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^([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})[.]([0-9]{1,3})$ ]];then for (( i=1; i<${{ curly_pound }}BASH_REMATCH[@]}; ++i )) do (( ${BASH_REMATCH[$i]} <= 255 )) || { echo "Not a valid ip $ip" >&2; exit 1; } done else echo "Not a valid ip: $ip" >&2 exit 1; fi - path: /etc_master/master_count content: | {{ num_masters }} - path: /etc_slave/dcos-dns.json content: | { "upstream_resolvers": {{ resolvers }}, "bind_interface": "spartan", "udp_port": 53, "tcp_port": 53, "bind_ip_blacklist": {{ dns_bind_ip_blacklist_json }}, "forward_zones": {{ dns_forward_zones }} } - path: /etc_slave_public/dcos-dns.json content: | { "upstream_resolvers": {{ resolvers }}, "bind_interface": "spartan", "udp_port": 53, "tcp_port": 53, "bind_ip_blacklist": {{ dns_bind_ip_blacklist_json }}, "forward_zones": {{ dns_forward_zones }} } - path: /etc_master/dcos-dns.json content: | { {% switch master_dns_bindall %} {% case "true" %} {% case "false" %} "bind_interface": "spartan", {% endswitch %} "upstream_resolvers": {{ resolvers }}, "udp_port": 53, "tcp_port": 53, "bind_ip_blacklist": {{ dns_bind_ip_blacklist_json }}, "forward_zones": {{ dns_forward_zones }} } - path: /etc/mesos-dns.env content: | MESOS_DNS_CONFIG=/opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-dns.json - path: /etc/mesos-dns.json content: | { "zk": "zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos", "refreshSeconds": 30, "ttl": 60, "domain": "mesos", "port": 61053, {{ mesos_dns_resolvers_str }}, "timeout": 5, "listener": "", "email": "root.mesos-dns.mesos", "IPSources": {{ mesos_dns_ip_sources }}, "SetTruncateBit": {{ mesos_dns_set_truncate_bit }} } - path: /etc/ content: | [Match] Name=docker* m-* d-* vtep* spartan minuteman [Link] Unmanaged=yes - path: /etc/dcos-net.conf content: | [keyfile] unmanaged-devices=interface-name:docker*;interface-name:m-*;interface-name:d-*;interface-name:vtep*;interface-name:spartan;interface-name:minuteman; - path: /etc/dcos_net content: | DCOS_NET_WATCHDOG={{ dcos_net_watchdog }} DCOS_NET_IPV6={{ enable_ipv6 }} DCOS_NET_CLUSTER_IDENTITY={{ dcos_net_cluster_identity }} - path: /etc_master/dcos-net.config.d/master.config content: | [ {dcos_net, [ {is_master, true}, {push_ops_timeout, {{ dcos_net_push_ops_timeout }}} ] }, {dcos_l4lb, [ {agent_polling_enabled, false} ] }, {telemetry, [ {forward_metrics, false} ] } ]. - path: /etc_slave/dcos-net.config.d/slave.config content: | [ {telemetry, [ {forward_metrics, {{ dcos_l4lb_forward_metrics }}} ] } ]. - path: /etc_slave_public/dcos-net.config.d/slave.config content: | [ {telemetry, [ {forward_metrics, {{ dcos_l4lb_forward_metrics }}} ] } ]. - path: /etc/dcos-net.config.d/common.config content: | [ {dcos_net, [ {dist_port, 62501} ] }, {dcos_l4lb, [ {enable_lb, {{ enable_lb }}}, {enable_ipv6, {{ dcos_l4lb_enable_ipv6 }}}, {min_named_ip, {{ dcos_l4lb_min_named_ip_erltuple }}}, {max_named_ip, {{ dcos_l4lb_max_named_ip_erltuple }}}, {min_named_ip6, {{ dcos_l4lb_min_named_ip6_erltuple }}}, {max_named_ip6, {{ dcos_l4lb_max_named_ip6_erltuple }}}, {ipset_enabled, {{ dcos_l4lb_enable_ipset }}} ] }, {dcos_overlay, [ {enable_overlay, {{ dcos_overlay_enable }}}, {enable_ipv6, {{ enable_ipv6 }}} ] }, {dcos_rest, [ {enable_rest, {{ dcos_net_rest_enable }}} ] } ]. - path: /etc/dcos-cni-networks content: | { "names": [ "{{ dcos_overlay_network_default_name }}", "{{ dcos_overlay_network6_default_name }}", "{{ dcos_ucr_default_bridge_network_name }}", "kube-cni" ] } - path: /etc/overlay/config/master.json content: | { "replicated_log_dir":"/var/lib/dcos/mesos/master/", "network": {{ dcos_overlay_network_json }} } - path: /etc/dcos/network/cni/ucr-default-bridge.conf content: | { "name": "{{ dcos_ucr_default_bridge_network_name }}", "type" : "mesos-cni-port-mapper", "excludeDevices" : ["ucr-br0"], "chain": "UCR-DEFAULT-BRIDGE", "delegate": { "type": "bridge", "bridge": "ucr-br0", "isDefaultGateway": true, "forceAddress": false, "ipMasq": true, "hairpinMode": true, "ipam": { "type": "host-local", "dataDir": "{{ dcos_cni_data_dir }}", "subnet": "{{ dcos_ucr_default_bridge_subnet }}", "routes": [ { "dst": "" } ] } } } - path: /etc/overlay/config/agent.json content: | { "cni_dir":"/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos/network/cni", "cni_data_dir": "{{ dcos_cni_data_dir }}", "network_config": { "allocate_subnet": true, "mesos_bridge": true, "docker_bridge": true, "overlay_mtu": {{ dcos_overlay_mtu }}, "enable_ipv6": {{ enable_ipv6 }} }, "max_configuration_attempts": {{ dcos_overlay_config_attempts }} } - path: /etc/overlay/config/agent-master.json content: | { "cni_dir":"/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos/network/cni", "cni_data_dir": "{{ dcos_cni_data_dir }}", "network_config" : { "allocate_subnet": true, "mesos_bridge": false, "docker_bridge": false, "overlay_mtu": {{ dcos_overlay_mtu }}, "enable_ipv6": {{ enable_ipv6 }} }, "max_configuration_attempts": {{ dcos_overlay_config_attempts }} } - path: /etc/dcos/storage/csi/nfs.conf content: | { "type": "", "containers": [ { "services": [ "NODE_SERVICE" ], "command": { "shell": true, "value": "/opt/mesosphere/bin/nfsplugin --nodeid=$MESOS_AGENT_ID --endpoint=$CSI_ENDPOINT" }, "resources": [ {"name": "cpus", "type": "SCALAR", "scalar": {"value": 1}}, {"name": "mem", "type": "SCALAR", "scalar": {"value": 128}} ] } ] } - path: /etc/mesos-master-modules/dummy.json content: | {} - path: /etc/mesos-slave-modules/dummy.json content: | {} - path: /etc/mesos-master-modules/logsink.json content: | { "libraries": [ { "file": "/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos-modules/lib/mesos/", "modules": [ { "name": "com_mesosphere_mesos_LogSink", "parameters" : [ { "key": "output_file", "value" : "{{ mesos_master_log_file }}" } ] } ] } ] } - path: /etc/mesos-slave-modules/logsink.json content: | { "libraries": [ { "file": "/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos-modules/lib/mesos/", "modules": [ { "name": "com_mesosphere_mesos_LogSink", "parameters" : [ { "key": "output_file", "value" : "{{ mesos_agent_log_file }}" } ] } ] } ] } {% switch dcos_overlay_enable %} {% case "true" 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"/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos-modules/lib/mesos/", "modules": [ { "name": "com_mesosphere_dcos_MetricsIsolatorModule", "parameters": [ {"key": "dcos_metrics_service_scheme", "value": "http"}, {"key": "dcos_metrics_service_network", "value": "unix"}, {"key": "dcos_metrics_service_address", "value": "/run/dcos/telegraf/dcos_statsd.sock"}, {"key": "dcos_metrics_service_endpoint", "value": "/container"} ] } ] } ] } - path: /etc/mesos-slave-modules/journal_logger_modules.json content: | { "libraries": [ { "file": "/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos-modules/lib/mesos/", "modules": [ { "name": "com_mesosphere_mesos_JournaldLogger", "parameters": [ { "key": "destination_type", "value": "{{ mesos_container_log_sink }}" }, { "key": "companion_dir", "value": "/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos-modules/bin/" }, { "key": "libprocess_num_worker_threads", "value": "2" }, { "key": "logrotate_max_stdout_size", "value": "{{ mesos_logrotate_file_size_mb }}MB" }, { "key": "logrotate_stdout_options", "value": "rotate 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endscript } - path: /etc/mesos-master content: | GLOG_drop_log_memory=false LIBPROCESS_NUM_WORKER_THREADS=16 MESOS_EXTERNAL_LOG_FILE={{ mesos_master_log_file }} MESOS_FAIR_SHARING_EXCLUDED_RESOURCE_NAMES={{ fair_sharing_excluded_resource_names }} MESOS_FILTER_GPU_RESOURCES={{ gpus_are_scarce }} MESOS_FRAMEWORK_SORTER=random # Setting `HOSTNAME_LOOKUP` to `false` will prevent Mesos to deduce the hostname # from the IP address (which is currently determined by an IP detect command set # via a different flag). Provided `HOSTNAME` is not set explicitly, this ensures # that the hostname is set to the IP address as reported by the IP detect script. # There are environments where hostname lookup and DNS are unavailable (Azure, # on-prem environments, etc.), which apparently used to cause problems with a # number of our frameworks in the past, since they often depend on the