null) showHideNextButton(true) else showHideNextButton(false) } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } else { logDebug "No updates available" app.updateLabel("Hubitat Package Manager") return complete("No Updates Available", "All packages are up to date, click Next to return to the Main Menu.") } } } def prefPkgVerifyUpdates() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgVerifyUpdates" statusMessage = "" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = null errorOccurred = null errorTitle = null errorMessage = null def updatesToInstall = "" def optStrToInstall = "" return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgVerifyUpdates", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgUpdatesComplete", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Install Updates?" paragraph "The following updates will be installed: ${updatesToInstall}" if (optStrToInstall != "") paragraph "The following optional items will be added: ${optStrToInstall}" paragraph "Click Next to continue. This may take some time." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefPkgUpdatesComplete() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "Performing update" atomicState.hpmUpgraded = false for (pkg in pkgsToUpdate) { if (pkg == state.repositoryListingJSON.hpm.location) { atomicState.hpmUpgraded = true break } } atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true runInMillis(1,performUpdates) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgUpdatesComplete", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgUpdatesComplete", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { displayHeader() section { showHideNextButton(false) paragraph "Installing Updates" paragraph "Installing updates... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() } } } else { if (!atomicState.hpmUpgraded) return complete("Updates complete", "The updates have been installed, click Next to return to the Main Menu.") else { return complete("Updates complete", "The updates have been installed, click Done to continue.", true) } } } def shouldUpgrade(pkg, id) { def pkgUpdateDetails = updateDetails[pkg] for (updateItem in pkgUpdateDetails.items) { if (updateItem.type == "package") return true else if ((updateItem.type == "specificapp" || updateItem.type == "specificdriver") && updateItem.id == id) return true } return false } def optionalItemsOnly(pkg) { def pkgUpdateDetails = updateDetails[pkg] for (updateItem in pkgUpdateDetails.items) { if (updateItem.type == "package" || updateItem.type == "specificapp" || updateItem.type == "specificdriver" || updateItem.type == "reqapp" || updateItem.type == "reqdriver") return false } return true } def forceProduction(pkg, id) { def pkgUpdateDetails = updateDetails[pkg] for (updateItem in pkgUpdateDetails.items) { if (updateItem.type == "package") return updateItem.forceProduction else if ((updateItem.type == "specificapp" || updateItem.type == "specificdriver") && updateItem.id == id) return updateItem.forceProduction } return false } def performUpdates(runInBackground) { def resultData = [success: null, succeeded: [], failed: [], message: null] if (!login()) { resultData.message = triggerError("Error logging in to hub", "An error occurred logging into the hub. Please verify your Hub Security username and password.", runInBackground) resultData.success = false return resultData } // Download all files first to reduce the chances of a network error def downloadedManifests = [:] def appFiles = [:] def driverFiles = [:] def fileManagerFiles = [:] for (pkg in pkgsToUpdate) { def manifest = getJSONFile(pkg) if (shouldInstallBeta(manifest)) { manifest = getJSONFile(getItemDownloadLocation(manifest)) if (manifest) manifest.beta = true else manifest = getJSONFile(pkg) } else manifest.beta = false def installedManifest = state.manifests[pkg] downloadedManifests[pkg] = manifest if (manifest) { def fileMgrResults = downloadFileManagerFiles(manifest) if (fileMgrResults.success) fileManagerFiles = fileManagerFiles + fileMgrResults.files else return triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${fileMgrResults.name}", false) for (app in manifest.apps) { if (isAppInstalled(installedManifest,app.id)) { if (shouldUpgrade(pkg, app.id)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, app.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) else location = app.location setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${app.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } appFiles[location] = fileContents } } else if (app.required && !optionalItemsOnly(pkg)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, app.