# epitech-sublime Epitech's Coding Style compliant configurations for the Sublime Text 3 editor. ### Features - **Header**: `alt+shift+h` Adds a valid header at the start of your file upon keyboard shortcut, autocompleting project name & year. ### Installation This plugin is now available as **Epitech Coding Style** on package control. - Press `ctrl+shift+p` to open the command palette. - Search for "*Package Control: Install Package*" - Type `Epitech Coding Style` and press Enter. ### Keyboard shortcuts |Key|Command| |---|---| |`alt+shift+h`|Adds a valid header to your file.| ### Contributors * [demaisj](https://github.com/demaisj) * [Nodyn](https://github.com/WhatNodyn) * [lodi-g](https://github.com/lodi-g)