Mesos # hostname in the resource offer to be reachable. MESOS_HOSTNAME_LOOKUP=false MESOS_MAX_SLAVE_PING_TIMEOUTS=20 MESOS_MIN_ALLOCATABLE_RESOURCES=cpus:0.01;mem:32;ports:1 MESOS_MEMORY_PROFILING=true MESOS_MODULES_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-master-modules MESOS_OFFER_TIMEOUT=2mins MESOS_QUORUM={{ master_quorum }} MESOS_REGISTRY_STORE_TIMEOUT=60secs MESOS_REGISTRY_FETCH_TIMEOUT=60secs MESOS_REGISTRY_STRICT=false MESOS_ROLE_SORTER=random MESOS_SLAVE_REMOVAL_RATE_LIMIT=100/1mins MESOS_WEIGHTS={{ weights }} MESOS_WORK_DIR={{ mesos_master_work_dir }} MESOS_ZK=zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos SASL_PATH=/opt/mesosphere/lib/sasl2 MESOS_MAX_COMPLETED_FRAMEWORKS={{ mesos_max_completed_frameworks }} MESOS_MAX_COMPLETED_TASKS_PER_FRAMEWORK={{ mesos_max_completed_tasks_per_framework }} {% switch log_offers %} {% case "true" %} GLOG_vmodule=master=2 {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/mesos-master-provider content: | MESOS_CLUSTER={{ cluster_name }} - path: /etc/mesos-slave-common content: | GLOG_drop_log_memory=false MESOS_CGROUPS_ENABLE_CFS={{ mesos_cgroups_enable_cfs }} MESOS_CGROUPS_LIMIT_SWAP=false # The order of containerizers affects the order of certain operations # on the agent. See before # making any changes to this variable. MESOS_CONTAINERIZERS=mesos,docker MESOS_CONTAINER_LOGGER=com_mesosphere_mesos_JournaldLogger MESOS_DEFAULT_CONTAINER_DNS=file:///opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-slave-dns.json MESOS_DISALLOW_SHARING_AGENT_PID_NAMESPACE=true MESOS_DOCKER_REMOVE_DELAY={{ docker_remove_delay }} MESOS_DOCKER_STOP_TIMEOUT={{ docker_stop_timeout }} MESOS_DOCKER_STORE_DIR=/var/lib/mesos/slave/store/docker MESOS_DOCKER_VOLUME_CHECKPOINT_DIR=/var/lib/mesos/isolators/docker/volume MESOS_EXECUTOR_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES=file:///opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-executor-environment.json MESOS_EXECUTOR_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT=10mins MESOS_EXECUTOR_REREGISTRATION_TIMEOUT=10secs MESOS_EXTERNAL_LOG_FILE={{ mesos_agent_log_file }} MESOS_GC_DELAY={{ gc_delay }} MESOS_GC_NON_EXECUTOR_CONTAINER_SANDBOXES=true # Setting `HOSTNAME_LOOKUP` to `false` will prevent Mesos to deduce the hostname # from the IP address (which is currently determined by an IP detect command set # via a different flag). Provided `HOSTNAME` is not set explicitly, this ensures # that the hostname is set to the IP address as reported by the IP detect script. # There are environments where hostname lookup and DNS are unavailable (Azure, # on-prem environments, etc.), which apparently used to cause problems with a # number of our frameworks in the past, since they often depend on the Mesos # hostname in the resource offer to be reachable. MESOS_HOSTNAME_LOOKUP=false MESOS_IMAGE_GC_CONFIG=file:///opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-slave-image-gc-config.json MESOS_IMAGE_PROVIDERS=docker MESOS_ISOLATION={{ mesos_isolation }} MESOS_LAUNCHER_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos/libexec/mesos MESOS_MASTER=zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos MESOS_MEMORY_PROFILING=true MESOS_MODULES_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos-slave-modules MESOS_NETWORK_CNI_ROOT_DIR_PERSIST={{ mesos_cni_root_dir_persist }} MESOS_NETWORK_CNI_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos/network/cni {% switch calico_enabled %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_NETWORK_CNI_PLUGINS_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/active/cni/:/opt/mesosphere/active/dcos-cni/:/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos/libexec/mesos:/opt/mesosphere/active/calico/cni {% case "false" %} MESOS_NETWORK_CNI_PLUGINS_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/active/cni/:/opt/mesosphere/active/dcos-cni/:/opt/mesosphere/active/mesos/libexec/mesos {% endswitch %} MESOS_CSI_PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos/storage/csi MESOS_RECONFIGURATION_POLICY=additive MESOS_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT={{ mesos_recovery_timeout }} MESOS_SECCOMP_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos/mesos/seccomp {% switch has_mesos_seccomp_profile_name %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_SECCOMP_PROFILE_NAME={{ mesos_seccomp_profile_name }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} MESOS_DOCKER_VOLUME_CHOWN={{ mesos_docker_volume_chown }} MESOS_DISALLOW_SHARING_AGENT_IPC_NAMESPACE={{ mesos_disallow_sharing_agent_ipc_namespace }} {% switch has_mesos_default_container_shm_size %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_DEFAULT_CONTAINER_SHM_SIZE={{ mesos_default_container_shm_size }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} {% switch mesos_http_executor_domain_sockets %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_HTTP_COMMAND_EXECUTOR=true MESOS_HTTP_EXECUTOR_DOMAIN_SOCKETS=true # This variable is taken from the `FileDescriptorName` field from the unit # file describing socket name of the Mesos agent service. Note that with systemd # versions before 227, named sockets are not supported. However, Mesos agent # handles this case. MESOS_DOMAIN_SOCKET_LOCATION=systemd:dcos-mesos-slave {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} MESOS_SLAVE_SUBSYSTEMS=cpu,memory MESOS_WORK_DIR={{ mesos_agent_work_dir }} {% switch use_mesos_hooks %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_HOOKS={{ mesos_hooks }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} {% switch cluster_docker_registry_enabled %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_DOCKER_REGISTRY={{ cluster_docker_registry_url }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} {% switch cluster_docker_credentials_enabled %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_DOCKER_CONFIG=file://{{ cluster_docker_credentials_path }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} {% switch enable_mesos_ipv6_discovery %} {% case "false" %} {% case "true" %} MESOS_IP6_DISCOVERY_COMMAND=/opt/mesosphere/bin/detect_ip6 {% endswitch %} {% switch cluster_docker_credentials_dcos_owned %} {% case "true" %} - path: /etc/docker_credentials permissions: "0600" content: | {{ cluster_docker_credentials }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/mesos-slave content: | MESOS_RESOURCES=[{"name":"ports","type":"RANGES","ranges": {"range": [{"begin": 1025, "end": 2180},{"begin": 2182, "end": 3887},{"begin": 3889, "end": 5049},{"begin": 5052, "end": 8079},{"begin": 8082, "end": 8180},{"begin": 8182, "end": 32000}]}}] - path: /etc/mesos-slave-public content: | MESOS_RESOURCES=[{"name":"ports","type":"RANGES","ranges": {"range": [{"begin": 1, "end": 21},{"begin": 23, "end": 5050},{"begin": 5052, "end": 32000}]}}] MESOS_DEFAULT_ROLE=slave_public MESOS_ATTRIBUTES=public_ip:true - path: /etc/mesos-executor-environment.json content: | { "PATH": "/usr/bin:/bin", "SHELL": "/usr/bin/bash", "LIBPROCESS_NUM_WORKER_THREADS": "8" } - path: /etc/dcos-log.env content: | DCOS_LOG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-log-config.json - path: /etc_master/dcos-log-config.json content: | { "role": "master" } - path: /etc_slave/dcos-log-config.json content: | { "role": "agent" } - path: /etc_slave_public/dcos-log-config.json content: | { "role": "agent_public" } - path: /etc/dns_search_config content: | {{ dcos_gen_resolvconf_search_str }} - path: /etc/dcos-check-config.json content: {{ check_config_contents }} - path: /etc/dcos-check-runner.env content: | DCOS_CHECK_RUNNER_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-check-runner.yaml - path: /etc_master/dcos-check-runner.yaml content: | role: master systemd-socket: true base-uri: /system/checks/v1 - path: /etc_slave/dcos-check-runner.yaml content: | role: agent systemd-socket: true base-uri: /system/checks/v1 - path: /etc_slave_public/dcos-check-runner.yaml content: | role: agent # Checks don't distinguish between public and private agents. systemd-socket: true base-uri: /system/checks/v1 - path: /etc/dcos-diagnostics.env content: | DCOS_DIAGNOSTICS_BUNDLE_DIR={{ diagnostics_bundles_dir }} DCOS_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-diagnostics-config.json - path: /etc_master/dcos-diagnostics-config.json content: | { "role": "master", "pull": true, "diagnostics-bundle-dir": "{{ diagnostics_bundles_dir }}", "endpoint-config": [ "/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config.json", "/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config-addition.json" ], "no-unix-socket": true, "fetchers-count": 100, "agent-port": 61001 } - path: /etc_slave/dcos-diagnostics-config.json content: | { "role": "agent", "endpoint-config": [ "/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config.json", "/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config-addition.json" ], "agent-port": 61001 } - path: /etc_slave_public/dcos-diagnostics-config.json content: | { "role": "agent_public", "endpoint-config": [ "/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config.json", "/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config-addition.json" ], "agent-port": 61001 } - path: /etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config.json content: | { "HTTPEndpoints": [ {% switch dcos_overlay_enable %} {% case "true" %} { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/overlay-master/state", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/overlay-agent/overlay", "Role": ["agent", "agent_public"] }, {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/__processes__", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/flags", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/frameworks", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/maintenance/schedule", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/maintenance/status", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/roles", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/slaves", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/state", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/state-summary", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/master/tasks", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/metrics/snapshot", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/registrar(1)/registry", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/system/stats.json", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/version", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_master_port }}, "Uri": "/quota", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/metrics", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/apps", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/deployments", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/groups", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/info", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/leader", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/queue", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/tasks", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/pods", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ marathon_port }}, "Uri": "/v2/pods/::status", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/__processes__", "Role":["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/metrics/snapshot", "Role":["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/flags", "Role":["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/state", "Role":["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/system/stats.json", "Role":["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/containers", "Role": ["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_agent_port }}, "Uri": "/containerizer/debug", "Role": ["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Port": {{ metronome_port }}, "Uri": "/v1/jobs", "Role": ["master"] } ], "LocalFiles": [ {% switch calico_enabled %} {% case "true" %} { "Location": "/var/lib/dcos/etcd/initial-state", "Role": ["master"], "Optional": true }, { "Location": "/var/lib/dcos/etcd/initial-nodes", "Role": ["master"], "Optional": true }, {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} { "Location": "/opt/mesosphere/active.buildinfo.full.json" }, { "Location": "/opt/mesosphere/etc/dcos-version.json" }, { "Location": "/opt/mesosphere/etc/expanded.config.json" }, { "Location": "/opt/mesosphere/etc/user.config.yaml" }, { "Location": "/var/lib/dcos/cluster-id" }, { "Location": "/var/lib/dcos/exhibitor/zookeeper/snapshot/myid", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Location": "/var/lib/dcos/exhibitor/conf/zoo.cfg", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Location": "/etc/resolv.conf" }, { "Location": "/proc/net/ip_vs" }, { "Location": "/proc/net/ip_vs_conn" }, { "Location": "/proc/net/fib_trie" }, { "Location": "/proc/cmdline" }, { "Location": "/proc/cpuinfo" }, { "Location": "/proc/meminfo" }, { "Location": "/proc/self/mountinfo" }, { "Location": "{{ mesos_agent_log_file }}", "Role": ["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Location": "{{ mesos_master_log_file }}", "Role": ["master"], "Optional": true }, { "Location": "{{ mesos_master_log_file }}.1", "Role": ["master"], "Optional": true }, { "Location": "{{ mesos_master_log_file }}.2.gz", "Role": ["master"], "Optional": true }, { "Location": "{{ mesos_master_log_file }}.3.gz", "Role": ["master"], "Optional": true }, { "Location": "/var/log/mesos-state.tar.gz", "Role": ["master"], "Optional": true } ], "LocalCommands": [ { "Command": ["dmesg", "-T"] }, { "Command": ["ip", "addr"] }, { "Command": ["ip", "route"] }, { "Command": ["ps", "aux", "ww", "Z"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/vips"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/records"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/metrics/default"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/metrics/dns"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/metrics/mesos_listener"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/metrics/l4lb"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/metrics/lashup"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/curl", "-s", "-S", "http://localhost:62080/v1/metrics/overlay"] }, { "Command": ["timedatectl"] }, { "Command": ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /etc/*-release"] }, { "Command": ["systemctl", "list-units", "dcos*"] }, { "Command": ["sestatus"], "Optional": true }, { "Command": ["iptables-save"] }, { "Command": ["ip6tables-save"] }, { "Command": ["ipset", "list"], "Optional": true }, {% switch calico_enabled %} {% case "true" %} { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/calicoctl", "get", "node", "-o", "yaml"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/calicoctl", "get", "ipPool", "-o", "yaml"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/calicoctl", "get", "profile", "-o", "yaml"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/calicoctl", "get", "workloadEndpoint", "-o", "yaml"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/calicoctl", "node", "status"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/calicoctl", "get", "networkPolicy", "-o", "yaml"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/calicoctl", "get", "globalNetworkPolicy", "-o", "yaml"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/dcos-shell", "dcos-etcdctl", "diagnostic"], "Role": ["master"] }, {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} { "Command": ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /proc/`systemctl show dcos-mesos-master.service -p MainPID| cut -d'=' -f2`/environ"], "Role": ["master"] }, { "Command": ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /proc/`systemctl show dcos-mesos-slave.service -p MainPID| cut -d'=' -f2`/environ"], "Role": ["agent"] }, { "Command": ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /proc/`systemctl show dcos-mesos-slave-public.service -p MainPID| cut -d'=' -f2`/environ"], "Role": ["agent_public"] }, { "Command": ["docker", "--version"], "Role": ["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Command": ["docker", "ps"], "Role": ["agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Command": ["/opt/mesosphere/bin/detect_ip"], "Role": ["master", "agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Command": ["sysctl", "-a"], "Role": ["master", "agent", "agent_public"] }, { "Command": ["df"] } ] } - path: /etc/dcos-diagnostics-endpoint-config-addition.json content: | { "HTTPEndpoints": [ { "Port": {{ exhibitor_port }}, "Uri": "/exhibitor/v1/cluster/list", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ exhibitor_port }}, "Uri": "/exhibitor/v1/cluster/log", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ exhibitor_port }}, "Uri": "/exhibitor/v1/cluster/state", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ exhibitor_port }}, "Uri": "/exhibitor/v1/cluster/status", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ exhibitor_port }}, "Uri": "/exhibitor/v1/config/get-state", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_dns_port }}, "Uri": "/v1/config", "Role": ["master"] }, { "Port": {{ mesos_dns_port }}, "Uri": "/v1/version", "Role": ["master"] } ] } - path: /etc/adminrouter.env content: | ADMINROUTER_ACTIVATE_AUTH_MODULE={{ adminrouter_auth_enabled }} - path: /etc/dcos-oauth.env content: | OAUTH_ISSUER_URL={{ oauth_issuer_url }} OAUTH_CLIENT_ID={{ oauth_client_id }} OAUTH_AUTH_REDIRECTOR={{ oauth_auth_redirector }} {% switch master_discovery %} {% case "master_http_loadbalancer" %} - path: /etc_master/dns_config_master content: | MASTER_SOURCE=exhibitor_uri EXHIBITOR_URI={{ exhibitor_port }}/exhibitor/v1/cluster/status EXHIBITOR_ADDRESS= - path: /etc/dns_config content: | MASTER_SOURCE=exhibitor_uri EXHIBITOR_URI=http://{{ exhibitor_address }}:{{ exhibitor_port }}/exhibitor/v1/cluster/status EXHIBITOR_ADDRESS={{ exhibitor_address }} RESOLVERS={{ resolvers_str }} {% case "static" %} - path: /etc_master/dns_config_master content: | MASTER_SOURCE=master_list - path: /etc/dns_config content: | MASTER_SOURCE=master_list RESOLVERS={{ resolvers_str }} - path: /etc/master_list content: | {{ master_list }} {% endswitch %} {% switch exhibitor_storage_backend %} {% case "agent_only_group_no_exhibitor" %} - path: /etc/exhibitor content: | # File intentionally has no settings - Exhibitor is not used on DC/OS Agents {% case "aws_s3" %} - path: /etc/exhibitor content: | EXHIBITOR_TLS_ENABLED={{ exhibitor_tls_enabled }} EXHIBITOR_TLS_REQUIRED={{ exhibitor_tls_required }} EXHIBITOR_BOOTSTRAP_CA_URL={{ exhibitor_bootstrap_ca_url }} BOOTSTRAP_URL={{ bootstrap_url }} EXHIBITOR_BACKEND=AWS_S3 AWS_REGION={{ aws_region }} AWS_S3_BUCKET={{ s3_bucket }} AWS_S3_PREFIX={{ s3_prefix }} {% switch exhibitor_explicit_keys %} {% case "true" %} - path: /etc/ content: |{{ aws_access_key_id }}{{ aws_secret_access_key }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} {% case "shared_filesystem" %} - path: /etc/exhibitor content: | EXHIBITOR_TLS_ENABLED={{ exhibitor_tls_enabled }} EXHIBITOR_TLS_REQUIRED={{ exhibitor_tls_required }} EXHIBITOR_BOOTSTRAP_CA_URL={{ exhibitor_bootstrap_ca_url }} BOOTSTRAP_URL={{ bootstrap_url }} EXHIBITOR_BACKEND=SHARED_FS EXHIBITOR_FSCONFIGDIR={{ exhibitor_fs_config_dir }} {% case "static" %} - path: /etc/exhibitor content: | EXHIBITOR_TLS_ENABLED={{ exhibitor_tls_enabled }} EXHIBITOR_TLS_REQUIRED={{ exhibitor_tls_required }} EXHIBITOR_BOOTSTRAP_CA_URL={{ exhibitor_bootstrap_ca_url }} BOOTSTRAP_URL={{ bootstrap_url }} EXHIBITOR_BACKEND=STATIC EXHIBITOR_STATICENSEMBLE={{ exhibitor_static_ensemble }} {% case "zookeeper" %} - path: /etc/exhibitor content: | EXHIBITOR_TLS_ENABLED={{ exhibitor_tls_enabled }} EXHIBITOR_TLS_REQUIRED={{ exhibitor_tls_required }} EXHIBITOR_BOOTSTRAP_CA_URL={{ exhibitor_bootstrap_ca_url }} BOOTSTRAP_URL={{ bootstrap_url }} EXHIBITOR_BACKEND=ZK ZK_CONFIG_CONNECT={{ exhibitor_zk_hosts }} ZK_CONFIG_ZPATH={{ exhibitor_zk_path }} {% case "azure" %} - path: /etc/exhibitor content: | EXHIBITOR_TLS_ENABLED={{ exhibitor_tls_enabled }} EXHIBITOR_TLS_REQUIRED={{ exhibitor_tls_required }} EXHIBITOR_BOOTSTRAP_CA_URL={{ exhibitor_bootstrap_ca_url }} BOOTSTRAP_URL={{ bootstrap_url }} EXHIBITOR_BACKEND=AZURE AZURE_CONTAINER=dcos-exhibitor AZURE_PREFIX={{ exhibitor_azure_prefix }} - path: /etc/ content: |{{ exhibitor_azure_account_name }}{{ exhibitor_azure_account_key }} {% endswitch %} {% switch enable_docker_gc %} {% case "true" %} - path: /etc/docker_gc_enabled content: "" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} # /etc/ui-config.json is minified due to late-binding and to preserve available cloud-config space - path: /etc/ui-config.json content: | {"uiConfiguration":{"plugins":{"banner":{"enabled":{{ ui_banner }},"backgroundColor":"{{ ui_banner_background_color }}","foregroundColor":"{{ ui_banner_foreground_color }}","headerTitle":{{ ui_banner_header_title }},"headerContent":{{ ui_banner_header_content }},"footerContent":{{ ui_banner_footer_content }},"imagePath":{{ ui_banner_image_path }},"dismissible":{{ ui_banner_dismissible }}},"branding":{"enabled":{{ ui_branding }}},"external-links": {"enabled": {{ ui_external_links }}}, {% switch custom_auth %} {% case "true" %} {{ custom_auth_json }} {% case "false" %} "authentication":{"enabled":false}, {% switch oauth_available %} {% case "true" %} "oauth":{"enabled":{{ oauth_enabled }},"authHost":"{{ oauth_auth_host }}"}, {% case "false" %} "oauth":{"enabled":false}, {% endswitch %} {% endswitch %} "intercom":{"enabled":{{ intercom_enabled }}, "appId": "wn4z9z0y"},"tracking":{"enabled":{{ telemetry_enabled }},"metadata":{{ ui_telemetry_metadata }}}, "ui-update":{"enabled": {{ ui_update_enabled }}},"mesos":{"logging-strategy":"{{ mesos_container_log_sink }}"}}}} - path: /etc_master/marathon content: | # This file will be overwritten on DC/OS upgrade. # For post-installation customization, edit the file /var/lib/dcos/marathon/environment MARATHON_ZK=zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/marathon LIBPROCESS_PORT=15101 JAVA_OPTS={{ marathon_java_args }} MARATHON_EXTRA_ARGS= MARATHON_MESOS_ROLE="slave_public" MARATHON_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_OFFER=100 MARATHON_TASK_LAUNCH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT=1800000 MARATHON_TASK_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT=86400000 MARATHON_TASK_RESERVATION_TIMEOUT=1800000 MARATHON_DECLINE_OFFER_DURATION=300000 STATSD_UDP_HOST="localhost" STATSD_UDP_PORT="61825" MARATHON_ENABLE_FEATURES="vips,task_killing,external_volumes,gpu_resources" MARATHON_MESOS_AUTHENTICATION_PRINCIPAL="dcos_marathon" MARATHON_MESOS_USER="root" {% switch dcos_overlay_enable %} {% case "true" %} MARATHON_DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME={{ dcos_overlay_network_default_name }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} {% switch has_marathon_gpu_scheduling_behavior %} {% case "true" %} MARATHON_GPU_SCHEDULING_BEHAVIOR={{ marathon_gpu_scheduling_behavior }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} {% switch has_marathon_new_group_enforce_role %} {% case "true" %} MARATHON_NEW_GROUP_ENFORCE_ROLE={{ marathon_new_group_enforce_role }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/proxy.env {% switch use_proxy %} {% case "true" %} content: | http_proxy={{ http_proxy }} https_proxy={{ https_proxy }} no_proxy="{{ no_proxy_final }}" {% case "false" %} content: "" {% endswitch %} - path: /etc_master/metronome content: | METRONOME_MESOS_LEADER_UI_URL=http://leader.mesos:{{ mesos_master_port }} METRONOME_MESOS_MASTER_URL=zk://zk-1.zk:2181,zk-2.zk:2181,zk-3.zk:2181,zk-4.zk:2181,zk-5.zk:2181/mesos METRONOME_PLAY_SERVER_HTTP_PORT={{ metronome_port }} METRONOME_MESOS_USER=root LIBPROCESS_PORT=15201 METRONOME_SCHEDULER_TASK_LAUNCH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT=600000 METRONOME_SCHEDULER_TASK_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT=600000 METRONOME_STATSD_HOST="localhost" METRONOME_STATSD_PORT=61825 METRONOME_STATSD_ENABLED=true {% switch has_metronome_gpu_scheduling_behavior %} {% case "true" %} METRONOME_GPU_SCHEDULING_BEHAVIOR={{ metronome_gpu_scheduling_behavior }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/extra_master_addresses content: | {% switch master_discovery %} {% case "master_http_loadbalancer" %} INTERNAL_MASTER_LB_DNSNAME={{ exhibitor_address }} {% case "static" %} {% endswitch %} {% switch has_master_external_loadbalancer %} {% case "true" %} MASTER_LB_DNSNAME={{ master_external_loadbalancer }} {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/bouncer-config.json