# This file has been deprecated and relocated to the contribution/utils directory. # Perquisites to run this script: # # 1. Python 3.8+ # 2. requests python lib should be installed (can be installed by running "pip install requests" or "pip3 install requests") # 3. docker is installed (if docker is not install, you can skip docker download using the `-sd` option) # 4. docker python is installed (install it by running "pip install docker" or "pip3 install docker" or use the `-sd` option) import argparse import os import tempfile from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile from pathlib import Path import requests ID_SET_URL = "https://storage.googleapis.com/marketplace-dist/content/id_set.json" BUCKET_PACKS_URL = "https://marketplace-dist.storage.googleapis.com/content/packs" def load_bucket_id_set(verify_ssl: bool) -> dict: """ Loads the bucket id_set.json""" r = requests.request(method='GET', url=ID_SET_URL, verify=verify_ssl) return r.json() def create_content_item_id_set(id_set_list: list) -> dict: """ Given an id_set.json content item list, creates a dictionary representation""" res = {} for item in id_set_list: for key, val in item.items(): res[key] = val return res def zip_folder(source_path, output_path): """ Zips the folder and its containing files""" with ZipFile(output_path + '.zip', 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED) as source_zip: for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(source_path, topdown=True): for f in files: full_file_path = os.path.join(root, f) source_zip.write(filename=full_file_path, arcname=f) def get_docker_images_with_tag(pack_names: dict, id_set_json: dict) -> set: """ Given a pack name returns its docker images with its latest tag""" print('Starting to collect docker images') integration_names_id_set = create_content_item_id_set(id_set_json['integrations']) script_names_id_set = create_content_item_id_set(id_set_json['scripts']) docker_images = set() for pack_d_name, pack_name in pack_names.items(): if pack_name not in id_set_json['Packs']: print(f"\tPack {pack_d_name} was not found in id_set.json.") continue content_items = id_set_json['Packs'][pack_name]['ContentItems'] integrations = content_items['integrations'] if 'integrations' in content_items else [] scripts = content_items['scripts'] if 'scripts' in content_items else [] if integrations: print(f"\t{pack_d_name} docker images found for integrations:") for integration in integrations: if 'docker_image' in integration_names_id_set[integration]: docker_image = integration_names_id_set[integration]['docker_image'] print(f"\t\t{docker_image} - used by {integration}") docker_images.add(docker_image) if scripts: print(f"\t{pack_d_name} docker images found for scripts:") for script in scripts: if 'docker_image' in script_names_id_set[script]: docker_image = script_names_id_set[script]['docker_image'] print(f"\t\t{docker_image} - used by {script}") docker_images.add(docker_image) return docker_images def get_pack_names(pack_display_names: list, id_set_json: dict) -> dict: """ Given pack_display_names try and parse it into a pack name as appears in content repo""" pack_names = {} if 'Packs' not in id_set_json: raise ValueError('Packs is missing from id_set.json.') d_names_id_set = {} # create display name id_set.json for pack_name, pack_value in id_set_json['Packs'].items(): d_names_id_set[pack_value['name']] = pack_name # create result given display name id_set.json if pack_display_names == ['']: return d_names_id_set for d_name in pack_display_names: if d_name not in d_names_id_set: print(f"Couldn't find pack {d_name}. Skipping pack.") continue pack_names[d_name] = d_names_id_set[d_name] return pack_names def should_filter_out_pack(pack_data: dict, fields: dict, remove_deprecated: bool = False): """ Check if the pack should be filtered out based on given fields. Parameters: pack_data (dict): The dictionary containing the actual data. Based on id_set. fields (dict): The dictionary containing the expected values for certain keys. remove_deprecated (bool): If False, keys including "(Deprecated)" are not filtered out. Default is False. Returns: bool: True if all the values in fields match the values in data for the given keys, False otherwise. """ if remove_deprecated and "(Deprecated)" in pack_data['name']: return True return any(pack_data.get(key) != value for key, value in fields.items()) def download_and_save_packs(pack_names: dict, id_set_json: dict, output_path: str, verify_ssl: bool, use_defaut_filter: bool = False) -> None: """ Download and save packs under """ if 'Packs' not in id_set_json: raise ValueError('Packs missing from id_set.json.') id_set_packs = id_set_json['Packs'] print("Starting to download packs") temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() try: for pack_d_name, pack_name in pack_names.items(): if pack_name not in id_set_packs: print(f"\tCouldn't find {pack_d_name} in id_set.json. Skipping pack download.") continue # In case no input is given (and only in that case) we automatically get all packs, # we want to get only relevant packs. if use_defaut_filter and should_filter_out_pack(id_set_packs[pack_name], fields={"author": 'Cortex XSOAR'}, remove_deprecated=True): print(f"\t{pack_d_name} filtered out. Skipping pack download.") continue pack_version = id_set_packs[pack_name]['current_version'] print(f"\tDownloading {pack_d_name} Pack") r = requests.request(method='GET', url=f'{BUCKET_PACKS_URL}/{pack_name}/{pack_version}/{pack_name}.zip', verify=verify_ssl) with open(os.path.join(temp_dir.name, pack_name + '.zip'), 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) zip_folder(temp_dir.name, output_path) finally: temp_dir.cleanup() def download_and_save_docker_images(docker_images: set, output_path: str) -> None: """ Downloads and saves the docker images into docker.zip in output_path""" import docker # import docker only when required print("Starting to download docker images for given packs") cli = docker.from_env(timeout=120) temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() try: for image in docker_images: print(f"\tDownloading docker image: {image}") image_pair = image.split(':') image_data = cli.images.pull(image_pair[0], image_pair[1]) image_file_name = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, os.path.basename(f"{image_pair[0]}_{image_pair[1]}.tar")) with open(image_file_name, 'wb') as f: for chunk in image_data.save(named=True): f.write(chunk) zip_folder(temp_dir.name, output_path) finally: temp_dir.cleanup() print("Finished docker images download") def options_handler(): """Validates and parses script arguments. Returns: Namespace: Parsed arguments object. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Downloads XSOAR packs as zip and their latest docker images as tar.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--packs', help="A list of pack names as they appear in https://xsoar.pan.dev/marketplaceEither provided " "via a path to a file that contains the packs list (separated by new lines) or " "a string of comma separated packs (e.g. Base,AutoFocus)", required=False) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_path', help="The path where the files will be saved to.", required=False, default=".") parser.add_argument('-sp', '--skip_packs', help="Don't download packs.", required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-sd', '--skip_docker', help="Don't download docker images.", required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--insecure', help="Skip certificate validation.", dest='feature', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(skip_packs=False, skip_docker=False, insecure=False) return parser.parse_args() def main(): print("This file has been deprecated and relocated to the contribution/utils directory.") options = options_handler() output_path = options.output_path packs = options.packs or '' if os.path.isfile(packs): pack_display_names = [] with open(packs) as file: for line in file: pack_display_names.append(line.rstrip()) else: pack_display_names = packs.split(',') verify_ssl = not options.insecure id_set_json = load_bucket_id_set(verify_ssl) pack_names = get_pack_names(pack_display_names, id_set_json) Path(output_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not options.skip_packs and pack_names: download_and_save_packs(pack_names, id_set_json, os.path.join(output_path, 'packs'), verify_ssl, use_defaut_filter=not bool(packs)) else: print('Skipping packs.zip creation') if pack_names: docker_images = get_docker_images_with_tag(pack_names, id_set_json) if not options.skip_docker: download_and_save_docker_images(docker_images, os.path.join(output_path, 'docker')) else: print('Skipping dockers.zip creation') else: print('Skipping docker images collection since no packs were found') if __name__ == '__main__': main()