#!/bin/bash #ddev-generated # Script to download and install DDEV, https://github.com/ddev/ddev # Usage: install_ddev.sh or install_ddev.sh set -o errexit set -o pipefail set -o nounset if [ ! -d /usr/local/bin ]; then echo 'using sudo to mkdir missing /usr/local/bin' && sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin; fi GITHUB_OWNER=${GITHUB_OWNER:-ddev} ARTIFACTS="ddev mkcert macos_ddev_nfs_setup.sh" TMPDIR=/tmp RED='\033[31m' GREEN='\033[32m' YELLOW='\033[33m' RESET='\033[0m' OS=$(uname) BINOWNER=$(ls -ld /usr/local/bin | awk '{print $3}') USER=$(whoami) SHACMD="" FILEBASE="" # semver_compare from https://gist.github.com/Ariel-Rodriguez/9e3c2163f4644d7a389759b224bfe7f3 semver_compare() { local version_a version_b pr_a pr_b # strip word "v" and extract first subset version (x.y.z from x.y.z-foo.n) version_a=$(echo "${1//v/}" | awk -F'-' '{print $1}') version_b=$(echo "${2//v/}" | awk -F'-' '{print $1}') if [ "$version_a" \= "$version_b" ] then # check for pre-release # extract pre-release (-foo.n from x.y.z-foo.n) pr_a=$(echo "$1" | awk -F'-' '{print $2}') pr_b=$(echo "$2" | awk -F'-' '{print $2}') #### # Return 0 when A is equal to B [ "$pr_a" \= "$pr_b" ] && echo 0 && return 0 #### # Return 1 # Case when A is not pre-release if [ -z "$pr_a" ] then echo 1 && return 0 fi #### # Case when pre-release A exists and is greater than B's pre-release # extract numbers -rc.x --> x number_a=$(echo ${pr_a//[!0-9]/}) number_b=$(echo ${pr_b//[!0-9]/}) [ -z "${number_a}" ] && number_a=0 [ -z "${number_b}" ] && number_b=0 [ "$pr_a" \> "$pr_b" ] && [ -n "$pr_b" ] && echo 1 && return 0 #### # Return -1 when A is lower than B echo -1 && return 0 fi arr_version_a=(${version_a//./ }) arr_version_b=(${version_b//./ }) cursor=0 # Iterate arrays from left to right and find the first difference while [ "$([ "${arr_version_a[$cursor]}" -eq "${arr_version_b[$cursor]}" ] && [ $cursor -lt ${#arr_version_a[@]} ] && echo true)" == true ] do cursor=$((cursor+1)) done [ "${arr_version_a[$cursor]}" -gt "${arr_version_b[$cursor]}" ] && echo 1 || echo -1 } if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then echo "This script must NOT be run with sudo/root. Please re-run without sudo." 1>&2 exit 102 fi unamearch=$(uname -m) case ${unamearch} in x86_64) ARCH="amd64"; ;; aarch64) ARCH="arm64"; ;; arm64) ARCH="arm64" ;; *) printf "${RED}Sorry, your machine architecture ${unamearch} is not currently supported.\n${RESET}" && exit 106 ;; esac LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -fsSL -H 'Accept: application/json' https://github.com/${GITHUB_OWNER}/ddev/releases/latest || (printf "${RED}Failed to get find latest release${RESET}\n" >/dev/stderr && exit 107)) # The releases are returned in the format {"id":3622206,"tag_name":"hello-",...}, we have to extract the tag_name. LATEST_VERSION=$(echo $LATEST_RELEASE | sed -e 's/.*"tag_name":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/') VERSION=$LATEST_VERSION if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then VERSION=$1 fi RELEASE_BASE_URL="https://github.com/${GITHUB_OWNER}/ddev/releases/download/$VERSION" rv=$(semver_compare "${VERSION}" "v1.10.0") if [[ ${rv} -lt 0 ]]; then printf "${RED}Sorry, this installer does not support specifying versions of ddev prior to v1.10.0${RESET}\n" exit 1 fi if [[ "$OS" == "Darwin" ]]; then SHACMD="shasum -a 256 --ignore-missing" FILEBASE="ddev_macos" elif [[ "$OS" == "Linux" ]]; then SHACMD="sha256sum --ignore-missing" FILEBASE="ddev_linux" else printf "${RED}Sorry, this installer does not support your platform at this time.