/** * * @file model\services\SecurityService.cfc * @author Denard Springle ( denard.springle@gmail.com ) * @description I provide security and session related functions * */ component displayname="SecurityService" accessors="true" { property encryptionKey1; property encryptionAlgorithm1; property encryptionEncoding1; property encryptionKey2; property encryptionAlgorithm2; property encryptionEncoding2; property encryptionKey3; property encryptionAlgorithm3; property encryptionEncoding3; property hmacKey; property hmacAlgorithm; property hmacEncoding; property keyRingPath; property masterKey; /** * @displayname init * @description I am the constructor method for SecurityService * @param encryptionKey1 {String} - I am the encryption key used for pass number 1 * @param encryptionAlgorithm1 {String} - I am the encryption algorithm used for pass number 1 * @param encryptionEncoding1 {String} - I am the encryption encoding used for pass number 1 * @param encryptionKey2 {String} - I am the encryption key used for pass number 2 * @param encryptionAlgorithm2 {String} - I am the encryption algorithm used for pass number 2 * @param encryptionEncoding2 {String} - I am the encryption encoding used for pass number 2 * @param encryptionKey3 {String} - I am the encryption key used for pass number 3 * @param encryptionAlgorithm3 {String} - I am the encryption algorithm used for pass number 3 * @param encryptionEncoding3 {String} - I am the encryption encoding used for pass number 3 * @param hmacKey {String} - I am the key used for hmac hashing * @param hmacAlgorithm {String} - I am the hashing algorithm used for hmac hashing * @param hmacEncoding {String} - I am the encoding used for hmac hashing * @param keyRingPath {String} - I am the path to the keyring file on disk * @param masterKey {String} - I am the master key used for encryption/decryption of the keyring * @return this */ public function init( string encryptionKey1 = '', string encryptionAlgorithm1 = '', string encryptionEncoding1 = '', string encryptionKey2 = '', string encryptionAlgorithm2 = '', string encryptionEncoding2 = '', string encryptionKey3 = '', string encryptionAlgorithm3 = '', string encryptionEncoding3 = '', string hmacKey = '', string hmacAlgorithm = '', string hmacEncoding = '', string keyRingPath = '', string masterKey = '' ) { variables.encryptionKey1 = arguments.encryptionKey1; variables.encryptionAlgorithm1 = arguments.encryptionAlgorithm1; variables.encryptionEncoding1 = arguments.encryptionEncoding1; variables.encryptionKey2 = arguments.encryptionKey2; variables.encryptionAlgorithm2 = arguments.encryptionAlgorithm2; variables.encryptionEncoding2 = arguments.encryptionEncoding2; variables.encryptionKey3 = arguments.encryptionKey3; variables.encryptionAlgorithm3 = arguments.encryptionAlgorithm3; variables.encryptionEncoding3 = arguments.encryptionEncoding3; variables.hmacKey = arguments.hmacKey; variables.hmacAlgorithm = arguments.hmacAlgorithm; variables.hmacEncoding = arguments.hmacEncoding; variables.keyRingPath = arguments.keyRingPath; variables.masterKey = arguments.masterKey; return this; } /* DATA ENCRYPTION This section of the security service provides functions to help manage encrypting values in the application. Functions include: encrypting a plain text input value by mode Modes include: db - triple-pass encryption for database storage of values repeatable - triple-pass repeatable encryption (for storing usernames) url - single-pass encryption for values passed on the url form - single-pass encryption using a different key for values passed in the form rform - double-pass repeatable encryption (for encrypting uid's in form selects) cookie - single-pass encryption using a different key for values passed in cookies master - double-pass encryption of the keyring using CBC and CTR */ /** * @displayname dataEnc * @description I encrypt passed in values based on scope * @param value {String} required - I am the value to encrypt * @param mode {String} default: db - I am the mode of encryption to use - one of db, repeatable, url, form, cookie or master * @return string */ public string function dataEnc( required string value, string mode = 'db' ) { var onePass = ''; var twoPass = ''; var lastPass = ''; // check if the passed value has length // cannot use `arguments.value.len()` with Lucee when `value` is numeric. // https://luceeserver.atlassian.net/browse/LDEV-332 if( len( arguments.value ) ) { // switch on the encryption mode switch( arguments.mode ) { // database case 'db': // using database encryption, encrypt with the first set of keys and algorithm onepass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey1, variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, variables.encryptionEncoding1 ); // and again with the second set of keys and algorithm twopass = encrypt( onepass, variables.encryptionKey2, variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); // and again with the third set of keys and algorithm lastPass = encrypt( twopass, variables.encryptionKey3, variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, variables.encryptionEncoding3 ); break; // repeatable database case 'repeatable': // using repeatable database encryption, encrypt with the first set of keys and algorithm onepass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey1, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding1 ); // and again with the second set of keys and algorithm twopass = encrypt( onepass, variables.encryptionKey2, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); // and again with the third set of keys and algorithm lastPass = encrypt( twopass, variables.encryptionKey3, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding3); break; // master case 'master': // using master encryption, encrypt with the master key onePass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.masterKey, 'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding', 'HEX' ); lastPass = encrypt( onePass, variables.masterKey, 'BLOWFISH/CTR/PKCS5Padding', 'HEX' ); break; // URL case 'url': // using url encryption, check if using BASE64 encoding on the URL key if( findNoCase( 'BASE64', variables.encryptionEncoding1 ) ) { // we are, encrypt with the first set of keys and repeatable algorithm lastPass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey1, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding1); // using BASE64 encoding, URL encode the value lastPass = URLEncodedFormat( lastPass ); // otherwise } else { // not BASE64 encoded, encrypt with the first set of keys and algorithm lastPass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey1, variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, variables.encryptionEncoding1 ); // end checking if useing