![ayu](./images/hero.png) `ayu` is a simple theme with bright colors and comes in three versions — *dark*, *mirage* and *light* for all day long comfortable work. > All screenshots use wonderful [Pragmata Pro](https://fsd.it/shop/fonts/pragmatapro/) font ### File Icons `ayu` from version `3.0.0` supports customization via [A File Icon](https://github.com/SublimeText/AFileIcon) package. Please install it and restart Sublime for better experience. ### Custom UI fonts Since verion `5.0.0` monospaced fonts options were removed. But it's still possible to use your favourite font in the user interface of the theme, just follow through these simple steps: ![ayu mono](./images/browse.png) 1. Pull up command pallete via cmd/ctrl + shift + p 2. Type in `Browse packages` 3. Navigate to the `/User` folder 4. Create a file named `ayu-mirage.sublime-theme` to modify mirage or `ayu-light.sublime-theme` and `ayu-dark.sublime-theme` 5. Open that file in Sublime 6. Copy and paste following content: ```json [ { "class": "sidebar_label", "font.face": "PragmataPro Mono Liga" }, { "class": "sidebar_heading", "font.face": "PragmataPro Mono Liga" }, { "class": "tab_label", "font.face": "PragmataPro Mono Liga" }, { "class": "label_control", "font.face": "PragmataPro Mono Liga" }, { "class": "quick_panel_label", "font.face": "PragmataPro Mono Liga" }, { "class": "quick_panel_path_label", "font.face": "PragmataPro Mono Liga" } ] ``` 7. Replace `PragmataPro Mono Liga` with the font of your choice 8. Save and enjoy :) ### Screenshots
Light with ui_separator option on
![Light](images/light-separator.png) ---
Mirage with ui_separator option off
![Mirage](images/mirage-no-separator.png) ---
Dark with ui_separator option on
![Dark](images/dark-separator.png) ### Settings ```js "ui_native_titlebar": true, // use native titlebars on macOs "ui_separator": true, // separators between panels "ui_wide_scrollbars": true, // wider scrollbars ``` --- ### Installation ###### Recommended You can install `ayu` via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/). 1. Press cmd/ctrl + shift + p to open the command palette. 2. Type `install package` and press enter. Then search for `ayu` ###### Manual 1. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/dempfi/ayu/releases/latest), extract and rename the directory to `ayu`. 2. Move the directory inside your sublime `/Packages` directory. *(Preferences > Browse packages...)* --- ### Activation ###### Recommended Open command palette via `Tools > Command Palette` (or cmd/ctrl + shift + p) and type `ayu: Activate theme`. ###### With Skins package [Skins](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Skins) provides a simple and efficient way to change themes, save your own presets and quickly try out new looks. Activation is as simple as opening up the command palette, running `Select Skin` and choosing `Ayu - Dark` or `Ayu - Light` from the list. ###### Via Preferences Add these lines to your user settings *Preferences > Setting - User*: For light theme: ```js "theme": "ayu-light.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/ayu/ayu-light.sublime-color-scheme", ``` For mirage theme: ```js "theme": "ayu-mirage.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/ayu/ayu-mirage.sublime-color-scheme", ``` For dark theme: ```js "theme": "ayu-dark.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/ayu/ayu-dark.sublime-color-scheme", ``` ### Sublime Text 3 ayu no longer supports Sublime Text 3. But you still can download and install manually [latest supported version](https://github.com/dempfi/ayu/releases/tag/v5.1.0). ### Sublime Text 2 ayu no longer supports Sublime Text 2. But you still can download and install manually [latest supported version](https://github.com/dempfi/ayu/releases/tag/3.2.2). ### Related projects and ports - `ayu` for Ace: https://github.com/ayu-theme/ayu-ace - `ayu` colors as NPM package: https://github.com/ayu-theme/ayu-colors - `ayu` for VSCode: https://github.com/teabyii/vscode-ayu - `ayu` for XCode: https://github.com/vburojevic/ayu-xcode-theme - `ayu` for [Kakoune](https://github.com/mawww/kakoune): https://github.com/icantjuddle/ayu-kak
made with ❤️ by @dempfi