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It is tested to work on: * IOS * Android * WebGL * PC/Mac It should work on any other platforms. > :warning: For AOT execution platforms (**iOS, WebGL, IL2CPP**) a [link.xml](https://github.com/deniszykov/csharp-eval-unity3d/blob/master/src/GameDevWare.Dynamic.Expressions.Unity.2021/Assets/Plugins/GameDevWare.Dynamic.Expressions/link.xml) should be added to project's root directory. Read more about [IL code stripping](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/IL2CPP-BytecodeStripping.html) in official documentation. **API** * CSharpExpression * Evaluate * Parse * AotCompilation * RegisterFunc * RegisterForFastCall (optional stuff) ## Example Parsing C# expression into **System.Linq.Expression.Expression[T]**: ```csharp var mathExpr = "Math.Max(x, y)"; var exprTree = CSharpExpression.Parse(mathExpr, arg1Name: "x", arg2Name: "y") // exprTree -> Expression> ``` Evaluating C# expression: ```csharp var arifExpr = "2 * (2 + 3) << 1 + 1 & 7 | 25 ^ 10"; var result = CSharpExpression.Evaluate(arifExpr); // result -> 19 ``` ## Parser The parser recognizes the C# 4 grammar only. It includes: * Arithmetic operations * Bitwise operations * Logical operations * [Conditional operator](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ty67wk28.aspx) * [Null-coalescing operator](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173224.aspx) * Method/Delegate/Constructor call * [Property/Field access](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6zhxzbds.aspx) * [Indexers](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/6x16t2tx.aspx) * [Casting and Conversion](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173105.aspx) * [Is Operator](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/scekt9xw.aspx) * [As Operator](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cscsdfbt.aspx) * [TypeOf Operator](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/58918ffs.aspx) * [Default Operator](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xwth0h0d.aspx) * [Expression grouping with parentheses](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0z4503sa.aspx) * [Checked/Unchecked scopes](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/khy08726.aspx) * [Aliases for Built-In Types](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ya5y69ds.aspx) * [Null-conditional Operators](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn986595.aspx) * Power operator ``**`` * [Lambda expressions](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397687.aspx) * "true", "false", "null" Nullable types are supported. Generics are supported. Enumerations are supported. [Type inference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/fsharp/language-reference/type-inference) is not available and your should always specify generic parameters on types and methods. **Known Types** For security reasons the parser does not provide access to any types except: * types used in arguments * primitive types * `Math`, `Array`, `Func<>` types To access other types your should pass **typeResolver** parameter in **Parse** and **Evaluate** method: ```csharp var typeResolver = new KnownTypeResolver(typeof(Mathf), typeof(Time)); CSharpExpression.Evaluate("Mathf.Clamp(Time.time, 1.0f, 3.0f)", typeResolver); ``` If you want to access all types in **UnityEngine** you can pass custom **AssemblyTypeResolver** as typeResolver parameter. ```csharp var typeResolver = new AssemblyTypeResolver(typeof(UnityEngine.Application).Assembly); ``` > ℹ️ For security reasons any method/property calls on **System.Type** will throw exceptions until **System.Type** is added as known type. ## AOT Execution You can compile and evaluate expression created by **System.Linq.Expression** and execute it in AOT environment where it is usually impossible. ```csharp var expr = (Expression>)(() => new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); var fn = expr.CompileAot(); fn; // -> Func fn(); // -> Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) ``` iOS, WebGL and most console platforms use AOT compilation which imposes following restrictions on the dynamic code execution: * only **Expression<Func<...>>** delegate type could be used with **CompileAot()**. * only static methods using primitives (int, float, string, object ...) are optimized for fast calls, others are called with reflection. * all used classes/methods/properties should be visible to [Unity's static code analyser](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ScriptingRestrictions.html) * ⚠️ An additional preparation should be made for AOT execution platforms. This [link.xml](https://github.com/deniszykov/csharp-eval-unity3d/blob/master/src/GameDevWare.Dynamic.Expressions.Unity.2021/Assets/Plugins/GameDevWare.Dynamic.Expressions/link.xml) should be added in project's root folder. Read more about [IL code stripping](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/IL2CPP-BytecodeStripping.html) in official documentation. **See Also** * [AOT Exception Patterns and Hacks](https://github.com/neuecc/UniRx/wiki/AOT-Exception-Patterns-and-Hacks) * [Ahead of Time Compilation (AOT)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/advanced/runtime/docs/aot/) ### WebGL and iOS * Only [Func<>](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb534960(v=vs.110).aspx) (up to 4 arguments) lambdas are supported with `CompileAot()`. * Instance methods calls performs slowly due reflection * Moderate boxing for value types (see roadmap) You can prepare [Func<>](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb534960(v=vs.110).aspx) lambda for AOT compilation/execution by registering it with **AotCompilation.RegisterFunc**. ```csharp AotCompilation.RegisterFunc(); // will enable Func lambdas anywhere in expressions ``` ### Unity 2020.3.2 Issues This version of Unity has runtime bug related to lambda compilation. Please use following workaround for IL2CPP/AOT runtime: ```cs #if ((UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_IOS || ENABLE_IL2CPP) && !UNITY_EDITOR) GameDevWare.Dynamic.Expressions.AotCompilation.IsAotRuntime = true; #endif ``` **Improving Performance** You can improve the performance of methods invocation by registering their signatures in **AotCompilation.RegisterForFastCall()**. ``` // Supports up to 3 arguments. // First generic argument is your class type. // Last generic argument is return type. AotCompilation.RegisterForFastCall() AotCompilation.RegisterForFastCall() AotCompilation.RegisterForFastCall() AotCompilation.RegisterForFastCall() ``` Example: ```csharp public class MyVectorMath { public Vector4 Dot(Vector4 vector, Vector4 vector); public Vector4 Cross(Vector4 vector, Vector4 vector); public Vector4 Scale(Vector4 vector, float scale); } // register Dot and Cross method signatures AotCompilation.RegisterForFastCall(); // register Scale method signature AotCompilation.RegisterForFastCall(); ``` ## Roadmap You can send suggestions at support@gamedevware.com * Expression serialization (in-progress) * Void expressions (`System.Action` delegates) (done) * Parser: Delegate construction from method reference * Parser: Type inference for generics * Parser: Full C#6 syntax * Parser: Extension methods * Parser: Type initializers, List initializers * Custom editor with auto-completion for Unity ## Changes # 2.3.0 * fix: fixed netcore related error with enumerable.empty * feature: added optional `global` parameter to all CSharpExpression methods to allow specify global object for expression. * test: removed flaky test with double.tostring() comparison * fix: fixed typo in `arg4Name` in `CSharpExpression.ParseFunc{4}` and `CSharpExpression.ParseAction{4}` # 2.2.9 * fix: fixed error with instantiated generic method on types (which is impossible in normal conditions, but fine for Unity AOT runtime). # 2.2.8 * feature:made AotCompilation.IsAotRuntime is mutable, this will allow to signal for AOT runtime and suppress further checks. # 2.2.7 * feature: added public CSharpExpression.Format method for SyntaxTreeNode # 2.2.6 * changed order or SyntaxTreeNode fields and added "original C# expression" field to parsed AST. * refactored C# expression rendering to support null-propagation expressions, type aliases (int, byte, object ...), * renamed "Render" methods to "FormatAsCSharp". Now it is "formatting" * moved c# "formatting" methods to CSharpExpression class * mark old "Parse" functions as errors * mark old "Render" methods as obsolete * renamed CSharpExpressionFormatter to CSharpExpressionFormatter * fixed indexer experssion rendering * refactored NameUtils to properly render C# type names # 2.2.5 * renamed ParseTreeNode.Lexeme to .Token * renamed few member of TokenType for better clarity * added documentation file in Unity project assets * changed 'propertyOrFieldName' attribute to 'name' in SyntaxTreeNode * renamed PropertyOfFieldBinder to MemberBinder * changed 'PropertyOrField' expression type to 'MemberResolve' in SyntaxTreeNode * added backward compatibility checks in all related classes # 2.2.4 * added protection against wrong expressions like 'a b' which later bound as 'b' * fixed some tokenization errors: * * 'issa'scanned as 'is'[Operator] and 'sa'[Identifier], now as 'issa' * * '.09' scanned as '.'