BASE64 encoding on the URL key } break; // FORM case 'form': // using form encryption, encrypt with the second set of keys and algorithm lastPass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey2, variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); break; // REPEATABLE FORM case 'rform': // using rform encryption, encrypt with the second set of keys and repeatable algorithm onePass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey2, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); // and encrypt with the third set of keys and repeatable algorithm lastPass = encrypt( onePass, variables.encryptionKey3, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding3 ); break; // COOKIE case 'cookie': // using cookie encryption, encrypt with the first set of keys and algorithm lastPass = encrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey3, variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, variables.encryptionEncoding3 ); break; // default default: return lastPass; break; } // end checking if the passed value has length } // return the encrypted value (or null if passed value has no length) return lastPass; } /* DATA DECRYPTION This section of the security service provides functions to help manage decrypting values in the application. Functions include: decrypting an encrypted input value by mode Modes include: db - triple-pass decryption for values stored in the database repeatable - triple-pass repeatable decryption (for decrypting usernames) url - single-pass decryption for values passed on the url form - single-pass decryption using a different key for values passed in the form rform - double-pass repeatable decryption (for decrypting uid's from form selects) cookie - single-pass decryption using a different key for values passed in cookies master - double-pass decryption of the keyring using CBC and CTR */ /** * @displayname dataDec * @description I decrypt passed in values based on scope * @param value {String} required - I am the value to decrypt * @param mode {String} default: db - I am the mode of decryption to use - one of db, repeatable, url, form, cookie or master * @return string */ public string function dataDec( required string value, string mode = 'db' ) { // var scope var onePass = ''; var twoPass = ''; var lastPass = ''; // check if the passed value has length // cannot use `arguments.value.len()` with Lucee when `value` is numeric. // https://luceeserver.atlassian.net/browse/LDEV-332 if( len( arguments.value ) ) { // switch on the encryption mode switch( arguments.mode ) { // database case 'db': // using database encryption, decrypt with the third set of keys and algorithm var onePass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey3, variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, variables.encryptionEncoding3 ); // and again with the second set of keys and algorithm var twoPass = decrypt( onepass, variables.encryptionKey2, variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); // and again with the first set of keys and algorithm var lastPass = decrypt( twopass, variables.encryptionKey1, variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, variables.encryptionEncoding1 ); break; // repeatable database case 'repeatable': // using database encryption, decrypt with the third set of keys and algorithm var onePass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey3, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding3 ); // and again with the second set of keys and algorithm var twoPass = decrypt( onepass, variables.encryptionKey2, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); // and again with the first set of keys and algorithm var lastPass = decrypt( twopass, variables.encryptionKey1, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding1 ); break; // master case 'master': // using master encryption, decrypt with the master key and second algorithm onePass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.masterKey, 'BLOWFISH/CTR/PKCS5Padding', 'HEX' ); lastPass = decrypt( onePass, variables.masterKey, 'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding', 'HEX' ); break; // URL case 'url': // using url encryption, check if useing BASE64 encoding on the URL key if( findNoCase( 'BASE64', variables.encryptionEncoding1 ) ) { // using BASE64 encoding, URL decode the value arguments.value = urlDecode( arguments.value ); // replace spaces with + arguments.value = replace( arguments.value, chr(32), '+', 'ALL' ); // decrypt with the first set of keys and repeatable algorithm lastPass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey1, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding1 ); // otherwise } else { // not BASE64 encoded, decrypt with the first set of keys and algorithm lastPass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey1, variables.encryptionAlgorithm1, variables.encryptionEncoding1 ); // end checking if useing BASE64 encoding on the URL key } break; // FORM case 'form': // using form encryption, decrypt with the second set of keys and algorithm lastPass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey2, variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); break; // REPEATABLE FORM case 'rform': // using rform encryption, decrypt with the third set of keys and repeatable algorithm onePass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey3, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding3 ); // and decrypt with the second set of keys and repeatable algorithm lastPass = decrypt( onePass, variables.encryptionKey2, listFirst( variables.encryptionAlgorithm2, '/' ), variables.encryptionEncoding2 ); break; // COOKIE case 'cookie': // using cookie encryption, decrypt with the first set of keys and algorithm lastPass = decrypt( arguments.value, variables.encryptionKey3, variables.encryptionAlgorithm3, variables.encryptionEncoding3 ); break; // default default: return lastPass; break; } // end checking if the passed value has length } // return the decrypted value (or null if passed value has no length) return lastPass; } /* HMAC This section of the security service provides functions to help manage keyed-hash method authentication code (HMAC) requirements for sessions. Functions include: generating a signed HMAC value from input using the HMAC key and algorithm given to this security service upon initialization. */ /** * @displayname dataHmac * @description I hash and return passed in values based on HMAC * @param input {String} required - I am the string to HMAC * @return string */ public string function dataHmac( required string input ) { return hmac( arguments.input, variables.hmacKey, variables.hmacAlgorithm, variables.hmacEncoding ); } /* HASHING This section of the security service