;;; miniedit.el --- Enhanced editing for minibuffer fields. ;; Time-stamp: <2010-04-06 19:05:08 deego> ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Emacs Lisp Archive entry ;; Filename: miniedit.el ;; Package: miniedit ;; Author(s): Deepak Goel , ;; Christoph Conrad ;; Version: 2.0 ;; Author's homepage: http://www.gnufans.net/~deego/DeegoWiki/DeepakGoel.html ;; For latest version: (defconst miniedit-home-page "http://gnufans.net/~deego/emacspub/lisp-mine/miniedit/") ;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs. ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;; See also: ;; Quick start: (defconst miniedit-quick-start "Drop this file somewhere in your load-path, and add somewhere in your .emacs. \(require 'miniedit\) \(miniedit-install\) Xemacsers use \(miniedit-install-for-xemacs\) instead of \(miniedit-install\). Installation can also be done by customizing the variable `miniedit-install'. Then, type M-C-e in any minibuffer to do nicer edits, and type M-C-c or C-c C-c when done. Please type M-x miniedit-introduction, M-x miniedit-quick-start and M-x miniedit-commentary for more details. " ) ;;;###autoload (defun miniedit-quick-start () "Provides electric help for function `miniedit-quick-start'." (interactive) (with-electric-help '(lambda () (insert miniedit-quick-start) nil) "*doc*")) ;;; Introduction: ;; Stuff that gets posted to gnu.emacs.sources ;; as introduction (defconst miniedit-introduction "Helps easily edit minibuffers. Adds a key \"C-M-e\" \(e for edit\) to the minibuffer-local-map, and other similar maps, and bind it to the function `miniedit'. This means that when you are in a minibuffer, trying to input text, you can type C-M-e to go enter those fields in a nice, full buffer \(with text mode\) instead. In particular, inserting new lines and indenting is easy. Helpful, for instance, when editing bbdb notes fields, which tend to be multiline, \(right?\) P.S.: Lots of code borrowed from checkdoc. Tested mainly on emacs21. It may now work even on Xemacs, ` atleast for some of the minibuffer-maps. Please type M-x miniedit-introduction, M-x miniedit-quick-start and M-x miniedit-commentary for more details. ") ;;;###autoload (defun miniedit-introduction () "Provides electric help for function `miniedit-introduction'." (interactive) (with-electric-help '(lambda () (insert miniedit-introduction) nil) "*doc*")) (defvar miniedit-version "2.0") ;;; BUGS: ;; Commit problem: Once you are in the miniedit buffer, if you move ;; buffers around, switch back and forth etc., the commit *sometimes* ;; fails.. the author is working on this.... :) ;; that is why we kill-new and have variables like ;; miniedit-before-edit-kill-p and miniedit-after-edit-kill-p. -- to ;; save any lost data. ;;========================================== ;;; code: (eval-when-compile (require 'custom)) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (defgroup miniedit nil "Miniedit" :group 'applications) (defcustom miniedit-install-p nil "Whether to setup miniedit for use." :type 'boolean :set (lambda (symbol value) (set-default symbol value) (when value (if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version) (miniedit-install-for-xemacs) (miniedit-install)))) :require 'miniedit :group 'miniedit) (defcustom miniedit-before-edit-kill-p nil "Add to kill ring before starting edit?" :group 'miniedit) (defcustom miniedit-before-commit-kill-p nil "Add the string to `kill-ring' before committing?" :group 'miniedit ) (defcustom miniedit-before-edit-function nil "Function to run on minibuffer-string before editing. If this variable points to a function-name, that function is run on the string that is gotten from the minibuffer.. The function should do whatever it wants, and then it should return a (possibly) modified string. That modified string is what becomes the string to be edited." :group 'miniedit ) (defcustom miniedit-before-commit-function nil "If non-nil, function to run on minibuffer-string after editing. If this variable points to a function-name, that function is run on the string that is read from the miniedit-buffer.. The function should do whatever it wants, and then it should return a (possibly) modified string. That modified string is what gets committed to the minibuffer." :group 'miniedit ) (defcustom miniedit-before-edit-hook nil "A hook thatis run before editing begins.." :group 'miniedit ) (defcustom miniedit-before-commit-hook nil "A hook that is run before commitment to the minibuffer." :group 'miniedit ) (defvar miniedit-string "miniedit-default-string" "This varible is what shall store the miniedit string temporarily... This variable is introduced so that various miniedit-hooks can be used to modify this string..") (defmacro miniedit-withit (expr &rest rest) "Bind it to EXPR and do `REST'. Caution: var-capture by its very nature.." `(let ((it ,expr)) ,@rest)) ;;; Tom Fawcett ;; For us xemacs users who don't have princ-list ;(eval-when-compile ; (unless (fboundp 'princ-list) ; (defmacro princ-list (&rest things) ; (cons 'progn (mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(princ ,x)) things))))) ;; special handling because princ-list is not defined for xemacs.. ;;copied from mule-cmds.. and renamed... (defun miniedit-princ-list (&rest args) "Same as `princ-list', but provided for Xemacs. Print ARGS." (while args (princ (car args)) (setq args (cdr args))) (princ "\n")) (defcustom miniedit-show-help-p t "Whether to pop up the help-buffer.." :type 'boolean :group 'miniedit) (defcustom miniedit-fill-column-deduction 14 "The `fill-column' will be reduced from its default by this amount. One would like this because part of the minibuffer is occupied by the prompt string. And, for instance, because in bbdb's notes, a large left margin is taken up by the entry \"notes:\". This variable can be assigned *anything* which results in an integer when eval'ed." :group 'miniedit :type 'integer ) ;;;###autoload (defun miniedit () "The main miniedit function." (interactive) (let ((miniedit-string miniedit-string) (minibufname (buffer-name)) ) (save-excursion ;; so that it can be redefined below.. (makunbound 'miniedit-mode-map) (easy-mmode-define-minor-mode miniedit-mode "The mode to inherit minibuffer keybindings" nil " MINI" ;; 3 means C-c ;; 16 means C-p (list 'keymap (cons 16 (current-local-map)))) (define-key miniedit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'exit-recursive-edit) (let ((contents (miniedit-recursive-edit "" (progn (setq miniedit-string (minibuffer-contents-no-properties)) (when (and (stringp miniedit-string) miniedit-before-edit-kill-p) (kill-new miniedit-string)) (when miniedit-before-edit-function (miniedit-withit (funcall miniedit-before-edit-function miniedit-string) (when it (setq miniedit-string it)))) (run-hooks 'miniedit-before-editing-hook) miniedit-string) ))) (delete-other-windows) (other-window 1) (miniedit-set-minibuffer-contents contents minibufname) )))) (defun miniedit-set-minibuffer-contents (contents minibuffer-name) "Set `minibuffer-contents' to CONTENTS. The name of the minibuffer is MINIBUFFER-NAME. version 21 or higher only.." (set-buffer minibuffer-name) (delete-minibuffer-contents) (insert contents)) ;;;###autoload (defun miniedit-install () "Install miniedit by frobbing your miniedit-local maps." (interactive) (define-key minibuffer-local-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit) (define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit) (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit) (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit) (when (interactive-p) (message "Miniedit installed..")) ) ;;; 2002-05-03 T20:51:31-0400 (Friday) D. Goel ;;;###autoload (defun miniedit-install-for-xemacs () "Try to Install miniedit for Xemacs." (interactive) (ignore-errors (define-key minibuffer-local-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit)) ;;(define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit) (ignore-errors (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit)) (ignore-errors (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map "\M-\C-e" 'miniedit)) ) ;; silence the compiler: (defun miniedit-mode (&rest arg) "Miniedit mode. Optional argument ARG is ignored." nil) (defun miniedit-recursive-edit (msg &optional content) "Enter recursive edit to permit a user to edit long contents.. Useful when the original contents are in a minibuffer. Transfer those contents to a new buffer and edit them there. MSG is a message, which is displayed in a Edit buffer. Mostly copied from `checkdoc-recursive-edit'. CONTENT is the content to be edited.. Then, returns a string... Optimized for being called when the current buffer is a minibuffer.." (let ((this-buffer (buffer-name)) (new-content content) save-content (errorp nil) ) (save-excursion (other-window 1) (switch-to-buffer "*Miniedit*") (set-buffer "*Miniedit*") (setq save-content (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (text-mode) (miniedit-mode t) (let ((fill-column (- fill-column (eval miniedit-fill-column-deduction)))) (if (stringp content) (insert content) (setq errorp t)) (unless errorp (miniedit-show-help "Read THIS MESSAGE --->\n " msg "\n\nEdit field, and press C-c C-c or C-M-c to continue.") (message "When you're done editing press C-M-c to continue.") (unwind-protect (recursive-edit) (if (get-buffer-window "*Miniedit*") (progn (progn (setq new-content (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))) ;;(delete-window (get-buffer-window "*Miniedit*")) (kill-buffer "*Miniedit*") ))) (when (get-buffer "*Miniedit Help*") (kill-buffer "*Miniedit Help*"))))) (unless (stringp new-content) (setq errorp t)) ;;user-customization of new content begins.. (setq miniedit-string new-content) (when (and (stringp miniedit-string) miniedit-before-commit-kill-p) (kill-new miniedit-string)) (when miniedit-before-commit-function (miniedit-withit (funcall miniedit-before-commit-function miniedit-string) (when it (setq miniedit-string it)))) (run-hooks 'miniedit-before-committing-hook) ;;user-customization of new content ends.. (if (not errorp) new-content save-content)))) (defun miniedit-recursive-edit-no-mini (msg &optional content) "No use of this function is currently known. Enter recursive edit to permit a user to edit long bbdb contents.. MSG is a message, which is displayed in a Edit buffer. Mostly copied from `checkdoc-recursive-edit'. CONTENT is the content to be edited.. Then, returns a string... Optimized for being called when the current buffer is not a minibuffer.." (let ((this-buffer (buffer-name)) (new-content content) ) (save-excursion ;(other-window 1) (switch-to-buffer "*Miniedit*") (set-buffer "*Miniedit*") (kill-region (point-min) (point-max)) (text-mode) (let ((fill-column (- fill-column 16))) (if (stringp content) (insert content)) (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Miniedit Help*" (miniedit-princ-list "IMPORTANT: Read THIS MESSAGE --->\n " msg "\n\nEdit field, and press C-M-c to continue.")) (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer (get-buffer-window "*Miniedit Help*")) (message "When you're done editing press C-M-c to continue.") (unwind-protect (recursive-edit) (if (get-buffer-window "*Miniedit*") (progn (progn (setq new-content (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))) (delete-window (get-buffer-window "*Miniedit*")) (kill-buffer "*Miniedit*") ))) (kill-buffer "*Miniedit Help*"))) (switch-to-buffer this-buffer) new-content))) (defun miniedit-show-help (&rest args) "Show help. Optional argument ARGS will be ignored." (when miniedit-show-help-p (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Miniedit Help*" (apply 'miniedit-princ-list args)) (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer (get-buffer-window "*Miniedit Help*")))) (provide 'miniedit) ;;; miniedit.el ends here