================================ go-rst - reStructuredText for Go ================================ .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/demizer/go-rst.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/demizer/go-rst .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/demizer/go-rst/badge.svg?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/github/demizer/go-rst?branch=master .. image:: https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/demizer/go-rst :target: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/demizer/go-rst .. image:: https://godoc.org/github.com/demizer/go-rst?status.svg :target: http://godoc.org/github.com/demizer/go-rst | A reStructuredText parser for the Go Programming Language. This project is not yet usable. See the Road Map below. ------ Status ------ *ABANDONED* I no longer have interest in working on this in my spare time. RestructuredText is not an easy format to parse and I no longer write my notes in the format. .. The following is auto-generated using the tools/update-progress.sh .. STATUS START go-rst implements **10%** of the official specification (28 of 283 Items) .. STATUS END See `implementation status`_ for a breakdown of what's implemented. There is also a `Road Map`_. ----- Usage ----- This library does not have any functionality beyond running parser tests. Tests ===== From the root of the project, :: GO_RST_SKIP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=1 go test -v ./pkg/... There are many tests that are imported from docutils, but not implemented yet. ----------------- How to contribute ----------------- See the `doc`_ directory for more documentation and tip and tricks. * **Convert tests into JSON** `Import a test suite from docutils`_ * **Implement parsing for a document element** `How to implement an element`_ .. _Road Map: https://github.com/demizer/go-rst/blob/master/doc/implementation.rst#roadmap .. _implementation status: https://github.com/demizer/go-rst/tree/master/doc/README.rst .. _Doc: https://github.com/demizer/go-rst/tree/master/doc .. _Import a test suite from docutils: https://github.com/demizer/go-rst/tree/master/doc/implementation.rst#testing .. _How to implement an element: https://github.com/demizer/go-rst/blob/master/doc/implementation.rst#implementing-a-test