{ "appConfig": {}, "description": "This pipeline deploys a canary version of the application, and a baseline (identical to production) version.\nIt compares them, and if the canary is OK, it triggers the production deployment pipeline.", "executionEngine": "v2", "keepWaitingPipelines": false, "lastModifiedBy": "ddiiwoong", "limitConcurrent": true, "parallel": true, "parameterConfig": [ { "description": "Success rate of the application", "hasOptions": true, "label": "Success Rate", "name": "successRate", "options": [ { "value": "0" }, { "value": "10" }, { "value": "20" }, { "value": "30" }, { "value": "40" }, { "value": "50" }, { "value": "60" }, { "value": "70" }, { "value": "80" }, { "value": "90" }, { "value": "100" } ], "required": true } ], "stages": [ { "account": "devops-cluster-account", "cloudProvider": "kubernetes", "expectedArtifacts": [], "manifestArtifactAccount": "embedded-artifact", "manifests": [ { "apiVersion": "apps/v1", "kind": "Deployment", "metadata": { "labels": { 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