# 0.13.0 (2015-10-27) * update convert-source-map for stack overflow fix * use ready-signal to de-duplicate same file loading # 0.12.0 (2015-01-20) * send 304 for If-None-Match matches ETag # 0.11.0 (2014-09-28) * add uglify options support to `compress` option # 0.10.0 (2014-09-19) * fix file watching and multiple bundle build race * use filewatcher module for file watching # 0.7.1 - 2014/1/4 * sourceMappingUrl is relative file path # 0.7.0 - 2014/1/3 * Strip sourcemaps from js files and server under separate map url * update browserify to 3.x line 3.18.0 # 0.6.0 * Support for regular connect and regular http servers # 0.5.1 * update browserify to 2.36.0 # 0.5.0 * bundles from "routes" are now also entry files and run automatically when loaded on the page