provides functions to help manage obfuscation with hashing. Functions include: generating a hash by passing in the input, method, iterations and flags for case and date addition NOTE: Breaking change in this release: outcase (lower/upper) {String} parameter has been removed it has been replaced with useLowercase {Boolean} instead the default remains 'true' so unless you specified 'outcase' when calling this function, it will not affect you. If you have I apologize but hope you agree this function is now more descriptive while also reducing the code required to execute. NOTE: This function has found new use with the addition of an additional parameter: addDate {Boolean}. This defaults to false to maintain backwards compatibility, however, seting addDate to true now appends the current date in yyyymmdd format to the input string before being hashed - providing increased day to day protection for obfuscated url parameter names against would-be hackers. It is recommended that you use addDate = true on internal, non-public or otherwise non-indexed views within your application. Use of addDate on public/indexed pages will break the link and is, obviously, *not* recommended. */ /** * @displayname uberHash * @description I hash and return passed in values based on method and iterations (ACF support) * @param input {String} required - I am the string to hash * @param method {String} default: SHA-384 - I am the encoding to use for this hash * @param iterations {Numeric} default: 1000 - I am the number of times to has the value * @param useLowercase {Boolean} default: true - I flag if the hash should be returned lowercase (true) or uppercase (false) * @param addDate {Boolean} default: false - I flag if the current date should be appended to the input when hashing * @return string */ public string function uberHash( required string input, string method = 'SHA-384', numeric iterations = 1000, boolean useLowercase = true, boolean addDate = false ) { // use the native hash() function with UTF-8 encoding to encode the input string var output = hash( arguments.input & ( ( arguments.addDate ) ? dateFormat( now(), 'yyyymmdd' ) : '' ), arguments.method, 'UTF-8', arguments.iterations ); // check if we're returning lowercase if( arguments.useLowercase ) { // we are, set the case of the hash to lowercase output = lCase( output ); } // return the hashed input value return output; } /* RANDOM PASSWORD This section of the security service provides functions to help manage generating random passwords for users (new, reset). Functions include: generating a random password of a specified or random length */ /** * @displayname getRandomPassword * @description I generate a random password of random length * @param length {Numeric} default: 0 - I am the length of the password to generate, if not specified then a random length between 12 and 18 characters is chosen * @return string */ public string function getRandomPassword( numeric length = 0 ) { // configure special chars to use var special = '!,@,##,$,%,^,&,*'; var password = ''; var ix = 0; var pattern = ''; var char = ''; // check if a password length was specified if( !arguments.length ) { // it wasn't specified, set a random length arguments.length = randRange( 12, 18, 'SHA1PRNG' ); } // loop through the length of the password for( ix = 1; ix <= arguments.length; ix++ ) { // choose a random pattern (1 to 4) pattern = randRange( 1, 4, 'SHA1PRNG' ); // switch on the pattern of 1 to 4 switch( pattern ) { // case 1 - lowercase alpha case 1: // select random lowercase alpha character char = chr( randRange( 97, 122, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ); break; // case 2 - uppercase alpha case 2: // select random uppercase alpha character char = chr( randRange( 65, 90, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ); break; // case 3 - numeric case 3: // select random numeric character char = chr( randRange( 48, 57, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ); break; // case 4 - special case 4: // select random special character from the list char = listGetAt( special, randRange( 1, listLen( special ), 'SHA1PRNG' ) ); break; } // add this character to the password password &= char; } // if hacked password checking is enabled, and this system // generated password is found in the hacked password list if( application.rejectHackedPasswords and isPasswordHacked( password ) ) { // call this function recursively return getRandomPassword( arguments.length ); } // return the random password return password; } /* SESSION MANAGEMENT This section of the security service provides functions to help manage logged on user sessions. Functions include: checking if a user's session exists in the cache creating a new user session after authentication storing, clearing, and updating a user's session object generating and rotating a user's session id setting and retreiving the encrypted session id used in cookies */ /** * @displayname checkUserSession * @description I retrieve the users session object from cache, and return it if it exists, else I return a blank session object * @param sessionId {String} required - I am the session id to check * @return any */ public any function checkUserSession( required string sessionId ) { // get the session object from the cache var sessionObj = cacheGet( uberHash( arguments.sessionId, 'MD5', 3000 ) ); // ensure it is still in the cache if( isNull( sessionObj ) ) { // it isn't, return an empty session object return new model.beans.Session(); // otherwise, ensure the session shouldn't have already expired (30 mins) } else if( dateDiff('n', sessionObj.getLastActionAt(), now() ) GTE application.timeoutMinutes ) { // it should have expired, return an empty session object return new model.beans.Session(); // otherwise, ensure that the hmac code matches for this session } else if( len( sessionObj.getHmacCode() ) and dataHmac( arguments.sessionId ) neq sessionObj.getHmacCode() ) { // it doesn't match, return an empty session object return new model.beans.Session(); // otherwise } else { // session is valid, return the session object return sessionObj; } } /** * @displayname createUserSession * @description I generate and return a session object based on passed in values * @param userId {Numeric} required - I am the user id of the user to generate a session for * @param role {Numeric} required - I am the role assigned to the user * @param firstName {String} required - I am the first name of the user * @param lastName {String} required - I am the last name of the user * @return any */ public any function createUserSession( required numeric userId, required numeric role, required string firstName, required string lastName ) { // create a session object based on the passed in arguments var sessionObj = new model.beans.Session( sessionId = getSessionId(), userId = arguments.userId, role = arguments.role, firstName = arguments.firstName, lastName = arguments.lastName, mfaCode = getMfaCode(), isAuthenticated = false, lastActionAt = now() ); // save the user session to the cache setUserSession( sessionObj ); // and return the session object return sessionObj; } /** * @displayname setUserSession * @description I store a sessio0n object in the cache * @param sessionObj {Any} required - I am the session object to store in the cache * @return void */ public void function setUserSession( required any sessionObj ) { // put the user's session object into the cache cachePut( uberHash( arguments.sessionObj.getSessionId(), 'MD5', 3000 ), arguments.sessionObj, createTimeSpan( 0, 0, application.timeoutMinutes, 0), createTimeSpan( 0, 0, application.timeoutMinutes, 0 ) ); } /** * @displayname clearUserSession * @description I remove a sessio0n object from the cache * @param sessionObj {Any} required - I am the session object to clear from the cache * @return void */ public void function clearUserSession( required any sessionObj ) { // remove the user's session object from the cache cacheRemove( uberHash( arguments.sessionObj.getSessionId(), 'MD5', 3000 ) ); } /** * @displayname rotateUserSession * @description I update the session id of a session object * @param sessionObj {Any} required - I am the session object to rotate the id for * @return any */ public any function rotateUserSession( required any sessionObj ) { // assign a new session id to the session object arguments.sessionObj.setSessionId( getSessionId() ); // and return the session object return arguments.sessionObj; } /** * @displayname updateUserSession * @description I update the last action at of a session object, remove the old session and save the new one * @param sessionObj {Any} required - I am the session object to update * @return any */ public any function updateUserSession( required any sessionObj ) { // clear out the existing user's session clearUserSession( arguments.sessionObj ); // set the last action time to now arguments.sessionObj.setLastActionAt( now() ); // set the hmac code for the session cookie arguments.sessionObj.setHmacCode( dataHmac( arguments.sessionObj.getSessionId() ) ); // save the session to the cache setUserSession( arguments.sessionObj ); // and return the session object return arguments.sessionObj; } /** * @displayname getSessionId * @description I generate a random hashed session id * @return string */ public string function getSessionId() { // generate a random session id hash var sessionId = uberHash( createUUID() & now(), 'SHA-384', 2000 ); // and return the session id return sessionId; } /** * @displayname setSessionIdForCookie * @description I encrypt the session id of a session object for cookie storage * @param sessionId {Any} required - I am the session id to get for the cookie * @return string */ public string function setSessionIdForCookie( required string sessionId ) { // encrypt the session id for cookie storage var cookieId = dataEnc( arguments.sessionId, 'cookie' ); // and return the encrypted id return cookieId; } /** * @displayname getSessionIdFromCookie * @description I decrypt the session id of a session object from cookie storage * @param cookieId {Any} required - I am the cookie id to get the session id from * @return string */ public string function getSessionIdFromCookie( required string cookieId ) { // get the value of the session id from the cookie var sessionId = dataDec( arguments.cookieId, 'cookie' ); // and return the session id return sessionId; } /* AUTHENTICATION This section of the security service provides functions to help manage authentication with the application. Functions include: generating a random heartbeat used to hash passwords during login generating a random two-factor auth code to be sent to the user when using 2FA */ /** * @displayname getHeartbeat * @description I generate a random hash of random length for use in authentication (to prevent password disclosure) * @return string */ public string function getHeartbeat() { // get a random value for the heartbeat of the login form var heartbeat = lCase( left( uberHash( now() & createUUID() & randRange( 1000, 9999, 'SHA1PRNG' ), 'SHA-384', randRange( 1000, 3000, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ), randRange( 32, 64, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ) ); // and return the heartbeat value return heartbeat; } /** * @displayname getMfaCode * @description I generate a random hashed two-factor authentication code of a random length * @return string */ public string function getMfaCode() { // get a random auth code of a random length for multi-factor authentication var mfaCode = left( uberHash( createUUID() & now(), 'MD5', randRange( 1000, 3000, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ), randRange( 4, 8, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ); // and return the mfa code return mfaCode; } /* CSRF This section of the security service provides functions to help manage Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Functions include: generating a random token key used as the session variable used to store the token in when using CSRFGenerateToken( [token key] [,forceNew] ) */ /** * @displayname generateTokenKey * @description I generate a random value to use as the CSRF token key * @return string */ public string function generateTokenKey() { // return randomly generated, random length valid variable (key) name return chr( randRange( 97, 122, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ) & left( lCase( uberHash( createUUID() & randRange( 1000, 100000, 'SHA1PRNG' ), 'SHA-384', randRange( 25, 150, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ) ), randRange( 31, 63, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ); } /* KEYRING MANAGEMENT This section of the security service provides functions to help manage the security (encryption) keys used by the application. Functions include: generating a new random keyring (for new applications only) reading and writing the keyring file from the disk (on app start/restart) */ /** * @displayname generateKeyRing * @description I generate a new random keyring and save it to disk * @param keyLength {Numeric} default: 128 - I am the keylength to use when generating encryption keys (128 or 256 are supported) * @return array */ public array function generateKeyRing( numeric keyLength = 128 ) { // set up a new array to hold the keyring variables.keyRing = arrayNew(1); // loop 3 times to generate 3 keys for( i=1; i<=3; i++ ) { // randomly choose between AES and BLOWFISH algorithms for this key variables.algorithm = ( ( randRange( 0, 1, 'SHA1PRNG' ) ) ? 