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) else location = app.location setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${app.name} because it is required and not installed") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } appFiles[location] = fileContents } else { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, app.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) else location = app.location for (optItem in pkgsToAddOpt) { def splitParts = optItem.split('~') if (splitParts[0] == pkg) { if (splitParts[1] == app.id) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading optional component ${app.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } appFiles[location] = fileContents } } } } } for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (isDriverInstalled(installedManifest,driver.id)) { if (shouldUpgrade(pkg, driver.id)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, driver.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) else location = driver.location setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${driver.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } } else if (driver.required && !optionalItemsOnly(pkg)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, driver.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) else location = driver.location setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading ${driver.name} because it is required and not installed") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } else { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, driver.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) else location = driver.location for (optItem in pkgsToAddOpt) { def splitParts = optItem.split('~') if (splitParts[0] == pkg && splitParts[1] == driver.id) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading optional component ${driver.name}") def fileContents = downloadFile(location) if (fileContents == null) { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = triggerError("Error downloading file", "An error occurred downloading ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } driverFiles[location] = fileContents } } } } if (pkg == state.repositoryListingJSON.hpm?.location) sendLocationEvent(name: "hpmVersion", value: manifest.version) } else { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = triggerError("Error downloading file", "The manifest file ${pkg} no longer seems to be valid.", runInBackground) return resultData } } for (pkg in pkgsToUpdate) { def manifest = downloadedManifests[pkg] def installedManifest = state.manifests[pkg] if (manifest) { initializeRollbackState("update") manifestForRollback = manifest if (manifest.betaVersion && includeBetas) manifest.beta = true for (app in manifest.apps) { if (isAppInstalled(installedManifest,app.id)) { if (shouldUpgrade(pkg, app.id)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, app.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) else location = app.location app.heID = getAppById(installedManifest, app.id).heID app.beta = shouldInstallBeta(app) && !forceProduction(pkg, app.id) def sourceCode = getAppSource(app.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Upgrading ${app.name}") if (upgradeApp(app.heID, appFiles[location])) { completedActions["appUpgrades"] << [id:app.heID,source:sourceCode] if (app.oauth) enableOAuth(app.heID) } else { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = rollback("Failed to upgrade app ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } } } else if (app.required && !optionalItemsOnly(pkg)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, app.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) else location = app.location setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${app.name}") def id = installApp(appFiles[location]) if (id != null) { app.heID = id app.beta = shouldInstallBeta(app) && !forceProduction(pkg, app.id) if (app.oauth) enableOAuth(app.heID) } else { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = rollback("Failed to install app ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } } else { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, app.