#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Written by Denilson Figueiredo de Sá # MIT license # # Requirements: # * bash (tested on 4.20, should work on older versions too) # * awk (works with GNU awk, nawk, busybox awk, mawk) # * ping (from iputils) # # More information: # https://denilsonsa.github.io/prettyping/ # https://github.com/denilsonsa/prettyping # https://old.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1op98a/prettypingsh_a_better_ui_for_watching_ping/ # Third-party demonstration video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziEMY1BcikM # TODO: Test in original-awk: # https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/original-awk # https://sources.debian.org/src/original-awk/ # TODO: Adjust how many items in the legend are printed based on the terminal width. # # TODO: Detect the following kinds of message and avoid printing it repeatedly. # From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable # Request timeout for icmp_seq 378 # # TODO: Handle when a single message is spread over multiple lines. Specially, # like in this case: https://bitbucket.org/denilsonsa/small_scripts/issue/5 # # TODO: Print the destination (also) at the bottom bar. Useful after leaving # the script running for quite some time. # # TODO: Print the destination as escape codes to xterm title. # # TODO: Print the current time in the beginning of each line. # # TODO: Implement audible ping. # # TODO: Autodetect the width of printf numbers, so they will always line up correctly. # # TODO: Test the behavior of this script upon receiving out-of-order packets, like these: # https://web.archive.org/web/20130531083142/http://www.blug.linux.no/rfc1149/pinglogg.txt # # TODO? How will prettyping behave if it receives a duplicate response? print_help() { cat << EOF Usage: $MYNAME [prettyping parameters] This script is a wrapper around the system's "ping" tool. It will substitute each ping response line by a colored character, giving a very compact overview of the ping responses. prettyping parameters: --[no]color Enable/disable color output. (default: enabled) --[no]multicolor Enable/disable multi-color unicode output. Has no effect if either color or unicode is disabled. (default: enabled) --[no]unicode Enable/disable unicode characters. (default: enabled) --[no]legend Enable/disable the latency legend. (default: enabled) --[no]terminal Force the output designed to a terminal. (default: auto) --last Use the last "n" pings at the statistics line. (default: 60) --columns Override auto-detection of terminal dimensions. --lines Override auto-detection of terminal dimensions. --rttmin Minimum RTT represented in the unicode graph. (default: auto) --rttmax Maximum RTT represented in the unicode graph. (default: auto) --awkbin Override the awk interpreter. (default: awk) --pingbin Override the ping tool. (default: ping) -6 Shortcut for: --pingbin ping6 ping parameters handled by prettyping: -a Audible ping is not implemented yet. -f Flood mode is not allowed in prettyping. -q Quiet output is not allowed in prettyping. -R Record route mode is not allowed in prettyping. -v Verbose output seems to be the default mode in ping. All other parameters are passed directly to ping. EOF } # Thanks to people at #bash who pointed me at # https://web.archive.org/web/20100301171512/https://bash-hackers.org/wiki/doku.php/scripting/posparams parse_arguments() { USE_COLOR=1 USE_MULTICOLOR=1 USE_UNICODE=1 USE_LEGEND=1 if [ -t 1 ]; then IS_TERMINAL=1 else IS_TERMINAL=0 fi LAST_N=60 OVERRIDE_COLUMNS=0 OVERRIDE_LINES=0 RTT_MIN=auto RTT_MAX=auto PING_BIN="ping" #PING_BIN="./mockping.awk" PING_PARAMS=( ) AWK_BIN="awk" AWK_PARAMS=( ) while [[ $# != 0 ]] ; do case "$1" in -h | -help | --help ) print_help exit ;; # Forbidden ping parameters within prettyping: -f ) echo "${MYNAME}: You can't use the -f (flood) option." exit 1 ;; -R ) # -R prints extra information at each ping response. echo "${MYNAME}: You can't use the -R (record route) option." exit 1 ;; -q ) echo "${MYNAME}: You can't use the -q (quiet) option." exit 1 ;; -v ) # -v enables verbose output. However, it seems the output with # or without this option is the same. Anyway, prettyping will # strip this parameter. ;; # Note: # Small values for -s parameter prevents ping from being able to # calculate RTT. # New parameters: -a ) # TODO: Implement audible ping for responses or for missing packets ;; -color | --color ) USE_COLOR=1 ;; -nocolor | --nocolor ) USE_COLOR=0 ;; -multicolor | --multicolor ) USE_MULTICOLOR=1 ;; -nomulticolor | --nomulticolor ) USE_MULTICOLOR=0 ;; -unicode | --unicode ) USE_UNICODE=1 ;; -nounicode | --nounicode ) USE_UNICODE=0 ;; -legend | --legend ) USE_LEGEND=1 ;; -nolegend | --nolegend ) USE_LEGEND=0 ;; -terminal | --terminal ) IS_TERMINAL=1 ;; -noterminal | --noterminal ) IS_TERMINAL=0 ;; -awkbin | --awkbin ) AWK_BIN="$2" ; shift ;; -pingbin | --pingbin ) PING_BIN="$2" ; shift ;; -6 ) PING_BIN="ping6" ;; #TODO: Check if these parameters are numbers. -last | --last ) LAST_N="$2" ; shift ;; -columns | --columns ) OVERRIDE_COLUMNS="$2" ; shift ;; -lines | --lines ) OVERRIDE_LINES="$2" ; shift ;; -rttmin | --rttmin ) RTT_MIN="$2" ; shift ;; -rttmax | --rttmax ) RTT_MAX="$2" ; shift ;; * ) PING_PARAMS+=("$1") ;; esac shift done if [[ "${RTT_MIN}" -gt 0 && "${RTT_MAX}" -gt 0 && "${RTT_MIN}" -ge "${RTT_MAX}" ]] ; then echo "${MYNAME}: Invalid --rttmin and -rttmax values." exit 1 fi if [[ "${#PING_PARAMS[@]}" = 0 ]] ; then echo "${MYNAME}: Missing parameters, use --help for instructions." exit 1 fi # Workaround for mawk: # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=593504 local version="$(echo | "${AWK_BIN}" -W version 2>&1)" if [[ "${version}" == mawk* ]] ; then AWK_PARAMS+=(-W interactive) fi } MYNAME=`basename "$0"` parse_arguments "$@" export LC_ALL=C # Warning! Ugly code ahead! # The code is so ugly that the comments explaining it are # bigger than the code itself! # # Suppose this: # # cmd_a | cmd_b & # # I need the PID of cmd_a. How can I get it? # In bash, $! will give me the PID of cmd_b. # # So, I came up with this ugly solution: open a subshell, like this: # # ( # cmd_a & # echo "This is the PID I want $!" # wait # ) | cmd_b # Ignore Ctrl+C here. # If I don't do this, this shell script is killed before # ping and gawk can finish their work. trap '' 2 # Now the ugly code. ( "${PING_BIN}" "${PING_PARAMS[@]}" & PING_PID="$!" # Commented out, because it looks like this line is not needed #trap "kill -2 $PING_PID ; exit 1" 2 # Catch Ctrl+C here wait ) 2>&1 | ( if [ "${IS_TERMINAL}" = 1 ]; then # Print a message to notify the awk script about terminal size change. trap "echo SIGWINCH" 28 fi # The trap must be in another subshell because otherwise it will interrupt # the "wait" commmand. while read line; do echo -E "$line" done ) 2>&1 | "${AWK_BIN}" "${AWK_PARAMS[@]}" ' # Weird that awk does not come with abs(), so I need to implement it. function abs(x) { return ( (x < 0) ? -x : x ) } # Ditto for ceiling function. function ceil(x) { return (x == int(x)) ? x : int(x) + 1 } # Local variables MUST be declared in argument list, else they are # seen as global. Ugly, but that is how awk works. function get_terminal_size(SIZE, SIZEA, HAS_DETECTED, CMD) { HAS_DETECTED = 0 CMD = "stty -f /dev/tty size 2> /dev/null" if ( (CMD | getline SIZE) == 1 ) { split(SIZE, SIZEA, " ") LINES = int(SIZEA[1]) COLUMNS = int(SIZEA[2]) HAS_DETECTED = 1 } close(CMD) if ( HAS_DETECTED == 0 ) { CMD = "tput lines" if ( (CMD | getline SIZE) == 1 ) { LINES = int(SIZE) HAS_DETECTED = 1 } close(CMD) CMD = "tput cols" if ( (CMD | getline SIZE) == 1 ) { COLUMNS = int(SIZE) HAS_DETECTED = 1 } close(CMD) } if ( int('"${OVERRIDE_COLUMNS}"') ) { COLUMNS = int('"${OVERRIDE_COLUMNS}"') } if ( int('"${OVERRIDE_LINES}"') ) { LINES = int('"${OVERRIDE_LINES}"') } } ############################################################ # Functions related to cursor handling # Function called whenever a non-dotted line is printed. # # It will move the cursor to the line next to the statistics and # restore the default color. function other_line_is_printed() { if ( IS_PRINTING_DOTS ) { if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { printf( ESC_DEFAULT ESC_NEXTLINE ESC_NEXTLINE "\n" ) } else { printf( ESC_DEFAULT "\n" ) print_statistics_bar() } } IS_PRINTING_DOTS = 0 CURR_COL = 0 } # Function called whenever a non-dotted line is repeated. function other_line_is_repeated() { if ( other_line_times < 2 ) { return } if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { printf( ESC_DEFAULT ESC_ERASELINE "\r" ) } printf( "Last message repeated %d times.", other_line_times ) if ( ! '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { printf( "\n" ) } } # Function called whenever the repeating line has changed. function other_line_finished_repeating() { if ( other_line_times >= 2 ) { if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { printf( "\n" ) } else { other_line_is_repeated() } } other_line = "" other_line_times = 0 } # Prints the newlines required for the live statistics. # # I need to print some newlines and then return the cursor back to its position # to make sure the terminal will scroll. # # If the output is not a terminal, break lines on every LAST_N dots. function print_newlines_if_needed() { if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { # COLUMNS-1 because I want to avoid bugs with the cursor at the last column if ( CURR_COL >= COLUMNS-1 ) { CURR_COL = 0 } if ( CURR_COL == 0 ) { if ( IS_PRINTING_DOTS ) { printf( "\n" ) } #printf( "\n" "\n" ESC_PREVLINE ESC_PREVLINE ESC_ERASELINE ) printf( ESC_DEFAULT "\n" "\n" ESC_CURSORUP ESC_CURSORUP ESC_ERASELINE ) } } else { if ( CURR_COL >= LAST_N ) { CURR_COL = 0 printf( ESC_DEFAULT "\n" ) print_statistics_bar() } } IS_PRINTING_DOTS = 1 } ############################################################ # Functions related to the data structure of "Last N" statistics. # Clears the data structure. function clear(d) { d["index"] = 0 # The next position to store a value d["size"] = 0 # The array size, goes up to LAST_N } # This function stores the value to the passed data structure. # The data structure holds at most LAST_N values. When it is full, # a new value overwrite the oldest one. function store(d, value) { d[d["index"]] = value d["index"]++ if ( d["index"] >= d["size"] ) { if ( d["size"] < LAST_N ) { d["size"]++ } else { d["index"] = 0 } } } ############################################################ # Functions related to processing the received response function process_rtt(rtt) { # Overall statistics last_rtt = rtt total_rtt += rtt if ( last_seq == 0 ) { min_rtt = max_rtt = rtt } else { if ( rtt < min_rtt ) min_rtt = rtt if ( rtt > max_rtt ) max_rtt = rtt } # "Last N" statistics store(lastn_rtt,rtt) } function lost_a_packet() { print_newlines_if_needed() print_missing_response() last_seq++ lost++ store(lastn_lost, 1) } ############################################################ # Functions related to printing the fancy ping response # block_index, n, w are just local variables. function print_response_legend(i, n, w) { if ( ! '"${USE_LEGEND}"' ) { return } if ( BLOCK_LEN > 1 ) { # w counts the cursor position in the current line. Because of the # escape codes, I need to jump through some hoops in order to count the # position correctly. w = 0 n = "0 " w += length(n) + 1 printf( n BLOCK[0] ESC_DEFAULT ) for ( i=1 ; i= COLUMNS ) { printf( "\n" ) w = length(n) + 1 } else { printf( " " ) w += 1 } printf( n BLOCK[i] ESC_DEFAULT ) } printf( " ∞\n" ) } # Useful code for debugging. #for ( i=0 ; i<=BLOCK_RTT_MAX ; i++ ) { # print_received_response(i) # printf( ESC_DEFAULT "%4d\n", i ) #} } # block_index is just a local variable. function print_received_response(rtt, block_index) { if ( rtt < BLOCK_RTT_MIN ) { block_index = 0 } else if ( rtt >= BLOCK_RTT_MAX ) { block_index = BLOCK_LEN - 1 } else { block_index = 1 + int((rtt - BLOCK_RTT_MIN) * (BLOCK_LEN - 2) / BLOCK_RTT_RANGE) } printf( BLOCK[block_index] ) CURR_COL++ } function print_missing_response(rtt) { printf( ESC_RED "!" ) CURR_COL++ } ############################################################ # Functions related to printing statistics # All arguments are just local variables. function print_overall(percentage_lost, avg_rtt) { # Handling division by zero. # Note that mawk does not consider division by zero an error, while all # other awk implementations abort in such case. # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14581966/why-does-awk-produce-different-results-for-division-by-zero avg_rtt = ( received > 0 ) ? (total_rtt/received) : 0 percentage_lost = ( lost+received > 0 ) ? (lost*100/(lost+received)) : 0 if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { printf( "%2d/%3d (%2d%%) lost; %4.0f/" ESC_BOLD "%4.0f" ESC_DEFAULT "/%4.0fms; last: " ESC_BOLD "%4.0f" ESC_DEFAULT "ms", lost, lost+received, percentage_lost, min_rtt, avg_rtt, max_rtt, last_rtt ) } else { printf( "%2d/%3d (%2d%%) lost; %4.0f/" ESC_BOLD "%4.0f" ESC_DEFAULT "/%4.0fms", lost, lost+received, percentage_lost, min_rtt, avg_rtt, max_rtt ) } } # All arguments are just local variables. function print_last_n(i, percentage_lost, sum, min, avg, max, diffs) { # Calculate and print the lost packets statistics sum = 0 for ( i=0 ; i 0) ? (sum*100/lastn_lost["size"]) : 0 printf( "%2d/%3d (%2d%%) lost; ", sum, lastn_lost["size"], percentage_lost ) # Calculate the min/avg/max rtt times sum = diffs = 0 min = max = lastn_rtt[0] for ( i=0 ; i max ) max = lastn_rtt[i] } avg = (lastn_rtt["size"]) ? (sum/lastn_rtt["size"]) : 0 # Calculate mdev (mean absolute deviation) for ( i=0 ; i 0 ) { diffs /= lastn_rtt["size"] } # Print the rtt statistics printf( "%4.0f/" ESC_BOLD "%4.0f" ESC_DEFAULT "/%4.0f/%4.0fms (last %d)", min, avg, max, diffs, lastn_rtt["size"] ) } function print_statistics_bar() { if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { printf( ESC_SAVEPOS ESC_DEFAULT ) printf( ESC_NEXTLINE ESC_ERASELINE ) print_overall() printf( ESC_NEXTLINE ESC_ERASELINE ) print_last_n() printf( ESC_UNSAVEPOS ) } else { print_overall() printf( "\n" ) print_last_n() printf( "\n" ) } } function print_statistics_bar_if_terminal() { if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { print_statistics_bar() } } ############################################################ # Initializations BEGIN { # Easy way to get each value from ping output FS = "=" ############################################################ # General internal variables # This is needed to keep track of lost packets last_seq = 0 # The previously printed non-ping-response line other_line = "" other_line_times = 0 # Variables to keep the screen clean IS_PRINTING_DOTS = 0 CURR_COL = 0 ############################################################ # Variables related to "overall" statistics received = 0 lost = 0 total_rtt = 0 min_rtt = 0 max_rtt = 0 last_rtt = 0 ############################################################ # Variables related to "last N" statistics LAST_N = int('"${LAST_N}"') # Data structures for the "last N" statistics clear(lastn_lost) clear(lastn_rtt) ############################################################ # Terminal height and width # These are sane defaults, in case we cannot query the actual terminal size LINES = 24 COLUMNS = 80 # Auto-detecting the terminal size get_terminal_size() if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' && COLUMNS <= 50 ) { print "Warning: terminal width is too small." } ############################################################ # ANSI escape codes # Color escape codes. # Fortunately, awk defaults any unassigned variable to an empty string. if ( '"${USE_COLOR}"' ) { ESC_DEFAULT = "\033[0m" ESC_BOLD = "\033[1m" #ESC_BLACK = "\033[0;30m" #ESC_GRAY = "\033[1;30m" ESC_RED = "\033[0;31m" ESC_GREEN = "\033[0;32m" ESC_YELLOW = "\033[0;33m" ESC_BLUE = "\033[0;34m" ESC_MAGENTA = "\033[0;35m" ESC_CYAN = "\033[0;36m" ESC_WHITE = "\033[0;37m" ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN = "\033[42;33m" ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW = "\033[43;31m" } # Other escape codes, see: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code # https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html ESC_NEXTLINE = "\n" ESC_CURSORUP = "\033[A" ESC_CURSORDOWN = "\033[B" ESC_SCROLLUP = "\033[S" ESC_SCROLLDOWN = "\033[T" ESC_ERASELINEEND = "\033[0K" ESC_ERASELINE = "\033[2K" ESC_SAVEPOS = "\0337" ESC_UNSAVEPOS = "\0338" # I am avoiding these escapes as they are not listed in: # https://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html #ESC_PREVLINE = "\033[F" #ESC_SAVEPOS = "\033[s" #ESC_UNSAVEPOS = "\033[u" # I am avoiding this to improve compatibility with (older versions of) tmux #ESC_NEXTLINE = "\033[E" ############################################################ # Unicode characters (based on https://github.com/holman/spark ) if ( '"${USE_UNICODE}"' ) { BLOCK[ 0] = ESC_GREEN "▁" BLOCK[ 1] = ESC_GREEN "▂" BLOCK[ 2] = ESC_GREEN "▃" BLOCK[ 3] = ESC_GREEN "▄" BLOCK[ 4] = ESC_GREEN "▅" BLOCK[ 5] = ESC_GREEN "▆" BLOCK[ 6] = ESC_GREEN "▇" BLOCK[ 7] = ESC_GREEN "█" BLOCK[ 8] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "▁" BLOCK[ 9] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "▂" BLOCK[10] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "▃" BLOCK[11] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "▄" BLOCK[12] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "▅" BLOCK[13] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "▆" BLOCK[14] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "▇" BLOCK[15] = ESC_YELLOW_ON_GREEN "█" BLOCK[16] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "▁" BLOCK[17] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "▂" BLOCK[18] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "▃" BLOCK[19] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "▄" BLOCK[20] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "▅" BLOCK[21] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "▆" BLOCK[22] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "▇" BLOCK[23] = ESC_RED_ON_YELLOW "█" if ( '"${USE_MULTICOLOR}"' && '"${USE_COLOR}"' ) { # Multi-color version: BLOCK_LEN = 24 BLOCK_RTT_MIN = 10 BLOCK_RTT_MAX = 230 } else { # Simple version: BLOCK_LEN = 8 BLOCK_RTT_MIN = 25 BLOCK_RTT_MAX = 175 } } else { BLOCK[ 0] = ESC_GREEN "_" BLOCK[ 1] = ESC_GREEN "." BLOCK[ 2] = ESC_GREEN "o" BLOCK[ 3] = ESC_GREEN "O" BLOCK[ 4] = ESC_YELLOW "_" BLOCK[ 