'AES' : 'BLOWFISH' ); // set up a struct to hold the key variables.keyStruct = {}; // generate an encryption key based on the algorithm variables.keyStruct['key'] = generateSecretKey( variables.algorithm, arguments.keyLength ); // set the algoritm to use CBC/PKCS5Padding variables.keyStruct['alg'] = variables.algorithm & '/CBC/PKCS5Padding'; // set the encoding to HEX variables.keyStruct['enc'] = 'HEX'; // add this key to the keyring variables.keyRing[i] = variables.keyStruct; } // save the keyring to disk saveKeyRingToDisk( variables.keyRing ); // and return the keyring return variables.keyRing; } /** * @displayname readKeyRingFromDisk * @description I read the keyRing from disk * @return array */ public array function readKeyRingFromDisk() { // check if the keyring file exists if( !fileExists( variables.keyRingPath ) ) { // it doesn't exist, return an empty array return arrayNew(1); } // and return the JSON as an array return deserializeJSON( dataDec( charsetEncode( fileReadBinary( variables.keyRingPath ), 'utf-8' ), 'master' ) ); } /** * @displayname saveKeyRingToDisk * @description I save the keyRing to disk * @param keyRing {Array} I am the Key Ring array * @return void */ private void function saveKeyRingToDisk( required array keyRing ) { // write the keyring file to disk fileWrite( variables.keyRingPath, charsetDecode( dataEnc( serializeJSON( arguments.keyRing ), 'master' ), 'utf-8' ) ); } /** * @displayname rekeyKeyRing * @description I rekey the keyring file * @param oldKey {String} I am the old key used to encrypt the keyring file (default: currently defined master key) * @param newKey {String} required - I am the new key to use to encrypt the keyring file * @return boolean */ private boolean function rekeyKeyRing( string oldKey = '', required string newKey ) { var currentKey = variables.masterKey; var keyRing = ''; // check if the keyring file exists if( !fileExists( variables.keyRingPath ) ) { // it doesn't exist, return false return false; } // check if the oldKey is provided if( !len( arguments.oldKey ) ) { // it isn't, assign to the current master key arguments.oldKey = currentKey; } // try try { // ensure the master key matches the old key used to encrypt the keyring variables.masterKey = arguments.oldKey; // and get the JSON as an array keyRing = deserializeJSON( dataDec( charsetEncode( fileReadBinary( variables.keyRingPath ), 'utf-8' ), 'master' ) ); // ensure the master key matches the new key to use to encrypt the keyring variables.masterKey = arguments.newKey; // and write the keyring file to disk fileWrite( variables.keyRingPath, charsetDecode( dataEnc( serializeJSON( keyRing ), 'master' ), 'utf-8' ) ); // set the master key back to the original key variables.masterKey = currentKey; // catch any errors (e.g. decryption) } catch( any e ) { // set the master key back to the original key variables.masterKey = currentKey; // uncomment the following line to diagnose the issue // writeDump( e ); abort; // and return false return false; } // all went well, return true return true; } /* IP BLOCKING This section of the security service provides functions to help manage blocking of hackers/bots by IP address. Functions include: checking if an IP is on the blocked IP list adding and removing IP's from the blocked IP list reading and writing the blocked IP list to disk importing blocked ip lists from other hosts via http */ /** * @displayname isBlockedIp * @description I parse the blocked ip array and determine if the passed ip is blocked * @param ipAddress {String} required - I am the ip address to check * @param blockReserved {Boolean} default: false - I am a flag to determine if reserved (internal) ip addresses should be blocked (10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, etc. ) * @return boolean */ public boolean function isBlockedIP( required string ipAddress, boolean blockReserved = false ) { // get blocked IP's from the cache var blockedIpArr = cacheGet( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ) ); var blockedIp = ''; if( arguments.blockReserved ) { // check if the ip address is a 10.x.x.x address if( listFirst( arguments.ipAddress, '.') eq 10 ) { // it is, return true return true; // otherwise, check if it's a 127.0.0.x address, but not } else if( listFirst( arguments.ipAddress, '.') eq 127 and !argument.ipAddress eq '' ) { // it is, return true return true; // otherwise, check if it's a 172.16-31.x.x address } else if( listFirst( arguments.ipAddress, '.') eq 172 and listFind( '16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31', listGetAt( arguments.ipAddress, 2, '.' ) ) ) { // it is, return true return true; // otherwise, check if it's a 192.168.x.x address } else if( listFirst( arguments.ipAddress, '.') eq 192 and listGetAt( arguments.ipAddress, 2, '.' ) eq 168 ) { // it is, return true return true; } } // check if the cached version of the blocked IP array exists if( isNull( blockedIpArr ) ) { // it doesn't, read in the blocked ip file blockedIpArr = readBlockedIPFileFromDisk(); // and save the blocked ip array to the cache cachePut( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ), blockedIpArr, createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 15, 0, 0, 0 ) ); } // loop through the blocked ip array for( blockedIp in blockedIpArr ) { // and check if this ip address exists in the array if( blockedIp.ipAddress eq arguments.ipAddress ) { // it does, so it is blocked, return true return true; } } // ip address was not found in the array, return false return false; } /** * @displayname addBlockedIp * @description I add an ip address to the blocked ip array * @param ipAddress {String} required - I am the ip address to add * @param reason {String} - I am the reason why this IP is being blocked * @return void */ public void function addBlockedIP( required string ipAddress, string reason = '' ) { // get blocked IP's from the cache var blockedIpArr = cacheGet( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ) ); var blockedIp = ''; var ipRecord = structNew(); var found = false; // check if the cached version of the blocked IP array exists if( isNull( blockedIPs ) ) { // it doesn't, read in the blocked ip file blockedIpArr = readBlockedIPFileFromDisk(); } // loop through the blocked ip array for( blockedIp in blockedIpArr ) { // check if this ip address exists in the blocked ip list if( blockedIp.ipAddress eq arguments.ipAddress ) { // it does, set found to true found = true; } } // check if the ip address was already found in the array if( !found ) { // it wasn't found, create a json friendly struct ipRecord[ 'ipAddress' ] = arguments.ipAddress; ipRecord[ 'timestamp' ] = now(); ipRecord[ 'reason' ] = arguments.reason; // and add it to the array blockedIpArr.append( ipRecord ); // remove the existing cached blocked ip array cacheRemove( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ) ); // and save the blocked ip array to the cache cachePut( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ), blockedIpArr, createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 15, 0, 0, 0 ) ); // save the blocked ip's as a json file saveBlockedIPFileToDisk( blockedIpArr ); } } /** * @displayname removeBlockedIp * @description I remove an ip address from the blocked ip array * @param ipAddress {String} required - I am the ip address to remove * @return void */ public void function removeBlockedIP( required string ipAddress ) { // get blocked IP's from the cache var blockedIpArr = cacheGet( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ) ); var blockedIp = ''; var ix = 0; var found = false; // check if the cached version of the blocked IP array exists if( isNull( blockedIPs ) ) { // it doesn't, read in the blocked ip file blockedIpArr = readBlockedIPFileFromDisk(); } // loop through the blocked ip array for( blockedIp in blockedIpArr ) { // increase the array index ix++; // check if this ip address exists in the blocked ip list if( blockedIp.ipAddress eq arguments.ipAddress ) { // it does, remove the element from the array blockedIpArr.deleteAt( ix ); // and set found to true found = true; } } // check if the ip address was found if( found ) { // remove the existing cached blocked ip array cacheRemove( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ) ); // and save the blocked ip array to the cache cachePut( uberHash( 'blockedIpArr', 'MD5', 120 ), blockedIpArr, createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 15, 0, 0, 0 ) ); // save the blocked ip's as a json file saveBlockedIPFileToDisk( blockedIpArr ); } } /** * @displayname saveBlockedIPFileToDiskToDisk * @description I convert the blocked ip array into json and save it to disk * @param blockedIpArr {Array} required - I am the blocked ip array to save * @return void */ public void function saveBlockedIPFileToDisk( required array blockedIpArr ) { // convert the array to json var blockedIpJson = serializeJSON( arguments.blockedIpArr ); // check if the blocked ip file exists if( fileExists( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'blocked_ips.json' ) ) { // it does, delete the existing file fileDelete( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'blocked_ips.json' ); } // write the JSON to disk fileWrite( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'blocked_ips.json', blockedIpJson, 'UTF-8' ); } /** * @displayname readBlockedIPFileFromDisk * @description I read the blocked ip json from disk and convert it into an array * @return array */ public array function readBlockedIPFileFromDisk() { var blockedIpJson = ''; // check if the blocked ip file exists if( fileExists( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'blocked_ips.json' ) ) { // it does, read in the JSON blockedIpJson = fileRead( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'blocked_ips.json', 'UTF-8' ); // and return an array of the JSON data return deserializeJSON( blockedIpJson ); } // file does not exist, return an empty array return arrayNew(1); } /** * @displayname importBlockedIPFileFromUrl * @description I make an http call to a remote blocked_ips.json file and add them to our local blocked ip file * @param importUrl {String} required - I am the FQDN URL to the blocked_ips.json file on the remote server (ex: https://domain.com/blocked/blocked_ips.json) * @return void */ public void function importBlockedIPFileFromUrl( required string importUrl ) { var httpService = new http(); var blockedIpArr = ''; var blockedIp = ''; // try to perform the import try { // set up the http attributes httpService.setMethod( 'GET' ); httpService.setCharset( 'UTF-8' ); httpService.setUrl( arguments.importUrl ); // convert the returned JSON into an array blockedIpArr = deserializeJSON( httpService.send().getPrefix().fileContent ); // loop through the array for( blockedIp in blockedIpArr ) { // and add each ip from the remote JSON file to our local array addBlockedIP( blockedIp.ipAddress, blockedIp.reason ); } // catch any errors (e.g. bad URL, network issues, etc.) } catch( any e ) { // and fail gracefully (you may wish to log here as well) } } /* IP WATCHING This section of the security service provides functions to help manage watching of potential hackers/bots by IP address. Functions include: checking if an IP is on the watched IP list adding and removing IP's from the watched IP list increasing the total times an ip has been flagged for potential abuse reading and writing the watched IP list to disk importing watched ip lists from other hosts via http */ /** * @displayname getWatchedIp * @description I parse the watched ip array and determine if the passed ip is being watched * @param ipAddress {String} required - I am the ip address to check * @return struct */ public struct function getWatchedIp( required string ipAddress ) { // get watched IP's from the cache var watchedIpArr = cacheGet( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ) ); var watchedIp = ''; var returnStruct = structNew(); // set defaults for watched return struct returnStruct.isWatched = false; returnStruct.totalCount = 0; // check if the cached version of the watched IP array exists if( isNull( watchedIpArr ) ) { // it doesn't, read in the watched ip file watchedIpArr = readWatchedIpFileFromDisk(); // and save the watched ip array to the cache cachePut( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ), watchedIpArr, createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 15, 0, 0, 0 ) ); } // loop through the watched ip array for( watchedIp in watchedIpArr ) { // and check if this ip address exists in the array if( watchedIp.ipAddress eq arguments.ipAddress ) { // it does, so it is watched, set return struct details returnStruct.isWatched = true; returnStruct.totalCount = watchedIp.totalCount; } } // and return the return struct return returnStruct; } /** * @displayname addWatchedIp * @description I add an ip address to the watched ip array * @param ipAddress {String} required - I am the ip address to add * @param reason {String} - I am the reason why this IP is being watched * @return void */ public void function addWatchedIp( required string ipAddress, string reason = '' ) { // get watched IP's from the cache var watchedIpArr = cacheGet( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ) ); var watchedIp = ''; var ipRecord = structNew(); var found = false; // check if the cached version of the watched IP array exists if( isNull( watchedIPs ) ) { // it doesn't, read in the watched ip file watchedIpArr = readWatchedIpFileFromDisk(); } // loop through the