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(app) else location = app.location for (optItem in pkgsToAddOpt) { def splitParts = optItem.split('~') if (splitParts[0] == pkg) { if (splitParts[1] == app.id) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${app.name}") def id = installApp(appFiles[location]) if (id != null) { app.heID = id app.beta = shouldInstallBeta(app) && !forceProduction(pkg, app.id) if (app.oauth) enableOAuth(app.heID) } else { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = rollback("Failed to install app ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } } } } } } for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (isDriverInstalled(installedManifest,driver.id)) { if (shouldUpgrade(pkg, driver.id)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, driver.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) else location = driver.location driver.heID = getDriverById(installedManifest, driver.id).heID driver.beta = shouldInstallBeta(driver) && !forceProduction(pkg, driver.id) def sourceCode = getDriverSource(driver.heID) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Upgrading ${driver.name}") if (upgradeDriver(driver.heID, driverFiles[location])) { completedActions["driverUpgrades"] << [id:driver.heID,source:sourceCode] } else { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = rollback("Failed to upgrade driver ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } } } else if (driver.required && !optionalItemsOnly(pkg)) { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, driver.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) else location = driver.location setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${driver.name}") def id = installDriver(driverFiles[location]) if (id != null) { driver.heID = id driver.beta = shouldInstallBeta(driver) && !forceProduction(pkg, driver.id) } else { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = rollback("Failed to install driver ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } } else { def location if (!forceProduction(pkg, driver.id)) location = getItemDownloadLocation(driver) else location = driver.location for (optItem in pkgsToAddOpt) { def splitParts = optItem.split('~') if (splitParts[0] == pkg) { if (splitParts[1] == driver.id) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${driver.name}") def id = installDriver(driverFiles[location]) if (id != null) { driver.heID = id driver.beta = shouldInstallBeta(driver) && !forceProduction(pkg, driver.id) } else { resultData.success = false resultData.failed << pkg resultData.message = rollback("Failed to install driver ${location}", runInBackground) return resultData } } } } } } for (fileToInstall in manifest.files) { def location = getItemDownloadLocation(fileToInstall) def fileContents = fileManagerFiles[location] setBackgroundStatusMessage("Installing ${location}") if (!installFile(fileToInstall.id, fileToInstall.name, fileContents)) { return rollback("Failed to install file ${location}. Please notify the package developer.", false) } else completedActions["fileInstalls"] << fileToInstall } if (state.manifests[pkg] != null) copyInstalledItemsToNewManifest(state.manifests[pkg], manifest) resultData.succeeded << pkg state.manifests[pkg] = manifest minimizeStoredManifests() } else { } } state.updatesNotified = false logDebug "Updates complete" if (runInBackground != true) atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false else { resultData.success = true return resultData } } def prefPkgMatchUp() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgMatchUp" return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgMatchUp", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgMatchUpVerify", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Match Installed Apps and Drivers" paragraph "This will go through all of the apps and drivers you currently have installed in Hubitat and attempt to find matching packages. This process can take minutes or even hours depending on how many apps and drivers you have installed. Click Next to continue." } if (!state.firstRun) { section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } } def prefPkgMatchUpVerify() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() if (errorOccurred == true) { return buildErrorPage(errorTitle, errorMessage) } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress == null) { logDebug "Performing Package Matching" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = true performPackageMatchup() } if (atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress != false) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgMatchUpVerify", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgMatchUpVerify", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 2) { displayHeader() section { showHideNextButton(false) paragraph "Matching Installed Apps and Drivers" paragraph "Matching packages... Please wait..." paragraph getBackgroundStatusMessage() } } } else { if (packagesMatchingInstalledEntries?.size() > 0) { def itemsForList = [:] for (pkg in packagesMatchingInstalledEntries) { def appAndDriverMatches = ((pkg.matchedApps?.collect { it -> it.title } ?: []) + (pkg.matchedDrivers?.collect { it -> it.title } ?: [])).join(", ") itemsForList << ["${pkg.location}":"${pkg.name} - matched (${appAndDriverMatches})"] } itemsForList = itemsForList.sort { it-> it.value} return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgMatchUpVerify", title: "", nextPage: "prefPkgMatchUpComplete", install: false, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Found Matching Packages" paragraph "The following matches were found. There is a possibility that some may have matched incorrectly. Only check off the items that you believe are correct." input "pkgMatches", "enum", title: "Choose packages to match", required: true, multiple: true, options: itemsForList input "pkgUpToDate", "bool", title: "Assume that packages are up-to-date? If set, the currently installed version will be marked as up-to-date. If not set, next time you run an update check this package will be updated." } if (!state.firstRun) { section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } } else { state.firstRun = false return complete("Match Up Complete", "No matching packages were found, click Next to return to the Main Menu.") } } } def performPackageMatchup() { if (!login()) return triggerError("Error logging in to hub", "An error occurred logging into the hub. Please verify your Hub Security username and password.", false) updateRepositoryListing() getMultipleJSONFiles(installedRepositories, performMatchupRepoRefreshComplete, performMatchupRepoRefreshStatus) } def performMatchupRepoRefreshComplete(results, data) { def packageManifests = [] def packageNames = [:] setBackgroundStatusMessage("Downloading package manifests") def manifestData = [:] for (uri in results.keySet()) { def repoName = getRepoName(uri) def result = results[uri] def fileContents = result.result if (fileContents == null) { log.warn "Error refreshing ${repoName ?: uri}" setBackgroundStatusMessage("Failed to refresh ${repoName ?: uri}") continue } for (pkg in fileContents.packages) { if (packageManifests.contains(pkg.location)) { log.warn "Duplicate manifest found ${pkg.location}, skipping" continue } packageManifests << pkg.location packageNames[pkg.location] = pkg.name manifestData[pkg.location] = [url: uri, githubUrl: fileContents.githubUrl, payPalUrl: fileContents.payPalUrl] } } getMultipleJSONFiles(packageManifests, performMatchupManifestsComplete, performMatchupManifestsStatus, [manifestData: manifestData, packageNames: packageNames]) } def performMatchupRepoRefreshStatus(uri, data) { def repoName = getRepoName(uri) setBackgroundStatusMessage("Refreshed ${repoName}") } def performMatchupManifestsStatus(uri, data) { } def performMatchupManifestsComplete(results, data) { setBackgroundStatusMessage("Retrieving list of installed apps") def allInstalledApps = getAppList() setBackgroundStatusMessage("Retrieving list of installed drivers") def allInstalledDrivers = getDriverList() // Filter out anything that already has an associated package for (manifest in state.manifests) { for (app in manifest.value.apps) { if (app.heID != null) allInstalledApps.removeIf {it -> it.id == app.heID} } for (driver in manifest.value.drivers) { if (driver.heID != null) allInstalledDrivers.removeIf {it -> it.id == driver.heID} } } def packagesToMatchAgainst = [] for (uri in results.keySet()) { def result = results[uri] def manifestContents = result.result if (manifestContents == null) log.error "Found a bad manifest ${uri}. Please notify the package developer." else { def pkgDetails = [ gitHubUrl: data.manifestData[uri].gitHubUrl, payPalUrl: data.manifestData[uri].payPalUrl, repository: getRepoName(data.manifestData[uri].url), name: data.packageNames[uri], location: uri, manifest: manifestContents ] packagesToMatchAgainst << pkgDetails } } packagesMatchingInstalledEntries = [] setBackgroundStatusMessage("Matching up packages") for (pkg in packagesToMatchAgainst) { def matchedInstalledApps = [] def matchedInstalledDrivers = [] for (app in pkg.manifest.apps) { def appsToAdd = findMatchingAppOrDriver(allInstalledApps, app) if (appsToAdd != null) matchedInstalledApps << appsToAdd } for (driver in pkg.manifest.drivers) { def driversToAdd = findMatchingAppOrDriver(allInstalledDrivers, driver) if (driversToAdd != null) matchedInstalledDrivers << driversToAdd } if (matchedInstalledApps?.size() > 0 || matchedInstalledDrivers?.size() > 0) { pkg.matchedApps = matchedInstalledApps pkg.matchedDrivers = matchedInstalledDrivers packagesMatchingInstalledEntries << pkg } } atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = false } def prefPkgMatchUpComplete() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgMatchUpComplete" for (match in pkgMatches) { def matchFromState = packagesMatchingInstalledEntries.find {it -> it.location == match} if (matchFromState) { def manifest = matchFromState.manifest def installedApps = matchFromState.matchedApps def installedDrivers = matchFromState.matchedDrivers if (!pkgUpToDate && manifest.version != null) manifest.version = "0.0" for (app in manifest.apps) { def installedApp = findMatchingAppOrDriver(installedApps, app) if (installedApp != null) { app.heID = installedApp.id if (!pkgUpToDate && app.version != null) app.version = "0.0" } } for (driver in manifest.drivers) { def installedDriver = findMatchingAppOrDriver(installedDrivers, driver) if (installedDriver != null) { driver.heID = installedDriver.id if (!pkgUpToDate && driver.version != null) driver.version = "0.0" } } if (state.manifests[match]) copyInstalledItemsToNewManifest(state.manifests[match], manifest) if (matchFromState.gitHubUrl != null) manifest.gitHubUrl = matchFromState.gitHubUrl if (matchFromState.payPalUrl != null) manifest.payPalUrl = matchFromState.payPalUrl state.manifests[match] = manifest minimizeStoredManifests() } } state.firstRun = false return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgMatchUpComplete", title: "", install: true, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "Match Up Complete" if (pkgUpToDate) paragraph "The selected packages have been marked as installed. Click Done to continue." else paragraph "The selected packages have been marked as installed. Click Done to continue. If you wish to update the packages to the latest version, run an Update." } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def prefPkgView() { if (state.mainMenu) return prefOptions() logDebug "prefPkgView" def appsManaged = [] def driversManaged = [] def str = "" return dynamicPage(name: "prefPkgView", title: "", install: true, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "View Apps and Drivers" paragraph "The apps and drivers listed below are managed by the Hubitat Package Manager." paragraph str } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def buildErrorPage(title, message) { return dynamicPage(name: "prefError", title: "", install: true, uninstall: false) { displayHeader() section { paragraph "${title}" paragraph message showHideNextButton(true) } section { paragraph "
" input "btnMainMenu", "button", title: "Main Menu", width: 3 } } } def buildNotification(text) { if (notifyIncludeHubName) return "${location.name} - ${text}" else return text } def checkForUpdates() { updateRepositoryListing() def allUpgradeCount = 0 def packagesWithLabels = performUpdateCheck() def packagesWithUpdates = packagesWithLabels?.keySet() as List if (packagesWithUpdates?.size() == 0) app.updateLabel("Hubitat Package Manager") else { allUpgradeCount = packagesWithUpdates?.size()?: 0 if (notifyUpdatesAvailable && !state.updatesNotified) { logDebug "Sending update notification" state.updatesNotified = true notifyDevices*.deviceNotification(buildNotification("Hubitat Package updates are available")) } if (autoUpdateMode != "Never") { if (isHubSecurityEnabled() && !hpmSecurity) { log.error "Hub security is enabled but not configured in Package Manager. Updates cannot be installed." if (notifyOnFailure) { notifyUpdateFailureDevices*.deviceNotification(buildNotification("Hub security is enabled but not configured in Package Manager. Updates cannot be installed.")) } return } if (autoUpdateMode == "Include") packagesWithUpdates.removeIf { hasUpdate -> appsToAutoUpdate.find { it == hasUpdate} == null } else if (autoUpdateMode == "Exclude") packagesWithUpdates.removeIf { hasUpdate -> appsNotToAutoUpdate.find { it == hasUpdate} != null } if (packagesWithUpdates?.size() > 0) { app.updateSetting("pkgsToUpdate", packagesWithUpdates) pkgsToUpdate = packagesWithUpdates def result = null try { result = performUpdates(true) if (result.success == true) { if (notifyOnSuccess) { if (!notifySpecificPackages) notifyUpdateSuccessDevices*.deviceNotification(buildNotification("The packages were updated successfully")) if (packagesWithUpdates.size() < allUpgradeCount) app.updateLabel("Hubitat Package Manager Updates Available") else app.updateLabel("Hubitat Package Manager") } } else { log.error "Automatic update failure: ${result}" if (notifyOnFailure) { if (notifySpecificPackages) notifyUpdateFailureDevices*.deviceNotification(buildNotification("One or more packages failed to automatically update. Check the logs for more information")) app.updateLabel("Hubitat Package Manager Updates Available") } } } catch (e) { log.error "Automatic update failure: ${e}" if (notifyOnFailure) { if (notifySpecificPackages) notifyUpdateFailureDevices*.deviceNotification(buildNotification("One or more packages failed to automatically update. Check the logs for more information")) app.updateLabel("Hubitat Package Manager Updates Available") } } if (notifySpecificPackages) { if (notifyOnSuccess) { for (successful in result.succeeded) { log.debug successful log.debug state.manifests[successful].packageName notifyUpdateSuccessDevices*.deviceNotification(buildNotification("${state.manifests[successful].packageName} was updated successfully")) } } if (notifyOnFailure) { for (failed in result.failed) { notifyUpdateFailureDevices*.deviceNotification(buildNotification("${state.manifests[failed].packageName} failed to update")) } } } } } else app.updateLabel("Hubitat Package Manager Updates Available") } } def clearStateSettings(clearProgress) { installMode = null app.removeSetting("pkgInstall") app.removeSetting("appsToInstall") app.removeSetting("driversToInstall") app.removeSetting("pkgModify") app.removeSetting("pkgRepair") app.removeSetting("appsToModify") app.removeSetting("driversToModify") app.removeSetting("pkgUninstall") app.removeSetting("pkgsToUpdate") app.removeSetting("pkgsToAddOpt") app.removeSetting("pkgCategory") app.removeSetting("pkgTags") app.removeSetting("pkgMatches") app.removeSetting("pkgUpToDate") app.removeSetting("pkgSearch") app.removeSetting("launchInstaller") packagesWithUpdates = [:] updateDetails = [:] packagesMatchingInstalledEntries = [] optionalItemsToShow = [:] state.customRepo = false app.removeSetting("customRepo") if (clearProgress) { statusMessage = "" atomicState.backgroundActionInProgress = null errorOccurred = null errorTitle = null errorMessage = null } // Things that used to be in state that are not any longer. Clean up state.remove("action") atomicState.remove("statusMessage") atomicState.remove("inProgress") atomicState.remove("errorTitle") atomicState.remove("errorMessage") atomicState.remove("error") atomicState.remove("completedActions") state.remove("releaseNotes") state.remove("needsUpdate") state.remove("packageToInstall") state.remove("specificPackageItemsToUpgrade") state.remove("appsToInstall") state.remove("appsToUninstall") state.remove("driversToInstall") state.remove("driversToUninstall") state.remove("packagesWithMatches") state.remove("updateManifest") } def initializeRollbackState(action) { installAction = action completedActions = [:] completedActions["appInstalls"] = [] completedActions["driverInstalls"] = [] completedActions["appUninstalls"] = [] completedActions["driverUninstalls"] = [] completedActions["appUpgrades"] = [] completedActions["driverUpgrades"] = [] completedActions["fileUninstalls"] = [] completedActions["fileInstalls"] = [] completedActions["fileUpgrades"] = [] } def getInstalledPackages(onlyWithOptional) { def pkgsToList = [:] for (pkg in state.manifests) { if (!onlyWithOptional || pkg.value.apps?.find {it -> it.required == false } || pkg.value.drivers?.find {it -> it.required == false }) pkgsToList[pkg.key] = pkg.value.packageName } pkgsToList = pkgsToList.sort { it -> it.value } return pkgsToList } def isAppInstalled(manifest, id) { for (app in manifest.apps) { if (app.id == id) { if (app.heID != null) return true else return false } } return false } def isDriverInstalled(manifest, id) { for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (driver.id == id) { if (driver.heID != null) return true else return false } } return false } def getAppById(manifest, id) { for (app in manifest.apps) { if (app.id == id) { return app } } return null } def getDriverById(manifest, id) { for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (driver.id == id) { return driver } } return null } def getAppByHEId(manifest, id) { for (app in manifest.apps) { if (app.heID == id) { return app } } return null } def getDriverByHEId(manifest, id) { for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (driver.heID == id) { return driver } } return null } def getInstalledOptionalApps(manifest) { def