================================================================================ DelphiDabbler Component Help Installer v3 - Build Notes $Rev: 74 $ $Date: 2010-05-10 17:04:57 +0100 (Mon, 10 May 2010) $ ================================================================================ Requirements ============ Programs -------- Component Help Installer (CHI) v3 requires the following programs in order to build the required binaries: + Delphi 7 + Borland BRCC32 resource compiler. Supplied with Delphi 7 in the \bin directory. Required to build resource binaries from .rc files. + DelphiDabbler Version Information Editor (VIEd). Available from . Required to create version information .rc files from .vi files. + Microsoft HCRTF help compiler. Supplied with Delphi 7 in the \Help\Tools\ directory. Required to create the WinHelp help file from the source .hpj and .rtf files. + Inno Setup, with the ISPP pre-processor installed. Get Inno setup from . This is used to build the program's installer and is not required if you don't intend to create a new install program. Components ---------- In addition, the following components and units from the DelphiDabbler code library are required. Each component or unit must be installed into the Delphi IDE: + Version Information Component . + System Information Unit . + Message Dialog Components . + Drop Files Components . + Shell Folders Unit . + About Box Component . Environment Variables --------------------- To use the build batch files you need to set up the following environment variables: + DELPHIROOT This must be set to the root Delphi install directory. Required by both BuildHelp.bat and BuildAllRC.bat. + VIEDROOT Must be set to the install directory of VIEd unless VIEd is on the path in which case this environment variable is not required. Required by BuildAllRC.bat. Getting the Source Code ======================= The source code can be downloaded from DelphiDabbler.com via at the following address: . The source code is available in two different formats Zip file containing CHI v3.0.0 Source Code ------------------------------------------ This zip file contains the source code of the v3.0.0 release. To use the source you should create a new folder to hold it and then unzip the file, preserving the directory structure. Subversion Repository Dump -------------------------- This file contains a dump of a Subversion repository that contains the source code of CHI going back to v2.2.1. The repository contains all changes up until release 3.0.0. It contains branches off the "tags" branch that contain the exact source of both releases 2.2.1 and 3.0.0. The "trunk" branch contains the current development tree, which as supplied is the same as the v3.0.0 "tags" branch. You should use the "trunk" branch to make any changes. The "tags" branches should be left unchanged. Snapshots of any new releases should be added here. To use repository, proceed as follows. 1) Download the zip file containing the repository dump and extract the file chi-svndump from it. 2) Create a new, empty directory to hold the repository. 3) Do "svnadmin create REPO-PATH", without the quotes, where REPO-PATH is the path to the new directory. 4) Do "svnadmin load REPO-PATH ) and other open source licenses. Any executable code built from this code base is also subject to the main program's end user license agreement. This license is included in the .\Docs directory as License.rtf. Development Frozen ================== Development of CHI has been frozen and future releases from DelphiDabbler are unlikely. You are welcome to take over this project providing the open source nature of the code is maintained under the terms of the applicable licenses. If you do take over the project, please let DelphiDabbler know via .