import { serve, ServerRequest } from ""; import { pathToRegexp } from ""; import users from "./users.ts"; import posts from "./posts.ts"; const PORT = 8080; const server = serve({ port: PORT }); console.log(`🚀 Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}`); interface Route { name: string; // name of the route, just for tracking path: string; // path pattern for handler handler: (req: ServerRequest, match: RegExpExecArray) => void; // handler to handle request } const routes: Route[] = [ { name: "posts", path: "/posts/:id", handler: handlePosts }, { name: "users", path: "/users/:id", handler: handleUsers }, ]; for await (const req of server) { router(req); } function handleUsers(req: ServerRequest, match: RegExpExecArray) { const userId = Number(match[1]); if (users[userId]) { req.respond({ body: JSON.stringify(users[userId]) }); } else { req.respond({ body: "USER NOT FOUND" }); } } function handlePosts(req: ServerRequest, match: RegExpExecArray) { const postId = Number(match[1]); if (posts[postId]) { req.respond({ body: JSON.stringify(posts[postId]) }); } else { req.respond({ body: "POST NOT FOUND" }); } } function router(req: ServerRequest) { for (let route of routes) { const reg = pathToRegexp(route.path); const match = reg.exec(req.url); if (match) return route.handler(req, match); } return routeNotFound(req); } function routeNotFound(req: ServerRequest) { req.respond({ body: "404! Page Not Found!" }); }