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Dozens of aftershocks were recorded in the Garden State since the rare quake hit, including one tremor of 3.8 after the initial event. But residents of NYC shouldn\u2019t expect anything beyond possibly a light shake in the coming days. Rumbles were measured in 29 nine areas around Whitehouse Station, NJ, which was the epicenter of the quake, including near Tewksbury and Bedminster, according to the United States Geological Survey. The smaller temblors hit as far as 13 miles away from the epicenter. One clocked in at 1.9 just after 1 a.m. Saturday morning just north of Whitehouse Station \u2014 about 45 miles west of NYC \u2014 and another at 2.5 just before 7 a.m. near Gladstone, northeast of the epicenter. Over the next week, there is a 74% chance of additional 3-plus magnitude aftershocks, but the USGS does not foresee more than five occurring. There is just a 14% chance of a quake clocking in at a magnitude of 4 or higher, and likely only one will come this week. Over the course of the next month, however, the chance of a 3-plus magnitude quake rises to 84%, while a the chance of a 4 or greater is 18%. It\u2019s almost certain \u2014 98% \u2014 that more 3-plus magnitude shakers will come in the next year, the USGS said. The nearly 30 rumbles that followed the first quake aren\u2019t a shock to geologists, though. \u201cWe do expect aftershocks like this to occur in the days, weeks and months after the main shock, so this is fully within the realm of what is expected,\u201d USGS research geologist Alex Hatem told The Post. The chance of NYC feeling another rattle, however, is low. A light shake could be possible in the coming days, Hatem said, but nothing like the quake that rocked the Statue of Liberty and City Hall Friday or the aftershock that rippled through later that evening. The quake grounded flights and halted traffic around the Big Apple. \u201cShould this sequence continue as it is, which we expect it to, there won\u2019t be anything greater than what already happened,\u201d Hatem said. Though researchers expect earthquakes to happen \u201canytime, anywhere,\u201d it is a rare occurrence for New Jersey, which doesn\u2019t lie on an active plate boundary, Hatem said. The incident did occur, however, near the Ramapo Fault, which is an ancient crack in the Earth\u2019s crust. Faults lie on the edges of plates and can sometimes be the site of quakes. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy posted on X Saturday that the state\u2019s emergency operations center was deactivated that morning. \u201cWe have had no reports of major damage to structures, roadways, or infrastructure as a result of yesterday\u2019s earthquake,\u201d Murphy said. Residents in several homes in Newark were able to return to their homes Friday night after being evacuated over concerns about possible structural damage. Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams said there were no initial reports of injuries or damage in New York, though it later emerged that the walls of a school gym in Brooklyn suffered several cracks. Engineers with the city Department of Buildings ordered the gymnasium at J.H.S. 218 in East New York shut down until repairs are made. The earthquake was the biggest for the tri-state area since 1884. The USGS recently released a study that showed that about 75% of the US that could experience a damaging earthquake in the next 100 years. Friday\u2019s rattle should be a \u201cgentle reminder\u201d to those on the East Coast, however, to be prepared and familiar with \u201cdrop, cover and hold on\u201d actions to stay safe in the event of another quake. New York City officials were blasted for emergency alerts that didn\u2019t go out until 25 minutes after the earthquake struck. Some NYC public school alerts didn\u2019t go out until an hour and a half after the shock \u2014 and were resent Saturday morning, telling parents that dismissal would proceed as usual.", "category": "environment", "publish_date": "2024-04-06 22:44:18", "authors": [ "Deirdre Bardolf" ] } ] } } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "402": { "description": "Payment Required" }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "406": { "description": "Not Acceptable" }, "429": { "description": "Too Many Requests" } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "text", "description": "The text to match in the news content (at least 3 characters, maximum 100 characters). 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If too few results are returned, use the text parameter instead.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 300, "type": "string", "example": "politics,sports" }, "required": false, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" }, { "name": "entities", "description": "Filter news by entities (see semantic types).", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 10000, "type": "string", "example": "ORG:Tesla" }, "required": false, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" }, { "name": "location-filter", "description": "Filter news by radius around a certain location. Format is \"latitude,longitude,radius in kilometers\". 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The top news are clustered from multiple sources in the given country. The more news in a cluster the higher the cluster is ranked.", "operationId": "topNews", "deprecated": false } }, "/retrieve-front-page": { "get": { "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "front_page": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "date": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "country": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "image": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "language": { "type": "string", "nullable": true } } } } }, "examples": { "Response": { "value": { "front_page": { "name": "Herald Sun", "date": "2024-07-09", "country": "au", "image": "https://img.worldnewsapi.com/front-pages/herald-sun-2024-07-09-ota3mg51.jpg", "language": "en" } } } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "402": { "description": "Payment Required" }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "406": { "description": "Not Acceptable" }, "429": { "description": "Too Many Requests" } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "source-country", "description": "The ISO 3166 country code of the newspaper publication.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 2, "type": "string", "example": "au" }, "required": false, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" }, { "name": "source-name", "description": "The identifier of the publication see attached list.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 100, "type": "string", "example": "herald-sun" }, "required": false, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" }, { "name": "date", "description": "The date for which the front page should be retrieved. You can also go into the past, the earliest date is 2024-07-09.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 10, "type": "string", "example": "2024-07-09" }, "required": false, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" } ], "externalDocs": { "description": "Read entire docs", "url": "https://worldnewsapi.com/docs/newspaper-front-pages/" }, "summary": "Retrieve Newspaper Front Page", "tags": [ "News" ], "description": "Get the front pages of newspapers from around the world. The API provides images of the front pages of newspapers from different countries. Here's an example of some of today's newspapers:", "operationId": "retrieveNewspaperFrontPage", "deprecated": false } }, "/retrieve-news": { "get": { "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "news": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "summary": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "image": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "sentiment": { "type": "number" }, "language": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "title": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "url": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "source_country": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "id": { "type": "integer" }, "text": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "category": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "publish_date": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "authors": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "nullable": true } } } } } } }, "examples": { "Response": { "value": { "news": [ { "summary": "...", "image": "https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/272748-1024x433.jpg", "sentiment": -0.176, "language": "en", "title": "While China and the US squabble, the world\u2019s debt and climate crises worsen - Amnesty International", "url": "https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/09/while-china-and-the-us-squabble-the-world-debt-and-climate-crises-worsen/", "source_country": "mx", "id": 2352, "text": "...", "category": "politics", "publish_date": "2020-09-11 18:05:26", "authors": [ "Amnesty International", "William Nee" ] }, { "summary": "...", "image": "https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/264281-1024x433.jpg", "sentiment": -0.449, "language": "en", "title": "Sexual violence against Hong Kong protesters \u2013 what\u2019s going on? - Amnesty International", "url": "https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/12/sexual-violence-against-hong-kong-protesters/", "source_country": "mx", "id": 2354, "text": "...", "category": "politics", "publish_date": "2019-12-20 11:14:17", "authors": [ "Amnesty International" ] } ] } } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "402": { "description": "Payment Required" }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "406": { "description": "Not Acceptable" }, "429": { "description": "Too Many Requests" } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "ids", "description": "A comma separated list of news ids.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 10000, "type": "string", "example": "2352,2354" }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" } ], "externalDocs": { "description": "Read entire docs", "url": "https://worldnewsapi.com/docs/retrieve-news/" }, "summary": "Retrieve News Articles by Ids", "tags": [ "News" ], "description": "Retrieve information about one or more news articles by their ids. The ids can be retrieved from the search news or top news APIs.", "operationId": "retrieveNewsArticlesByIds", "deprecated": false } }, "/extract-news": { "get": { "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "title": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "text": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "url": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "image": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "images": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "width": { "type": "integer" }, "title": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "url": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "height": { "type": "integer" } } } }, "video": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "videos": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "summary": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "duration": { "type": "integer" }, "thumbnail": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "title": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "url": { "type": "string", "nullable": true } } } }, "publish_date": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "author": { "type": "string", "nullable": true }, "authors": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "nullable": true } }, "language": { "type": "string", "nullable": true } } }, "examples": { "Response": { "value": { "title": "Known terrorist spent year in US after being wrongly released by feds \u2014 and GOP lawmakers demand answers", "text": "A Somali terrorist was allowed into the country and was able to operate freely for almost a year before authorities realized their error and rearrested him. Republican lawmakers are demanding information from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about what happened to the man \u2014 and whether US citizens funded any part of his journey to or stay in the US. The 27-year-old Somalian \u2014 who so far has not been identified by name \u2014 was on the watchlist as \u201ca confirmed member of al Shabaab\u201d involved in the use, manufacture or transportation of explosives or firearms, but a border bungle meant he was released after initially being arrested for crossing into the country illegally in California in March 2023. A letter from Republican lawmakers seeks to find the al-Shabaab member\u2019s path from illegally crossing the border to Minnesota, were he was eventually rearrested in January, and whether he received any government benefits. It also seeks to find if he took a commercial flight with US citizens to reach their state and if his travel was funded with taxpayer dollars, according to the Tuesday letter, first obtained by The Post. The letter states: \u201cDue to Minnesota\u2019s far distance from the border, it is not an easy task for migrants to travel to the state \u2026 \u201cDid the al-Shabbab terrorist travel to Minnesota with the assistance, either direct or indirect of an [Non-Governmental Organization]? If so, which NGO was responsible for transporting the individual to Minnesota?\u201d The terrorist organization member had initially crossed into California and been arrested by the Border Patrol. However, the Terrorist Screening Center determined he was a \u201cmismatch\u201d to the terror watchlist, leading to his release. Nearly a year later, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) nabbed him after federal authorities made a \u201credetermination\u201d and realized he was associated with the Somalian militant group. Al-Shabaab was formed as the militant wing of the Somali Council of Islamic Courts, which controlled the southern part of the country in late 2006. Its rule was defeated in 2007, according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, but it has since operated as an underground network and is involved in wars in and around Somalia. It was designated a terrorist organization in 2008 by the US government and is notorious for carrying out bombings and suicide attacks. In 2013, al-Shabaab was responsible for a massacre at the Westgate mall in Kenya, killing 67 individuals. US forces have conducted six strikes in Somalia against al-Shabaab already this year, killing two dozen militants in the latest actions, according to CNN. In a February press conference, ICE Acting Director Patrick Lechleitner said his agency arrested the individual \u201cwithin 48 hours\u201d of learning his true identity. \u201cThe Biden administration\u2019s open-borders agenda allowed a known terrorist to roam freely throughout our state, and now they must answer for their inexcusable negligence,\u201d House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) said in a statement to The Post regarding the probe. The Border Patrol has recorded an ever-growing number of migrants listed on the terror watchlist attempting to enter the US illegally in recent years. Between October 2023 and February, agents have already recorded 70 encounters at both the southern and northern borders, according to federal data. There were 172 such encounters recorded in fiscal year 2023, which ran from October 2022 to September 2023, 98 in fiscal year 2022, 16 in fiscal year 2021 and 14 between fiscal years 2017 and 2020. In March, Border Patrol agents apprehended Lebanese national Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, who told personnel that he came to the US \u201cto try to make a bomb,\u201d according to internal federal documents first obtained by The Post. Ebbadi admitted to a border agent that he is a member of Hezbollah and was later confirmed as a \u201cpositive match\u201d on the terror watchlist.", "url": "https://nypost.com/2024/04/02/us-news/lawmakers-demand-to-know-if-taxpayers-funded-al-shabaab-terrorist/", "image": "https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/al-shabaab-terrorist-migrant-border-crossing-california-minnesota-mayorkas-comp-02.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1200", "images": [ { "width": 879, "title": "Masked al-Shabaab members hold up weapons", "url": "https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/2010-somalias-hardline-islamist-rebel-39796525.jpg?w=1024", "height": 590 }, { "width": 787, "title": "Members of al-Shabaab", "url": "https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/2010-al-shabaab-said-friday-39807171.jpg?w=1024", "height": 590 }, { "width": 943, "title": "Border Patrol agents apprehend migrants", "url": "https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/migrants-placed-vans-u-s-78334041.jpg?w=1024", "height": 590 }, { "width": 885, "title": "Migrants await to be transported by Border Patrol agents", "url": "https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/asylum-seeking-migrants-stand-line-71972565.jpg?w=1024", "height": 590 }, { "width": 885, "title": "Border Patrol vehicle", "url": "https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/u-s-border-patrol-vehicle-56717052.jpg?w=1024", "height": 590 }, { "width": 1200, "url": "https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/al-shabaab-terrorist-migrant-border-crossing-california-minnesota-mayorkas-comp-02.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1200", "height": 800 } ], "video": "https://cdn.jwplayer.com/videos/Den1Nq47-RyIcpnTz.mp4", "videos": [ { "summary": "Today's Video Headlines: 4/2/24", "duration": 61, "thumbnail": "https://cdn.jwplayer.com/v2/media/Den1Nq47/poster.jpg?width=720", "title": "Today's Video Headlines", "url": "https://cdn.jwplayer.com/videos/Den1Nq47-RyIcpnTz.mp4" } ], "publish_date": "2024-04-02 17:13:12", "author": "Jennie Taer", "authors": [ "Jennie Taer" ], "language": "en" } } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "402": { "description": "Payment Required" }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "406": { "description": "Not Acceptable" }, "429": { "description": "Too Many Requests" } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "url", "description": "The url of the news.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 1000, "type": "string", "example": "https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59340789" }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" }, { "name": "analyze", "description": "Whether to analyze the news (extract entities etc.)", "schema": { "type": "boolean", "example": true }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" } ], "externalDocs": { "description": "Read entire docs", "url": "https://worldnewsapi.com/docs/extract-news/" }, "summary": "Extract News", "tags": [ "News" ], "description": "Extract a news article from a website to a well structure JSON object. The API will return the title, text, URL, images, videos, publish date, authors, language, source country, and sentiment of the news article.", "operationId": "extractNews", "deprecated": false } }, "/extract-news-links": { "get": { "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "news_links": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "nullable": true } } } }, "examples": { "Response": { "value": { "news_links": [ "https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/07/opinion/wnba-liberty-championship.html", "https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/08/business/economy/labor-strikes.html", "https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/08/dining/sunday-calls-for-old-fashioned-beef-stew.html" ] } } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "402": { "description": "Payment Required" }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "406": { "description": "Not Acceptable" }, "429": { "description": "Too Many Requests" } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "url", "description": "The url of the news.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 1000, "type": "string", "example": "https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59340789" }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" }, { "name": "analyze", "description": "Whether to analyze the news (extract entities etc.)", "schema": { "type": "boolean", "example": true }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" } ], "externalDocs": { "description": "Read entire docs", "url": "https://worldnewsapi.com/docs/extract-news-links/" }, "summary": "Extract News Links", "tags": [ "News" ], "description": "Extract news links from a news website.", "operationId": "extractNewsLinks", "deprecated": false } }, "/feed.rss": { "get": { "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/xml": { "schema": { "type": "object" } } } }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "402": { "description": "Payment Required" }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "406": { "description": "Not Acceptable" }, "429": { "description": "Too Many Requests" } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "url", "description": "The url of the news.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 1000, "type": "string", "example": "https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59340789" }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" }, { "name": "analyze", "description": "Whether to analyze the news (extract entities etc.)", "schema": { "type": "boolean", "example": true }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" } ], "externalDocs": { "description": "Read entire docs", "url": "https://worldnewsapi.com/docs/website-to-rss-feed/" }, "summary": "News Website to RSS Feed", "tags": [ "News" ], "description": "Turn a news website into an RSS feed. Any page of a news website can be turned into an RSS feed. Provide the URL to the page and the API will return an RSS feed with the latest news from that page.", "operationId": "newsWebsiteToRSSFeed", "deprecated": false } }, "/geo-coordinates": { "get": { "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "latitude": { "type": "number" }, "longitude": { "type": "number" }, "city": { "type": "string", "nullable": true } } }, "examples": { "Response": { "value": { "latitude": 35.652832, "longitude": 139.839478, "city": "Tokyo" } } } } } }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "402": { "description": "Payment Required" }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "406": { "description": "Not Acceptable" }, "429": { "description": "Too Many Requests" } }, "parameters": [ { "name": "location", "description": "The address or name of the location.", "schema": { "pattern": ".", "maxLength": 1000, "type": "string", "example": "Tokyo, Japan" }, "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": false, "in": "query" } ], "externalDocs": { "description": "Read entire docs", "url": "https://worldnewsapi.com/docs/get-geo-coordinates/" }, "summary": "Get Geo Coordinates", "tags": [ "News" ], "description": "Retrieve the latitude and longitude of a location name. Given this information you can fill the location-filter parameter in the news search endpoint.", "operationId": "getGeoCoordinates", "deprecated": false } } }, "components": { "schemas": {}, "securitySchemes": { "apiKey": { "name": "api-key", "type": "apiKey", "in": "query" }, "headerApiKey": { "name": "x-api-key", "type": "apiKey", "in": "header" } } }, "security": [ { "apiKey": [] }, { "headerApiKey": [] } ] }