content: | { "SUPERUSER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UID": "{{ superuser_service_account_uid }}", "SUPERUSER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY": {{ _superuser_service_account_public_key_json }}, "LOG_LEVEL_STDERR": "INFO", "LOG_LEVEL_SQLALCHEMY": "WARNING", "AUTH_COOKIE_SECURE_FLAG": {{ auth_cookie_secure_flag }}, "EXPIRATION_AUTH_TOKEN_DAYS": 5, "EXPIRATION_AUTH_COOKIE_DAYS": 5, "EXPIRATION_INFO_COOKIE_DAYS": 5, "GUNICORN_WORKER_PROCESSES": 1, "GUNICORN_THREADS_PER_WORKER": 10, "GUNICORN_BIND_ADDRESS": "", "GUNICORN_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS": 30, "ALEMBIC_DIR_PATH": "alembic" } - path: /etc/user.config.yaml content: | {{ config_yaml }} - path: /etc/user.config.full.yaml permissions: "0600" content: | {{ config_yaml_full }} - path: /etc/expanded.config.json content: | {{ expanded_config }} - path: /etc/expanded.config.full.json permissions: "0600" content: | {{ expanded_config_full }} - path: /etc_master/adminrouter-upstreams-open.conf content: | # Just for compatibility/uniformity with EE: set $adminrouter_agent_port 61001; set $upstream_cosmos; set $upstream_mesos http://leader.mesos:{{ mesos_master_port }}; - path: /etc_master/adminrouter-listen-open.conf content: | listen 80 default_server; listen 443 ssl default_server; - path: /etc_master/adminrouter-ui-security.conf content: | # Browser security settings for the DC/OS UI add_header X-Frame-Options "{{ adminrouter_x_frame_options }}"; - path: /etc_master/adminrouter-grpc-proxy-port.conf content: | listen {{ adminrouter_grpc_proxy_port }} http2; - path: /etc_master/adminrouter-grpc-proxy-etcd.conf {% switch calico_enabled %} {% case "true" %} content: | location / { access_by_lua_block { auth.access_grpc_etcd_endpoint(); } grpc_pass grpc://; } {% case "false" %} content: "" {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/adminrouter-tls-master.conf content: | # Ref: # Modulo ChaCha20 cipher and 3DES bulk encryption algorithm. # For 3DES see {% switch adminrouter_tls_cipher_override %} {% case "false" %} ssl_ciphers EECDH+AES128:RSA+AES128:EECDH+AES256:RSA+AES256:!MD5:!3DES; {% case "true" %} ssl_ciphers {{ adminrouter_tls_cipher_suite }}; {% endswitch %} ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; # To manually test which TLS versions are enabled on a node, use # `openssl` commands. # # See comments on for more # details. ssl_protocols {{ adminrouter_tls_version_override }}; - path: /etc/adminrouter-tls-agent.conf content: | # Note that Agent Admin Router only serves cluster-internal clients. Hence, # browser compatibility is not a criterion for the TLS cipher suite selection. ssl_ciphers EECDH+AES128:RSA+AES128:EECDH+AES256:RSA+AES256:!MD5; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; - path: /etc_slave/adminrouter-listen-open.conf content: | listen 61001 default_server; - path: /etc_slave_public/adminrouter-listen-open.conf content: | listen 61001 default_server; {% switch exhibitor_admin_password_enabled %} {% case "true" %} - path: /etc_master/exhibitor_web.xml permissions: "0644" content: | Protected /* admin Public /exhibitor/v1/cluster/status admin BASIC DCOS - path: /etc_master/exhibitor_realm permissions: "0644" content: | admin: {{ exhibitor_admin_password }},admin {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/rexray.conf content: {{ rexray_config_contents }} - path: /etc/telegraf.env content: | TELEGRAF_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/mesosphere/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf TELEGRAF_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/mesosphere/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/ TELEGRAF_USER_CONFIG_DIR=/var/lib/dcos/telegraf/telegraf.d/ TELEGRAF_CONTAINERS_DIR=/run/dcos/telegraf/dcos_statsd/containers LEGACY_CONTAINERS_DIR=/run/dcos/mesos/isolators/com_mesosphere_MetricsIsolatorModule/containers - path: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf content: | # Telegraf config for all nodes [global_tags] # Tags to be applied to all metrics. dcos_cluster_name="{{ cluster_name }}" dcos_cluster_id="$DCOS_CLUSTER_ID" {% switch fault_domain_enabled %} {% case "true" %} fault_domain_zone="$FAULT_DOMAIN_ZONE" fault_domain_region="$FAULT_DOMAIN_REGION" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} [agent] ## Default data collection interval for all inputs interval = "60s" ## Rounds collection interval to 'interval' ## ie, if interval="10s" then always collect on :00, :10, :20, etc. round_interval = false ## Telegraf will send metrics to outputs in batches of at most ## metric_batch_size metrics. ## This controls the size of writes that Telegraf sends to output plugins. metric_batch_size = 50000 ## For failed writes, telegraf will cache metric_buffer_limit metrics for each ## output, and will flush this buffer on a successful write. Oldest metrics ## are dropped first when this buffer fills. ## This buffer only fills when writes fail to output plugin(s). metric_buffer_limit = 500000 ## Collection jitter is used to jitter the collection by a random amount. ## Each plugin will sleep for a random time within jitter before collecting. ## This can be used to avoid many plugins querying things like sysfs at the ## same time, which can have a measurable effect on the system. collection_jitter = "20s" ## Default flushing interval for all outputs. You shouldn't set this below ## interval. Maximum flush_interval will be flush_interval + flush_jitter flush_interval = "60s" ## Jitter the flush interval by a random amount. This is primarily to avoid ## large write spikes for users running a large number of telegraf instances. ## ie, a jitter of 5s and interval 10s means flushes will happen every 10-15s flush_jitter = "20s" ## By default or when set to "0s", precision will be set to the same ## timestamp order as the collection interval, with the maximum being 1s. ## ie, when interval = "10s", precision will be "1s" ## when interval = "250ms", precision will be "1ms" ## Precision will NOT be used for service inputs. It is up to each individual ## service input to set the timestamp at the appropriate precision. ## Valid time units are "ns", "us", "ms", "s". precision = "" ## Logging configuration: ## Run telegraf with debug log messages. debug = false ## Run telegraf in quiet mode (error log messages only). quiet = false ## Specify the log file name. The empty string means to log to stderr. logfile = "" ## Override default hostname, if empty use os.Hostname() hostname = "" ## If set to true, do no set the "host" tag in the telegraf agent. omit_hostname = false # Read metrics about cpu usage [[inputs.cpu]] ## Whether to report per-cpu stats or not percpu = true ## Whether to report total system cpu stats or not totalcpu = true ## If true, collect raw CPU time metrics. collect_cpu_time = false ## If true, compute and report the sum of all non-idle CPU states. report_active = false # Read metrics about memory usage [[inputs.mem]] # Read metrics about disk usage by mount point [[inputs.disk]] ## Ignore mount points by filesystem type. # TODO(branden): Do we want to ignore any fs types? #ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs"] # Read metrics about swap memory usage [[inputs.swap]] # Gather metrics about network interfaces [[]] # Get the number of processes and group them by status [[inputs.processes]] # Read metrics about system load & uptime [[inputs.system]] # Collect statistics about itself [[inputs.internal]] ## If true, collect telegraf memory stats. collect_memstats = true # The following procstat inputs collect process resource metrics for components that run on all cluster nodes. [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-checks-api.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-checks-poststart.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-diagnostics.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-fluent-bit.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-net-watchdog.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-net.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-pkgpanda-api.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-telegraf.service" # Configuration for the Prometheus client to spawn [[outputs.prometheus_client]] ## Address to listen on listen = ":61091" ## Expiration interval for each metric before it's evicted from cache. expiration_interval = "120s" # Read metrics from DC/OS Net Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "30s" ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Net" # Read metrics from DC/OS Net Prometheus endpoint dns registry. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "30s" name_prefix = "dns_" ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Net" # Read metrics from DC/OS Net Prometheus endpoint lashup registry. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "30s" name_prefix = "lashup_" ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Net" # Read metrics from DC/OS Net Prometheus endpoint mesos_listener registry. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "30s" name_prefix = "mesos_listener_" ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Net" # Read metrics from DC/OS Net Prometheus endpoint l4lb registry. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "30s" name_prefix = "l4lb_" ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Net" # Read metrics from DC/OS Net Prometheus endpoint overlay registry. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "30s" name_prefix = "overlay_" ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Net" # Read metrics from DC/OS Calico Node Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = ["http://localhost:62091/metrics"] ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Calico" # Read metrics from Fluent Bit Prometheus endpoint [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "30s" ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Fluent Bit" # Transform Admin Router metrics from the Nginx VTS module [[processors.nginx_vts_filter]] [[processors.nginx_vts_filter.convert]] measurement = "nginx_vts_filter_requests_total" key_value_delimiter = ":=" tag_delimiter = "_._._" [[processors.nginx_vts_filter.convert]] measurement = "nginx_vts_filter_bytes_total" key_value_delimiter = ":=" tag_delimiter = "_._._" [[processors.nginx_vts_filter.convert]] measurement = "nginx_vts_filter_request_duration_seconds" key_value_delimiter = ":=" tag_delimiter = "_._._" - path: /etc_master/telegraf/telegraf.d/master.conf content: | # Additional Telegraf config for masters # The following procstat inputs collect process resource metrics for components that run on masters. [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-adminrouter.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-bouncer.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-cockroach.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-cockroachdb-config-change.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-cosmos.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-exhibitor.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-log-master.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-logrotate-master.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-marathon.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-mesos-dns.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-mesos-master.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-metronome.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-ui-update-service.service" {% switch enable_mesos_input_plugin %} {% case "true" %} # Telegraf plugin for gathering metrics from mesos [[inputs.mesos]] # The interval at which to collect metrics interval = "60s" # Timeout, in ms. timeout = 30000 # A list of Mesos masters. masters = ["http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_master_port }}"] # Master metrics groups to be collected. master_collections = [ "resources", "master", "agents", "frameworks", "framework_offers", "tasks", "operations", "messages", "evqueue", "registrar", "allocator", "overlay", ] ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-mesos" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} # Statsd UDP/TCP Server [[inputs.statsd]] ## Protocol, must be "tcp", "udp", "udp4" or "udp6" (default=udp) protocol = "udp" ## Address and port to host UDP listener on service_address = "localhost:61825" ## The following configuration options control when telegraf clears it's cache ## of previous values. If set to false, then telegraf will only clear it's ## cache when the daemon is restarted. ## Reset gauges every interval (default=true) delete_gauges = true ## Reset counters every interval (default=true) delete_counters = true ## Reset sets every interval (default=true) delete_sets = true ## Reset timings & histograms every interval (default=true) delete_timings = true ## Percentiles to calculate for timing & histogram stats percentiles = [90] ## separator to use between elements of a statsd metric metric_separator = "_" ## Parses tags in the datadog statsd format ## parse_data_dog_tags = false ## Number of UDP messages allowed to queue up, once filled, ## the statsd server will start dropping packets allowed_pending_messages = 100000 ## Number of timing/histogram values to track per-measurement in the ## calculation of percentiles. Raising this limit increases the accuracy ## of percentiles but also increases the memory usage and cpu time. percentile_limit = 1000 # Configuration for the Prometheus client to spawn [[outputs.prometheus_client]] ## Address to listen on listen = ":61091" # Reads 'mntr' health checks from one or many zookeeper servers [[inputs.zookeeper]] ## An array of addresses to gather stats about. Specify an ip or hostname ## with port. ie localhost:2181,, etc. ## If no hosts are specified, then localhost is used as the host. ## If no port is specified, 2181 is used servers = [":2181"] ## Timeout for metric collections from all servers. Minimum timeout is "1s". timeout = "10s" ## Optional TLS Config # enable_tls = true # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem" # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem" # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem" ## If true while TLS is enabled skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = true [inputs.zookeeper.tags] dcos-component-name = "ZooKeeper" {% switch calico_enabled %} {% case "true" %} # Reads metrics from etcd's prometheus client [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = ["http://localhost:2379/metrics"] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "10s" ## Optional TLS Config # tls_ca = /path/to/cafile # tls_cert = /path/to/certfile # tls_key = /path/to/keyfile ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = true [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "etcd" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} # Reads metrics from CockroachDB's prometheus client [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = ["http://localhost:8090/_status/vars"] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "10s" ## Optional TLS Config # tls_ca = /path/to/cafile # tls_cert = /path/to/certfile # tls_key = /path/to/keyfile ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = true [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "CockroachDB" # Read metrics from Admin Router Nginx Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "10s" ## Optional TLS Config # tls_ca = /path/to/cafile # tls_cert = /path/to/certfile # tls_key = /path/to/keyfile ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification insecure_skip_verify = true ## Drop unused Admin Router metrics from the Nginx VTS module namedrop = ["nginx_vts_filter_cache_*", "nginx_vts_server_*", "nginx_vts_upstream_*", "nginx_vts_*_request_seconds*"] [inputs.prometheus.tagdrop] direction = ["1xx", "2xx", "3xx", "4xx", "5xx"] ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "Admin Router" # Read metrics from DC/OS Diagnostics Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Diagnostics" # Read exhibitor status metrics from HTTP endpoint [[inputs.http]] name_override = "exhibitor_status" urls = [""] insecure_skip_verify = true data_format = "json" tag_keys = ["hostname"] json_string_fields = ["isLeader"] tagexclude = ["url"] [inputs.http.tags] dcos-component-name = "Exhibitor" [[processors.converter]] order = 1 namepass = ["exhibitor_status"] [processors.converter.fields] integer = ["isLeader"] [[processors.rename]] order = 2 namepass = ["exhibitor_status"] [[processors.rename.replace]] tag = "hostname" dest = "exhibitor_address" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "isLeader" dest = "isleader" # Expose metrics via the dcos-metrics v0 API. [[outputs.dcos_metrics]] dcos_node_role = "master" # Duration to cache metrics in memory. cache_expiry = "2m" # DC/OS node's private IP, as reported by /opt/mesosphere/bin/detect_ip. dcos_node_private_ip = "$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP" # Global DC/OS Cluster ID. dcos_cluster_id = "$DCOS_CLUSTER_ID" - path: /etc_slave/telegraf/telegraf.d/agent.conf content: | # Additional Telegraf config for agents # The following procstat inputs collect process resource metrics for components that run on agents. [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-adminrouter-agent.service" {% switch enable_docker_gc %} {% case "true" %} [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-docker-gc.service" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-log-agent.