### Quick start #### Initialization & Configuration Before you can start your Khome application, you need to initialize and configure it. Here you have two choices to do so: 1. The functional way ```kotlin khomeApplication { //this: Khome configure { //this: Configuration host = "localhost" port = 8123 accessToken = "Your super secret token" secure = false } } ``` 2. Set environment variables
Alternatively, you can use env variables to configure home. ```.env HOST= ``` ##### Required Parameters - **host**: String
Local ip address or url from your Home-Assistant server instance - **port**: Int
The port of Home-Assistant (defaults to 8123) - **accessToken**: String
You need to create a [long-lived access token](https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/auth_api.html#long-lived-access-token). You can do so within the Lovelace UI. Just go to your user profile, scroll to the bottom, and generate one. - **secure**: Boolean
If you want to establish a secure WebSocket connection, you need to set this parameter to true (defaults to false). #### Connect to the web socket API ```kotlin val KHOME = khomeApplication() fun main() { //... KHOME.runBlocking() } ``` By calling the `KhomeApplication::runBlocking` method, you establish a connection to the Home-Assistant WebSocket API and run the start sequences like authentication, entity registration validation, and so on. When all went as supposed, you should see the following output in your console. ```bash [main] INFO Authenticator - Authentication required! [main] INFO Authenticator - Sending authentication message. [main] INFO Authenticator - Authenticated successfully to homeassistant version 0.111.0 [main] INFO ServiceStoreInitializer - Requested registered homeassistant services [main] INFO ServiceStoreInitializer - Stored homeassistant services in local service store [main] INFO EntityStateInitializer - Requested initial entity states [main] INFO EntityRegistrationValidation - Entity registration validation succeeded [main] INFO StateChangeEventSubscriber - Successfully started listening to state changes ``` ## Start writing your home automation application Basically, a Khome application is a collection of observers attached to some entities. For your convenience, Khome comes with a lot of predefined entity types. For most uses cases, [here is all you need](PredefinedEntityTypes.md) to build your application. Since home assistant evolves rapidly and has the ability to be extended with custom integrations, it comes along with a low-level API to build your own entities, based on your needs. You find more on that topic in the [Build your own entities](BuildEntitiesFromScratch.md) section. The following examples to get you off and running are based on the [predefined entity types](PredefinedEntityTypes.md) and the [notification API](NotificationApi.md) provided by Khome. For a deeper understanding of Khome's capabilities, we encourage you to read the [Sensors, Actuators, and Observer](SensorsAndActuators.md) section. ### Lower complexity 1. Turn on a light, when a motion sensor detects movement, and the sun is below horizon. ```kotlin val KHOME = khomeApplication() val HallwayLight = KHOME.DimmableLight("hallway_main".objectId) val HallwayMotionSensor = KHOME.MotionSensor("hallway".objectId) val Sun = KHOME.Sun() fun main() { HallwayMotionSensor.attacheObserver { if (Sun.measurement.value == SunValue.BELOW_HORIZON) { when(measurement.value) { ON -> HallwayLight.turnOn() OFF -> HallwayLight.turnOff() } } } KHOME.runBlocking() } ``` 2. Iterate over a list of covers and set them to a specific position when the sun has risen. ```kotlin val KHOME = khomeApplication() val Sun = KHOME.Sun() val BedRoomCovers = listOf( KHOME.PositionableCover("bedroom_one".objectId), KHOME.PositionableCover("bedroom_two".objectId), KHOME.PositionableCover("bedroom_three".objectId), KHOME.PositionableCover("bedroom_four".objectId), ) fun main() { Sun.onSunrise { for (cover in BedRoomCovers) { cover.desiredState = CoverState(value = CoverValue.OPEN, position = 60) } } } ``` ### Intermediate complexity 1. Send a notification to your mobile app when door sensor reports "door open" at night. ```kotlin val KHOME = khomeApplication() val GardenShedDoor = KHOME.ContactSensor("garden_shed".objectId) val LateNight = KHOME.DayTime("late_night".objectId) enum class MobilePhone { MY_PHONE } fun main() { GardenShedDoor.attachObserver { if (LateNight.measurement.value == SwitchableValue.ON && history[1].state.value == ContactValue.CLOSED && measurement.value == ContactValue.OPEN ) { KHOME.notifyMobileApp(MobilePhone.MY_PHONE) { title = "INTRUDER ALARM" message = "Garden shed door opened" data { sound(critical = 1, volume = 1.0) } } } } } ``` ### Higher complexity 1. When the Television got turned on, the livin groom covers get set to a specific position to comfortably watch some tv. The previous positions get stored in a state store and when the tv got turned off, the covers get reset to the former positions. ```kotlin val KHOME = khomeApplication() val TelevisionLivingroom = KHOME.Television("tv_livingroom".objectId) val ResetStateHistory = mutableMapOf() val televisionWatchingCoverPosition = KHOME.InputNumber("television_watching_cover_position".objectId).actualState.toInt() val defaultCoverPosition = 75 val LivingRoomCovers = listOf( KHOME.PositionableCover("livingroom_one".objectId), KHOME.PositionableCover("livingroom_two".objectId), KHOME.PositionableCover("livingroom_three".objectId) ) fun main() { TelevisionLivingroom.attachObserver { if (turnedOn) { for (cover in LivingRoomCovers) { ResetStateHistory[cover] = cover.actualState cover.setCoverPosition(televisionWatchingCoverPosition) } } if (turnedOff) { for (cover in LivingRoomCovers) { cover.desiredState = ResetStateHistory[cover] ?: CoverState(CoverValue.OPEN, defaultCoverPosition) } } } } ```