result = [] for (app in manifest.apps) { if (app.heID != null && app.required == false) { result << app.id } } return result } def getInstalledOptionalDrivers(manifest) { def result = [] for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (driver.heID != null && driver.required == false) { result << driver.id } } return result } def downloadFile(file) { try { def params = [ uri: file, requestContentType: "application/json", contentType: "application/json", textParser: true, timeout: 300 ] def result = null httpGet(params) { resp -> result = resp.data.text } return result } catch (e) { log.error "Error downloading ${file}: ${e}" return null } } def downloadFileAsync(String file, String callback, Map data = null) { try { def params = [ uri: file, requestContentType: "application/json", contentType: "text/plain", timeout: 300 ] asynchttpGet(downloadFileAsyncCallback, params, [callback: callback, data: data, file: file]) } catch (e) { log.error "Error downloading ${file}: ${e}" return null } } def downloadFileAsyncCallback(resp, data) { def result = null try { if (resp.status >= 200 && resp.status <= 299) result = resp.data else log.error "Error downloading ${data['file']}: Received response ${resp.status}" } catch (e) { log.error "Error downloading ${data['file']}: ${e}" } this."${data['callback']}"(result, data['data']) } def getJSONFile(uri) { try { def fileContents = downloadFile(uri) return new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(fileContents) } catch (e) { return null } } def getMultipleJSONFilesCallback(resp, data) { def result = null "${data.statusCallback}"(data.uri, data.uri) synchronized (downloadQueue) { downloadQueue[data.batchid].results[data.uri].result = resp downloadQueue[data.batchid].results[data.uri].complete = true def queuedItem = downloadQueue[data.batchid].results.find { k, v -> v.queued == true} if (queuedItem != null) { def itemValue = queuedItem.value itemValue.queued = false getJSONFileAsync(queuedItem.key, getMultipleJSONFilesCallback, [batchid: data.batchid, uri: queuedItem.key, callback: itemValue.callback, statusCallback: itemValue.statusCallback, data: itemValue.data]) } else if (downloadQueue[data.batchid].results.count { k, v -> v.complete == true} == downloadQueue[data.batchid].totalBatchSize) { result = downloadQueue[data.batchid].results } } if (result != null) "${data.callback}"(result, data.data) } def getMultipleJSONFiles(uriList, completeCallback, statusCallback, data = null) { def batchid = UUID.randomUUID().toString() synchronized (downloadQueue) { def itemsToRemove = [] for (batch in downloadQueue.keySet()) { if (downloadQueue[batch].totalBatchSize == downloadQueue[batch].results.count { k, v -> v.complete == true}) { itemsToRemove << batch } } for (removeItem in itemsToRemove) { downloadQueue.remove(removeItem) } downloadQueue[batchid] = [totalBatchSize: uriList.size(), results: [:]] for (uri in uriList) { if (downloadQueue[batchid].results.count { k, v -> v.queued == false} < maxDownloadQueueSize) { downloadQueue[batchid].results[uri] = [complete: false, result: null, queued: false] getJSONFileAsync(uri, getMultipleJSONFilesCallback, [batchid: batchid, uri: uri, callback: completeCallback, statusCallback: statusCallback, data: data]) } else { downloadQueue[batchid].results[uri] = [complete: false, result: null, queued: true, callback: completeCallback, statusCallback: statusCallback, data: data] } } } } def getJSONFileAsync(String uri, String callback, Map data = null) { try { downloadFileAsync(uri, getJSONAsyncResult, [callback: callback, data: data]) } catch (e) { return null } } def getJSONAsyncResult(resp, data) { def result = null try { result = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(resp) } catch (e) { } this."${data['callback']}"(result, data['data']) } def getOptionalAppsFromManifest(manifest) { def appsList = [:] for (app in manifest.apps) { if (app.required == false) appsList << ["${app.id}":app.name] } return appsList } def getOptionalDriversFromManifest(manifest) { def driversList = [:] for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (driver.required == false) driversList << ["${driver.id}":driver.name] } return driversList } def getRequiredAppsFromManifest(manifest) { def appsList = [:] for (app in manifest.apps) { if (app.required == true) appsList << ["${app.id}":app] } return appsList } def getRequiredDriversFromManifest(manifest) { def driversList = [:] for (driver in manifest.drivers) { if (driver.required == true) driversList << ["${driver.id}":driver] } return