${RESET}\n" exit 1 fi USE_ARCH=$(semver_compare "${VERSION}" "v1.16.0-alpha4") # Versions after v1.16.0-alpha4 need the architecture in the filename if [ "${USE_ARCH}" == 1 ]; then FILEBASE="${FILEBASE}-${ARCH}" fi if ! docker --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "${YELLOW}A docker provider is required for ddev. Please see https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/users/install/docker-installation/.${RESET}\n" fi TARBALL="$FILEBASE.$VERSION.tar.gz" OLD_CHECKSUM=$(semver_compare "${VERSION}" "v1.19.3") SHAFILE=checksums.txt if [ ${OLD_CHECKSUM} != 1 ]; then SHAFILE="$TARBALL.sha256.txt" fi curl -fsSL "$RELEASE_BASE_URL/$TARBALL" -o "${TMPDIR}/${TARBALL}" || (printf "${RED}Failed downloading $RELEASE_BASE_URL/$TARBALL${RESET}\n" && exit 108) curl -fsSL "$RELEASE_BASE_URL/$SHAFILE" -o "${TMPDIR}/${SHAFILE}" || (printf "${RED}Failed downloading $RELEASE_BASE_URL/$SHAFILE${RESET}\n" && exit 109) curl -fsSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_OWNER}/ddev/master/scripts/macos_ddev_nfs_setup.sh" -o "${TMPDIR}/macos_ddev_nfs_setup.sh" || (printf "${RED}Failed downloading "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${GITHUB_OWNER}/ddev/master/scripts/macos_ddev_nfs_setup.sh"${RESET}\n" && exit 110) cd $TMPDIR $SHACMD -c "$SHAFILE" tar -xzf $TARBALL printf "${GREEN}Download verified. Ready to place ddev and mkcert in your /usr/local/bin.${RESET}\n" if command -v brew >/dev/null && brew info ddev >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then echo "Attempting to unlink any homebrew-installed ddev with 'brew unlink ddev'" brew unlink ddev >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [ -L /usr/local/bin/ddev ] ; then printf "${RED}ddev already exists as a link in /usr/local/bin/ddev. Was it installed with homebrew?${RESET}\n" printf "${RED}Cowardly refusing to install over existing symlink${RESET}\n" exit 101 fi SUDO="" if [[ "$BINOWNER" != "$USER" ]]; then SUDO=sudo fi if [ ! -z "${SUDO}" ]; then printf "${YELLOW}Running \"sudo mv -f ${ARTIFACTS} /usr/local/bin/\" Please enter your password if prompted.${RESET}\n" fi for item in ${ARTIFACTS}; do if [ -f ${item} ]; then chmod +x ${item} ${SUDO} mv ${item} /usr/local/bin/ fi done if command -v brew >/dev/null ; then if [ -d "$(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d" ]; then bash_completion_dir=$(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d cp ddev_bash_completion.sh $bash_completion_dir/ddev printf "${GREEN}Installed ddev bash completions in $bash_completion_dir${RESET}\n" rm ddev_bash_completion.sh else printf "${YELLOW}Bash completion for ddev was not installed. You may manually install /tmp/ddev_bash_completion.sh in your bash_completion.d directory.${RESET}\n" fi if [ -d "$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh-completions" ] && [ -f ddev_zsh_completion.sh ]; then zsh_completion_dir=$(brew --prefix)/share/zsh-completions cp ddev_zsh_completion.sh $zsh_completion_dir/_ddev printf "${GREEN}Installed ddev zsh completions in $zsh_completion_dir${RESET}\n" rm ddev_zsh_completion.sh else printf "${YELLOW}zsh completion for ddev was not installed. You may manually install ${TMPDIR}/ddev_zsh_completion.sh in your zsh-completions directory.${RESET}\n" fi fi rm -f ${TMPDIR}$TARBALL ${TMPDIR}/$SHAFILE if command -v mkcert >/dev/null; then printf "${YELLOW}Running mkcert -install, which may request your sudo password.'.${RESET}\n" mkcert -install fi hash -r printf "${GREEN}ddev is now installed. Run \"ddev\" and \"ddev --version\" to verify your installation and see usage.${RESET}\n"