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-logrotate-agent.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-mesos-slave.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-rexray.service" # Plugin for monitoring mesos container resource consumption [[inputs.dcos_containers]] ## The interval at which to collect metrics interval = "60s" ## The URL of the local mesos agent mesos_agent_url = "http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}" ## The period after which requests to mesos agent should time out timeout = "10s" ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-dcos-containers" # Plugin for monitoring statsd metrics from mesos tasks [[inputs.dcos_statsd]] ## The interval at which to collect metrics interval = "30s" ## The address on which the command API should listen listen = "/run/dcos/telegraf/dcos_statsd.sock" ## The directory in which container information is stored containers_dir = "/run/dcos/telegraf/dcos_statsd/containers" ## The period after which requests to the API should time out timeout = "15s" ## The hostname or IP address on which to host statsd servers statsd_host = "" {% switch enable_mesos_input_plugin %} {% case "true" %} # Telegraf plugin for gathering metrics from mesos [[inputs.mesos]] # The interval at which to collect metrics interval = "60s" # Timeout, in ms. timeout = 30000 ## A list of Mesos slaves slaves = ["http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}"] # Slave metrics groups to be collected. slave_collections = [ "resources", "agent", "executors", "tasks", "messages", "overlay", ] ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-mesos" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} # Statsd UDP/TCP Server [[inputs.statsd]] ## Protocol, must be "tcp", "udp", "udp4" or "udp6" (default=udp) protocol = "udp" ## Address and port to host UDP listener on service_address = "localhost:61825" ## The following configuration options control when telegraf clears it's cache ## of previous values. If set to false, then telegraf will only clear it's ## cache when the daemon is restarted. ## Reset gauges every interval (default=true) delete_gauges = true ## Reset counters every interval (default=true) delete_counters = true ## Reset sets every interval (default=true) delete_sets = true ## Reset timings & histograms every interval (default=true) delete_timings = true ## Percentiles to calculate for timing & histogram stats percentiles = [90] ## separator to use between elements of a statsd metric metric_separator = "_" ## Parses tags in the datadog statsd format ## parse_data_dog_tags = false ## Number of UDP messages allowed to queue up, once filled, ## the statsd server will start dropping packets allowed_pending_messages = 100000 ## Number of timing/histogram values to track per-measurement in the ## calculation of percentiles. Raising this limit increases the accuracy ## of percentiles but also increases the memory usage and cpu time. percentile_limit = 1000 # Read metrics from Prometheus endpoints provided by Mesos tasks. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## The URL of the local mesos agent mesos_agent_url = "http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}" ## The period after which requests to mesos agent should time out mesos_timeout = "10s" ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "10s" ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-prometheus" # Read metrics from Admin Router Nginx Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "10s" ## Drop unused Admin Router metrics from the Nginx VTS module namedrop = ["nginx_vts_filter_cache_*", "nginx_vts_server_*", "nginx_vts_upstream_*", "nginx_vts_*_request_seconds*"] [inputs.prometheus.tagdrop] direction = ["1xx", "2xx", "3xx", "4xx", "5xx"] ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "Admin Router Agent" user_agent = "Telegraf-prometheus" # Read metrics from DC/OS Diagnostics Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = ["unix:///var/run/dcos/dcos-diagnostics.sock?path=/metrics"] ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Diagnostics" # Plugin for adding metadata to dcos-specific metrics [[processors.dcos_metadata]] ## The URL of the local mesos agent mesos_agent_url = "http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}" ## The period after which requests to mesos agent should time out timeout = "10s" ## The minimum period between requests to the mesos agent rate_limit = "5s" ## List of labels to always add to each metric as tags whitelist = ["DCOS_SERVICE_NAME"] ## List of prefixes a label should have in order to be added ## to each metric as tags; the prefix is stripped from the ## label when tagging whitelist_prefix = ["DCOS_METRICS_"] ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-dcos-metadata" # Expose metrics via the dcos-metrics v0 API. [[outputs.dcos_metrics]] dcos_node_role = "agent" # Duration to cache metrics in memory. cache_expiry = "2m" # DC/OS node's private IP, as reported by /opt/mesosphere/bin/detect_ip. dcos_node_private_ip = "$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP" # Global DC/OS Cluster ID. dcos_cluster_id = "$DCOS_CLUSTER_ID" - path: /etc_slave_public/telegraf/telegraf.d/agent.conf content: | # Additional Telegraf config for agents # The following procstat inputs collect process resource metrics for components that run on agents. [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-adminrouter-agent.service" {% switch enable_docker_gc %} {% case "true" %} [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-docker-gc.service" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-log-agent.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-logrotate-agent.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-mesos-slave.service" [[inputs.procstat]] systemd_unit = "dcos-rexray.service" # Plugin for monitoring mesos container resource consumption [[inputs.dcos_containers]] ## The interval at which to collect metrics interval = "60s" ## The URL of the local mesos agent mesos_agent_url = "http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}" ## The period after which requests to mesos agent should time out timeout = "10s" ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-dcos-containers" # Plugin for monitoring statsd metrics from mesos tasks [[inputs.dcos_statsd]] ## The address on which the command API should listen listen = "/run/dcos/telegraf/dcos_statsd.sock" ## The directory in which container information is stored containers_dir = "/run/dcos/telegraf/dcos_statsd/containers" ## The period after which requests to the API should time out timeout = "15s" ## The hostname or IP address on which to host statsd servers statsd_host = "" {% switch enable_mesos_input_plugin %} {% case "true" %} # Telegraf plugin for gathering metrics from mesos [[inputs.mesos]] # The interval at which to collect metrics interval = "60s" # Timeout, in ms. timeout = 30000 ## A list of Mesos slaves slaves = ["http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}"] # Slave metrics