item ,context ,custom title.freq ,main heading ,Frequencies title.freq.weighted ,main heading ,Weighted Frequencies title.ctable ,main heading ,Cross-Tabulation title.ctable.weighted ,main heading ,Weighted Cross-Tabulation title.ctable.row ,main heading ,Row Proportions title.ctable.col ,main heading ,Column Proportions title.ctable.tot ,main heading ,Total Proportions title.descr ,main heading ,Descriptive Statistics title.descr.weighted ,main heading ,Weighted Descriptive Statistics title.dfSummary ,main heading ,Data Frame Summary n ,heading label ,N dimensions ,heading label (dfSummary) ,Dimensions duplicates ,heading label (dfSummary) ,Duplicates data.frame ,heading label (all functions) ,Data Frame label ,heading label (all functions) & column name (dfSummary) ,Label variable ,heading label (all functions) & column name (dfSummary) ,Variable group ,heading label (all functions when used with byst() / by() ,Group by ,heading label (descr when used with byst() / by() ,by weights ,heading label (descr & freq) ,Weights type ,heading label (freq) ,Type logical ,heading value for type (freq) ,Logical character ,heading value for type (freq) ,Character numeric ,heading value for type (freq) ,Numeric integer ,heading value for type (freq) ,Integer factor ,heading value for type (freq) ,Factor factor.ordered ,heading value for type (freq) ,Ordered Factor date ,heading value for type (freq) ,Date datetime ,heading value for type (freq) ,Datetime freq ,column name (freq) ,Freq pct ,column name (freq - when report.nas=FALSE) ,% pct.valid.f ,column name (freq) ,% Valid pct.valid.cum ,column name (freq) ,% Valid Cum. ,column name (freq) ,% Total ,column name (freq) ,% Total Cum. pct.cum ,column name (freq) ,% Cum. valid ,column name (freq & dfSummary) & column content (dfSummary) ,Valid invalid ,column content (dfSummary for emails) ,Invalid total ,column grouping in html (freq) ,Total mean ,row name (descr) ,Mean sd.long ,row name (descr) ,Std.Dev sd ,cell content (dfSummary) ,sd min ,row name (descr) ,Min q1 ,row name (descr) - 1st quartile ,Q1 med ,row name (descr) ,Median q3 ,row name (descr) - 3rd quartile ,Q3 max ,row name (descr) ,Max mad ,row name (descr) - Median Absolute Deviation ,MAD iqr ,row name (descr) - Inter-Quartile Range ,IQR cv ,row name (descr) - Coefficient of Variation ,CV skewness ,row name (descr) ,Skewness se.skewness ,row name (descr) - Std. Error for Skewness ,SE.Skewness kurtosis ,row name (descr) ,Kurtosis n.valid ,row name (descr) - Count of non-missing values ,N.Valid pct.valid ,row name (descr) - % of non-missing values ,Pct.Valid no ,column name (dfSummary) - position of column in the d.f. ,No stats.values ,column name (dfSummary) ,Stats / Values freqs.pct.valid ,column name (dfSummary) ,Freqs (% of Valid) graph ,column name (dfSummary) ,Graph missing ,column name (dfSummary) ,Missing distinct.value ,cell content (dfSummary) - singular form ,distinct value distinct.values ,cell content (dfSummary) - plural form ,distinct values all.nas ,cell content (dfSummary) - column has only NA's ,All NA's empty.str ,cell content (freq) - column has values equal to "" ,Empty string all.empty.str ,cell content (dfSummary) - column has only empty str's ,All empty strings all.empty.str.nas ,cell content (dfSummary) - col. has only NA's and empty str's ,All empty strings / NA's no.levels.defined ,cell content (dfSummary) - factor has no levels defined ,No levels defined int.sequence ,cell content (dfSummary) ,Integer sequence rounded ,cell content (dfSummary) - note appearing in Stats/Values ,rounded other ,cell content (freq) - used w/ rows arg (filtered out values) ,(Other) others ,cell content (dfSummary) - nbr of values not displayed ,others codes ,cell content (dfSummary) - When UPC codes are detected ,codes mode ,cell content (dfSummary) - mode = most frequent value ,mode med.short ,cell content (dfSummary) - median (shortened) ,med start ,cell content (dfSummary) - earliest date for date-type cols. ,Start end ,cell content (dfSummary) - latest date for data-type cols. ,End emails ,cell content (dfSummary) ,Emails ,footnote content ,Generated by version ,footnote content ,version date.fmt ,footnote - date format (see ?strptime) ,%Y-%m-%d