watched ip array for( watchedIp in watchedIpArr ) { // check if this ip address exists in the watched ip list if( watchedIp.ipAddress eq arguments.ipAddress ) { // it does, set found to true found = true; } } // check if the ip address was already found in the array if( !found ) { // it wasn't found, create a json friendly struct ipRecord[ 'ipAddress' ] = arguments.ipAddress; ipRecord[ 'timestamp' ] = now(); ipRecord[ 'reason' ] = arguments.reason; ipRecord[ 'totalCount' ] = 1; // and add it to the array watchedIpArr.append( ipRecord ); // log hack attempt writeLog( text = 'ip: ' & arguments.ipAddress & ' reason: ' & arguments.reason & ' timestamp: ' & now() & ' count: 1', type = 'warning', file = 'abuse' ); // remove the existing cached watched ip array cacheRemove( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ) ); // and save the watched ip array to the cache cachePut( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ), watchedIpArr, createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 15, 0, 0, 0 ) ); // save the watched ip's as a json file saveWatchedIpFileToDisk( watchedIpArr ); } } /** * @displayname increaseWatchedIpCount * @description I increase the total times an ip has been flagged for potential abuse * @param ipAddress {String} required - I am the ip address to add * @param reason {String} - I am the reason why this IP is being watched * @return void */ public void function increaseWatchedIpCount( required string ipAddress, string reason = '' ) { // get watched IP's from the cache var watchedIpArr = cacheGet( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ) ); var watchedIp = ''; var count = 0; // check if the cached version of the watched IP array exists if( isNull( watchedIPs ) ) { // it doesn't, read in the watched ip file watchedIpArr = readWatchedIpFileFromDisk(); } // loop through the watched ip array for( watchedIp in watchedIpArr ) { // check if this ip address exists in the watched ip list if( watchedIp.ipAddress eq arguments.ipAddress ) { // it does, increase the counter of this record watchedIp.totalCount++; count = watchedIp.totalCount; } } // log hack attempt writeLog( text = 'ip: ' & arguments.ipAddress & ' reason: ' & arguments.reason & ' timestamp: ' & now() & ' count: ' & count, type = 'warning', file = 'abuse' ); // remove the existing cached watched ip array cacheRemove( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ) ); // and save the watched ip array to the cache cachePut( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ), watchedIpArr, createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 15, 0, 0, 0 ) ); // save the watched ip's as a json file saveWatchedIpFileToDisk( watchedIpArr ); } /** * @displayname removeWatchedIp * @description I remove an ip address from the watched ip array * @param ipAddress {String} required - I am the ip address to remove * @return void */ public void function removeWatchedIp( required string ipAddress ) { // get watched IP's from the cache var watchedIpArr = cacheGet( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ) ); var watchedIp = ''; var ix = 0; var found = false; // check if the cached version of the watched IP array exists if( isNull( watchedIPs ) ) { // it doesn't, read in the watched ip file watchedIpArr = readWatchedIpFileFromDisk(); } // loop through the watched ip array for( watchedIp in watchedIpArr ) { // increase the array index ix++; // check if this ip address exists in the watched ip list if( watchedIp.ipAddress eq arguments.ipAddress ) { // it does, remove the element from the array watchedIpArr.deleteAt( ix ); // and set found to true found = true; } } // check if the ip address was found if( found ) { // remove the existing cached watched ip array cacheRemove( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ) ); // and save the watched ip array to the cache cachePut( uberHash( 'watchedIpArr', 'MD5', 57 ), watchedIpArr, createTimeSpan( 30, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 15, 0, 0, 0 ) ); // save the watched ip's as a json file saveWatchedIpFileToDisk( watchedIpArr ); } } /** * @displayname saveWatchedIpFileToDiskToDisk * @description I convert the watched ip array into json and save it to disk * @param watchedIpArr {Array} required - I am the watched ip array to save * @return void */ public void function saveWatchedIpFileToDisk( required array watchedIpArr ) { // convert the array to json var watchedIpJson = serializeJSON( arguments.watchedIpArr ); // check if the watched ip file exists if( fileExists( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'watched_ips.json' ) ) { // it does, delete the existing file fileDelete( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'watched_ips.json' ); } // write the JSON to disk fileWrite( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'watched_ips.json', watchedIpJson, 'UTF-8' ); } /** * @displayname readWatchedIpFileFromDisk * @description I read the watched ip json from disk and convert it into an array * @return array */ public array function readWatchedIpFileFromDisk() { var watchedIpJson = ''; // check if the watched ip file exists if( fileExists( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'watched_ips.json' ) ) { // it does, read in the JSON watchedIpJson = fileRead( expandPath( application.blockedIpDir ) & 'watched_ips.json', 'UTF-8' ); // and return an array of the JSON data return deserializeJSON( watchedIpJson ); } // file does not exist, return an empty array return arrayNew(1); } /** * @displayname importWatchedIpFileFromUrl * @description I make an http call to a remote watched_ips.json file and add them to our local watched ip file * @param importUrl {String} required - I am the FQDN URL to the watched_ips.json file on the remote server (ex: https://domain.com/blocked/watched_ips.json) * @return void */ public void function importWatchedIpFileFromUrl( required string importUrl ) { var httpService = new http(); var watchedIpArr = ''; var watchedIp = ''; // try to perform the import try { // set up the http attributes httpService.setMethod( 'GET' ); httpService.setCharset( 'UTF-8' ); httpService.setUrl( arguments.importUrl ); // convert the returned JSON into an array watchedIpArr = deserializeJSON( httpService.send().getPrefix().fileContent ); // loop through the array for( watchedIp in watchedIpArr ) { // and add each ip from the remote JSON file to our local array addWatchedIp( watchedIp.ipAddress, watchedIp.reason ); } // catch any errors (e.g. bad URL, network issues, etc.) } catch( any e ) { // and fail gracefully (you may wish to log here as well) } } /* SQL INJECTION This section of the security service provides functions to help detect SQL injection attempts and throw errors if found. Functions include: checking if a query string contains SQL injection attempts Notes: This code is by no means exhaustive and may trigger false positives if you are not obfuscating and encrypting your URL parameters and values Errors are caught by the home.main.error function and will cause the offending IP address to be added to the blocked IP list. */ /** * @displayname checkSqlInjectionAttempt * @description I check a passed in query string to ensure it does not contain SQL injection attempts * @param queryString {String} required - I am the query string to parse for SQL injection attempts * @return void */ public void function checkSqlInjectionAttempt( required string queryString ) { var msg = ''; // decode the query string arguments.queryString = urlDecode( arguments.queryString ); // encode the query string for JSON storage msg = encodeForJavaScript( arguments.queryString ); // check for passing of hex string (0xHEXNUMBER) in query string if( reFindNoCase( '0[X][0-9A-F]+', arguments.queryString ) ) { // hex string found, throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.Hex', message = '#msg# contains hexadecimal characters'); } // check for passing of chr([]), char([]) or concat([]) in query string if( listFindNoCase( 'chr(,char(,concat(', arguments.queryString ) ) { // value found, throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.Char', message = '#msg# contains SQL string attack characters'); } // check for passing semi-colon followed by any common SQL command in query string if( reFindNoCase( ';.*(select|insert|update|delete|drop|alter|create)', arguments.queryString ) ) { // found semi-colon followed by a common SQL command, throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.Command', message = '#msg# contains SQL commands'); } // check for passing of comments in query string if( findNoCase( '/*', arguments.queryString ) or findNoCase( '*/', arguments.queryString ) ) { // found a comment throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.Comment', message = '#msg# contains comment characters'); } // check for ' and' in query string if( findNoCase( ' and', arguments.queryString ) ) { // found ' and', throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.And', message = '#msg# contains [ and]'); } // check for ' or' in query string if( findNoCase( ' or', arguments.queryString ) ) { // found ' or', throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.Or', message = '#msg# contains [ or]'); } // check for ' union' in query string if( findNoCase( ' union', arguments.queryString ) ) { // found ' union', throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.Union', message = '#msg# contains [ union]'); } // check for apostrophe in query string if( findNoCase( "'", arguments.queryString ) ) { // found apostrophe, throw an error to be caught throw( type = 'SQLInjection.Apostrophe', message = '#msg# contains apostrophe character'); } } /** * @displayname generateDummyCookieValue * @description I generate a random value for dummy cookies * @param encoding {String} default: BASE64 - I am the encoding to use for the encryption * @return string */ public string function generateDummyCookieValue( string encoding = 'BASE64' ) { // return a random encrypted value to use for dummy cookies return urlEncodedFormat( encrypt( lcase( hash( createUUID() & now(), 'SHA-512', 'UTF-8', 1000 ) ), generateSecretKey('AES'), 'AES/CTR/PKCS5Padding', arguments.encoding ) ); } /** * @displayname getEnvironment * @description I return the environment within which this code is executing */ public function getEnvironment( boolean clearCache = false ) { // get the environment from cache var environment = cacheGet( 'deployed_environment_cache' ); // check if the cached value is empty or if we're purposefully clearing the cache if( isNull( environment ) or arguments.clearCache ) { // we are, switch on hostname of the server (e.g. www, sa, tfa, etc.) switch( listFirst( CGI.SERVER_NAME, '.' ) ) { // check if the hostname contains 'sa' or 'tfa' (our demo sites) or 'www' // use any other method of determining if this is the production server // you need (e.g. checking the IP address of the server, for example ) case 'sa': case 'tfa': case 'www': // it does, this is a production server, set the environment to 'prod' environment = 'prod'; break; // otherwise, check if the hostname contains 'test' // you can put any other environments using any other methods // you need in this if/else block case 'test': // it does, this is a test server, set the environment to 'test' environment = 'test'; break; // otherwise default: // assume this is a development server, set the environment to 'dev' environment = 'dev'; break; } // check if we're clearing the cache if( arguments.clearCache ) { // we are, remove the old cached value cacheRemove( 'deployed_environment_cache' ); } // put the new cached environment value into the cache cachePut( 'deployed_environment_cache', environment, createTimeSpan( 1, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 0, 12, 0, 0 ) ); } // return the environment value return environment; } /** * @displayname getPasswordArray * @description I return an array of the top 100,000 hacked passwords (cached from a file) * @return array */ public array function getPasswordArray() { // get the hacked password array from cache var pwdArr = cacheGet( 'top_100000_hacked_passwd' ); // set the default delimiter for the file to LF only var delim = chr(10); var pwdFile = ''; // check if the hacked password array is null (doesn't exist in cache) if( isNull( pwdArr ) ) { // it is, read in the password file pwdFile = fileRead( application.passwordFilePath ); // check if the lines are terminated with a CR-LF if( findNoCase( chr(13) & chr(10), pwdFile ) ) { // they are, change the delimiter to CR-LF delim = chr(13) & chr(10); // otherwise, check if the lines are terminated with a LF only } else if( findNoCase( chr(13), pwdFile ) ) { // they are, change the delimited to CR only delim = chr(13); } // convert the file to an array of passwords pwdArr = listToArray( pwdFile, delim ); // store the array in the cache for TTL 90 days and ITL 45 days cachePut( 'top_100000_hacked_passwd', pwdArr, createTimeSpan( 90, 0, 0, 0 ), createTimeSpan( 45, 0, 0, 0 ) ); } // return the password array return pwdArr; } /** * @displayname isPasswordHacked * @description I return true if the passed in password is found in the hacked password array, false otherwise */ public boolean function isPasswordHacked( required string password ) { // get the password array var pwdArr = getPasswordArray(); // check if the passed in password is found in the array if( pwdArr.find( arguments.password ) ) { // it is, return true return true; } // it wasn't found, return false; return false; } }