driversList } def getInstalledManifest(pkgId) { for (pkg in state.manifests) { if (pkg.key == pkgId) return pkg.value } return null } def verifyHEVersion(versionStr) { def installedVersionParts = location.hub.firmwareVersionString.split(/\./) def requiredVersionParts = versionStr.split(/\./) for (def i = 0; i < requiredVersionParts.size(); i++) { if (i >= installedVersionParts.size()) { return false } def installedPart = installedVersionParts[i].toInteger() def requiredPart = requiredVersionParts[i].toInteger() if (installedPart < requiredPart) { return false } else if (installedPart > requiredPart) { return true } } return true } def compareVersions(oldVersion, newVersion) { newVersion = newVersion.replaceAll("[^\\d.]", "") oldVersion = oldVersion?.replaceAll("[^\\d.]", "") if (newVersion == oldVersion) return 0 def oldVersionParts = oldVersion?.split(/\./) def newVersionParts = newVersion.split(/\./) for (def i = 0; i < newVersionParts.size(); i++) { if (i >= oldVersionParts.size()) { return 1 } def oldPart = oldVersionParts[i].toInteger() def newPart = newVersionParts[i].toInteger() if (oldPart < newPart) { return 1 } } return -1 } def newVersionAvailable(item, installedItem) { def result = [newVersion: false, forceProduction: false] def versionStr = includeBetas && item.betaVersion != null ? item?.betaVersion : item?.version def installedVersionStr = installedItem.beta ? (installedItem?.betaVersion ?: installedItem?.version) : installedItem?.version if (versionStr == null) return result if (installedVersionStr == null) { result.newVersion = true return result // Version scheme has changed, force an upgrade } if (compareVersions(versionStr, item?.version) != -1) { result.forceProduction = true versionStr = item?.version } if (compareVersions(installedVersionStr, versionStr) > 0) { result.newVersion = true return result } if (versionStr == installedVersionStr && installedItem?.beta && versionStr == item?.version) { result.forceProduction = true result.newVersion = true return result } return result } def isHubSecurityEnabled() { def hubSecurityEnabled = false httpGet( [ uri: "", path: "/hub/edit", textParser: true, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] ) { resp -> hubSecurityEnabled = resp.data?.text?.contains("Login") } return hubSecurityEnabled } def login() { if (hpmSecurity) { def result = false try { httpPost( [ uri: "", path: "/login", query: [ loginRedirect: "/" ], body: [ username: hpmUsername, password: hpmPassword, submit: "Login" ], textParser: true, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] ) { resp -> log.debug resp.data?.text if (resp.data?.text?.contains("The login information you supplied was incorrect.")) result = false else { state.cookie = resp?.headers?.'Set-Cookie'?.split(';')?.getAt(0) result = true } } } catch (e) { log.error "Error logging in: ${e}" result = false } return result } else return true } // App installation methods def installApp(appCode) { try { def params = [ uri: "", path: "/app/save", requestContentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", headers: [ "Cookie": state.cookie ], body: [ id: "", version: "", create: "", source: appCode ], timeout: 300, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] def result httpPost(params) { resp -> if (resp.headers."Location" != null) { result = resp.headers."Location".replaceAll("https?://|8443)/app/editor/","") getAppSource(result) completedActions["appInstalls"] << result } else result = null } return result } catch (e) { log.error "Error installing app: ${e}" } return null } def upgradeApp(id,appCode) { try { def params = [ uri: "", path: "/app/ajax/update", requestContentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", headers: [ "Cookie": state.cookie ], body: [ id: id, version: getAppVersion(id), source: appCode ], timeout: 300, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] def result = false httpPost(params) { resp -> result = resp.data.status == "success" } return result } catch (e) { log.error "Error upgrading app: ${e}" } return null } def uninstallApp(id) { try { def params = [ uri: "", path: "/app/edit/update", requestContentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", headers: [ "Cookie": state.cookie ], body: [ id: id, "_action_delete": "Delete" ], timeout: 300, textParser: true, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] def result = true httpPost(params) { resp -> if (resp.data == null) result = true else { def matcherText = resp.data.text.replace("\n","").replace("\r","") def matcher = matcherText.find(/