DELPHIDABBLER HTML RESOURCE COMPILER README ================================================================================ Scope -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document relates to HTMLRes v1.3.x. What is HTML Resource Compiler? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTMLRes is a Windows command line program that is used to create resource files containing HTML files. Each resource is of type HTML (#23) and is named after the source file. System Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTMLRes itself should run on any 32 or 64 bit version of Windows. However the install program requires Windows 2000 or later. Should you need to run HTMLRes on an earlier operating system you will need to build it from source. Installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When installing or uninstalling you need to ensure that you have administrator privileges otherwise the installation can fail. On Windows Vista or later the system may prompt, if necessary, for an administrator password. It will also elevate the install process. If you have HTML Resource Compiler 1.1 or earlier you should uninstall it using the Programs and Features (a.k.a. Add / Remove Programs) control panel applet before installing this version. Uninstalling v1.1 will leave two files, InstallLib.dll and UnInstall.exe behind in the installation folder. You should should delete these files manually. The program is distributed in a zip archive which contains two files - ReadMe.txt (this file) and HTMLRes-Setup-x.x.x.exe, where x.x.x. is the program's version number. Extract both files from the archive. HTMLRes-Setup-x.x.x.exe is the installation program. Double-click HTMLRes-Setup-x.x.x.exe. The installer is a standard wizard style Windows installer. Follow the instructions in the wizard. You must accept the program's license to proceed. Once the license is accepted you can configure the installation directory and the program group name. Once the installation has completed you have the option to display the user guide and/or license. The installer installs the main program along with documentation and some demonstration code that illustrates how to use the compiler. The files, relative to the installation folder, are: HTMLRes.exe - the HTML resource compiler. Demo\ sub folder - contains the following demo files: arrow.gif - GIF file displayed on index.html. Demo.hmfst - manifest file listing all demo files to be compiled by HTMLRes. Demo.utf8-hmfst - UTF-8 version of Demo.hmfst. DemoReadMe.txt - ReadMe file for demo code. Please read before using the demo code. HTMLLib.dpr - Delphi project file for a resource only DLL. index.html - main demo HTML page. page2.html - secondary demo HTML page. style.css - demo style sheet used by HTML pages. Docs\ sub folder - contains program documentation: - the program's update history. License.txt - the program's license. ReadMe.txt - contains important install and other information. - a guide to using the program and the demo code. Uninstall sub folder - contains files required by the uninstaller. Uninstalling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To uninstall HTMLRes open the Windows Control Panel and start the Programs and Features (a.k.a. Add / Remove Programs) applet. Select DelphiDabbler HTML Resource Compiler v1.x.x (where x.x is the minor version number) from the list of installed applications and click the Remove or Uninstall button. The uninstall program will now check if you want to go ahead with the uninstallation. Accept this prompt to continue with uninstallation. The uninstaller deletes any registry entries that were created by the installer. User Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See in the installation's Docs sub folder for information on using the program and the demo code. Copyright and Licensing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The program is copyright (c) 2004-2014, Peter D Johnson (@delphidabbler). See License.txt in the installation's Docs sub folder for licensing information. Source Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTMLRes is open source. Much of the source code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License and other open source licenses. Demo code is public domain. You can get the source code of the latest release from Source code of versions back to v1.2.0 can also be obtained from GitHub. Visit then select the required release. Git users can check out the source code from Choose the required branch, or for the source code of stable releases, choose a tag in the form vX.X.X where X.X.X is the release version number. Source code licensing information is provided in the file that will be in the root of the source code tree. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------