5] = ESC_YELLOW "." BLOCK[ 6] = ESC_YELLOW "o" BLOCK[ 7] = ESC_YELLOW "O" BLOCK[ 8] = ESC_RED "_" BLOCK[ 9] = ESC_RED "." BLOCK[10] = ESC_RED "o" BLOCK[11] = ESC_RED "O" if ( '"${USE_MULTICOLOR}"' && '"${USE_COLOR}"' ) { # Multi-color version: BLOCK_LEN = 12 BLOCK_RTT_MIN = 20 BLOCK_RTT_MAX = 220 } else { # Simple version: BLOCK_LEN = 4 BLOCK_RTT_MIN = 75 BLOCK_RTT_MAX = 225 } } if ( int('"${RTT_MIN}"') > 0 && int('"${RTT_MAX}"') > 0 ) { BLOCK_RTT_MIN = int('"${RTT_MIN}"') BLOCK_RTT_MAX = int('"${RTT_MAX}"') } else if ( int('"${RTT_MIN}"') > 0 ) { BLOCK_RTT_MIN = int('"${RTT_MIN}"') BLOCK_RTT_MAX = BLOCK_RTT_MIN * (BLOCK_LEN - 1) } else if ( int('"${RTT_MAX}"') > 0 ) { BLOCK_RTT_MAX = int('"${RTT_MAX}"') BLOCK_RTT_MIN = int(BLOCK_RTT_MAX / (BLOCK_LEN - 1)) } BLOCK_RTT_RANGE = BLOCK_RTT_MAX - BLOCK_RTT_MIN print_response_legend() } ############################################################ # Main loop { if ( $0 ~ /^[0-9]+ bytes from .*[:,] icmp_[rs]eq=[0-9]+ (ttl|hlim)=[0-9]+ time=[0-9.]+ *ms/ ) { # Sample line from ping: # 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=184 ms if ( other_line_times >= 2 ) { other_line_finished_repeating() } # $1 = useless prefix string # $2 = icmp_seq # $3 = ttl/hlim # $4 = time # This must be called before incrementing the last_seq variable! rtt = int($4) process_rtt(rtt) seq = int($2) while ( last_seq < seq - 1 ) { lost_a_packet() } # Received a packet print_newlines_if_needed() print_received_response(rtt) # In case of receiving multiple responses with the same seq number, it # is better to use "last_seq = seq" than to increment last_seq. last_seq = seq received++ store(lastn_lost, 0) print_statistics_bar_if_terminal() } else if ( $0 ~ /^.*onnected to.*, seq=[0-9]+ time=[0-9.]+ *ms/ ) { # Sample line from httping: # connected to (273 bytes), seq=0 time=129.86 ms if ( other_line_times >= 2 ) { other_line_finished_repeating() } seq = $0 sub(/.* seq=/, "", seq) seq = int(seq) rtt = $0 sub(/.* time=/, "", rtt) rtt = int(rtt) process_rtt(rtt) while ( last_seq < seq - 1 ) { lost_a_packet() } # Received a packet print_newlines_if_needed() print_received_response(rtt) # In case of receiving multiple responses with the same seq number, it # is better to use "last_seq = seq" than to increment last_seq. last_seq = seq received++ store(lastn_lost, 0) print_statistics_bar_if_terminal() } else if ( $0 == "" ) { # Do nothing on blank lines. } else if ( $0 == "error shutting down ssl" ) { # Common error message when using httping, ignore it. } else if ( $0 ~ /^Request timeout for icmp_seq [0-9]+/ ) { # Reply timeout is printed on Mac OS X. if ( other_line_times >= 2 ) { other_line_finished_repeating() } lost_a_packet() # Making sure the last_seq number is correct. gsub(/.* icmp_seq /, "") seq = int($0) last_seq = seq print_newlines_if_needed() print_statistics_bar_if_terminal() } else if ( $0 ~ /^SIGWINCH$/ ) { get_terminal_size() if ( IS_PRINTING_DOTS ) { if ( CURR_COL >= COLUMNS-1 ) { # Not enough space anyway. } else { # Making up room in case the number of lines has changed. printf( ESC_NEXTLINE ESC_NEXTLINE ESC_CURSORUP ESC_CURSORUP ) # Moving to the correct column and erasing the rest of the line. printf( "\033[" (CURR_COL+1) "G" ESC_DEFAULT ESC_ERASELINEEND ) } print_newlines_if_needed() print_statistics_bar_if_terminal() } } else { other_line_is_printed() original_line = $0 gsub(/icmp_seq[= ][0-9]+/, "") if ( $0 == other_line ) { other_line_times++ if ( '"${IS_TERMINAL}"' ) { other_line_is_repeated() } } else { other_line_finished_repeating() other_line = $0 other_line_times = 1 printf( "%s\n", original_line ) } } # Not needed when the output is a terminal, but does not hurt either. fflush() }'