[Operator] and '09'[Number], now as '0.09' * * '0.1x' scanned as '0.1'[Number] and 'x'[Identifier], now cause error * added *method calls* on numbers (example 1.ToString()) * added short number notation (example '.9' for '0.9') * added '@' prefix for identifiers (example '@is') https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/tokens/verbatim * done small Tokenizer optimization (reduced string allocation during scanning) # 2.2.3 * added ExpressionPacker type. This type allows packing/unpacking expressions into primitive structures (Dictionaries, Arrays...). These structures could be serialized and wired by network or stored for future use. * added better error message for some binding cases * denying call to 'Type.InvokeMember' if 'Type' is not within 'known types'. # 2.2.2 * fixed conditional operator (a ? b : c) parsing with method call in place of 'b' # 2.2.1 * fixed IL2CPP compilation error due _Attribute interface complilation failure * added few interfaces to AOT.cs file for better AOT coverage # 2.2.0 Features * added support for void expressions (Action<> delegates) * added support of '.NET Standart 1.3' and '.NET Core 2.0' platforms # 2.1.4 * Release version, no actual changes except readme.md # 2.1.2-rc ### Features * added more descriptive message for member binding error * added autodoc comments for public members * hid `ReadOnlyDictionary` from public access * removed Unity WebGL #if for unsigned types. Unity's bug was fixed. * added support for generic types and generic methods * added nullable types and `?` suffix support ```csharp CSharpExpression.Evaluate("default(int?)"); // -> null ``` * added lambda expressions. Syntax is `() => x` and `new Func(a => x)` * added support for expression's parameter re-mapping with lambda expression syntax: ```csharp CSharpExpression.Evaluate("(x,y) => x + y", 2, 2); // -> 4 ``` * added support for `Func<>` lambdas for AOT environments * added additional constructor to Binder class ```csharp public Binder(Type lambdaType, ITypeResolver typeResolver = null); ``` * added `ArgumentsTree.ToString()` method * added aliases for build-in types. Aliases resolved during binding phase inside `Binder.Bind()` method. ```csharp CSharpExpression.Evaluate("int.MaxValue"); ``` ### Bugs * fixed error with wrongly resolved types (only by name) in KnownTypeResolver * fixed bug with ACCESS_VIOLATION on iOS (Unity 5.x.x IL2CPP) * fixed few Unity 3.4 related errors in code * fixed 'new' expression parsed with error on chained calls new a().b().c() * fixed some cases of lifted binary/unary/conversion operations * fixed some AOT'ed operations on System.Boolean type * fixed null-propagation chains generate invalid code * fixed some edge cases of resolving nested generic types * fixed error with types without type.FullName value * fixed Condition operator types promotion * fixed Power operator types promotion and null-lifting * fixed enum constants threated as underlying types during binary/unary operations ### Breaking changes in 2.0 * ParserNode renamed to ParseTreeNode * ExpressionTree renamed to SyntaxTreeNode * ExpressionBuilder renamed to Binder * ITypeResolutionService renamed to ITypeResolver * ITypeResolver.GetType removed * ITypeResolver now could be configured with TypeDiscoveryOptions # * fixed error them creating nullable types via "new" keyword * fixed Embedded Resource addressing problem on IL2CPP WebGL (localized error messages) * fixed some cases of nullable types binding * fixed Enum member resolution * added Power(``**``) operator into C# syntax ```csharp CSharpExpression.Evaluate("2 ** 2"); // -> 4 ``` * added TypeResolutionService chaining for better KnownTypes re-use # * fixed error with nulled constants after first call for AOT-ted expression. * added ToString() impl for ExpressionTree # * added [Null-conditional Operators](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn986595.aspx) (example: a.?b.?.c) * fixed array indexing expressions * added array types support in type expressions ('convert', 'typeof', 'is' etc.) ## Installation [Nuget](https://www.nuget.org/packages/GameDevWare.Dynamic.Expressions/): ``` Install-Package GameDevWare.Dynamic.Expressions ``` Unity: [Package at Unity Asset Store](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/c-eval-56706) ## Contacts Please send any questions at support@gamedevware.com ## License [Asset Store Terms of Service and EULA](LICENSE.md)