groups to be collected. slave_collections = [ "resources", "agent", "executors", "tasks", "messages", "overlay", ] ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-mesos" {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %} # Statsd UDP/TCP Server [[inputs.statsd]] ## Protocol, must be "tcp", "udp", "udp4" or "udp6" (default=udp) protocol = "udp" ## Address and port to host UDP listener on service_address = "localhost:61825" ## The following configuration options control when telegraf clears it's cache ## of previous values. If set to false, then telegraf will only clear it's ## cache when the daemon is restarted. ## Reset gauges every interval (default=true) delete_gauges = true ## Reset counters every interval (default=true) delete_counters = true ## Reset sets every interval (default=true) delete_sets = true ## Reset timings & histograms every interval (default=true) delete_timings = true ## Percentiles to calculate for timing & histogram stats percentiles = [90] ## separator to use between elements of a statsd metric metric_separator = "_" ## Parses tags in the datadog statsd format ## parse_data_dog_tags = false ## Number of UDP messages allowed to queue up, once filled, ## the statsd server will start dropping packets allowed_pending_messages = 100000 ## Number of timing/histogram values to track per-measurement in the ## calculation of percentiles. Raising this limit increases the accuracy ## of percentiles but also increases the memory usage and cpu time. percentile_limit = 1000 # Read metrics from Prometheus endpoints provided by Mesos tasks. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## The URL of the local mesos agent mesos_agent_url = "http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}" ## The period after which requests to mesos agent should time out mesos_timeout = "10s" ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "10s" ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-prometheus" # Read metrics from Admin Router Nginx Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = [""] ## Specify timeout duration for slower prometheus clients (default is 3s) response_timeout = "10s" ## Drop unused Admin Router metrics from the Nginx VTS module namedrop = ["nginx_vts_filter_cache_*", "nginx_vts_server_*", "nginx_vts_upstream_*", "nginx_vts_*_request_seconds*"] [inputs.prometheus.tagdrop] direction = ["1xx", "2xx", "3xx", "4xx", "5xx"] ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "Admin Router Agent" user_agent = "Telegraf-prometheus" # Read metrics from DC/OS Diagnostics Prometheus endpoint. [[inputs.prometheus]] ## An array of urls to scrape metrics from. urls = ["unix:///var/run/dcos/dcos-diagnostics.sock?path=/metrics"] ## Apply DC/OS component name tag according to the documentation. [inputs.prometheus.tags] dcos-component-name = "DC/OS Diagnostics" # Plugin for adding metadata to dcos-specific metrics [[processors.dcos_metadata]] ## The URL of the local mesos agent mesos_agent_url = "http://$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP:{{ mesos_agent_port }}" ## The period after which requests to mesos agent should time out timeout = "10s" ## The minimum period between requests to the mesos agent rate_limit = "5s" ## List of labels to always add to each metric as tags whitelist = ["DCOS_SERVICE_NAME"] ## List of prefixes a label should have in order to be added ## to each metric as tags; the prefix is stripped from the ## label when tagging whitelist_prefix = ["DCOS_METRICS_"] ## The user agent to send with requests user_agent = "Telegraf-dcos-metadata" # Expose metrics via the dcos-metrics v0 API. [[outputs.dcos_metrics]] dcos_node_role = "agent" # Duration to cache metrics in memory. cache_expiry = "2m" # DC/OS node's private IP, as reported by /opt/mesosphere/bin/detect_ip. dcos_node_private_ip = "$DCOS_NODE_PRIVATE_IP" # Global DC/OS Cluster ID. dcos_cluster_id = "$DCOS_CLUSTER_ID" - path: /etc/dcos-ui-update-service.env content: | DCOS_UI_UPDATE_LISTEN_ADDR=/run/dcos/dcos-ui-update-service.sock DCOS_UI_UPDATE_DEFAULT_UI_PATH=/opt/mesosphere/active/dcos-ui/usr DCOS_UI_UPDATE_STATE_PATH=/var/lib/dcos/dcos-ui-update-service DCOS_UI_UPDATE_VERSIONS_ROOT=/var/lib/dcos/dcos-ui-update-service/versions DCOS_UI_UPDATE_DIST_PATH=/var/lib/dcos/dcos-ui-update-service/dist DCOS_UI_UPDATE_DIST_LINK=/var/lib/dcos/dcos-ui-update-service/dist/ui DCOS_UI_UPDATE_STAGE_LINK=/var/lib/dcos/dcos-ui-update-service/dist/new-ui - path: /etc_master/fluent-bit.env content: | FLUENT_BIT_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/mesosphere/etc/fluent-bit/master.conf FLUENT_BIT_SERVICE=dcos-fluent-bit-master - path: /etc_slave/fluent-bit.env content: | FLUENT_BIT_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/mesosphere/etc/fluent-bit/agent.conf FLUENT_BIT_SERVICE=dcos-fluent-bit-agent - path: /etc_slave_public/fluent-bit.env content: | FLUENT_BIT_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/mesosphere/etc/fluent-bit/agent.conf FLUENT_BIT_SERVICE=dcos-fluent-bit-agent - path: /etc/fluent-bit/common.conf content: | [SERVICE] # Flush # ===== # Set the flush interval in seconds. Flush 1 # Storage # ======= # Configure buffer path storage.path /var/lib/dcos/flb-storage/ # Daemon # ====== # Instruct Fluent Bit to run in foreground or background mode. Daemon Off # Log_Level # ========= # Set the verbosity level of the service, values can be: # # - error # - warning # - info # - debug # - trace # # By default 'info' is set, that means it includes 'error' and 'warning'. Log_Level info # HTTP Server # =========== # Enable/Disable the built-in HTTP Server for metrics HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen HTTP_Port 62020 [INPUT] Name systemd Tag host.* # Delete underscores at the start of field name. This is useful when logs # are further forwarded into elasticsearch, where fields with leading # underscore are reserved for internal use. Strip_Underscores On # Tail the journal (i.e., only send new logs). Without this option set # fluent bit will attempt to send the entire contents of the journal # on startup, which can cause performance issues. Read_From_Tail On # Buffer logs to filesystem storage.type filesystem Mem_Buf_Limit 100MB # Log forwarding is disabled by default. [OUTPUT] Name null Match * - path: /etc/fluent-bit/master.conf content: | @INCLUDE /opt/mesosphere/etc/fluent-bit/common.conf - path: /etc/fluent-bit/agent.conf content: | @INCLUDE /opt/mesosphere/etc/fluent-bit/common.conf [INPUT] Name tcp Listen Port 61092 Chunk_Size 32 Buffer_Size 64 # Buffer logs to filesystem storage.type filesystem Mem_Buf_Limit 100MB {% switch calico_enabled %} {% case "true" %} - path: /etc/calico/calico_enabled content: "" - path: /etc/dcos/network/cni/calico.conf content: | { "name": "calico", "type": "mesos-cni-port-mapper", "excludeDevices": [ "cali+" ], "chain": "M-CALICO", "delegate": { "cniVersion": "0.1.0", "type": "calico", "mtu": {{ calico_veth_mtu }}, "etcd_endpoints": "", "ipam": { "type": "calico-ipam" } } } - path: /etc/calico/calico-node.env content: | NO_DEFAULT_POOLS=false CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR={{ calico_network_cidr }} CALICO_IPV4POOL_NAT_OUTGOING=true FELIX_IGNORELOOSERPF=true FELIX_LOGFILEPATH=none FELIX_PROMETHEUSMETRICSENABLED=true FELIX_PROMETHEUSMETRICSPORT=62091 {% switch calico_vxlan_enabled %} {% case "false" %} FELIX_IPINIPMTU={{ calico_ipinip_mtu }} CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP=always CALICO_IPV4POOL_VXLAN=never CALICO_NETWORKING_BACKEND=bird {% case "true" %} CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP=never CALICO_IPV4POOL_VXLAN=always CALICO_NETWORKING_BACKEND=vxlan FELIX_VXLANMTU={{ calico_vxlan_mtu }} FELIX_VXLANPORT={{ calico_vxlan_port }} FELIX_VXLANVNI={{ calico_vxlan_vni }} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/calico/calico-node-datastore.env content: | ETCD_ENDPOINTS= {% switch calico_vxlan_enabled %} {% case "false" %} - path: /etc/calico/bird_enabled content: "" {% case "true" %} {% endswitch %} - path: /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg content: | apiVersion: kind: CalicoAPIConfig metadata: spec: datastoreType: etcdv3 etcdEndpoints: {% case "false" %} {% endswitch %}