; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, ; v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can ; obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ ; ; Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Peter Johnson (www.delphidabbler.com). ; ; Change Log for Shell Folders Unit ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release v2.3.2 of 11 January 2014 + Fixed problem with compiler directives in component and demo source files that was causing compilation to fail on Delphi XE5. + Fixed further conditional compilation problem in demo source where wrong unit uses clause was being compiled in Delphi XE2 and later. + Fixed demo program to compile without warnings with Delphi XE3 and later. + Minor documentation tweaks and corrections. Release v2.3.1 of 05 November 2013 + Modified components to compile and function correctly with 64 bit Delphi compilers. + Changed type of TPJBrowseDialog.Handle property from THandle to HWND. + Unit names in all Pascal source files are now qualified with their name-spaces on Delphi XE2 and later. + Changes to avoid use of a deprecated Windows API function on later versions of Windows. + Changes to demo projects: - Font changed to Arial 9pt - Size of form and some controls changed. - Form file is now in text format. - Form is no longer scaled. - The demo now needs Delphi 7 as a minimum. + Some refactoring. + License changes: - Component source license changed to Mozilla Public License v2.0 - Demo source code placed in public domain (Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal). + MPL text file and documentation wiki short-cut have had names changed. + WinHelp help file regenerated with updated copyright date. + Updated documentation. Release v2.3 of 29 January 2010 + Changes to TPJBrowseDialg: - New display options for hiding "make new folder" button, displaying UA hints and including edit box to use to enter folder names. - New events: OnValidationFailed, for when entry in edit box is not valid and OnHelp triggered when help requested to provide custom help handling. - New HelpType and HelpKeywords properties (compiled in for Delphi 6 and later only). - Modified dialogue initialisation to ensure OnSelectChangeXXX events triggered for default selection. + Updated demo program to demonstrate new options and and OnValidationFailed event. + Improved checks for valid special folder IDs to allow for use of CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE mask. + Re-factored code that frees PIDLs + Added new CSIDL_FLAG_ and BIF_ constants. + Updated help file and other documentation. Release v2.2.5 of 27 January 2010 + Fixed shell folders unit to compile with Unicode Delphis. + Fixed bug that can freeze program if exception occurs when help system called when no help system installed in Delphi. + Switched off some compilation warnings on Delphi 7 and later. + Simplified compiler directives. + Updated documentation. + Included copy of MPL in release. Release v2.2.4 of 03 July 2007 + Removed CSIDL_ constants that were provisionally slated for Windows Vista but were removed from MSDN documentation. + Changed tests for valid folder ids to ignore any CSIDL_FLAG_ values that may have been included with the folder id. + Added various additional CSIDL_FLAG_ constants. + Changed TPJBrowseDialog.Options property to permit any combination of values. Certain options are now ignored when used in combination with others. + Added TPJBrowseDlgOption enumeration that provides basis of TPJBrowseDlgOptions set. Previously enumeration was defined in set declaration. + Changed to always initialise COM regardless of whether code used to display new style browser for folder. Previous code that selectively initialised COM was buggy. + Re-factored some duplicated code. + Fixed code that enables / disables browser dialogue box OK button to work with new style dialogue. + Made help button caption able to be localised. + Updated help file re changes to TPJBrowseDialog.Options property. + Updated demo program, simplifying browse dialogue customisation and giving access to all browse dialogue options. Release v2.2.3 of 12 April 2006 + Added new CSIDL_ special folder and folder creation constants. Release v2.2.2 of 22 December 2005 + Updated to compile with Delphi 2005/6. + Removed Delphi 3 specific code. + Fixed range check bug in demo program and changed icon from Delphi default to DelphiDabbler. Release v2.2.1 of 09 January 2005 + Fixed bug in shell folder ID property editor that was preventing user from changing the value of properties at design time. Release v2.2 of 22 August 2004 + Added support for new dialogue style enabled via the Options property. + Provided default specifier of 0 for HelpContext property. + Added further special folder identifiers. + Updated help file re new TPJBrowseFolder new dialogue style option and added additional "A" keywords to improve Delphi help integration. + Updated text of Help about box. + Added new .als file for integrating with Delphi 6 and 7 OpenHelp system. + Added code to exercise new style dialogue box to demo program. + Changed to Mozilla public license. Release v2.1 of 29 July 2003 + Prevented compiler warnings being issued when compiling under Delphi 6 and 7. + Added support for additional special shell folders. + Modified demo program. Release v2.0 of 15 June 2003 + Fixed bug that meant that display name wasn't being shown correctly in Win NT OSs. + Added new OnSelChangeEx event to TPJBrowseDialog component that exposes selected folder's PIDL. + Enabled TPJBrowseDialog to display and accept virtual as well as file system folders. + TPJBrowseDialog now displays disabled help button when HelpContext is 0. + Additional shell folder identifiers missing from Delphi 3 are now conditionally placed in interface of unit in Delphi 3. + Added new public functions to get folder path and display name from PIDLs. + All errors in components and routines now raise EPJShellFolder exceptions. + Property editor and component registration moved to separate design time unit. + Help file corrected and updated. + Demo program added. Release v1.0 of 01 April 2001 + Original version with help file and HTML documentation.