# CNC Sinumerik [![Release](https://img.shields.io/github/tag/deathaxe/sublime-s840d.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/deathaxe/sublime-s840d/releases) [![The MIT License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg?style=flat-square)](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![Package Control](https://packagecontrol.herokuapp.com/downloads/CNC%20Sinumerik.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/CNC%20Sinumerik) This package provides syntax highlighting support for **SINUMERIK 840D/ONE** Computerized Numerical Control to [Sublime Text][1]. #### G-Code example ![gcode](example.jpg) ## 🚀 Features #### NC cycles * file extensions: MPF, SPF, DEF, TEA * syntax highlighting - ISO G-Code - SINUMERIK highlevel commands - known NC cycles, functions and commands - known NC variables and machine data (NC-Version - Highlight illegal usage of control keywords. * indention rules * code-snippets for most common control functions * commands to `Minify`, `Beautify`, `Add/Update block numbers`, `Save Protected Program File (CPF)` * Goto Definition - Show labels in local symbol list - Show PROC names in indexed symbol list * Context sensitive auto completions for: - variable attributes in definitions (access rights, unit) - ISO parameters (e.g.: SPOS= , FP=, ...) - ISO commands (e.g.: TRANS, ROT, ...) - functions (e.g.: COUPDEF(...)) * tooltip support - \*.mdat \*.svar files from CreateMyConfig ### EasyScreen / RunMyScreens * file extensions: COM * syntax highlighting * indention rules * code-snippets for - classes: `ARRAY`, `BLOCK`, `DIALOG`, `MENU` - methods: `LOAD`, `UNLOAD`, `PRESS`, ... - functions: `RNP`, `WNP`, `CP`, `DP`, `EP`, ... * Goto Definition for classes. #### NC archives (text) * file extensions: ARC * embedds NC cycles and RunMyScreens syntax highlighting ### Step7 PLC sources * AWL syntax highlighting * ASC symbol table syntax highlighting * SCL syntax ## 💾 Installation ### Package Control For all Sublime Text 3 users install via [Package Control][2] is recommended. 1. [Install][3] Package Control if you haven't yet. 2. Use ctrl+shift+P then `Package Control: Install Package` 3. Look for `CNC Sinumerik` and install it. ### Manual Installation Clone the repository in your Sublime Text Packages directory, located somewhere in user's "Home" directory: ```shell git clone git://github.com/deathaxe/sublime-s840d.git "CNC Sinumerik" ``` You can also download the latest source from GitHub [https://github.com/deathaxe/sublime-s840d][zip] and extract the whole content into the _"Packages/CNC Sinumerik"_ directory. ## ⚙ Settings All settings are organized per view and can therefore be placed to any valid Sublime Text settings file or may be applied temporarily for single views. #### Basic Setup If `s840d_arc.sublime-settings`, `s840d_gcode.sublime-settings` or `s840d_hmi.sublime-settings` don't exist in the user folder they will be automatically created to ensure the following essential syntax specific settings: ```JavaScript "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "use_tab_stops": false ``` They are all required to ensure NC will read the resulting file correctly. You can override these settings by creating your own syntax specific setting `Preferences -> Settings - Syntax Specific` #### G-Code block start `"s840d_gcode_block_start": 0` If not explicitly called with `"start": 0815` the `s840d_renumber` command will use this setting as first block number. With default value `0` the first block number is automatically selected to so all block numbers have same length. #### G-Code block increment `"s840d_gcode_block_increment": 10` If not explicitly called with `"increment": 0815` the `s840d_renumber` command will use this setting to increment the block numbers. ## © License The code is available at [GitHub][home] under [MIT licence][lic]. [home]: [zip]: [lic]: [1]: [2]: [3]: